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"Περιγραφή Το παρόν σύγγραμμα εξετάζει το φαινόμενο των Νέων Μέσων και της δημοσιογραφίας των πολιτών ταυτόχρονα από τη σκοπιά της ηθικής, της επικοινωνίας, αλλά και του δικαίου της επικοινωνίας. Απευθύνεται σε όλους όσοι ασχολούνται σε... more
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      Intellectual PropertyInnovation statisticsBiotechnologyCopyright (Law)
The book draws a picture of possible new spaces for copyright. It expands on whether modern copyright law should be more flexible as to whether new or unconventional forms of expression - including graffiti, tattoos, land art, conceptual... more
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      Comparative LawCopyrightCopyright (Law)Intellectual Property Law
Theories about the music industry’s financial collapse abound. The digital download and the corresponding ease of piracy are common scapegoats. The ephemeral nature of music also enters into the discourse about an audience’s willingness... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyPhotography
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      LawJurisprudencePhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
This study was commissioned by the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) to provide an evidence-based view on whether the criminal sanctions for copyright infringement available under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA... more
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      Criminal LawIntellectual PropertyCopyrightCopyright (Law)
Abstrak Ciptaan yang dibuat atau diciptakan oleh pencipta merupakan hasil karya kreativitasnya yang terjadi karena intelektual dari si pencipta. Hak cipta umumnya dimiliki oleh orang yang membuat ciptaan tersebut, namun ada beberapa... more
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    • Copyright (Law)
The purpose of this Abstract is to find out the copyright issue on the matter of digital content. As in India the digital content has been studied by the students, researchers, as it facilitated knowledge of the discovery, retrieval, and... more
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    • Copyright (Law)
Leif Kramp untersucht erstmals umfassend die Gedächtnisrelevanz des Massenmediums Fernsehen sowie den archivischen und musealen Umgang mit der Fernsehgeschichte. Anknüpfend an die interdisziplinären Zweige der Gedächtnisforschung... more
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      Art HistoryTelevision StudiesMedia HistoryAdvertising
In this Essay, I sketch out some First Amendment and Due Process issues that arise from recent efforts by the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) to revise U.S. copyright law. My focus will be on the WIPO Treaty on... more
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      Performing ArtsIntellectual PropertyPerformance StudiesFirst Amendment Law (USA)
The creation of any given work of art by an Artificial Intelligence system has always been a source of debate. Generative AI systems and the artwork they produce raise critical questions bordering on authorship, licensing, and... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCopyright (Law)Privacy and data protection
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyCopyright (Law)
As recent events prove, the creation and use of works in outer space give rise to practical issues of copyright law. This article examines whether Earthly copyright law applies to matters that take place in outer space and, if so, which... more
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      Private International LawCopyrightCopyright (Law)International Space Law
The principle of Access to Knowledge (A2K) has become a common reference point for a diverse set of agendas that all hope to realize technological and human potential by making knowledge more accessible. This book is a history of... more
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      CommunicationIntellectual PropertyDevelopment StudiesLibrary Science
El siguiente artículo hace un acercamiento al fenómeno de la industria publicitaria gráfica popular, concretamente en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia, a la cual recurren pequeñas y medianas empresas locales para el desarrollo de sus marcas... more
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      Corporate CommunicationPopular CultureAdvertisingCopyright
Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
With the support of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism, this event was carried out within the scope of the project titled “The Research on Performing Artists in Turkey and the Effects of the WIPO Beijing Treaty on the... more
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      CopyrightCopyright (Law)WIPOCopyright Law
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      CopyrightCopyright (Law)Intellectual Property LawDigital Copyright
This engaging and accessible study looks at the origins, evolution, purpose, and limitations of intellectual property. Detailing how intellectual property affects industry, politics, cultural expression, and medical research, Aram... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCultural PolicyPatentsTrademarks
Հեղինակային իրավունքը, բացի հեղինակների իրավունքները պաշտպանելուց պիտի նաև ապահովի հասարակական շահերը։ Այս նպատակով հեղինակային իրավունքի շրջանակներում նախատեսվում են որոշ նորմեր, որոնք ընդունված է անվանել հեղինակային իրավունքի... more
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      Copyright (Law)Intellectual Property LawCopyright and Fair Use DoctrineCopyright exceptions and limitations
Актуальні проблеми інтелектуального, інформаційного, ІТ та Інтернет права: матеріали П’ятої міжнародної науково – практичної конференції (Львів, 28 травня 2021 р.). – Львів: Юрид. ф–т Львів. нац. ун–ту ім. І. Франка, 2021. – 224 с. У... more
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      Civil LawPatentsCopyrightCopyright (Law)
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      Intellectual PropertyInnovation statisticsBiotechnologyCopyright (Law)
A expansão do acesso aos sites de redes sociais digitais ensejou a representação das relações sociais na internet, bem como tornou sites como o YouTube espaços férteis para disputas jurídicas no tocante ao exercício de direitos. Nesse... more
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      User-Generated ContentCopyright (Law)Youtube
Se analiza el régimen de responsabilidad civil por la infracción de los derechos de autor en Uruguay. Daño patrimonial, Daño moral y pena civil.
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      Copyright (Law)Copyright LawPropiedad IntelectualResponsabilidade Civil
La controversia tra la casa editrice Il Saggiatore e il trust statunitense costituito dallo scrittore J.D. Salinger, decisa a favore del secondo dalla pronuncia in commento (Trib. Milano, sez. impr., 29 agosto 2018, n. 8768), è... more
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      Civil LawInternational LawLaw and EconomicsCopyright (Law)
In a December 1975 profile for Rolling Stone, reporter Art Harris sketched the intriguing relationship between Capricorn Records CEO Phil Walden and then presidential candidate Jimmy Carter. While a rock impresario and a God-fearing... more
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      HistoryMusicMusic HistoryPopular Music
In June and October 2014 a number of amendments to the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 came into effect, introducing new copyright exceptions and amending several existing exceptions. Whilst following recent judicial review the... more
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      CopyrightCopyright (Law)Digital Copyright
Comunicação ao Seminário "Direito de Autor e Tecnologias da Informação", Instituto Politécnico de Beja, dia 5 de maio de 2013.
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      European LawMultimediaCopyrightCopyright (Law)
Based on a comprehensive survey among creators and performers in media, arts and entertainment in the Netherlands, this study summarizes these artists attitudes vis-a-vis relevance of authors and performing rights (copyrights) in the... more
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      Performing ArtsDigital media ProductionDigital MediaDigital Culture
In this work, my LLM thesis submitted at the University of Lisbon - Law Faculty, I tried to summarize the mains issues and to offer some alternatives concerning to the relation between the peer-to-peer file-sharing and the authors'... more
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      Copyright (Law)Intellectual Property LawPeer-to-PeerAuthorship
O artigo examina as funções que, do ponto de vista do interesse público, justificam a existência do direito de autor e como a sua função social encontra-se regulamentada nos principais tratados internacionais e na legislação brasileira... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCopyrightCopyright (Law)Intellectual Property Law
W polskiej doktrynie prawa autorskiego przez wiele lat dość powszechnie (choć niejednomyślnie) przyjmowano, iż dla legalności korzystania z rozpowszechnionego utworu w ramach dozwolonego użytku prywatnego nie ma znaczenia legalność kopii... more
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      Intellectual PropertyEuropean LawInformation SocietyCopyright
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      Information SystemsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)SociologyCultural Studies
У матеріалах Збірника представлені результати науково – практичних досліджень науковців провідних вищих навчальних закладів України та практичних працівників з основних проблем права інтелектуальної власності, інформаційного ІТ та... more
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      PatentsCopyrightCopyright (Law)Digital Copyright
Die Digitalisierung schafft neue Spielregeln für den Wettbewerb und sie verändert die betriebliche Umgebung un-unterbrochen. Es stellt sich die Frage, wie die Unternehmen in ihrem Angebot und Geschäftsmodell darauf reagieren können.... more
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      TechnologyContract LawCopyright (Law)IT law
Information Technology Act 2000, doesn't make reference to any word about Intellectual Property assurance while breach of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is one of the most challenging region on the internet. Just as Copyright and... more
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      DesignCybercrimesIndustrial DesignCopyright (Law)
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      Reality televisionCopyrightCopyright (Law)Entertainment Law
Copyright encourages creativity, it provides authors and artists of all types and in all countries with a means of transacting in their works, a means by which they can earn their livelihood, and as such has an important role to play in... more
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      Copyright (Law)International Copyright LawCopyright and intellectual propertyCopyright Law
Co-rapporteur avec Joëlle Farchy et Caroline Rainette, La place et le rôle économique des droits d’auteur et des droits voisins dans la filière cinématographique, DEPS du Ministère de la culture, 2006, 240 pages,... more
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      LawEconomicsCopyrightCopyright (Law)
The master thesis presents the “work” as a subject of the Polish copyright law. It is built of four parts: (1) the author sketches history of evolution of copyright law. In the next step (2) he gives an outline of legal prerequisite which... more
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      LawComparative LawEuropean LawInternational Law
The spring 2021 issue of the journal "Miranda", contains, in the section "Reviews" (edited by Candice Lemaire and Isabelle Keller-Privat), my review of two fascinating Alan Moore-focused books by Pádraig Ó Méalóid: "Poisoned Chalice: The... more
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      Comics StudiesComicsComics/Sequential ArtCopyright (Law)
Scholarship on the development of copyright in eighteenth-century England, after the Act of Anne (1710), has suggested that aesthetic debates about originality, in the sense of novelty or creativity, had an effect on contemporaneous legal... more
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureLegal HistoryCopyrightLaw and Literature
In this paper, I use some metaphors (perfect storm, pirates, zombies and cor-sairs) to present some arguments against the strengthening of copyright in the market of e-books. In particular, I will argue that the strengthening of exclusive... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCopyrightCopyright (Law)Ebooks
The Hindi film ‘3 Idiots’ which released in 2009 has achieved that dubious distinction of having attracted the attention of legal academia because of the public war of words between the film’s makers on the one hand, and the novelist from... more
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      Intellectual PropertyContract LawCopyright HistoryCopyright
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      Copyright (Law)IPR
This article provides an assessment of the interplay between copyright, contract freedom and antitrust law in the current digital platform economy, as it was settled by the European legal strategy for a (fair) digital single market. It... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEuropean LawAntitrust (Law)Copyright
This article focuses on Mathew Brady’s attempts to use copyright to protect his photographs. For a time, Brady received so much credit in the press that his name became synonymous with all photographs of the Civil War. This prominence in... more
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      PhotographsPhotographyNineteenth Century StudiesJournalism History
Intellectual Property gives rights to creators of intellectual or artistic work. The rights are worthless unless they can be enforced properly. Since the basic idea of Intellectual Property law is to monetize the rights, it is important... more
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      Intellectual PropertyInternational LawCopyright (Law)Collective Management of Copyright
Web Scraping-Verfahren sind ein attraktives Mittel, um soziale Netzwerke zu Forschungszwecken auszuwerten. Dies gilt besonders seit Facebook die Nutzung seiner Entwicklerschnittstelle infolge des Cambridge Analytica- Skandals... more
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      Data MiningCopyrightCopyright (Law)Copyright Law
The digitalization of copyrighted works including text, music and video has dramatically increased the efficiency of unauthorized copying. Providing legal protection against the copyright infringement has been an issue nowadays. Although... more
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      Copyright (Law)International Copyright Law