Boundary Layer
Recent papers in Boundary Layer
We develop a multiscale simulation method for dense granular drainage, based on the recently proposed spot model, where the particle packing flows by local collective displacements in response to diffusing "spots" of interstitial free... more
The present study reports the effect of momentum injection at the inlet on the performance of an S-shaped rectangular diffuser having an aspect ratio of 6 at inlet. A cylinder of diameter 3 cm was placed at the inflexion plane across the... more
Separation control, by nominally two-dimensional periodic excitation, was studied experimentally by the authors and co-workers at Reynolds numbers ranging from 3 × 10 4 to 4 × 10 7 , including compressibility effects. The tests... more
An approach for calculating turbulent flows in a wave-current boundary layer over a slowly varying bed is presented. Waves are periodic in time with several harmonics. In this paper, we adopt a time invariant eddy viscosity model, in... more
Due to influence of compressibility, shock wave, instabilities, and turbulence on supersonic flows, current flow visualization and imaging techniques encounter some problems in high spatiotemporal resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio... more
In this paper we investigate theoretically the unsteady boundary layer flow and heat transfer over a permeable shrinking sheet with non-uniform heat source. The nondimensional governing equations have been solved numerically using the... more
The low-latitude boundary layer (LBL) and its separation from the cusp have previously been identified using observations of particle precipitation at magnetosheath energies. Using $3-3 satellite observations, we have determined that... more
Numerical investigations on the turbulent fluid flow and the local heat transfer from rectangular bars for three different aspect ratios were carried out with Re=22000 and Pr=-0.71. The standard k-e turbulence model and a modified version... more
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The spectral values of the aerosol optical thickness t in the 400-670 nm band have been al determined from 500 solar direct irradiance spectra at normal incidence registered at Valencia (Spain) in the period from July 1993 to March 1997.... more
In magnetic fusion devices, radio frequency ͑rf͒ waves in the electron cyclotron ͑EC͒ and lower hybrid ͑LH͒ range of frequencies are being commonly used to modify the plasma current profile. In ITER, EC waves are expected to stabilize the... more
The Blasius flow is the idealized flow of a viscous fluid past an infinitesimally thick, semiinfinite flat plate. The Blasius function is the solution to 2fxxx + ffxx = 0 on x ∈ [0, ∞] subject to f (0) = fx(0) = 0, fx(∞) = 1. We use this... more
An experimental simulation of the interaction of vortex ring-like eddies with the sublayer of a turbulent boundary layer is investigated. An artificially generated vortex ring interacting with a Stokes' layer enables investigation of the... more
The mass transfer around a rising bubble has been studied within the field of glass melting processes. Due to the large value of liquid viscosity, creeping flow was used. The rising bubble is assumed to have a clean interface with a total... more
plant exchange and plant processing of POPs are key factors affecting global cycling and foodchain transfer.
As a step toward an understanding of the mechanism of super cloud cluster (SCC), the effect of surface friction on the instability of Kelvin wave is discussed, together with the condition of the vertical profile of parameterized... more
We carry out an analytical study of laminar circular hydraulic jumps, in generalized-Newtonian fluids obeying the two-parametric power-law model of Ostwald-de Waele. Under the boundary-layer approximation we obtained exact expressions... more
Satellite measurements do not provide the vertical information needed to assess aerosol transport mechanisms. To supply this information, multiwavelength lidar measurements are needed to study the vertical structure of aerosol events. In... more
VOL. 8. (I) The Laminar Boundary Layer (LBL) over a flat plate is a member of the family of similar flows over a wedge, which is famously known as Falkner-Skan Flows (FSF). Based on the available numerical results, this paper gives... more
Observations of the tropical atmosphere are fundamental to the understanding of global changes in air quality, atmospheric oxidation capacity and climate, yet the tropics are under-populated with long-term measurements. The first three... more
Evolution of sea fog has been investigated using three-dimensional Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5) simulations. The study focused on widespread fog-cloud layers advected along the California coastal waters during 14-16 April 1999. According to... more
The potential of a ground-based microwave temperature profiler to combine full tropospheric profiling with highresolution profiling of the boundary layer is investigated. For that purpose, statistical retrieval algorithms that incorporate... more
In this essay I will attempt to identify the main events in the history of thought about irrotational flow of viscous fluids.
We present an exact solution of Einstein's field equations in toroidal coordinates. The solution has three regions: an interior with a string equation of state; an Israel boundary layer; and an exterior with constant isotropic pressure... more
Laboratory experiments were performed to study the influence of density and viscosity layering on the formation and stability of plumes. Viscosity ratios ranged from 0.1 to 6400 for buoyancy ratios between 0.3 and 20, and Rayleigh numbers... more
We explore a numerical technique for determining the structure of the kinetic boundary layer of the Klein-Kramers equation for noninteracting Brownian particles in a fluid near a wall that absorbs the Brownian particles. The equation is... more
With improved observation methods, increased winter navigation, and increased awareness of the climate and environmental changes, research on the Baltic Sea ice conditions has become increasingly active. Sea ice has been recognized as a... more
The paper analytically investigated the double-diffusive natural convective boundarylayer flow of a nanofluid past a vertical plate with heat flux condition. The diffusive model used for nanofluid included the effects of Brownian motion... more
Sediment entrainment and the initiation of bed defects has commonly been ascribed to the impact of high velocity sweeps upon mobile sand beds. Results of visualization experiments suggest that these sweep impacts are grouped and may... more
We report on sizable antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling (AFC) of Fe(001) layers across epitaxial Si spacers, for which epitaxial growth of a pseudomorphic phase stabilized by the interface is confirmed by low-energy electron... more
In this paper, we discuss a numerical solution of a class of non-linear fractional singularly perturbed two points boundary-value problem. The method of solution consists of solving reduced problem and boundary layer correction problem. A... more
In this paper a closed-form analysis of flow in a two-dimensional transonic wind tunnel that uses sidewall distributed suction around the model to reduce sidewall boundary-layer effects is presented.
Similarity solutions of the laminar boundary-layer equations describing heat and flow in a quiescent fluid driven by a stretched surface subject to suction or injection are obtained herein. The surface is moving with a power-law velocity... more
Asymptotic solution of neutron transport problems for small mean free paths. [Journal of Mathematical Physics 15, 75 (1974)]. Edward W. Larsen, Joseph B. Keller. Abstract. A method is presented for solving initial and boundary ...
In this paper we present the results from a series of laboratory experiments on inclined negatively buoyant jets released in a receiving environment with waves. This simulates the case, typical of many practical applications, of the sea... more
This study is focused on the influences of secondary cooling rate (SCR) and solid fraction upon size of primary solid particles in Al-7.1 wt%Si slurries produced by semisolid rheocasting (SSR) process. SSR slurries with various solid... more
An experimental investigation on natural convection in air in vertical convergent channels with wall uniform heat flux is presented. Wall temperatures show that by increasing the spacing the effect of the convergence angle decreases. For... more
In the present paper different types of scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) combustors are investigated. Thereby the main difference between the combustors is the way of injecting the fuel into the combustion chamber. The first... more
An intercomparison study for single column models (SCMs) of the diurnal cycle of shallow cumulus convection is reported. The case, based on measurements at the ARM Southern Great Plain site on 21 ¢ ¡ June 1997, has been used in an LES... more
This paper is an application of the constructal method to the discovery of the optimal distribution of discrete heat sources cooled by laminar natural convection. The global objective is to maximize the global conductance between the wall... more
This paper deals with inhomogeneous shearing deformation of an in"nite rubber-like slab under a temperature di!erence across its thickness. The deformation is analyzed within the context of "nite thermoelasticity with entropic origin for... more
In this paper, the decade of numerical and experimental investigations leading to the development of the authors' unique flapping-wing micro air vehicle is summarized. Early investigations included the study of boundary layer energization... more
The acoustic and fluid dynamic resonance in a two-dimensional cavity flow was investigated experimentally. In order to visualize a periodic oscillation of the shear layer and the behavior of vortices, the schlieren method was used with an... more