Recent papers in Dasein
В статье проанализировано соотношение понятий человек, субъект и Dasein в фундаментальной онтологии Хайдеггера. Анализ произведен на двух уровнях: метафизическом (онтическом) и трансцендентальном (онтологическом). В результате сделан... more
This paper is the expanded version of my webinar talk on Fr. Kappen’s Philosophy. It deals with two essays of Kappen in his book Tradition Modernity Counterculture: “Art and Social Consciousness”, and “Towards a Revolution of Symbols.”... more
Resumo Frente a cada computador, tablet ou celular vemos nosso reflexo opaco numa tela preta. A tecnologia, a técnica moderna, se faz presente em cada parte do nosso cotidiano. O humano interage com a máquina, mas a pergunta contrária se... more
Tanulmányom célja Az órák című film filozófiai elemzése, az idő és emlékezet szempontjából. Ehhez három filozófus, Henri Bergson, Martin Heidegger, Edmund Husserl koncepcióit használom fel. Elemzésem elején röviden bemutatom a film három... more
Resenha da obra "Heidegger" de autoria de Benedito Nunes.
Preface to the revised second edition of Existentialism: An Introduction, outlining the core ideas of existentialist philosophy, introducing the aims of the book and what distinguishes it from other texts on existentialism.
This short entry explains what Heidegger means by 'ontic' - as opposed to 'ontological' - in the phase leading up to and shortly after the publication of Being and Time. The entry discusses the ontological difference, the exceptional... more
Este artículo tiene el propósito de reflexionar sobre los conceptos de Dasein, tiempo y mundo en la construcción filosófica de Martín Heidegger. Para ello, el autor propone considerar que Dasein es el mismo ser humano que pregunta y... more
Paralelo entre un eminente filósofo y un escritor que busca despertar al hombre hacia el ahora.
Hue Woodson's "Heidegger, and The Outsider, Savage Holiday, and The Long Dream" is designed to complicate the critical understanding of existentialism in the three novels Wright wrote after his move to Paris. While The Outsider explicitly... more
In this investigation we are interested in what ways Descartes' famous cogito argument can survive the critique Nietzsche applies to it. By following Nietzsche's critique point for point, adapting and reconfiguring Descartes' position at... more
Heidegger's primary concern in *Being and Time* is the question of the meaning of being—a distinctly *ontological* concern. Yet, with discussions of death, guilt, conscience, anxiety, uncanniness, authenticity, and inauthenticity,... more
Mark Wrathall summarizes much of Heidegger’s thought – in the way of defining the central terms he coined or repurposed-- in his book “How to Read Heidegger”. This work is a summary of that summary. All quotations cited herein are taken... more
This paper beams a bright light on the theory of Authenticity as espoused by Martin Heidegger in his existential philosophy. In this discourse, the philosophical conceptions of existentialist scholars on authenticity are brought to the... more
Bu makale Nuri Bilge Ceylan’ın Kış Uykusu filmini varoluşçuluk açısından yorumlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Filmde karşımıza çıkan ana karakterler, Martin Heidegger’in yurtsuzluk veya yuva yokluğuyla dile getirdiği hal içindedirler. Bu... more
A brief commentary on Heidegger's reflections on the mood of depression and how the experience can disrupt one's ability-to-be.
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo la confrontación con la postura de Martin Heidegger sobre la posición privilegiada que ocupa el ente humano en la elaboración de la cuestión ontológica, expresada especialmente en Sein und Zeit... more
In this paper, I go through Heidegger's destruction of the history of ontology as articulated in the introduction to Being and Time. In order to fullt understand what Heidegger is doing, I clarify some of the key terms and one of his key... more
The present paper aims to examine the dichotomy between memory and forgetting and its relation to the formation of existence. In this context, the state of alienation and exile along with the politics of history and restrictions under the... more
La oración base del texto es "Las Instituciones Ciberculturales afectan la Forma Tecnológica de Vida del Ser-Usuario". En esta tesis se defiende la existencia de Instituciones (dicotómicas con Imaginarios Sociales) que operan en la... more
An essay on the Austrian artist Hermann Nitsch, 2002 rewrite. Published, GALERIE ZIMMERMANN KRATOCHWILL, 'Catalog 08/2010', for Manila 10 Art Fair. The essay was written over a period of months while co-curating Nitsch’s first U.K.... more
Jack B. Yeats (1871-1957) is an Irish artist, hailed as a European master. Over the last sixty years, many have wondered about the meanings of his late works. As Yeats’ work is not a direct representation of objects or life, this... more
In this short paper, I aim to elucidate what I take to be the key chapter in Being and Time, the chapter on temporality as the ontological meaning of care. In this chapter, Heidegger identifies Temporality as the ontological meaning of... more
Individuals in the Social Lifeworld is an analysis of Dasein’s Being-in-the-world by asking how an individual Dasein (a person) interacts with their fellow Dasein (other people). Acknowledging that mineness is fundamental to Dasein, the... more
¿Cómo huir del existencialismo cuando ya no es posible creer en nada que prometa sentido? La decadencia de los diferentes sistemas y doctrinas que imperaron en los siglos XVIII y XIX (racionalismo, utilitarismo, idealismo, positivismo,... more
Form and content are considered as identity and difference between Dasein and Hintergrund respectively. Temporal (fenomenon, state) and atemporal (function, existence) moments of form and content are defined. The dualistic category of... more
Doğru Zamanda Doğru Yerde Olmak
В статье проводится критическое исследование философии М. Хайдеггера в аспекте проблемы временности Dasein. В первой части демонстрируется, как выявление временности связано с вопросом о возможной целости структуры Dasein и почему такой... more
Abstract: How to understand Primordial Sociality and its emergence philosophically in relation to Fundamental Ontology and Existentialism. Primordial Sociality is based on Wild Being. This is distinguished from Existential Sociality... more
Trapped in absurdity, every individual (Dasein) necessarily becomes an artist, whether they are the audience or the actor in the (literal) play. The Nietzschean lyric poet and Camus' actor are taken as expressions of the tragic,... more
En réactualisant la question de la présence du platonisme dans les écrits de jeunesse de Heidegger (1919-1929), cet ouvrage comble une lacune importante dans les recherches heideggériennes, qui, jusqu’à présent, ont surtout souligné son... more
In this paper, I shall examine the evolution of Heidegger’s concept of ‘transcendence’ as it appears in Being and Time (1927), ‘On the Essence of Ground’ (1928) and related texts from the late 1920s in relation to his rethinking of... more
Theme: Language & Linguistics Conveners: the International Academic Forum (IAFOR), represented by Dr Joseph Haldane & the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, Japan Venue:... more
Like Husserl, the young Heidegger was preoccupied with the a-priority of phenomenology. He also incorporates hermeneutics into phenomenology, though Husserl was convinced that the a-priority of phenomenology removed all interpretation... more
I examine solipsism, or what Heidegger calls the problem of empathy: the problem of guaranteeing the existence of a concrete other. Heidegger rejects this problem, for it presupposes a world already populated with others. In Being and... more
Resumen: El siguiente artículo se propone principalmente revisar, de forma introductoria y especialmente con fines pedagógicos, el término Dasein. Luego de una breve introducción en torno al significado del término en la filosofía clásica... more
Heidegger'in Nedenin Neliği başlıklı metni üzerine yazılmış bir inceleme yazısı.