16th Century Eastern Mediterranean
Recent papers in 16th Century Eastern Mediterranean
This present essay focuses on the information that Hispanic spies collected in the Levant during the sixteenth-century. Based on archival and literary sources, the study is built around the typical structure of a lyric opera to show the... more
Comment vivre au quotidien avec cet Autre que représente l'Étranger ? Par l'étude des " Turcs " musulmans installés à Venise au XVIe siècle, ce mémoire de recherche analyse l'histoire d'une rencontre, celle du citoyen de la République et... more
Η εικόνα από το μητροπολιτικό ναό της Χαλκίδας στην Εύβοια παρουσιάζει μια διαχρονικά σπάνια επιλογή για την απεικόνιση του Θεολόγου, αυτή της μετωπικής προσωπογραφίας. Την κεντρική μορφή συμπληρώνουν σε μικρογραφική κλίμακα η καθήμενη... more
Despite its undoubted importance, there has never been a volume dedicated entirely to studies of the historic city of Famagusta in the years which followed the siege of 1571. City of Empires: Ottoman and British Famagusta takes an... more
Yazar, Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi’ne, klasik jeopolitik kavramlar ve düşüncelerin iki boyutlu ve sınırlayıcı çerçevesinden ayrılıp değişik bir bakışla, bölgeyi üç boyutlu bir mekânsal ortamda çeşitli ideolojik yaklaşımların ve bunlarla... more
From the mid-sixteenth century the Venetians were facing increasing competition in shipping and trade in the eastern Mediterranean, both from the Ottomans and from those Western Europeans (French, English and Dutch) who had acquired... more
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile Avrupa devletleri arasındaki diplomatik ilişkilerin yakınlaşıp, geliştiği dönem 16. yüzyılın ilk yarısına rastlamakta idi. Bu hususun önem kazanmasında etkili olan isimler ise Osmanlı Sultanı I. Süleyman ve... more