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The study of language contact has progressed since the earliest work of Haugen and Weireich in the early fifties. In many situations of languages in contact, constituents of one language can be found with the constituents of another... more
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This paper aims at illustrating translation of economic and EU terminology through the technique of calquing. Calquing is a translation technique that includes literal or word-for-word translation from the source language (SL) to the... more
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      TranslationCalquingEU terminologyEnglish Calques
Updating the methodology of Hayward (1991), using the concept of colexification (François 2008), this paper, for the first time, provides quantitative evidence that the languages of the West African Sahel/Savanna form a... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsWest AfricaLanguage ChangeLanguage contact
Abstract: During their migration across the East European steppes in the 9th century, ancestors of Hungarians, speakers of a Uralic language, had merely sporadic contacts with East Slavic dialect speakers. Really intensive... more
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      Language contactCalquingSlavic-Hungarian Language Contact
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      MedyaMedya ArastrmalariTürkçeCalquing
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Латинские образцы польской диалектной фразематики В данном случае рассматриваются латинские кальки в польской диалектной фразеологии. Как оказалось, из польского литературного языка в польские говоры проникло множество фразем латинского... more
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      BorrowingPhraseologyLexical and Grammatical BorrowingPhraseologie
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