Ancient Greek History
Recent papers in Ancient Greek History
We start with a theatre, and two moments of astonishing gender transgression. One happened in a theatre on a hillside in the center of Athens on a spring day in late March of 431 BCE. The second happened there sixteen years later, in... more
""Ancient Greece is famous as the civilization which "gave" the world democracy. Democracy has in modern times become the rallying cry of liberation from supposed totalitarianism and dictatorship. It is embedded in the assumptions of... more
Che posto occupavano gli animali nell’antichità? Come noi oggi, anche i Greci e i Romani avevano a che fare con cani, cavalli, galline; avevano allevamenti, vivari, acquari, e adottavano pratiche zootecniche. Amavano i loro animali da... more
Tra le epigrafi greche conservate in Piemonte un documento, in particolare, si segnala per la sua lunga storia di mobilità e di collezionismo che risale già al XVI secolo. Di provenienza romana e databile all'età imperiale,... more
Peña, Alejandro G. J. y Ortigosa, Andrés (coord.). "Phýsis y Natur. Armonías entre Grecia y Alemania". En Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 13 (1), 2021. | Enlace:
This paper explores the principles underlying decisions to inscribe Athenian laws and decrees on stone, finding (against a recent paper by Michael Osborne) that many laws and decrees were not inscribed, including those of ephemeral... more
The empire that the Athenians established in the years after 478 BC was an entirely new phenomenon in the history of Greece, and the basis of much of the brilliant development of Athenian culture in the fifth century. Its growth and... more
This paper aims to discuss hoplite shield devices from the Archaic Era while examining the aristocratic power struggles in Attica during the 6th century BC
Short history about evolution of Illyrian and Illyroslavic identity.
After the death of Alexander III in 323 BC, the coinage in his name and with his types continued to be issued by his successors. This posthumous coinage has been the object of various studies and discussions in the past decades because of... more
Overview on food and nutrition in Mycenaean Greece. Published version of my Ph. D. thesis from 2002.
This study seeks to ascertain the identification and origins of the commodities in trade between the Levant and Aegean during the Persian period, ca. 540-330 B.C. Using Semitic and Greek textual sources, as well as numismatic, epigraphic... more
Lin. A a-ta-i-301-wa-e : ἀυτάι *θύαι
This book is intended as a practical tool to facilitate access to the Qumran collection of Dead Sea Scrolls. As such, it is primarily intended for classroom use and for the benefit of specialists from other disciplines (scholars working... more
The Early Stone Age archaeological record does not become persistent and widespread until approximately 2.0-1.7 million years ago, when Oldowan sites spread across Africa and ultimately into Eurasia. However, good records of hominin... more
Some thoughts about why Scythian archers were employed as police force in the Athenian polis of Classical times.
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Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
Although the ancient Macedonians had no independent dramatic tradition of their own, from the late fifth century onwards successive Macedonian kings began to sponsor Greek theater productions and professionals with real enthusiasm.... more
De Tirteu, poeta espartano arcaico do século VII a.C., restaram-nos apenas poemas elegíacos fragmentários. Seus fragmentos dividem-se entre aqueles que narravam a história e os preceitos espartanos, instituídos por reis descendentes dos... more
THE CULT OF DIONYSOS IN ASIA MINOR IN THE ROMAN IMPERIAL AGE Making his presence, which can be traced long before the Archaic Age, deeply felt mainly in Hellas, Asia Minor and then in Rome throughout the ancient world, Dionysos,... more
This book is the first complete collection and analysis of ancient testimony relating to the chronology of the early Greek natural philosophers, astronomers, and geometers who were active before Aristotle. New estimates are given for the... more
Bu kitap, Pontos Kralı Mithradates VI Eupator Dionysos’un biyografisidir. 2003 yılında Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Eskiçağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri Bölümü’nde tamamladığım Mithradates VI Eupator ve Roma başlıklı doktora tezimin dört senelik... more
L'ultimo grande tragediografo della letteratura greca era misogino oppure no? La nostra lettura delle sue opere è stata modificata dal pensiero aristofaneo? In questo saggio breve si analizza la duplice realtà euripidea.