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This paper discusses results that arise in specific configurations pertaining to invariance under isoconjugation. The results lead to revolutionary theorems and crucial properties in both Euclidean and Projective geometry. After... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsAlgebraGeometry And Topology
Wakaf adalah amalan mulia yang sangat di galakkan oleh Islam. Sebagai salah satu mekanisme kebajikan, wakaf agak unik berbanding dengan sedekah, hadiah dan derma kerana harta yang diwakafkan itu akan di 'tahan' ia itu tidak dihabiskan... more
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      AlgebraInstructional DesignSoutheast Asian StudiesArchitecture
This study was conducted to develop a model of principal's instructional leadership and teaching competency. Research respondents were 481 teachers from 55 secondary day schools in Terengganu. The modified Principal Instructional... more
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      AlgebraInstructional DesignArchitecture
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FAMILY MATH, University of California, Lawrence Hall of Science #5200, Berkeley, CA 94720-5200; Tel: 800-897-5036 (Toll Free); Fax: 510-643-5757; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: ($18.95).
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    • Algebra
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      MathematicsAlgebraLinear AlgebraPure Mathmatics
Debate about teacher supply, demand, retention, and attrition has been renewed in recent years by an increased concern about the reduced numbers of prospective teachers entering teacher education programs, the high attrition rate of... more
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      AlgebraEducationTeacher EducationDecision Making
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      AlgebraInformation TheoryQuantum MechanicsInformation Geometry
Implementasi algoritma Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) pada robot untuk pencarian sumber kebocoran gas memerlukan informasi posisi dari setiap robot. Penggunaan kamera memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan informasi posisi robot yang lebih... more
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      AlgebraProgramming LanguagesInstructional DesignSoutheast Asian Studies
The purpose of this paper is organizational for it presents a list of notations and mathematical definitions used in some results of abstract algebra.
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      AlgebraGroup TheoryAbstract Algebra
Some definitions and results of group actions are presented within the fewest words and symbols as possible.
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      AlgebraGroup TheoryGroup ActionsAbstract Algebra
CASIO991 ESPLUS calculator techniques
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      AlgebraComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringSemantics
We consider some questions about subnormal subgroups of a group in the setting of Lie superalgebras. In particular, the analogues of Nilpotence Join Theorem and Roseblade's Theorem for Lie superalgebras are proved.
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      AlgebraPure Mathematics
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    • Algebra
Use of spreadsheets in a beginning algebra course was investigated mainly with regard to their potential to promote generalization of patterns. Less is known about their use in promoting understanding and learning of transformational... more
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      AlgebraGeneralizationTeaching MethodsQuantitative Method
This paper presents an analysis of the different types of meanings that an individual may assign to a collection of algebraic symbols depending on the mathematical context in which the symbols are presented and the mathematical knowledge... more
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      AlgebraMathematics EducationCognitive Style
NBHM M. A. and M.Sc. Scholarship Test 2012 with Answer Key
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      AlgebraGeometry And TopologyReal AnalysisGeometry
Mathematics Short-cut Techniques with Formulas
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Abstrak Inovasi teknologi otomotif khususnya sepeda motor terus dikembangkan untuk mendapatkan kestabilan dan kenyamanan dalam pengendalian. Saat ini produsen sepeda motor telah memproduksi kendaraan yang memakai sistem transmisi... more
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      Electrical EngineeringAlgebraChemistryInstructional Design
!Errores y dificultades de estudiantes mexicanos de primer curso universitario en la resolución de tareas algebraicas.
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      AlgebraMathematics EducationCurriculumPrimary Education
Proofs that the area of a circle is πr 2 can be found in mathematical literature dating as far back as the time of the Greeks. The early proofs, e.g. Archimedes, involved dividing the circle into wedges and then fitting the wedges... more
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      HistoryAlgebraCalculusComputer Science
In this paper we generalize the shortest path algorithm to the shortest cycles in each homotopy class on a surface with arbitrary topology, by utilizing the universal covering space (UCS) in algebraic topology. In order to store and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAlgebraGraph TheoryData Structure
In this paper, we present a view of kernels from a fuzzy set theoretical perspective. Indeed, it turns out that kernels which are positive-definite functions have to fulfill a consistency property given by the so-called T-transitivity of... more
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      EngineeringAlgebraPure MathematicsInformation Processing
Abstract. Let k be a field and let F⊂ k [x1,..., xn] be a finite set of monomials whose exponents lie on a positive hyperplane. We give necessary conditions for the normality of both the Rees algebra R [Ft] and the subring k [F]. If the... more
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      AlgebraAlgebraic GeometryGroup TheoryPure Mathematics
We prove that the double shuffle Lie algebra ds, dual to the space of new formal multiple zeta values, injects into the Kashiwara-Vergne Lie algebra krv 2 defined and studied by Alekseev-Torossian. The proof is based on a reformulation of... more
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      AlgebraPure MathematicsLie algebras
This work explores the deformation theory of algebraic structures in a very general setting. These structures include commutative, associative algebras, Lie algebras, and the infinity versions of these structures, the strongly homotopy... more
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      AlgebraLie AlgebraAssociative AlgebraPure Mathematics
The algebra of qualified relations proposed by Ceri and Pelagatti supports pruning of distributed database queries, minimizing the number of sites involved in evaluation. Domain interval typing in the framework of formal type inference... more
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      AlgebraComputer ScienceDistributed DatabaseInformation Retrieval
INTISARI Dalam tesis ini dianalisa mengenai model matematika peningkatan enzim hati akibat mono-infeksi HIV. Model ini dibangun atas dasar asumsi infeksi HIV hanya menyebabkan replikasi virus terjadi hanya pada sel CD4+, dan tidak terjadi... more
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      Applied MathematicsAlgebraChemistryInstructional Design
This paper discusses the case of one teacher, Jackie, whose instructional practices illuminate the importance of textbooks and student/parent expectations in shaping pedagogy. Jackie teaches in the Plainview district, which offers parents... more
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      MathematicsAlgebraMathematics EducationCase Studies
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      AlgebraStudent EngagementMetacognitionProblem Solving
Asphalt is a small component in the flexible pavement. As a binder, it is commonly needed 4 %-10 % of total mixtures of the mix design. In the mixed design have to consider the technical aspect and another aspects including to obtain... more
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      AlgebraChemistryInstructional DesignSoutheast Asian Studies
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      AlgebraPure Mathematics
An efficient technique to uncover the relationship between the representations of a group G and the representations of a subgroup H is to Ž . consider gradings by GrH , the class of the left H-cosets of G. This l w x method of study was... more
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      AlgebraPure Mathematics
In the first part of this paper we study prime ideals of the tensor product of the central closures of prime algebras. It is shown that some of the prime ideals are centrally generated. This extends a result of Nicholson and Watters [S],... more
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      AlgebraPure Mathematics
We clarify the relationship between basic constructions of semi-abelian category theory and the theory of ideals and clots in universal algebra. To name a few results in this frame, which establish connections between hitherto separated... more
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      AlgebraUniversal AlgebraCategory TheoryPure Mathematics
We present a sketch on a problem related to the isomorphism between the simple group of order 168 and the projective general linear group.
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      AlgebraGroup TheoryFinite Group TheoryAbstract Algebra
The paper derives the CSS construction for quantum codes over noncommutative rings. As an application, optimal quantum codes are derived from generalized Reed-Solomon codes over commutative and noncommutative rings. For this purpose, the... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryAlgebraQuantum Computing
Faculty members should determine the factors that contribute to poor performance of both teachers and students through regular monitoring and evaluation of the teaching and learning process. Teaching styles seem to vary as much as... more
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      PsychologyAlgebraComputer Science
Library are usually used by visitors as media to search a reference and obtain information. Problems at this time is that not many libraries have shaped the web information system for online services. This research aims to analyze and... more
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      Electrical EngineeringAlgebraSoftware EngineeringChemistry
We classify irreducible representations of the special linear groups in positive characteristic with small weight multiplicities with respect to the group rank and give estimates for the maximal weight multiplicities. For the natural... more
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      AlgebraPure Mathematics
Let L n (C) be the variety of complex n-dimensional Lie algebras. The group GL n (C) acts on it via change of basis. An orbit O(µ) under this action consists of all structures isomorphic to µ. The aim of this paper is to give a complete... more
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      MathematicsAlgebraLie AlgebraPure Mathematics
We use a recent result concerning the eigenvalues of a generic (non-Hermitian) complex perturbation of a bounded Hermitian sequence of matrices to prove that the asymptotic spectrum of the product of Toeplitz sequences, whose symbols have... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsAlgebraMathematical Sciences
Taking as a point of departure the vision of school algebra as a formalized meta-discourse of arithmetic, we have been following six pairs of 7th-grade students (12-13 years old) as they gradually modify their spontaneous meta-arithmetic... more
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This paper addresses the problem of parametric representation and estimation of complex planar curves in 2-D, surfaces in 3-D and nonplanar space curves in 3-D. Curves and surfaces can be defined either parametrically or implicitly, and... more
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      Information SystemsAlgebraComputer VisionPattern Recognition
In this article properties of the $(b, c)$-inverse, the inverse along an element, the outer inverse with prescribed range and null space $A^{(2)}_{T, S}$ and the Moore-Penrose inverse will be studied in the contexts of Banach spaces... more
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      MathematicsAlgebraGeneralized Inverses of OperatorsMathematical Analysis
Communicated by S. Donkin Dedicated to the memory of Maria Silvia Lucido MSC: 20C15 a b s t r a c t
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      AlgebraGroup TheoryPure Mathematics