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      Jewish LawDead Sea Scrolls
Over the past fifty years, archaeological excavations in Israel have unearthed about half a dozen ancient synagogues that were in use at different points in time between the first century BCE through the outbreak of the Bar-Kochba... more
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      ArchaeologyJewish LawJewish StudiesNew Testament
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
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      Jewish LawFreedom of InformationRight not to know (Bioethics)
השאיפה לטהרה עמדה במוקד התרבות הדתית של יהודי העת העתיקה ועיצבה את תמונת עולמם, אורחות חייהם ויחסיהם החברתיים. קבוצות שונות הציעו דרכים למימוש חיי טהרה וכרכו בה גאולה עצמית ותיקון קוסמי. הספר טהרה וקהילה בעת העתיקה: מסורות ההלכה בין... more
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      Jewish LawNew TestamentRabbinic LiteratureQumran
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesJewish HistoryJewish - Christian Relations
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesModern Jewish PhilosophyModern Jewish History
The Relationship of Law to Society in Deuteronomy: “The Draft Constitution” (Deut 16:18–18:22) as an “Ideal Type” This article demonstrates the overlooked contribution of the ancient Near East to the development of constitutional... more
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      SociologyJewish LawConstitutional LawJewish Studies
N.B. The interested reader is invited to turn to the expanded and more fully annotated Hebrew version of this article, to appear in the volume Ma'or va-Shemesh: History, Philosophy, Lore and Legacy, edited by Levi Cooper, Ariel Evan Mayse... more
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      Jewish LawTheologySpiritualityPhilosophy Of Law
This paper offers a novel perspective regarding the interface between law, mysticism, and social reality. The inner turn that characterizes Hasidism is often understood through a binary model defined by the Christian Hebraists, and... more
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesJewish LawJewish Studies
Abstract of Thesis
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      Jewish LawComparative LawContractsContract Theory
The system of Israeli rabbinical courts has been recognized in Israeli law as an official judicial system of the state, and it has special authority to litigate matters of marriage and divorce for all Jewish residents of Israel. This... more
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      Jewish LawMarriage and DivorceHalachaIsraeli Law
The distribution of powers between the state and religious groups plays an important role in shaping how controversies over multicultural toleration and women's rights under religious law can be resolved. Some structures encourage... more
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesFamily Law
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      Jewish LawJewish Studies
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      Jewish LawRabbinics
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      ReligionJewish LawIsrael StudiesNew Age spirituality
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesIsrael StudiesJewish Thought
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeJewish Law
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      Jewish LawTalmudHistory of Halakha and Jewish LawTalmud and Rabbinics
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      Islamic LawJewish LawJewish StudiesJewish History
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesHasidismJerusalem
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesTalmudRabbinics
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Is there a Jewish version of the theory of “just and unjust wars” found among Christian theologians? Some say “no” and some say “yes,” and their answers seem to depend upon their notion of what counts as an authentic interpretation of the... more
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      Jewish LawHistory of Halakha and Jewish LawJewish Law and Legal Theory
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesReligious ConversionModern Jewish Philosophy
From the Canadian Jewish News June 28, 2018 (p. 4).

ERRATA: "Specific" should be "Specify."
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      ReligionJewish LawJewish StudiesJewish liturgical music
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
כאשר שניים מתקשרים בחוזה עלול הדבר להסב הפסדים לאדם שלישי. האם יש נסיבות שבהן פגיעתו של החוזה באינטרס של אדם שלישי מצדיקה התערבות לטובתו? כיצד ראוי לאזן בין עקרון חופש החוזים לבין הגנה על אינטרסים של בני אדם שלישיים העלולים להיפגע מן... more
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesContract LawPrivate law
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      Jewish LawJurisprudenceJewish StudiesFamily Law
Reflections on a responsum on polygamy by Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch
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Borrowed from a psychological theory, the principle of ‘separation-individuation’ refers to a developmental phase in which a subject develops sense of differentiation from her past or present origins and sense of autonomous selfhood and... more
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      ReligionJewish LawJewish StudiesEarly Modern History
המאמר בוחן את הדיון ההלכתי על היחס הראוי בין סיכון חיילים בצד אחד לבין סיכון אזרחים בצד האחר בלחימה. הניתוח בפרק הראשון חושף מגוון דעות רחב ומחלוקות עמוקות בסוגיות רבות העומדות ביסודם של דיני הלחימה. הפרק השני מציג את מגוון הדעות בכמה... more
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesIsrael Studies
On a societal level Philo argues for a ius talionis based on values of equality, life itself, and health. The first principle results in democracy as the best political system. It also implies that every killing is unjust, including... more
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      Jewish LawHomicidePhilo of AlexandriaTen Commandments
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesModern Jewish PhilosophyModern Jewish History
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      Jewish LawIsrael StudiesQueer TheoryReligion and Sexuality
The definition of death in Jewish Law.
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesDeathDeath Studies
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      ReligionCultural StudiesArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
A legal system may be prone to limit its jurisdiction, so that its laws will apply exclusively only within its territorial borders. In an alternate conception, a legal system may opt to apply its laws extraterritorially, so that its... more
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      Jewish LawJurisprudenceJewish StudiesHebrew Bible
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      Jewish LawGender StudiesIntersexualityRabbinic Literature
The concept of right stands at the very center of our legal universe. An imaginary alternative legal universe might have similar legal norms to ours, except that they are centered on the concept of duty. Is there any significant... more
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      Jewish LawJurisprudenceHuman RightsPhilosophy Of Law
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      Jewish LawCairo GenizahHalacha
The great similarity between the Jewish and Islamic legal systems in criminal policy, the quality of executions, and the functioning of the Jewish and Islamic Jurisprudence have led some to believe that Islamic law has adopted Jewish law... more
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      ReligionCriminal LawIslamic LawJewish Law
החובה לנהוג בתום לב נחשבת אחת הסוגיות המשפטיות המרכזיות והמשפיעות של זמננו, במשפט הפרטי בכלל ובדיני החוזים בפרט. ברם דומה כי היקף הכתיבה בתחום עומד ביחס הפוך למידת הבהירות שהושגה בנוגע למשמעותו של המושג; אלפי העמודים שהצטברו לא... more
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesContract LawIsraeli Law
'ערך תלמוד תורה במשנת החפץ חיים ופסיקתו בעניין תלמוד תורה לנשים', דיני ישראל כד (תשס"ז), הפקולטה למשפטים של אוניברסיטת תל אביב, עמ' 118-79.
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesGender HistoryGender
בשנים האחרונות ניכר גידול משמעותי במספרם של בתי הדין ההלכתיים הפרטיים העוסקים בדיני ממונות. מגמה זו אינה פוסחת על הציבור הציוני-דתי, אשר בחינת סדרי הדין של בתי הדין המזוהים עמו, ובמיוחד אלה המשתייכים לרשת ארץ חמדה-גזית, תעמוד במוקד מאמר... more
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      Jewish LawArbitration LawHistorical Development of Halakhah
Discusses instances of maritime matters addressed by Jewish law.
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      Jewish LawAdmiralty and maritime law
Many Jewish and Muslim women in New Jersey too often suffer grave consequences of litigating with husbands who want to punish them for seeking divorce or for demanding their financial marital rights. Such malevolent husbands often use... more
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      Jewish LawFamily LawMuslim Family LawMuslim Women's Religiousity
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      Jewish LawCopyright HistoryCopyright Law