Human-Animal Studies
Recent papers in Human-Animal Studies
Flyer for forthcoming book, published September 2021
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
With the publication of an extended editorial titled 'Animal Studies and Art: Elephants in the Room' by Giovanni Aloi, Editor in Chief of 'Antennae', the journal embarks on a new and challenging year-long project constituting somewhat of... more
This is a draft of the introductory chapter of a book-in-progress entitled Lizard, which has been contracted for publication in the Animal series of Reaktion Books in London. It discusses the changing definitions of "lizard" throughout... more
Le zoonosi contemporanee ci costringono a porci una domanda che già gli antichi pensatori si erano posti più o meno esplicitamente. Le risposte sono spiazzanti e per molti versi attuali: mangiamo gli animali perché non siamo dèi (e quindi... more
This chapter highlights several criticisms of zoos, then provides a vision for new zoos: “nooz.” Offering a new name to these institutions makes a clear break from the old model, which is fundamentally exploitative. The common denominator... more
Im 19. Jahrhundert, genau in einer Zeit in der viele neue wissenschaftliche Disziplinen und Fächer geboren wurden, interagierten Kunst und Wissenschaft zunehmend. Inspiriert von Alexander von Humboldts Ansichten und Erfahrungen,... more
Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVI) within zoos and aquariums have become an increasingly studied topic. Influenced by both the broader field of Human-Animal Interactions (HAI), as well as visitor studies conducted in museums, AVI studies... more
This paper extends recent work that has called for greater attention to be paid to nonhuman difference. The burgeoning animal geographies literature has been very successful in dissecting the concept of ‘nature’ and in examining the... more
This work is the result of an ethnographic research made during the period from September 2018 to March 2019 with primatologists, and aims to contribute to the increasing debate about the Anthropology of Science and Human-animal... more
La pensée férale is a collaboration with artist Daniel Stegmann Mangrané, a series of seven photos accompanied by seven short texts that seeks to develop a notion of "feral thought" by using the concept of ferality - a transformation of... more
This review explores the twin documentaries Earth and Planet Earth. Both are structured with the same goal of exploring our planet and its nonhuman animal inhabitants, but they diverge in approach. Using Disney’s “True-Life Adventure”... more
The 9th issue of Fantasy Art and Studies gathers the proceedings of the symposium "Représentations animales dans les mondes imaginaires" (Université d'Artois, November 2019) organised by Marie-Lucie Bougon, Charlotte Duranton and Laura... more
In diesem Aufsatz wird untersucht, wie Tiernutzung und Fleischkonsum zu einer umstrittenen Praxis werden konnten. Erst eine Analyse der Genese dieser moralischen Problematisierung ermöglicht ein Verständnis der komplexen soziokulturellen... more
With the help of archaeology and archaeozoology, art and image studies and with an analysis of written sources, the history of our domestic animals can be traced from their wild ancestors over their domestication and their further... more
This is a children's book I wrote with LOH Wan Inn, with a theme related to valuing the strengths of other animals, and seeking ways that we humans can collaborate with rather than dominate our fellow animals
New roles for dogs and humans Based on the archaeological finds during the Neolithic we interpret the relationship between humans and their dogs to have significantly changed. People gained an increased understanding of the dog's... more
In Helena Siipi & Markku Oksanen (eds.) The Ethics of Animal Recreation and Modification. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
The article examines self-portraits taken in 2011 by Indonesian crested black macaque monkey Naruto with wildlife photographer David Slater’s camera. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) filed a lawsuit against Slater to... more
El texto ofrece una observación sobre la asimilación iconográfica del uso bélico de animales, usando como ejemplo paradigmático el proyecto Bat Bomb (oficialmente X-Ray) desarrollado durante la segunda guerra mundial y que tuvo un cierto... more
Rozdział w monografii "Eksperymenty i badania na zwierzętach. Egoizm, koszt postępu czy przejaw okrucieństwa" pod redakcją Elżbiety Krajewskiej-Kułak, Andrzeja Guzowskiego, Jacka Breczko, Pauliny Marii Wiśniewskiej, Sebastiana Surendry.
This chapter discusses the range of meanings of the concept of representation in the field of animal studies. It draws out the complexities of the term, discussing the term "representation" in the contexts of notions of animal minds,... more
This article aims at comparing social practices and rituals related to companion animal death in Japanese, Polish and American cultures. In contemporary Japan, companion animals are increasingly regarded as family members rather than... more
Zusammenfassung Zooarchitektur folgt nicht nur funktionalen Strategien, damit Tiere ex situ überleben; sie bündelt verschie-dene Wissensformen über Tiere, transformiert sie in neue Entwürfe und stellt Bezüge zwischen den... more
This is a review of the book "Are We Smart Enough To Know How Smart Animals Are" by Frans de Waal. de Waal is a noted ethologist. He concludes that human are smart enough to recognize the intelligence of other animals, although we may... more
Die Zeitschrift für Kritische Tierstudien versteht sich als ein inter- und multidisziplinäres Forum, sowohl für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen und etablierte Akademiker*innen der Human Animal-Studies, als auch für Aktivist*innen der... more
co-edited with Theresia Raum (Tübingen)
The debate on animal souls and the problem of theodicy with respect to animal suffering, a discussion that has been a feature of European thought since the seventeenth century, became the perfect pillar for those philosophies that were... more
This paper explores the interaction between humans and their companion animals after the large tsunami which hit the northeast coast of Japan on 11 March 2011. Interviews, observation and fieldwork were used to assemble ethnographic... more
Mentre il mondo cerca di tornare alla tanto agognata “normalità” pre-pandemica e di cancellare in qualche modo questi lunghissimi mesi di “emergenza” da Covid-19, come se non fossero che un’infelice eccezione da superare e dimenticare il... more
In der neuen Nummer der Zeitschrift "Tierstudien": tolle, lege!