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      Environmental ScienceJournalismScience CommunicationEnvironmental Law
Spannungsverhältnisse zwischen Natur und Mensch prägen unseren Alltag, unsere Sprache und öffentliche Diskurse im Themenspektrum der Nachhaltigkeit. Letztere entfaltet normatives Potential, steht bildungs- und wirtschaftspolitisch im... more
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      CommunicationEnvironmental SustainabilityEcolinguisticsEnvironmental Humanities
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      EngineeringChemistryCarbonMetabolic Engineering
One of the dangers that we should be aware of when we study issues of language policy and planning is the fragmentary perspective by which they can be approached. Reality, by contrast, is interrelated and overlapping. This is why a... more
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      SociologyCultural SociologySocial SciencesSociology of Language
This article seeks to construct a comparative investigation of the role and application of militaristic metaphors in three contested areas of science-society discourse (invasive species, foot-and-mouth disease, and Severe Acute... more
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      Environmental SociologyScience CommunicationComputer NetworksMilitarism
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      Cultural StudiesEnvironmental SociologyGender StudiesEcotourism
Book Review
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      Animal StudiesCritical Animal StudiesCritical Discourse AnalysisAnimal Rights/Liberation
This chapter explores an added value of the master piece – Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. The super story is cast in typical pre-colonial African villages where there was much dependence on the nature. The setting of the book varies... more
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      EcoliteracyEcolinguisticsChinua Achebe. (Things Fall Apart)Ecoliterature
This thesis presents the link between the environment and Foreign Language Teaching (FLT) based on ecolinguistics, which defines the inextricability of the environment and language. The specific aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the... more
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      Environmental EducationEcolinguisticsTextbookTeaching French as a foreign language
This paper aims to discuss how environment, language and rhetoric interplay in the postcolonial context, in particular by focusing on Making India Awesome (2015), a recent collection of essays in which journalist and novelist Chetan... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Postcolonial StudiesLanguage and IdeologyEcolinguistics
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    • Ecolinguistics
This review summarises and comments on a book which presents research-based and anecdotal information on the worlds of fishes. The book attempts to enhance humans' understanding of and empathy for the inhabitants of those worlds. What a... more
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      VegetarianismEcolinguisticsVegetarianism as a Social Movement About Animals
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      Marine BiologyCommunicationEnvironmental EducationScience Communication
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      Anthropological LinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsBasque Studies
This in depth interview comprises the opening chapter of The Routledge Handbook of Ecocultural Identity, edited by Tema Milstein and Jose Castro-Sotomayer, Routledge, 2020. David Abram is a cultural ecologist and geophilosopher whose... more
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      CommunicationEnvironmental PhilosophyEcological AnthropologyPhenomenology of the body
DRAFT; COMMENTS WELCOME 'Ibanic lects', speech varieties including Iban, Seberuang, Kantuk and Mualang, share a clear historical relationship. Yet the nature of that relationship is not always clear. How diverse is the Ibanic dialect... more
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La notion de norme et de référence à la norme est absolument fondamentale pour qui s’intéresse aux langues humaines. Langues, dialectes, parlers et accents suivent tous des règles rigoureuses, que l’observation permet de déterminer. Il... more
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      LanguagesCultural StudiesMulticulturalismSecond Language Acquisition
My latest project is a free online course in ecolinguistics. The course describes how ecolinguistics reveals the stories that structure our current unsustainable civilisation, questions those stories from an ecological perspective, and... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsEcologyCorpus Linguistics
The Chinese provinces are a crazy patchwork quilt of languages and dialects, where the histories of migrations and cultural enclaves, the tides of influence from empire and commerce, the sperm trails that follow rivers and railway lines... more
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      SociologySociology of CultureAsian StudiesAnthropology
Foremost; The Cyborg Student. The cyborg is student identity in the digital age. They use digital technology as references and material of projects. Combination of information and digital technology shape psychologically student as a... more
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      EducationCurriculum DesignDigital TechnologyEcology
The ecology of language has its foundation in the work of sociolinguists and linguistic anthropologists in the 1950s and early 1960s. Since the late 20th century, the ecology of language, sometimes known as “ecolinguistics” or “language... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageMultilingualismMulti- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyTESOL
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsEnvironmental SustainabilityEcolinguistics
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      EcolinguisticsEnglish linguistics
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsEcologyCritical Discourse Analysis
This article reports a corpus-aided ecological discourse analysis (EDA) of texts from an international mining company and an environmental advocacy group regarding a proposal to build a massive open-pit copper mine in the Santa Rita... more
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      Corpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisEcolinguistics
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    • Ecolinguistics
This study explores emotive language in lyrical nature writing from the perspective of ecolinguistics in four nature books. In fact, embodied mind style is explored by considering emotive language as a linguistic phenomenon that can... more
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    • Ecolinguistics
Charles C. Fries views linguistics as a science. This paper probes into summarizing Charles C. Fries’ view of linguistics as a science from the perspective of American structuralism , pointing out its historical limitations due to... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisEcolinguistics
When hearing the word ‘policy’ many people think first of lawmakers who draft and pass legislation and politicians who espouse platforms on various social issues, not teachers. Even with respect to educational policy, one might... more
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      EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationLanguage Planning and Policy
This 9th volume offers ten research articles, twenty five poems, and three reviews of recently published books. CONTENTS Saying ‘No’ to Yielding to a Compromised Culture and Identity: The Works of Amos Tutuola, Chinua Achebe and Fikre... more
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      Cultural StudiesArtificial IntelligenceMythologyEnglish Literature
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      Environmental CommunicationEcolinguisticsLanguage and EcologyLanguage In Public Debates About the Environment
В статье показывается эпистемологическая неадекватность биоморфной и инструментальной метафор, лежащих в основании метаязыка лингвистики, уточняется содержание понятия «экология» применительно к языку и приводятся аргументы в пользу... more
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      Human EcologyLanguages and LinguisticsEcolinguisticsBiology of Cognition
Images, abstracts and sonic expressions form an intricate yet clear pattern in the " weighty " relationship shared by the human " crowd " well connected to one another in Human Chain, the last collection of poems of Seamus Heaney. Another... more
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      Conceptual Metaphor TheoryEcolinguisticsEcological HumanitiesConceptual metaphors
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    • Ecolinguistics
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    • Ecolinguistics
Scientists turn to metaphors to formulate and explain scientific concepts, but an ill-considered metaphor can lead to social misunderstandings and counterproductive policies, Brendon Larson observes in this stimulating book. He explores... more
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      Conservation BiologyEnvironmental StudiesConservation EcologyEnvironmental Communication
Lines written in early spring is a ballad written by William Wordsworth. This poem represents the ecological philosophy of “the Lake Poets”, that is, to appreciate the beauty of nature and form a harmonious relation with nature. The study... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsCritical Discourse AnalysisEcolinguistics
This paper discusses anglicism as a linguistic phenomenon that looks at the mixture of Indonesian and English in posters about the environment. The object of the research is in form of words, phrases, clauses and sentences in English... more
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      Language revitalizationMultilingualismSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and Policy
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      CommunicationEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental CommunicationEnvironmental Management
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationEcolinguisticsEducation for Sustainable Development
El presente libro es una propuesta interpretativa, inspirada en la ecología de lenguas, perspectiva metafórica que hace énfasis en la lengua y su ambiente social, pero principalmente toma en cuenta que los hablantes o actores locales son... more
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      EcolinguisticsIndigenous Language RevitalizationLenguas indígenasIdeologías Lingüísticas
This research aims to present a diachronic model of linguistic diversity in the tropical region of South America, as well as to map the interaction spheres that arose therein during prehistory. For this purpose the Archaeo-Ecolinguistics... more
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      Historical LinguisticsAndean ArchaeologyAmazonian ArchaeologyAmazonian Languages
This book is an attempt to give an overview of how language interacts with its environment, or better, how actual linguistic structure is formed, changed and influenced by different aspects of the human environment. The focus is mainly on... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsSociolinguisticsComparative LinguisticsCognitive Linguistics
The paper focuses on the football Ultras and their involvement in the stadium as a social situation and contextual environment from a sociolinguistical point of view. The tribes of the Ultras differ one from the other and the study... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemiotics
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    • Ecolinguistics
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      Language EcologyEcolinguistics
In this article we do two things: in the first half, we trace the emergence and development of ecological linguistics, or ecolinguistics, from the early 1970s. Having contrasted the ecological endeavour with the form-based traditions of... more
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      Human EcologyHuman Behavioral EcologyPhilosophy Of LanguageLanguages and Linguistics
This article explores the recently emerging area of ecolinguistics as a form of critical discourse study. While ecolinguistics tends to use the same forms of linguistic analysis as traditional critical discourse studies, the normative... more
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      Environmental StudiesEnvironmental SustainabilityEcolinguistics
Since the multi-scalarity of life encompasses bodies, language and human experience, Timo Järvilehto’s (1998) ‘one-system’ view can be applied to acts of meaning, knowing and ethics. Here, I use Paul Cobley’s Cultural Implications of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsBiosemioticsEcological PsychologyDialogism