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From Text to Political Positions addresses cross-disciplinary innovation in political text analysis for party positioning. Drawing on political science, computational methods and discourse analysis, it presents a diverse collection of... more
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      Computer ScienceComparative PoliticsCommunicationPolitical Parties
Данная работа является первой, предваряющей частью большого исследования «Лингвистическая картина российской истории XX века: корпусное исследование». В данном исследовании мы хотели, опираясь на частоты употребления определенных... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesCorpus LinguisticsDiachronic linguistics
Despite advancements in and availability of corpus software in language classrooms facilitating data-driven learning (DDL), the use of such methods with pre-tertiary learners remains rare. This book explores the affordances of DDL... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageData Driven Learning (Applied Linguistics)Applied LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics
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      Corpus LinguisticsGascon Occitan
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      Corpus LinguisticsCritical Discourse Analysis
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      Second Language AcquisitionPsycholinguisticsApplied LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics
O objetivo da pesquisa é identificar as dimensões de variação do texto traduzido por meio das técnicas computacionais da Análise Multidimensional e revelar até que ponto há variação nas traduções feitas por tradutores mais experientes e... more
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      Translation StudiesApplied LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionEnglish languageEnglish
On the basis of Adler's (1975) concept of the 'dark side of emancipation' of women, the following study reflects on the ideological implications that the shifts of interpersonal meanings in translation may bear on the construction of... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisAVT (Translation Studies)Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies
The Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality, with a hard-copy publication date of 2021 (with chapters published online beginning in 2018), is the first handbook exclusively devoted to research in language and sexuality. The commissioned... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsLanguages and LinguisticsSemantics
Пособие содержит описание предмета и основного содержания корпусной лингвистики – нового направления в лингвистике. Оно включает также программу учебной дисциплины «Корпусная лингвистика», которая изучается студентами отделения... more
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    • Corpus Linguistics
"Words and Phrases, Unchanged for Centuries. Containing a rich glossary and in excess of 300 words and phrases, the texts demonstrate the strength of the Macedonian language through preservation. Following is a comparison of... more
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      PhilologyLanguagesModern LanguagesHistory
Culture has been traditionally seen as the by-product of a particular society in a clearly defined territory (Yengoyan 1986). However, the elusive concept of culture, seen as both a merging and dichotomising force, has been called into... more
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      Television StudiesPopular CultureStylisticsCorpus Linguistics
The book provides an introduction to many important theoretical aspects of English legal language as well as some practical exercises.
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      Critical Discourse StudiesLegal English for LawyersApplied LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics
Bu çalışma, Türkçe’nin ilk kapsamlı ve genel amaçlı derlemi olan Türkçe Ulusal Derlemi (TUD)’ni [1] tanıtmayı amaçlamaktadır. Tanıtım Sürümünü Ekim 2012’de yapan TUD’un derlem dilbilim ilkeleri temelindeki derlem tasarım ölçütleri, web... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsCorpus BuildingDerlem DilbilimTurkish National Corpus
WhatsApp is a software application that allows the exchange of text messages, videos, audios, images and photo between mobile phone users. The multi-modality function of WhatsApp represents an interesting mode of casual conversation that... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial MediaCorpus LinguisticsCorpus-Based Approach to Lexis
As an introduction to the special issue, this paper presents an overview of previous corpus linguistic work in the field of language and sexuality and discusses the compatibility of corpus linguistic methodology with queer linguistics as... more
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      Language and GenderCorpus LinguisticsSexual IdentityLanguage and Sexuality
Учебник знакомит с концепциями корпусной лингвистики, дает возможность освоить основы корпусных технологий, приобрести навыки работы с корпусами, определить место дисциплины и соб-ственно корпусов в ряду информационных технологий. Учебник... more
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    • Corpus Linguistics
There have been linguistic studies on the gendering mechanisms of adjectives and psychological studies on the relationship between personality traits and gender, but the two fields have never entered into a dialogue on these issues. This... more
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      Personality PsychologyLanguage and GenderCorpus LinguisticsAdjectives
In an inconspicuous corner of Dutch grammar, one may find adjectives receiving -s inflection (1). However, this -s, a remnant of the partitive genitive, may also disappear (2). (1) wat zinnig-s ‘something sensible’ (2) iets wit... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsUsage-based GrammarEthnolectsDutch linguistics
This article reviews corpus-based Chinese studies, both applied and theoretical, from the 1920s to the present. It will be shown that, while corpus-based Chinese studies have been gaining momentum for only the last couple of decades, the... more
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      HistoryComputer ScienceChinese StudiesCorpus Linguistics
What makes non-profit, philanthropic discourse so persuasive has not been well explored to date. Using a specialized corpus of direct-mail letters from philanthropic organizations in five different fields, this study seeks to combine the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCorpus LinguisticsLinguistics
The present study came to life as a result of the scientific inquiry and classroom practice the author carried out over a period of almost twenty years of teaching business English at tertiary level, before, during and after completing a... more
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      Business EnglishCorpus LinguisticsBusiness MetaphorsEnglish for Specific Purposes (ESP)
Настоящая статья обращена к актуальной проблеме оценки репрезентативности специализированного лин-гвистического корпуса, предполагающее включение в него необходимо-достаточного количества текстов, обеспечивающих решение исследовательских... more
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      Corpus Linguisticsкорпусная лингвистикаРепрезентативность / Representativeness
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      SyntaxCorpus LinguisticsWorld EnglishesVarieties of English
Schneider & Barron (2008) discuss the effect of macro-social factors such as region, ethnic background, age, social status and gender on intra-lingual pragmatic conventions, and state that, to date, they have received comparatively little... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsSocioilinguistics
The availability of partially overlapping parallel corpora for a language pair opens up opportunities for automatically comparing, evaluating and improving them. We compare and evaluate the alignment quality of two English-Estonian... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsParallel Corpora
In the first part I discuss the methods used and observations which emerged from a couple of lessons I taught at the Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori of the University of Bologna (SSLMIT), in which my students and I examined... more
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      Political ScienceCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesTranslation
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem Image von Deutschland in vier griechischen Zeitungen mit großem Leserpublikum im Zeitraum 2001-2013. Der Begriff „Image“ wird in dieser Arbeit als kognitive Einheit bzw. Gesamtheit von... more
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      Discourse AnalysisImage AnalysisCorpus LinguisticsCritical Discourse Analysis
Il presente lavoro intende ad unire al livello interdisciplinare la metodologia statistica e linguistica a scopo di disambiguare la semantica delle co-occorrenze delle forme ambigue estratti da un Corpus lirico dei testi provenzali... more
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    • Corpus Linguistics
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      Corpus LinguisticsCritical Discourse AnalysisCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
This paper is an account of a corpus investigation into whether and to what extent delicious is treated as a gradeable adjective in native speaker corpora.
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    • Corpus Linguistics
Hedges and boosters are significant in writing since they show the writer's point of view. The paper identifies two types of metadiscourse markers in Benazir Bhutto's speeches. It further aims at analyzing the pragmatic function and... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsMetadiscourseHedgesBoosters
The paper provides results of the frequential distribution analysis of cybersecurity terms used in the Lithuanian cybersecurity corpus composed of texts of different genres. The research focuses on the following aspects: overall... more
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      TerminologyCorpus Linguistics
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    • Corpus Linguistics
Existing studies on the translation of Nadsat – the invented language in A Clockwork Orange – neglect the fact that Nadsat is a result of language contact between English and Russian, and ignore the role that translators play in... more
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      German StudiesRussian StudiesSpanish StudiesTranslation Studies
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      Applied LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics
1 (English) The spread of English as the Lingua Franca of international communication has given rise to meaningful language contact phenomena in the world's languages like loanwords and pseudo-loanwords, namely, words from one language... more
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      Text MiningCorpus LinguisticsLoanwords, Language contact & changeBrexit
This article investigates prototypically attributive versus predicative adjectives in English in terms of the phonological properties that have been associated especially with nouns versus verbs in a substantial body of psycholinguistic... more
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      PsychologyPhonologyLanguage AcquisitionPsycholinguistics
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingComputational Linguistics
This site contains our report, the parse tree data, and an IPython Notebook that can be used to manipulate the dataset and reproduce our results.
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyComputer ScienceMedia Studies
While a lot of attention has been paid to online branding and the construction and communication of a company’s identity via its website, there is only very little research that looks at the processes involved in these activities from a... more
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      EngineeringDiscourse AnalysisCognitive ScienceCorpus Linguistics
Punjabi language is most widely spoken language of Pakistan (Abbas, Chohan, Ahmed, & Kaleem, 2016). Punjabi is under developed language because of which, upcoming generations are shifting to other technically and digitally developed... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsNLPPronunciationPunjabi language
Kivonat: Cikkünkben bemutatjuk a Dulko korpuszt, amely magyar anyanyelvű, a németet mint idegen nyelvet tanuló egyetemisták által létrehozott szövegeket tartalmaz. A német-magyar nyelvtanulói korpusz várhatóan 2020-tól szabadon... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsLearner corporaGermanisticsDaF-Unterricht
The language of tasting notes is not always precise, since it is used to express sensations that can be very subjective. Wine tasters use descriptors to express what they see, smell and taste in a wine, but these common terms are often... more
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      TerminologyCorpus Linguistics
"Charlie Hebdo Shooting" or "Attack against Charlie Hebdo"? What would be the better title for a Wikipedia article? This type of question arises every time Wikipedia community members create a new entry. Given the emblematic role of the... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCorpus LinguisticsWikipedia StudiesWikipedia
This article provides a consistent formal grammatical and ontological description of the model of the Tibetan compounds system, developed and used for automatic syntactic and semantic analysis of Tibetan texts, on the material of a... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingOntology (Computer Science)Corpus LinguisticsTibetan Language