Report to the Independent Board Committee
Prof. Dr. Flyvbjerg, Bent
Prof. Dr. Kao, Tsung-Chung
Assisted by
Dr. Budzier, Alexander
MTR Corporation Limited
Electronic copy available at:
Part I – Executive summary
Part II – Introduction
Part III – Verification of the First IBC Report
Part IV – 2017 delivery
Part V – Project management
Part VI – Budget control
Part VII – Reporting processes and presentation
Part VIII – Recommendations
Electronic copy available at:
Audit Committee
Handover Date
Audit Committee of the Board of MTRCL
Basement level 3
Basement level 4
Board of directors of MTRCL
Chief Executive Officer of MTRCL
Chairman of the Board
Customs, Immigration and Quarantine
CLP, the Hong Kong power company
China Railway Corporation
Capital Works Committee
Drill and blast
Degree-1 structure completion for track-laying and E&M
Down track line
Deputy CEO of MTRCL
Director of Highways
Delay recovery measure(s)
Electrical and Mechanical
The Engineer’s Representative means a person appointed
by the Engineer to watch, inspect and supervise the
execution of the works and to test and examine any
materials or workmanship to be used or provided by
All activities required for the planning, design,
construction, testing and commissioning in relation to the
Project, including railway works, property development
enabling works and miscellaneous works
Entrustment Agreement dated 26 January 2010
The programme for the execution of the Entrustment
4 August 2015, being the date set out in the Entrustment
Agreement (as may be adjusted in accordance with the
terms of that agreement) on which MTRCL estimated
that it would formally hand over the completed Project to
Executive Council of Hong Kong
Executive Committee of MTRCL
Finance Director of MTRCL
First IBC Report
GM fund
Reference Class
July Presentation
M&V Consultant
Projects Division
The first report by the IBC on XRL dated July 2014
General Manager (within MTRCL)
The budget under control of the MTRCL GM
Government of the HKSAR
Guangshen Railway Corporation
High-speed rail
Highways Department of the HKSAR
Internal Audit Department
Independent Board Committee
Initial Contract Control Total
The independent experts appointed by the IBC (being
Professor Tsung-Chung Kao and Professor Bent
A group of comparable, past urban-heavy rail, tunnelling
and high-speed rail projects used to benchmark the
A presentation on the programme status given by the PjT
to the CEO, DCEO, and FD on Saturday 13 July 2013
Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation
Key Performance Indicator, an indicator to measure the
performance of a contract
Monitoring and verification consultant appointed by
Minimum Operating Requirement. MOR was the term
used on occasion by members of the PjT to describe a
partial opening scenario for WKT to achieve opening in
2015 (as described in the July Presentation)
MTR Corporation Limited
Overhead lines
Overhead Ventilation Duct
Project Control Group
Project Integrated Management System
Projects Director of MTRCL
Project Team for the XRL. The PjT is within the Projects
Procurement & Contracts Department of MTRCL
XRL Project
Projects Division of MTRCL
Project Supervisory Committee of the XRL
Programme to Completion, as of 26 May 2014
Railway Development Office
Reference Class
Reference Class
Service Concession
Forecasting method used to validate the revised cost and
schedule forecasts. The method is outlined in Appendix 2.
Shatin-Central Link
The anticipated arrangement with Government for the
operation of the XRL, including running passenger
services, after completion of the Project
South Island Line
Testing and Commissioning
Tunnel Boring Machine used in the construction of the
Transport and Housing Bureau, Government of the
Temporary Traffic Management Scheme
Uptrack line
West Kowloon Terminus
Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong
Kong Express Rail Link
Part I – Executive summary
Verification of the First IBC Report
Reasons for the delay
International experience shows that HSR projects are notoriously
difficult to build to schedule and cost. It is not unusual for projects of
this size and complexity to be subject to delays and cost increases.
Building this type of project underground, including a main terminal,
in one of the most densely populated urban areas in the world – as is
the case for XRL – exacerbates the difficulties.
The Independent Experts found that the Project has an increased risk
profile compared to previous MTRCL projects, because XRL is of a
different project type (HSR), requires integration with Mainland rail
(cross-boundary issues) and follows a new organisational setup
(concession approach). Each of these contributing factors is a “first”
for MTRCL, increasing the risk profile of the Project. These are also
factors which MTRCL has recognised and addressed.
Verifying the more specific causes of the XRL delay listed in the First IBC
Report, the Independent Experts found ten causes to be particularly
important: (1) a fast-tracked front end of the project programme led to late
construction start, (2) unforeseen site conditions, (3) late arrival of TBMs
from the Mainland, (4) unreliability of TBMs, (5) interface issues, (6)
delays at the WKT site, (7) flooding, (8) lower than anticipated production
rates, (9) design changes and (10) labour shortages in an overheated
construction sector in Hong Kong aggravating the previous items.
The above issues resulted in a project with a design that was not fully
developed before construction started and which, when delayed, instead
of being able to catch up with the delay, became increasingly held up as
construction progressed.
Delay recovery measures
The Independent Experts observed that the PjT attempted to make up
for the delays to XRL through a long list of DRMs. In the view of the
Independent Experts, this showed that the PjT was pro-actively
addressing the challenges XRL faced.
However, in hindsight the DRMs were insufficient to finish the Project
by 2015. The Independent Experts found that the ineffectiveness of the
DRMs later became clear to the PjT and the PjD. However, only the
flooding incident at the contract 823A site on 30 March 2014 finally led
to the realisation that the delay, which had accumulated to 1.9 years,
was irrecoverable.
It is the view of the Independent Experts that relatively short actual
construction schedules for previous MTRCL projects gave the PjT
reason to assume a relatively short schedule (5.8 years) at the outset
for the Project. However, given site possession and design issues at
the start and a very short construction schedule for WKT (3.8 years),
delays to the overall Project were going to be very difficult to avoid
from when construction began. In the view of the Independent
Experts, the negative impact of unforeseen events on the schedule
was not so much caused by any flaw in engineering or project
management as by a lack of an adequate schedule contingency for
critical contracts that would have allowed the PjT to absorb
unforeseen events as they occurred. However, the late recognition
and reporting that the delay could not be recovered may be seen as a
flaw in communicating the project status, in the judgment of the
Independent Experts.
Project management
The Project is managed using MTRCL’s Project Integrated Management
System (PIMS). The PIMS has been used by MTRCL since 1992. The
Independent Experts found that, according to its users, and judged by
MTRCL’s past track record, the PIMS has proven effective for previous
MTRCL internal auditing has been conducted to ensure MTRCL’s
conformance to the PIMS. None of the internal audits has found any
evidence of significant non-compliance. However, only a self-declaration
process by the Project General Manager is in place to assure compliance
with the Compliance Manuals. The Independent Experts suggest that two
Compliance Manuals should be part of the several levels of auditing in
place for the Project going forward.
1.10 Nevertheless, despite the several avenues and layers of systematic
reporting and auditing, reporting on the issue of the irrecoverability
of delays relied on human judgment within the PjT and, especially,
on the PjD and GM. Optimistic assumptions regarding schedule and
DRMs led to the realisation that delays were irrecoverable only after
the flooding incident, despite critical voices on the PjT calling
attention to the issue earlier in the Project.
1.11 The Independent Experts found that facts about delays were openly
reported and the PjT proactively attempted to recover the Project
through DRMs. Yet, none of the reporting and audit systems
established by the PIMS “raised the flag” of irrecoverable project
1.12 It is the Independent Experts’ conclusion that the interpretation of
facts, and the responsibility for making the judgment as to whether
the 2015 opening date was to be considered feasible, ultimately
rested with a single person, namely the PjD. Moreover, the
Independent Experts found that a contributing factor to the PjD not
reporting, in a timely fashion, the irrecoverability of the delay was
that the current PIMS and Compliance Manuals lack systematic
indicators that would prescribe when reporting of delays of a certain
likelihood of irrecoverability must take place. Such systematic
indicators would have assisted the PjD in making this key reporting
1.13 In sum, the Independent Experts have not seen evidence that the PjT
has not followed the systems and procedures of the PIMS and
compliance manuals. The Independent Experts have seen evidence,
however, that there is scope for improving the systems and
procedures as regards systematic reporting on the effect of delays on
project programmes.
2017 delivery
1.14 The Independent Experts reviewed the XRL Programme to
Completion (PTC) and the Cost to Completion through a top-down
and bottom-up verification. The top-down verification was based on
a large sample of comparable international projects. The bottom-up
verification assessed the risks along the Project’s critical paths.
Is the projected completion date at end of 2017 reasonable?
1.15 The Independent Experts conducted a top-down assessment by
comparing the PTC to a reference class of comparable international
projects. Benchmarking the PTC against the time needed by these
projects to finish the final amount of work indicates that the PTC to
open XRL for passenger service by 2017 has currently a likelihood
of meeting the schedule of 69%, leaving a 31% risk of delay beyond
the end of 2017.
1.16 Benchmarking XRL against previous MTRCL, previous KCRC,
current MTRCL and international projects shows that (1) the original
and current schedule of the XRL is longer than the average schedule
of previous MTRCL and KCRC projects, (2) XRL is of similar
schedule length to the other four current MTRCL projects, (3)
construction delays in previous MTRCL and KCRC projects were
infrequent and minor compared to the international benchmark, (4)
delays in current MTRCL projects, except the XRL, are minor
compared to the international benchmark and (5) the current delay of
the XRL is in line with typical performance of comparable projects
in the international benchmark.
1.17 Analysing the PTC bottom-up, the Independent Experts found, that
currently the critical path comprises (1) WKT - contract 810A, (2)
Tai Kong Po to Shek Kong tunnel - contract 823A, (3) track-laying
and E&M installation and (4) testing & commissioning and trial
operations. The previously critical cross-boundary tunnel, contract
826, is not at present on the critical path of the PTC but could
become critical again due to current TBM issues.
1.18 First, performance of contract 810A is challenged by the lack of
progress made in excavating and follow-on concreting of the
underground structure of the WKT. Productivity is limited by
available spaces for excavating and removing soft grounds and rocks.
Currently, the contract is not achieving its planned productivity. In
the Independent Experts’ view the contract will be able to increase
productivity significantly once diaphragm action at the B3 level of
North Top-down Area is achieved. The use of explosives will also
de-risk this critical activity.
1.19 Second, contract 823A has only one key risk: the performance of the
TBMs. Extensive modifications and improvements have been made
to the machines following the drive for the first tunnel. The
Independent Experts tested the PTC assumptions and found that, if
the improvements are only half as effective as the PjT assumes, the
completion of contract 823A would still not impact the 2017 opening
date of the XRL.
1.20 Third, track-laying and E&M installation have begun in the finished
tunnelling sections. The PjT has taken steps to mitigate the impact of
the delay of the civil construction contracts. The Independent Experts
recommend that the E&M team prepares a detailed and wellintegrated contingency plan once the definite concreting plan of
WKT is in place. In the worst case, E&M might be able to absorb
additional delays of the 810A contract.
1.21 Fourth, testing & commissioning and trial operation have already
started. The Independent Experts have confirmed that MTRCL’s
Operations Division has a refined roadmap to move forward. However,
start of revenue operations in 2017 depends on resolving a list of
critical issues with external organisations. The most urgent of these
items are: the co-location of CIQ at WKT and signing the Service
Concession Agreement. In the Independent Experts’ judgment actions
to resolve these issues should not be relaxed due to the change of the
opening date to 2017. In particular, the CIQ arrangements need to be
resolved so that building designs can be finalised.
1.22 In sum, the top-down assessment shows that the target opening date
is more likely to be achieved than not. However, based on the
reference class of international projects, we found that 31% of those
projects took longer to complete than the current projected delay of
XRL. In other words, there is a 31% risk of further delays, judged by
the benchmark. Thus, the benchmarking against international
projects indicates that the Project is more likely than not to meet the
end of 2017 date, and an earlier date may even be achieved if
remaining delivery is effective and everything goes according to plan.
The Independent Experts find in the bottom-up assessment that the
critical contract 810A (WKT) is more uncertain because it has more
interdependencies and because as of yet the planned production rates
have not been achieved. Similarly, contract 823A has implemented
improvements but has yet to prove that the target productivity can be
achieved. However, with a well-coordinated contingency plan,
including E&M, track installation and operations preparations, the
2017 passenger service is most likely achievable.
Is the anticipated budget reasonable?
1.23 The Independent Experts conducted a top-down assessment of the
currently forecasted HK$71.5 billion outturn cost by comparing the
Project to the International Reference Class. The top-down
assessment of the HK$71.5 billion estimate for the XRL showed that
further cost increases are likely. According to this analysis, the
current cost estimate carries a 67% risk of being exceeded.
1.24 The bottom-up assessment identified that the contingency draw down
best reflects the key risks to the cost performance of XRL. The
Independent Experts used past patterns of contingency draw down to
challenge the Project’s cost estimate. The Independent Experts’
analysis shows that if the current trend of contingency draw down
continues the project contingencies will be used up soon and the
XRL is likely to exceed its HK$71.5 billion estimate.
1.25 The Independent Experts find that the HK$71.5 billion estimate
includes an insufficiently small buffer for unforeseen future events.
Based on the top-down and bottom-up assessment the Independent
Experts find that the HK$71.5 billion estimate will most likely be
exceeded. In the view of the Independent Experts, the main risks to
the Project cost are higher future costs of works, liability risks on
contested matters and revised assumptions of the current budget
Project management
1.26 The Independent Experts found that a root cause for the delay to
XRL was an ambitious schedule of implementation, which did not
provide sufficient contingencies for unforeseen events. Initial
optimism became apparent when key milestones were missed and
assumed rates of production not met. This challenging situation led
to a second round of optimism regarding the ability of DRMs to
make up for lost time and getting the schedule back on track.
1.27 The Independent Experts found that delays were openly reported and
that the PjT proactively attempted to recover the delays through
DRMs. However, the Independent Experts observed that after XRL
reported an amber traffic light for project progress in June and July
2011, XRL reported 34 consecutive red traffic lights against project
progress between August 2011 and May 2014. In the view of the
Independent Experts, this indicates that the indicator was not well
defined. The Independent Experts recommend using a traffic light
indicator reflecting the probability of achieving key dates instead.
1.28 The Independent Experts found that three channels exist in the
MTRCL project management process to expose and escalate project
management issues. The Independent Experts analysed why none of
the channels – the PIMS, the project audits and the project status
reporting by the PjT – raised the flag that delays may be becoming
1.29 First, the PIMS lacks a clear and cogent procedure for escalation of
issues of non-performance of projects beyond the PjT. The
Independent Experts recommend specific steps to strengthen the
reporting in particular to ensure that issues are better escalated in the
1.30 Second, project audits currently only focus on assuring compliance
to cost control and quality control processes. Programme audits are
part of the quality control process. In the view of the Independent
Experts, cost and programme are inseparable in project management,
the Independent Experts thus recommend to combine the audits of
programme and cost under the same body, with reports submitted to
the CWC pertaining to its oversight function for capital works. The
Independent Experts further found that MTRCL could strengthen the
audit channel by building a strong body for independent project
assurance that can escalate issues to the Board by enlarging the remit
of the internal and project audits.
1.31 Third, the Independent Experts observed that although delays for
each contract were factually and openly reported, the interpretation
of the consequences of delays and the responsibility for making this
judgment rested with a single person, namely the PjD supported by
the GM and the PjT. Improved reporting, that would communicate
the impact of delays in probability terms instead of on a binary on
schedule vs. behind schedule basis, might be more effective in
helping those responsible to make the difficult judgment that a
project is beyond recoverability.
1.32 Lastly, the Independent Experts recommend that the Board carefully
monitors the project management leadership situation through the
current transition period of change of PjD and CEO with a view to
minimizing or eliminating any risk to the Project from the change in
Budget control
1.33 The Independent Experts reviewed the current budget control
arrangements for the XRL. The root cause for the cost overrun is, in
the view of the Independent Experts, an initially tight budget. The
cost overrun traces back to two factors: (1) delays and (2) market
supply pressures in the overheated Hong Kong construction sector.
To address the risk of cost overruns in future projects the
Independent Experts made three recommendations, namely that
MTRCL use: (1) probabilistic cost indicators, (2) Reference Class
Forecasting to establish reasonable budgets and contingencies, as a
supplement to current costing practices and (3) a tiered contingency
fund for projects under the “concession approach”.
1.34 First, the Independent Experts found that MTRCL project outturn
costs are forecast using an event-based analysis. In the view of the
Independent Experts, this analysis is prone to optimism, particularly
in the assumptions about the future volume and impact of events that
may affect a project. The Independent Experts recommend the use of
a trending indicator of past contingency draw down to challenge and
verify the event-based outturn cost forecast. Such a leading indicator
could be reported as the probability of staying within the approved
budget. Alternatively, the current event-based analysis should include
a pessimistic scenario that assumes that the rate of future claims,
variation orders and DRMs is similar to the past rate of contingency
draw down.
1.35 Second, the Independent Experts recommend the use of Reference
Class Forecasting as a supplement to current costing practices and as
an effective method to challenge contingency estimates. The key, and
well-proven, advantage is that a Reference Class Forecast is firmly
based on empirical data and thus circumvents optimism in
assumptions. Had this method been used initially on the Project the
Reference Class Forecast would have identified that the original
budget had a 60-70% risk of being exceeded. Above, we have used a
modified Reference Class Forecasting approach that accounts for the
progress made in the Project to assess whether the current budget is
1.36 Third, projects under the “concession approach”, i.e. where Government
and not MTRCL funds the project, differ from projects under the
“ownership approach” by the budget being subject to the political
process and greater transparency. Establishing a tiered contingency fund
helps to set the right incentives, assure smooth project delivery, while
preventing a situation, where project contingencies are used up simply
because they are there and their size is common knowledge. A tiered
contingency approach needs to be tailored to the specific risks and
circumstances of each individual project.
1.37 The Independent Experts find that (1) the recently revised budget is
tight due to low contingencies, (2) it will be very challenging for
MTRCL to keep within the budget, (3) it is understandable that
MTRCL sets a tight budget in order to ensure the best possible
outturn cost, but this increases the likelihood of the budget being
insufficient and (4) a contingency for unknown unknowns should be
included, some of which could be controlled by Government.
Reporting processes and presentation
1.38 The Independent Expert reviewed the reports presented in the project
management meetings and the meeting minutes. The Independent
Experts found that detailed progress, cost, contractual, environmental
and safety information were presented. The Independent Experts also
found that these meetings were attended by all levels of XRL staff
and stakeholders. However, in the judgment of the Independent
Experts, all presentations on the progress of the Project fell short of a
tangible analysis to provide participants the opportunity to make a
judgment about the effects of the reported delays and the
effectiveness of the proposed DRMs.
1.39 The Independent Experts propose to enhance project reporting by
introducing simple probability-based indicators. These indicators use
programme information already reported in the project dashboards.
The Independent Experts recommend to use indicators, such as the
Schedule Recovery Index, to communicate by how much the project
would have to improve for the remainder of the works to meet the
opening date.
1.40 As described above, the Independent Experts observed that XRL
reported red lights for a prolonged period in time. To ensure that a
red light is meaningful and thus gets the needed attention, the
definition of red lights should be tailored to the available buffers and
contingencies in a project instead of being consistent across all
projects. The Independent Experts further recommend to define clear
rules that a project cannot report more than a given number of
consecutive red lights, depending on the overall length of the project.
Reporting several red lights in a row should trigger a process to
review the project. The review should produce an actionable plan for
a project turn-around, e.g. how to compress future phases, or rebaselining the project. Also, red lights in a project need to be linked
to a clear and transparently communicated plan of actions with clear
accountabilities and deadlines to bring project performance back on
1.41 Lastly, the Independent Experts considered the level of senior
participation in the oversight of MTRCL’s projects. In the view of
the Independent Experts, the newly established Capital Works
Committee and the Risk Committee have merit in this regard. In the
view of the Independent Experts, the information available in current
dashboards and status reports, with the recommended enhancements,
would be sufficient for the committees to effectively support and
oversee the projects.
1.42 The Independent Experts made recommendations regarding (1)
enhancing project management to de-risk the critical path contracts,
(2) enhancing budget control, (3) enhancing reporting processes and
presentation and (4) key reporting milestones.
1.43 First, to de-risk the critical path contracts the Independent Experts
recommend that the XRL site team, the contractor and the
Government’s engineers work closely and cooperatively as “one
team”. Similarly, MTRCL senior management and the Board should
establish a close communication between MTRCL, contractors and
Government at the most senior level through informal meetings. This
should ensure that the best talent and sufficient resources are
allocated to the critical contracts, that the best productivity is
achieved and that all parties are firmly committed to the 2017
opening date. This should also ensure that the critical outstanding
testing and commissioning issues are addressed with urgency.
Moreover, an effective and fully-integrated contingency plan is
needed for the Project to be ready in case the worst-case scenario
develops at WKT.
1.44 Second, the Independent Experts found that the key cost risks for the
Project are best reflected in the draw down of contingencies. The
Independent Experts recommend introducing a probability-based
KPI to track how likely the Project is to stay on budget. Moreover,
the HK$71.5 billion estimate should be re-evaluated in the light of
the Independent Experts’ assessment. Lastly, going forward the
Independent Experts recommend, in particular for “concession
approach” projects, that Reference Class Forecasts are used in
addition to current cost estimation practices to establish a tiered
contingency fund, where different levels of contingency are held by
the project, MTRCL and Government.
1.45 Third, the Independent Experts recommend strengthening project
reporting through: tailoring the traffic light criteria, using indicators
that show the probability of achieving project targets. Moreover,
MTRCL should establish an independent channel or strengthen the
project audits to escalate issues to top management. This could be
achieved by enlarging the remit of the project audits and providing
guidelines for issues to be escalated. The Independent Experts also
recommend establishing clear accountability for recovering delays as
part of project reporting: red lights in a project need to be linked to a
clear plan of actions with clear accountabilities and deadlines for
bringing project performance back on track.
1.46 Fourth, the Independent Experts reviewed the PTC and the milestones
of the XRL. The Independent Experts, together with the PjT, identified
key milestones for the XRL and key KPIs to track progress towards the
milestones. The Independent Experts recommend that these milestones
and KPIs are closely monitored. Once these milestones are achieved the
schedule and cost risks of XRL will change and the remaining risks
should be reassessed. Table 1 and Table 2 list the milestones and KPIs.
Table 1. Key reporting milestones to the Board
Re-launching of both north and south U/T TBM
Complete D&B excavation
Achieve B3 diaphragm action in north top-down
Complete Central Stability System and South
Stability System
Complete South Stability System statutory
Complete south U/T TBM excavation
Complete U/T and D/T TBM excavation
Erect all roof trusses
Degree-1 completion of TBM tunnels for track-laying
Complete track-laying for mainline D/T
Degree-1 completion of D&B tunnels for track-laying
Complete B4 / OHVD and platform track-laying
for the first 4 tracks
Complete north U/T TBM excavation
Energise OHL for pilot section
Complete statutory inspections for ventilation
Complete track-laying for mainline U/T
Energise OHL for dynamic testing of trains in
mainline from Nam Cheong to Mai Po, both Up
and Down Track
Complete statutory inspections WKT
Complete WKT track-laying
Dynamic testing of Whole Line Dynamic
Complete integration T&C with Mainland
Commence Trial Running
Nov 2014
Dec 2014
Mar 2015
Apr 2015
June 2015
Jul 2015
Aug 2015
Dec 2015
Dec 2015
Dec 2015
Feb 2016
Aug 2016
Sep 2016
Sep 2016
Oct 2016
Nov 2016
Jan 2017
Jan 2017
Jan 2017
Feb 2017
May 2017
Aug 2017
Table 2. KPIs to track key milestones
Contract Milestone
Complete D&B excavation
Achieve B3 diaphragm action in
north top-down area
Complete Central Stability System
and South Stability System
Complete south U/T TBM
Complete U/T and D/T TBM
Erect all roof trusses
Degree-1 completion of TBM
tunnels for track-laying
Complete track-laying for mainline
Degree-1 completion of D&B
tunnels for track-laying
Complete B4 / OHVD and platform
track-laying for the first 4 tracks
Complete north U/T TBM
Complete track-laying for mainline
WKT track-laying completed
Excavation rate
Concrete production
Steel production
Excavation rate
Excavation rate
Steel production
(temporary and
Concrete production
Track-laying production
Concrete production
Concrete production
Excavation rate
Track-laying production
Track-laying production
Part II – Introduction
Following the announcement by the MTRCL on 15 April 2014 of a
revised completion date for XRL of 2017 and the resultant public
debate, the Board established the IBC at its meeting on 29 April 2014.
The IBC consisted of six of the independent non-executive directors
on the Board.
As part of its terms of reference, the IBC was requested by the Board
to review the background of and reasons for the revised schedule for
the Project.
The IBC published its first report which was focused on the matters
above in July 2014.
The IBC’s terms of reference also asked the IBC to look forward and
advise on how MTRCL can deliver the Project in a transparent and
timely manner and in accordance with MTRCL’s obligations under
the Entrustment Agreement.
The IBC appointed two independent experts (the Independent Experts)
to assist with its review. This report, authored by the Independent
Experts, forms part of the IBC’s second report.
The Project
XRL refers to the 26km long Hong Kong section of the GuangzhouShenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link which will run from West
Kowloon in Hong Kong to the boundary of Hong Kong and
Shenzhen. XRL will connect with the 16,000km National Highspeed Railway Network in the PRC and is intended to enhance Hong
Kong’s role as the southern gateway to the Mainland.
The Project to construct XRL is large and complex. It involves the
construction of a new underground railway system and subterranean
passenger terminal in the middle of a densely populated urban area.
It requires the engagement and co-ordination of multiple contractors
at each of the different phases of its PTC. Finally it involves
coordination with Government and other stakeholders.
XRL is the first railway project to be constructed in Hong Kong
under the concession approach. This means that Government pays
for the construction of the railway, bears the construction risk and
shares the operational risk of the railway. The ownership stays with
Government, while an operator will be invited to undertake the
running of the railway.
Terms of reference for the Independent Experts
The IBC asked the Independent Experts to:
i. Verify the First IBC Report:
Review the First IBC Report and assess and verify the findings
of the IBC in that report to the extent such findings relate or
refer to technical matters or project management procedures
and processes regarding the Project;
ii. Assess 2017 delivery:
Consider whether, on the basis of the information currently
available, the Expert believes that: (i) the projected completion
date of the Project by the end of 2017 is reasonable and (ii) the
anticipated budget for the completion of the Project is reasonable;
Describe key risks that may arise between now and the
completion of the Project which may affect completion in
2017 (or completion of the Project on a timely and cost
effective basis) and how mitigation for such risks is being
implemented (or what additional mitigation measures may be
Identify and recommend key reporting milestones (technical,
engineering, E&M, works etc.) in the future project programme
for reports to the Board to facilitate monitoring of the progress of
the Project toward completion in 2017;
iii. Assess and make recommendations regarding project management:
Taking into account the causes of delay described in the First
IBC Report and delay mitigation and DRMs already put in
place or developed by the PjT since January 2010, recommend
any enhancements the Expert may see as appropriate to the
project management of the Project (including reporting to
stakeholders) in order to better ensure the completion of the
Project in as timely and cost effective manner as possible;
iv. Recommend improvements to budget control:
Recommend any enhancements to budget control and reporting
systems within the project management of the Project;
Recommend key reporting milestones in the future project
programme for reports to the Board to facilitate monitoring of
the actual Project budget against the proposed Project budget
and anticipated eventual costs outturn;
v. Recommend improvements to reporting processes and presentation:
Recommend any enhancements to the systems within the
project management structure for the monitoring and reporting
of: (i) progress toward the key reporting milestones and (ii)
developments that may affect the seriousness of risks identified
already by the PjT or subsequently by the Expert; and
Recommend any enhancements to the reporting of progress of the
Project in order to better ensure transparency and accessibility for
all stakeholders or recipients of respective reports. This may
include recommendations regarding the presentation and format
of such reports as well as their content.
2.10 For the purposes of completing the scope of work described above,
the Independent Experts:
i. Reviewed the First IBC Report and all underlying documents referred
to in that report;
ii. Liaised with and/or interviewed members of the PjT;
iii. Visited contract area sites;
iv. Reviewed documents of MTRCL regarding project management of
XRL. These included among others:
The project procedures and manuals for the Project;
Internal reports within the PjT (including reports to the PCG);
Reports produced by the PjT to each of the relevant stakeholders
and assurance bodies established within and outside the Project
including: the PSC and ExCom; and
The 2010 Entrustment Agreement.
2.11 The Independent Experts were asked to produce a report setting out
the Independent Experts’ findings and recommendations.
2.12 The Independent Experts wish to acknowledge and are grateful for
the co-operation they have received from the IBC and all staff and
officers of MTRCL whom they have approached for assistance in the
preparation of this report or whom they have asked to give evidence
during their review.
Part III – Verification of the First IBC Report
The Independent Experts were asked to review the First IBC Report
and assess and verify the findings of the IBC in that report to the
extent such findings relate or refer to technical matters or project
management procedures and processes regarding the Project.
The Independent Experts' assessment and verification focussed on three
areas: (1) the reasons for delay of the Project, (2) the DRMs taken by the
PjT to manage the delays and (3) the project management system of XRL.
Delay of the Project
IBC finding 5.1: “The reasons for delay to the Project are numerous.
Some apply to the Project as a whole, including labour shortage issues
which are affecting all construction projects in Hong Kong, other
reasons vary by contract area and may relate, for example, to local
geology, different site access issues in the early phases of the Project or
unforeseen events occurring. More specifically, for contract 810A
(WKT), progress had been and is still affected by unfavourable ground
conditions, utility diversion complications, site co-ordination and
inadequate work fronts. For contract 826 (cross-boundary tunnelling),
progress had been affected by the late arrival of the TBMs from the
Mainland. For contract 823A (Yuen Long Tunnel section), progress had
been affected by the slow excavation rate of the two TBMs. The
flooding of one of the TBM tunnels has made things worse. The key
causes of delay in the different contract areas are described in Part IV.
These descriptions are based on information provided to the IBC by the
PjD and members of the PjT.”
XRL is the world’s first all-underground HSR line and WKT is the
largest excavated underground HSR station in the world. The Project
will link Hong Kong to the 16,000 km of HSR in China and create a
transport hub in West Kowloon, which will also be home for future
commercial development and office buildings.
International experience shows that HSR, tunnelling and urban heavy
rail projects are notoriously difficult to build to schedule and cost.
Building this type of project underground, including a main terminal,
in one of the most densely populated urban areas in the world – as is
the case for XRL – exacerbates the difficulties.
It is not unusual for projects of the size and complexity of the Project to
be subject to delays. In a benchmarking carried out by the Independent
Experts, based on a reference class of 59 comparable projects, 7 out of
10 projects (70%) experienced delays; the average delay for these 59
projects was 2.8 years, or +43% measured against the baseline at the
time of the decision to build. For previous, completed MTRCL projects
(5 total) the frequency of delays was 40% 1 , measured against the
planned opening dates in the project agreements. The average delay for
all previous MTRCL projects was +3%. Previous KCRC projects
experienced delays in 40% of the projects. The previous KCRC
projects were delayed by on average +1%. To compare, the delay of the
Project is at present 1.9 years, or 32% measured against the opening
date in the Entrustment Agreement.
The Independent Experts verified the immediate causes of the delays
to XRL as outlined in the First IBC Report. The Independent Experts
found that the Project had an increased risk profile compared to
previous MTRCL projects, because XRL is of a different project type
(HSR), requires integration with Mainland rail (cross-boundary
issues) and follows a new organisational setup (concession approach).
Each of these contributing factors is a “first” for MTRCL.
The Independent Experts observed that, from the start of the Project,
MTRCL has taken steps to address these increased risks. MTRCL
sought experienced engineers and experts in the construction of HSR
projects in order to assist it with the construction of XRL.
In respect of the risk profile associated with the integration with
Mainland rail, the Independent Experts were told that the Project actively
monitored issues, such as the progress of the TBMs before handover, and
pro-actively solved issues that were arising, such as securing additional
spoil disposal site through working with Government and its Chinese
counterparts. However, risks remain which will be discussed below.
3.10 In respect of the risk profile associated with the Project following the
“concession approach”, the Entrustment Agreement did not require
changes to the MTRCL project management structures and processes.
MTRCL corporate and project management stated in interviews with
1 These two projects include the Lantau Airport Railway, which was delayed by 6 days to open with the airport and the Quarry Bay
Congestion Relief Works, which were delayed by approximately 11 months.
the Independent Experts that they believe that the MTRCL project
management system is fit for purpose for projects under the
“concession approach”. The Independent Experts observed, however,
that the “concession approach” has increased the need for public
transparency, scrutiny and communication with Government.
3.11 The Independent Experts further found the following causes of delay
to be particularly important by reference to the size of the delays they
caused. These causes have been verified by document review and
Fast-tracked front end and resulting site possession issues,
unfinished detailed design and pending gazettal issues led to
late construction start and design changes during construction;
Unforeseen site conditions, e.g. unfavourable ground conditions,
obstructions in the ground and complicated utility diversion;
Late arrival of TBMs from the Mainland;
Reliability of TBM;
Interface issues;
Delays at the WKT site;
Lower than anticipated production rates;
Design changes; and
The above items were aggravated by an overheated construction
sector in Hong Kong with labour shortages, including for frontline
Fast-tracked front end and site possession issues
3.12 Compared to the benchmark of international projects, XRL was
planned with a shorter than usual front-end for the project programme
(as explained further below). In transport projects the acquisition of
rights of way prior to construction start is a frequent cause of schedule
and budget increases. For Hong Kong rail projects, the front-end
process from ExCo policy support to signing the project agreement
includes the gazettal of the scheme and the gazettal of amendments to
the scheme. The time between these gazettals reflects the time needed
by projects to address objections regarding their environmental and
social impact.
3.13 The other four MTRCL projects currently under construction took on
average 45 months from ExCo policy support to project agreement,
ranging from 38 months (Kwun Tong Line Extension) to 51 months
(West Island Line, Shatin Central Link). The international benchmark
shows that the average length of the front-end process is 37 months.
XRL completed the front-end process in 22 months. This is significantly
shorter than the other four projects under construction and the
international benchmark. Construction on XRL was planned to start
immediately after the Entrustment Agreement was signed in January
2010. The protests and the delayed site possessions demonstrated that,
due to the fast tracking, objections of external stakeholders had not been
fully addressed. Subsequently, late site possession delayed the start of
construction by 225 days (contract 823A) and 130 days (contract 823B),
respectively. The Independent Experts understand that this problem was
recognised by MTRCL. However, the planned 2015 opening date was
not moved. In interviews, the PjT acknowledged that in hindsight
MTRCL should have renegotiated the opening date instead of relying on
schedule compression.
Unforeseen site conditions
3.14 Unforeseen site conditions were encountered in nearly all contracts:
Contract 802 (Nam Cheong Property Foundation Removal and
Re-provisioning) was delayed by deformed H-piles. The piles
were expected to be straight but when extraction started the piles
were found to be bent like hooks, which required different
equipment and a change in extraction method;
Contract 803A and 803D were delayed by the unexpected
presence of boulders during construction of the diaphragm
wall for WKT site 810A;
Contract 810B was delayed by unforeseen ground conditions
and late diversion of an 11kV cable;
Contract 811A was delayed due to artificial obstructions,
marine deposits and other ground condition issues;
Contract 811B was delayed by high rock heads, weak seams
and boulders north of Jordan Road during diaphragm wall
Contract 820 was delayed by steel obstructions in the ground.
Additional delays were incurred when the TBM encountered
voids and suffered ground loss at Hoi Ting Road;
Contract 821 was delayed by higher than expected ingress of
water and other minor contributing factors;
Contract 822 was delayed by poor rock quality and ingress of
Contract 823A was delayed by high rock levels during
construction of the TBM launch shaft. The tunnel drive was
further delayed due to shallow soft and mixed ground and air
Contract 823B was delayed by high rock levels;
Contract 824 was delayed by high water ingress and unexpected
amounts of cobbles and boulders during the construction of the
Ngau Tam Mei launch shaft; and
Contract 825 was delayed due to unforeseen ground conditions
and due to a sinkhole forming.
Late arrivals of TBMs from the Mainland
3.15 The late arrival of the TBMs from China Mainland delayed contract
826 by 403 days for the D/T tunnel and by 464 days for the U/T
tunnel. Initially the TBMs were expected in July 2012 and September
2012; the actual handovers happened on 27 November 2013 and 13
March 2014.
Reliability of TBMs
3.16 The Independent Experts understand that contracts 826 and 823A
experienced reliability issues with their TBMs:
i. Contract 823A was delayed due to breakdowns of the north TBM and was
slowed down by low productivity of the TBM. In interviews, the
Independent Experts questioned whether the TBM was fit for purpose.
The PjT appear independently to have recognised the TBM issues and has
continuously carried out improvements to the design and construction of
the TBMs. The TBM issues were further aggravated by the unavailability
of engineers from the TBM manufacturer; and
ii. Contract 826 was delayed due to a severely damaged TBM, with the
damage only discovered upon handover from the China Mainland
section. Moreover, repairs and maintenance of the TBM are complicated
by the above ground presence of fishponds, which have prevented the
PjT from constructing a safe haven for the TBMs. Safe havens are
designated zones of the tunnel in which compressed air interventions can
be carried out in difficult ground conditions without the risk of air leaks.
Safe havens are constructed by grouting a tunnel section from the top.
The above ground site restrictions thus slowed down the maintenance
and repairs of contract 826.
Interface issues
3.17 Interface issues led to a late site possession of Jordan road which
delayed contract 811B. Other examples of interface issues are as
Contract 811B was further delayed due to late utility diversions
in 803A;
Contract 810B was delayed due to late completion of D-wall
in 803D;
Contract 811A was delayed due to late site possessions of contract
Contract 810A was delayed at the north top down area due to a
combination of delays from 811B; and
Delays to completion of front end 803A and 803D diaphragm
wall contracts at WKT led to delays in contract award and the
need to change the scope of the 810B and 810A contracts.
Delays at WKT site
3.18 Among the contracts in the Project, 810A (WKT) is the largest, most
complicated and most difficult to construct. The contract has been
made even more troublesome due to delays on adjacent contracts
(810B and 811B), as a consequence of which award of 810A was not
possible until 18 October 2011. The contract commenced on 24
October 2011, which left only 3 years and 10 months to complete the
Whole of Works for the contract to be ready for passenger service by
August 2015. This was an extremely ambitious, if not impossible,
schedule from the outset, in the judgment of the Independent Experts.
3.19 Delay factors at 810A include coupler steel quality issues2, experienced
between August and September 2013, and other delays primarily due to
interfacing issues, unanticipated movement of the diaphragm wall,
temporary works design progress and quality and performance issues
with sub-contractors and suppliers.
Flooding at 823A
3.20 A “black rain” storm on 30 March 2014 flooded a tunnel at 823A
as described in detail in the First IBC Report. The flooding led to a
4-month delay due to severe damage to the electronic components
of the TBM in that tunnel. The repairs were finished in July 2014
and the tunnel break-through was achieved in August 2014.
Low production rates
3.21 Production rates have fallen short of programme projections in
nearly all contracts. This includes quality and performance issues
with the Mainland roof fabrication (contract 810A), which were
rectified through increased inspection at the fabrication yard. Lower
than expected excavation rates have led to delays for contracts 810B,
811B, 822, 823A, 824, 825 and 826. For instance, contract 823A
achieved only 30% of the planned excavation rate even before the
flooding at the end of March 2014.
Design changes
3.22 Early in the Project, design changes have led to delays. Contract
810A has been delayed by the progress of designing temporary
works structures. Contract 810B has been delayed by the redesign of
the B1 slabs. Contract 811A has been delayed by design changes to
the temporary replacement bridges and by design changes to the
MKV building. In the view of the Independent Experts, the key
reason for the design changes was the fast tracked front-end process
of the Project.
2 Couplers are used to couple two steel reinforcement sections before pouring concrete into the structure.
Labour shortages
3.23 Currently MTRCL is developing five projects concurrently, all under
construction with the first planned to complete in 2014 (West Island
Line). All MTRCL projects are overseen by the Board, the ExCom
and the PjD. Moreover, they share central MTRCL functions such as
communication, compliance and procurement. In the interviews with
the Independent Experts, the PjT and central functions stated that the
increased number of concurrent projects has not stretched central
resources or slowed down decision making processes. However,
MTRCL’s management and the PjT recognise that the large number
of concurrent projects might have further aggravated labour
shortages experienced in the overheated Hong Kong construction
sector and delayed the Project in this manner and prevented DRMs
from being fully effective.
3.24 Nearly all contractors experienced labour shortages across all trades
and subtrades. On average a 20% labour shortage has been experienced
by all five concurrent MTRCL projects, including the West Island Line,
South Island Line, Kwun Tong Line Extension, Shatin to Central Link
and XRL. In particular, on XRL, contract 822 experienced a shortage of
tunnel workers. Contract 824 lacked tunnel supervisors. Contract 823B
was delayed by labour shortages at the cut-and-cover segment.
3.25 The above issues resulted in a project, which faced significant
challenges to its original programme before construction started and
which continuously suffered delays, instead of being able to catch up
with the delay, as construction progressed.
Delay recovery measures
3.26 IBC Finding 5.3: “The IBC has not identified any systemic flaw in
the engineering aspects of the project management process which
would suggest that those delays should have been avoided or
reasonably could have been handled better.”
3.27 The MTRCL engineering process manages delays by instructing
contractors to develop and implement DRMs aimed at meeting the
scheduled opening date.
3.28 The Independent Experts observed that the PjT attempted to make up for
delays through a long list of DRMs. All contracts, except contracts 802
and 821, developed and implemented DRMs in an attempt to achieve the
2015 opening date. In the case of contracts 823A and B, multiple DRMs
were bundled into Supplementary Agreements with the contractor. The
DRMs demonstrate the effort of the PjT to actively try and manage
circumstances in order to achieve the 2015 opening date and to mitigate
the delays resulting from the specific causes mentioned above.
3.29 PjT was clearly pro-active on this point. In interviews, PjT members
made comments such as: “We want to demonstrate that we are not a
sitting duck, but that we are compressing the schedule.” Their proactive mindset was also evidenced by the various expert panels and
peer reviews for critical construction problems (e.g. tunnelling, roof
construction). For example, when the mainland tunnelling section
showed delays the MTRCL Project team actively consulted the
mainland team to address the performance shortfall, e.g. through
working with HK RDO and SZ RDO to enlarge the ground level
works area, install additional cranes in the access area and secure an
additional spoil disposal site.
3.30 Whilst the proposed DRMs were undertaken in good faith with the
clear objective of recovering delays and completing the Project by
2015, in hindsight and taking into account the on-going effect of
other delay events, the DRMs implemented were insufficient to
finish the Project by 2015.
3.31 The Independent Experts have reviewed the DRMs implemented in
each contract area as listed in Table 3. These DRMs cover changes to
construction methods, hours, sequencing, layout of work areas and
designs. The tunnelling contracts, in particular, made numerous
modifications to the TBMs to increase productivity and reliability of
the machines.
Table 3. Examples of DRMs (as of April 2014)
No. of
used as
Contract of 03/14
No. of
No of
Changes to construction method, changes
to temporary structures, changes in struts
and D-Wall design, improving works
area (e.g. ramps), re-sequencing (e.g.
erection before diaphragm action), noise
mitigation to extend working hours
Change in construction methods (e.g.
shear keys), improvement to works
access (e.g. ramps), spoil disposal, resequencing (slab construction, Austin
Road West Underpass)
Extension of work hours, additional
D-Wall, changes to methods (bituthene
board), design (e.g. base slab area) and
layout of construction site
Construction method (e.g. top down
instead of bottom up for Lin Cheung
Rd, pre-splitting, breakwater removal),
layout of works area (e.g. temporary
traffic flow of Jordan Rd, temporary
foot bridge, Lin Cheung Rd flips), resequencing (P-Way access), extended
working hours (E&M) and additional
resources (D-Wall plant)
TBM modifications, re-sequencing
of TBM drives and tunnel box
construction, adding 3rd shift
Enlargement of Ventilation Adit,
additional shutters
Second TBM, overtime working, resequencing various works, change to
tunnel box design
(Several DRMs were basis of a
Supplemental Agreement; additional
DRMs are being implemented now,
incl. various improvements to the
No. of
used as
Contract of 03/14
No. of
No of
Changes to design (height of piles,
block walls), relocation of the
dismantling area for the TBMs into
the tunnel to allow build-out of shaft
Use of one additional TBM and
conveyor belt system (incl. work gangs,
trains, spoil pit), relocation of cross
passages to more favourable ground,
increase openings to improve access
points for track-laying contractors
Changes in design (e.g. shortening
of section, adding ‘Stage 2B’ for
dismantling TBM), re-sequencing
(e.g. buffer zone and concurrent cross
passage way construction, concurrent
construction of invert and walkways),
change in construction method (jet
grouting instead of bulkhead)
3.32 Ultimately, the net effect of the above issues led to the delay of the
opening date of XRL from 2015 to 2017.
3.33 It is the view of the Independent Experts that given the ambitious
initial schedule estimate and the site possession issues at the outset,
delays were near-certain from the start of construction. In the view of
the Independent Experts, the negative impact of unforeseen events on
the schedule was not so much caused by any flaw in engineering or
project management as by a lack of sufficient schedule contingency
that would allow the PjT to absorb unforeseen events as they
occurred. However, the late recognition and reporting of the
inevitability of the delay may be seen as a flaw in communicating the
Project’s progress and status (further below and in Part V).
Management of the Project
3.34 IBC Finding 5.4: “The IBC has not seen any evidence to suggest that in
their day-to-day work the PjT has not followed the systems and
procedures established in accordance with the requirements of the
Entrustment Agreement and vetted by Government and the independent
M&V consultant.”
3.35 The Project is managed using MTRCL’s Project Integrated Management
System (PIMS). The PIMS has been developed since 1992 and was first
used at the Lantau and Airport Railway Project in 1992. Following the
KCRC-MTRCL merger in 2006/2007, the PIMS reflects the collection
of best practices used at both organisations. The PIMS is continuously
updated and improved through changes overseen by a special steering
group that meets on a quarterly basis. The aim of the PIMS is to provide
a documented management system that meets international standards for
quality, safety, environment, risk and asset management. The PIMS is
ISO 9001 certified. The PIMS is implemented in MTRCL’s projects
through the use of a series of project manuals and practice notes.
Projects’ compliance with PIMS is audited through internal audits and
self-quality audits.
3.36 The Independent Experts found that according to its users the PIMS has
proven effective for past projects under the “Ownership Approach”.
Specifically, the PIMS has been successfully used in all nine MTRCL
projects since 1994. The PIMS was adapted to the new “Concession
Approach” for the Project and two special “Compliance Manuals” based
on the entrustment agreements between MTRCL and Government were
prepared by MTRCL for its own internal use. These two manuals set out
the compliance actions against the requirements under the two entrustment
agreements signed with Government on 24 November 2008 and 26
January 2010.
3.37 To assess the suitability of the PIMS for the two concession projects
XRL and SCL, MTRCL commissioned independent reviews of the
internal controls framework and the PIMS in 2008. These reviews
found the PIMS to be fit for purpose and to be complete, robust and
comparable to best practice.
3.38 Several levels of auditing, including MTRCL internal auditing and
audits by the Government-appointed M&V auditor, have been
conducted to ensure MTRCL’s conformance to the PIMS. The M&V
audits, as well as the 2013 Internal Quality Audits, Self Quality
Audits and Technical Audits, have found no evidence of significant
3.39 The Independent Experts are reasonably satisfied by the audits that
the processes of the PIMS have been followed by the PjT.
3.40 For example, the M&V audit reports reviewed by the Independent
Experts demonstrated that the auditor challenged the Project on
aspects of technical designs as well as programming issues. In April
2013, the M&V list of critical issues included slow progress at
contract 826 and warns of a delay of 17-19 months. The M&V list of
critical issues from August 2013 estimates a delay of 9.5 months and
posed the following question: “…what allowance has MTRCL made
in its overall calculations for the critical delays at WKT and
Contracts 820 and 826?” The response from MTRCL management
was: “The current delays at WKT, 820 and 826 are being monitored
closely and their impacts to the Project is being assessed and
reviewed.” The M&V audit of 12 September 2013 found that key
dates were being missed and that track access had been impacted.
The Independent Experts were not presented with evidence that
MTRCL’s responses did not satisfy the M&V auditor.
3.41 Similarly, the Audit Committee was briefed by the PjD on the XRL
progress. On 7 February 2012 the Committee found that “XRL was
slightly behind schedule […] At this point of time, Mr. Chew was still
confident [of] a completion by August or September of 2015” and on
14 August, 2013: “In general all five new lines/extensions […] had
been progressing in line as planned and project delivery was
expected to be on time with some challenges though. Budget
management was satisfactory and still under control notwithstanding
the volume of claims in place […] there would still be many
challenges to overcome […] DRMs were being taken by Management
to maintain [the] programme.”
3.42 Nevertheless, despite the several avenues and layers of systematic
reporting and auditing, reporting on the issue of the irrecoverability
of delays relied on human judgment within the PjT and, especially,
on the PjD and GM.
3.43 The Independent Experts found that facts about delays were openly
reported and the PjT proactively attempted to recover the Project
through DRMs.
3.44 It is the Independent Experts’ conclusion that the interpretation of
facts and the responsibility for making the judgment as to whether
the 2015 opening date was to be considered feasible ultimately
rested with a single person only, namely the PjD. Moreover, the
Independent Experts found that a contributing factor to why the
PjD did not report the irrecoverability of the delay until April 2014
is that the current PIMS and Compliance Manuals do not include
systematic indicators that would prescribe when reporting of
delays of a certain size and likelihood of irrecoverability must take
place. Such indicators would have assisted the PjD in making this
key reporting decision.
3.45 Instead, the current practice of reporting a delay as being beyond
recoverability relies on intuitive judgment by the PjD aided by past
experience, supported by the interpretations and experience of other
members of the PjT. This judgment call is made all the more difficult
due to its binary nature, i.e. a “yes” or a “no” as to whether the schedule
may still be recovered. Reversing the Project’s position that the planned
opening was no longer feasible and that delays were irrecoverable was
particularly challenging given the stakeholders’ expectations. In Parts
V-VII below, the Independent Experts recommend improvements to the
processes and procedures for reporting on the progress of the Project
against its programme. This is done in order to strengthen the existing
reporting systems and to ensure that the three available channels (the
PjT status reporting, the KPI-based project management system and the
internal and external auditors) can “raise the flag” of irrecoverable
project delay in future projects.
3.46 In sum, the Independent Experts have not seen evidence that the PjT
have not followed the systems and procedures of the PIMS and
compliance manuals. The Independent Experts have seen evidence,
however, that there is scope for improving these systems and
procedures as regards systematic reporting on the effect of delays on
project programmes.
3.47 The Independent Experts were asked to verify the First IBC Report.
The Independent Experts found that the specific causes reported by
the IBC indeed resulted in a project, which experienced significant
delays to its original programme before construction started and
which suffered further delays, instead of being able to catch up with
the delay, as construction progressed.
3.48 Moreover, the Independent Experts found that given the ambitious
initial schedule estimate and the site possession issues at the outset,
delays were near-certain from the start of construction. In the view of
the Independent Experts, the negative impact of unforeseen events on
the schedule was not so much caused by any flaw in engineering or
project management as by a lack of an adequate schedule contingency
that would allow the PjT to absorb unforeseen events as they occurred.
The Independent Experts have observed that the PjT was very proactive
in pursuing DRMs. However, the late recognition and reporting of the
irrecoverability of the delay may be seen as a flaw in communicating
the Project’s progress and status.
3.49 The Independent Experts have not seen evidence that the PjT has not
followed the systems and procedures of the PIMS and compliance
manuals. The Independent Experts have seen evidence, however, that
there is scope for improving these systems and procedures as regards
systematic reporting on the effect of delays on project programmes.
Part IV – 2017 delivery
The Independent Experts were asked to:
consider whether, on the basis of the information currently
available, they believe that: (i) the projected completion date
of the Project by the end of 2017 is reasonable and (ii) the
anticipated budget for the completion of the Project is
describe key risks that may arise between now and the
completion of the Project which may affect completion in
2017 (or completion of the Project on a timely and cost
effective basis) and how mitigation for such risks is being
implemented (or what additional mitigation measures may be
appropriate); and
identify and recommend key reporting milestones (technical,
engineering, E&M, works etc.) in the future project
programme for reports to the Board to facilitate monitoring of
the progress of the Project toward completion in 2017.
The Independent Experts reviewed past construction records, reports
and the current 2017 PTC. The Independent Experts further
conducted site visits and interviews with the PjT and senior
managers at MTRCL. Special attention was given to the three critical
contracts identified in the First IBC Report (810A, 823A and 826).
The Independent Experts investigated the two critical paths identified
and the critical activities required to achieve the end of 2017 opening
of the passenger service.
This section first outlines the 2017 PTC and then verifies this target
by two approaches:
Top-down verification;
Bottom-up verification.
The top-down verification was based on a benchmarking of the
Project against a large sample of comparable international projects.
The bottom-up verification assessed the risks of the Project along the
critical paths.
Is the projected completion date at end of 2017 reasonable?
XRL was originally planned to open in August 2015. On 15 April
2014 MTRCL announced a revised opening date for XRL at the end
of 2017. Subsequently, a PTC was developed detailing all the works
necessary to take the Project from April 2014 to its new opening date
at the end of 2017.
The PTC is driven by two distinct critical paths, as depicted in Figure 1:
Degree-1 3 completion of contract 823A north U/T tunnel by
September 2016 for track-laying and E&M installation; and
Completion at B4 level of contract 810A for track-laying by
August 2016. This will allow commencement of dynamic
testing of the train and E&M system for three months from
February 2017. This will be followed by an additional three
months of test runs and three months of trial runs, totalling
nine months. XRL is planned to open to passenger service by
the end of 2017.
3 Degree-1 completion refers to the handover of station or building areas from civil works to E&M works and tunnels from civil
works to trackwork. At Degree-1 completion all civil works (concreting and wet trades like plastering, painting and floor
screeding) should effectively be ready for commencement of E&M works or trackwork as relevant. Degree-1 completion will not
include work items such as floor tiling, walls and ceilings which are part of the civil scope of works carried out subsequently.
Figure 1. XRL Programme to Completion (PTC)
Development of the PTC incorporates the lessons learned over the
past 3.5 years and assumes more achievable rates of productivity
than previously. The PTC is founded on:
Better understanding of the geological conditions;
Adjusted assumptions about labour supply, based on current
market conditions;
Adjusted assumptions about rates of productivity, based on
previous achieved rates; and
Improvement of equipment design (e.g. TBMs) and its supportive
accessories, based on their past performance.
Plan for contract 810A according to PTC
Contract 810A was challenged from the beginning due to the short
time for initial preparation. While most of the XRL contracts
commenced in 2010, the designs for contract 810A were still in
development and were being coordinated with E&M works, and
addendums to the tender were still being issued. Subsequently, when
work on contract 810A commenced after October 2011, the contract
was already more than one year behind most XRL contracts and the
original schedule. This gave contract 810A only three years and ten
months for completing the excavation of four underground floors,
building the large underground station structure, laying 10 tracks,
constructing 21 platforms, erecting an intricate roof structure,
installing building services and E&M facilities, testing and
commissioning the railway, and finally providing cross-boundary
passenger services.
With all these sequential and highly interdependent construction
works having to be implemented in a very limited time span and
confined space, the Independent Experts question whether the
initially expected target date of passenger service in August 2015 had
a high likelihood of being achieved from day one of contract 810A.
No matter how good the PjT’s intentions were and how hard they
tried to recover delays, they had an extremely challenging task from
the outset for this contract, in the view of the Independent Experts.
The PTC of contract 810A incorporates the lessons learnt from the
scheduling of the original programme including regarding achievable
production rates and the labour situation. The critical path at the
WKT site is programmed with the following construction sequence
and key dates:
Achieve B3 Diaphragm Action in North Top Down Area –
March 2015;
Erect all roof trusses– December 2015;
Complete B4, OHVD and platforms for track-laying, first four
tracks – August 2016;
Power on for North CLP transformers – August 2016;
Track-laying completed in WKT – January 2017;
OHL energised for WKT platform tracks – March 2017;
Complete construction of station entrance – April 2017; and
Complete access road to station and open Lin Cheung Road
underpass – April 2017.
Plan for contract 823A according to PTC
The two key factors that caused the delay at 823A were: (1) late land
resumption at Choi Yuan Tsuen, which caused half a year of delay
and (2) performance shortfall with TBMs caused by design
deficiencies and the response to maintenance needs. Consequently,
actual production rates of the TBMs were below planned rates. For
the 880 metres (440 rings) of the north D/T tunnel, the actual
construction period was 653 days. The actual average rate of
tunnelling was 4.8 rings per week (0.7 rings per day). The actual
achieved tunnelling rate was very low compared to other XRL
tunnelling contracts and also compared to the originally planned rate.
4.10 The contractor on 823A is now carrying out an extensive
modification of the north TBM and plans to increase the production
rate by 114%. The north U/T tunnelling is planned to take 300.2 days
according to the PTC.
4.11 The key dates for the PTC for contract 823A are:
Initial U/T drive – 31 March 2015;
U/T tunnelling completed – 7 April 2016;
Degree-1 completion of the U/T tunnel – 17 September 2016;
Track-laying completed – December 2016.
Plan for contract 826 according to PTC
4.12 In the original 2015 programme, contract 826 was on the critical path
mainly due to:
A 14.5 month delay in the arrival of the TBM from Mainland;
Slow progress of tunnelling works in a marble zone due to the
area being classified as environmentally sensitive, prohibiting
surface geotechnical drillings along the tunnel alignment.
4.13 According to the PTC, contract 826 is planned to achieve Degree-1
completion for both the U/T and D/T tunnels by September 2015.
This would leave ample buffer for the E&M installation and tracklaying in 2016 and dynamic testing starting February 2017. The
Independent Experts therefore consider that, for the time being,
contract 826 can be dropped from the critical path list for the PTC.
Only in the case of unexpected delays on contract 826 would this
contract re-enter the list.
4.14 Although sufficient buffers are available to contract 826 for now, the
826 team should continuously exercise its diligence to prevent this
contract from becoming critical again, and the PjT should diligently
monitor this. The current unexpected cutter head damage of the D/T
TMB should be recovered as soon as possible.
Top-down assessment
4.15 In interviews with MTRCL staff the Independent Experts asked what
the P-value4 of the end of 2017 schedule is, i.e. the likelihood that the
schedule will be met. The Independent Experts were told that the Pvalue is 90% (P90), i.e. the schedule will be met with 90% certainty,
leaving a 10% risk of delay beyond the end of 2017.
4.16 In order to reach its own assessment of the probability of the Project
achieving the 2017 completion date, the Independent Experts
benchmarked the remaining part of the Project, as of July 2014,
A reference class of similar international projects;
Previous, completed MTRCL and KCRC projects; and
Current, on-going MTRCL projects.
4 The certainty of a forecast is denoted by the P-level. Forecasts generate several estimates. Conventional forecasting techniques
produce these estimates through simulations. Reference Class Forecasting, as recommended below, produces these estimates
based on the variation of actual, observed data in a reference class of similar projects to that being forecasted. For example, P50 is
the middle estimate. P50 is defined to be an estimate where 50% of the observations in the reference class fall below this estimate
and 50% fall above this estimate. For a P40 estimate 40% of the observations in the reference class fall below and 60% fall above
this estimate. A P90 estimate means that 90% of the observations do not exceed the estimate. Thus the P-level of the forecasts
gives an indication of the certainty and the risk of the estimate, a P40 estimate expects that the actual value is less than the
forecast with 40% probability and that with 60% probability the forecast will be exceeded. Similarly a P90 estimate has a 90%
certainty, with 90% probability the forecast will not be exceeded and with a 10% probability the forecast will be exceeded. It is
important to note that this does not mean that the P90 estimate is the estimate that is most likely to happen, P90 is an estimate that
will most likely not be exceeded. The P50 estimate is the one most likely to happen.
Benchmarking against international projects
4.17 The benchmarking against international projects is shown in Table 4.
The benchmark consists of 85 high-speed rail, tunnel and urban rail
projects that can be considered comparable to the Project in terms of
technology used and planning regimes and for which data on
schedule were available 5 . Statistical tests showed no significant
differences between the three types of projects regarding schedule;
the data for the three types can and should therefore be pooled, as
done in the table row with the total.
Table 4. Construction schedule length, international benchmark
High-speed rail
Urban heavy rail
Construction schedule
length, years (average)
5.8 (7.9)
4.18 The benchmarking shows that the average construction schedule
length in the benchmark was 7.0 years (median 6.1 years). This
compares with an initial estimated schedule length for the Project of
5.8 years, extended to 7.9 years in July 2014.
4.19 The benchmark in terms of schedule risk is shown in Table 5.
Measured against the agreed opening date set out at the decision to
build, the benchmark shows that 7 out of 10 (71%) of the projects
were delayed, with an average schedule overrun of 43%. Again, the
different project types are not statistically significantly different.
Against the benchmark, the Project at present has a schedule overrun
of 36%. It should be kept in mind, however, that all the projects in
the benchmark are 100% completed, whereas XRL is currently 60%
complete as of July 2014.
5 The Independent Experts considered urban light rail, urban heavy rail, high-speed rail and tunneling projects. Statistical tests
showed that urban heavy rail, high-speed rail and tunneling projects are comparable in terms of schedule length, schedule overrun
and cost overrun. Further tests were conducted to ensure that projects from different geographical regions and different time
periods are comparable. The test results concluded that urban light rail projects ought to be excluded from the reference class and
that all other projects are comparable in relation to schedule duration and schedule and cost overruns.
Table 5. Schedule risk, international benchmark
High-speed rail
Urban heavy rail
Frequency of
Size of schedule
schedule overrun overrun (average)
4.20 When the projects in the benchmark were 60% complete, they
needed on average 2.8 years (median 2.4 years) to reach full
completion. The XRL plans to complete the remaining 40% of the
project in 3.2 years. If the XRL delivery team performs no worse or
no better than delivery teams on the projects in the benchmark, then
there is a 31% risk the XRL team will not meet the end of 2017
completion date for XRL.
4.21 The Independent Experts believe there are two risk factors associated
with the Project which would suggest that the 31% probability of not
meeting the 2017 schedule might be conservative (not exaggerated),
i.e. the real risk may be higher. These are that: (1) Given that the
XRL is substantially more complex (all underground, including a
large underground terminal, all built in a dense urban area) than the
majority of projects in the benchmark; and (2) XRL has experienced
an unexpected change in top management (CEO, PjD) midway
through construction (discussed further below). Due to delays, the
disbursement profile for the Project (see Figure 2) is different from
the typical disbursement profile for similar projects. This fact also
would suggest that a conservative interpretation of the 31% value is
appropriate in the view of the Independent Experts.
Figure 2. Typical disbursement profile versus XRL profile
4.22 As shown in Figure 2, the typical disbursement profile follows an “Scurve” with a slow start and ending to disbursements during start-up
and winding down of construction, respectively, and accelerated
disbursements in between. In contrast, disbursements for XRL are
following a "hockey-stick curve" with a slower-than-typical rate of
disbursements in the beginning and linear disbursements after that,
assumed to continue at full rate with no slowing down until the end
of construction. As a result, at the current level of progress for XRL,
which is 62.3%, in a typical project approximately 25% of the risk
would still be outstanding, whereas for the XRL the figure is 55%,
making the project more risky than average, in the view of the
Independent Experts, other things being equal.
Figure 3. XRL progress, planned and actual
4.23 The reason for the particular risk profile of XRL is shown in Figure 3.
Initially the Project assumed typical S-curve progress. Progress of
the PTC is now planned to be more linear, with a lower rate of
progress than planned. Again, this indicates that the Independent
Experts’ top-down risk assessment is conservative because both the
schedule (Figure 3) and the cost (Figure 2) profile show higher
remaining risks for the Project compared to the typical benchmark
Benchmarking against completed MTRCL and KCRC projects
4.24 The benchmarking against previous, completed MTRCL and KCRC
projects is shown in Table 6. The benchmark consists of five
previous MTRCL projects completed after 1998 that cost more than
HK$0.5 billion in 2012 prices. Those projects were Lantau Airport
Railway, Tseung Kwan O Extension, Quarry Bay Congestion Relief
Works, Disneyland Resort Line and Tseung Kwan O South Station.
The benchmark also includes five KCRC projects for which data
were available. Those projects were: Kowloon Southern Link, West
Rail Project, Ma On Shan Rail, Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spur
Line and the Tsim Sha Tsui Extension. Since 1998, MTRCL also
completed two smaller projects, which were not included in the
benchmark – namely, the Asia World-Expo Station and the Sky Plaza
4.25 The benchmark in Table 6 shows that previous MTRCL and KCRC
projects were shorter than XRL. On average MTRCL projects took
3.6 years from the start of construction to opening and KCRC
projects took 4.1 years.
Table 6. Construction schedule length, MTRCL and KCRC projects
Construction schedule
length, years (average)
5.8 (7.9)
Previous MTRCL projects*
Previous KCRC projects
* Completed 1998-2014, larger than HK$0.5 billion
4.26 The benchmark in Table 7 compares the actual opening date with the
estimated handover date set out in the Entrustment Agreement. On
average previous MTRCL projects were delayed by +3%, and 40% of
these projects were delayed. The two projects that were delayed were the
Lantau Airport Railway, which was delayed by only 1 week, and the
Quarry Bay Congestion Relief, which was delayed by approximately 11
months. On average KCRC projects were delayed by +1%, and 40% of
these projects were delayed. In comparison, the XRL schedule overrun is
currently 36%.
Table 7. Construction schedule risk, previous MTRCL and
KCRC projects
Frequency of
Size of schedule
schedule overrun overrun (average)
Previous MTRCL projects*
Previous KCRC projects
* Completed 1998-2014, larger than HK$0.5 billion
4.27 Table 8 compares the front-end process and the construction schedule
between the different reference classes. The results show that XRL only
took 21 months from ExCo policy support to signing the entrustment
agreements. This is significantly shorter than the previous and current
Hong Kong rail projects as well as the international benchmark. It is
important to note that in 3 of the 5 previous MTRCL projects and 4 of the
5 KCRC projects construction actually started before the project
agreement. If construction did not start before project agreement,
construction commenced immediately at agreement6. It is also important
to note that, due to changes in the front-end procedures, only current
MTRCL projects are strictly comparable to the XRL. As discussed above,
during the front-end process, initial designs and impact analyses of
projects are disclosed to the public and objections to the projects are
addressed. The delays due to late site possession, unfinished detailed
design and design changes during the construction of the Project, as
discussed in Part III, are a result of the fast-tracked front-end.
6 The longest time between project agreement and commencement of construction was at Tseung Kwan O Extension, which took 5
Table 8. Average length of the front-end (in months)
Time from ExCo policy
support to Project
Construction time
70 (93)
Current MTRCL
Previous MTRCL*
Previous KRCRC
* Completed 1998-2014, larger than HK$0.5 billion
Benchmarking against current MTRCL projects
4.28 The benchmarking against current, on-going MTRCL projects is
shown in Table 9. The benchmark consists of five projects: West
Island Line, South Island Line (East), Kwun Ton Line Extension,
Shatin Central Link East West Line and Shatin Central Link North
South Line. For all projects, except the Shatin Central Link North
South Line, construction has commenced. The projects are at present
between 93% (West Island Line) and 17% (Shatin Central Link)
completed. The benchmark shows that the projects are on average
planned to take 6.1 years in construction.
Table 9. Construction schedule length, current MTRCL projects
Construction schedule
length, years (average)
5.8 (7.9)
Current MTRCL,
excl. XRL
* Planned construction schedule length as of August 2014
4.29 Table 10 shows that 100% of the MTRCL projects currently under
construction are delayed. The average delay of these projects is
+11% with further delays being expected.
Table 10. Schedule risk*, current MTRCL projects
Frequency of
Size of schedule
schedule overrun overrun (average)
Current MTRCL, excl. XRL
* Planned construction schedule length as of August 2014
4.30 Table 11 summarises the results of the schedule overrun benchmarks.
Table 11. Summary of schedule overrun benchmarks
Frequency of
Size of schedule
schedule overrun overrun (average)
Current MTRCL projects*,
excl. XRL
Previous MTRCL projects**
Previous KCRC projects
International benchmark
* Planned schedule as of August 2014
** Completed 1998-2014, larger than HK$0.5 billion
4.31 Given the results of the above benchmarkings, the Independent
Experts find:
• The original and current schedules for XRL was/is longer than
the average schedule for previous MTRCL and KCRC projects;
• The schedules for current MTRCL projects are of similar
length to that of XRL;
• Construction delays in MTRCL and KCRC projects have been
infrequent and were only minor delays compared to the
international benchmark;
• Delays in current MTRCL projects other than XRL are minor
in comparison to XRL and the international benchmark; and
• The current delay of XRL is in line with typical schedule
performance of comparable projects in the international
4.32 In sum, the Independent Experts observe that:
First, construction schedules for MTRCL projects have historically
been short but have become longer on recent projects. While
MTRCL might originally have expected to be able to repeat with
XRL its past performance in achieving short construction schedules,
records show that the XRL schedule is today closer to a typical
international project of this type.
Second, high risks remain for completing the Project. Comparing the
remaining part of XRL to typical projects, the Independent Experts
find that the end of 2017 schedule is more likely to be a P70 than a
P90, i.e. the current XRL schedule is likely to be met with 69%
certainty instead of 90% certainty, leaving a 31% risk of delay
beyond 2017. In other words, the Independent Experts find that the
Project is more likely to be finished by the end of 2017 deadline than
not, and it may even be completed ahead of schedule if everything
goes according to plan and the remaining part of the Project is
managed effectively.
Bottom-up assessment
4.33 The bottom–up assessment will examine the two critical-path
activities from end to end to evaluate the risks in achieving them.
The following sequence is applied:
Contract 810A;
Contract 823A;
Track-laying and E&M installation; and
Testing and commissioning and trial operation.
Contract 810A
4.34 Among the two critical paths identified in the 2014 PTC, contract
810A for WKT is the more complicated in terms of engineering
constraints, the sequential nature of the works, the size and scope, the
interfaces with adjacent contractors, the TTMS arrangements and the
necessary utility and traffic diversions. It incorporates all the
functions and complexities of an underground tunnel railroad, a
mega station, a new underpass and a commercial development.
4.35 In the PTC, an average monthly concrete pouring rate of 20,000 m³
between now and April 2016 is assumed. This production rate forms
the basis of the PTC at 810A. This concreting rate takes into account
the soil/rock excavation still to be carried out under the limited space
of the top-down area. In July 2014, the actual concreting rate
achieved was 17,000 m³. This rate was achieved with limited work
space in the top-down area. Excavation progress is expected to open
up additional work fronts, i.e. make additional floor areas available
for concreting, thus increasing the pour rate. The planned average
rate of about 20,000 m³/month was based on the 810A contractor’s
programme submissions.
4.36 The assumption that additional work fronts will be opened up, and
that this will create more excavated areas available for concreting, is
reasonable. However, the Independent Experts consider the one-off
concreting rate of July 2014 to be insufficient proof that the high
concreting rate assumed in the PTC can be achieved right away. As
of August 2014 this rate has not been achieved. Delay in achieving
the planned production rate of 20,000 m³/month will impact two
important follow-on key dates: (1) achieve B3 diaphragm action in
north top-down area by March 2015 and (2) complete B4, OHVD
and platforms for track-laying the first four tracks by August 2016.
4.37 Although the current production rate is still much below the PTC
planned production rate, the site team is currently working with the
contractor to open up new work fronts in order to achieve the
production rates required. The Independent Experts agree that once
the “bottle neck” of working in a confined work space can be
resolved, the project might reach the planned production rate.
However, this depends on how soon the B3 diaphragm action can be
achieved7. Once the B3 diaphragm action is achieved, the concrete
production can be increased significantly.
4.38 In the Independent Experts’ assessment, the achievement of the B3
diaphragm action is at risk of being delayed beyond the original
planned March 2015, due to the current shortfalls in productivity.
However, once diaphragm action is achieved, the site team should
7 Diaphragm action of the floor provides lateral support to the walls. It enables the excavation below the floor in the top-down
construction method. Achieving the diaphragm action at level B3 also significantly reduces the risk of ground settlement at the
WKT site.
have a reasonable chance to catch up with the production rates and
will not significantly delay the completion of B4 for the track-laying
by August 2016.
4.39 Achieving the planned concreting rate for the WKT station
construction critically depends not only on (1) the ability to excavate
and remove material in the confined site of the top down area, but
especially also on (2) the rate of excavation and removal of the
bedrock, once this has been exposed. To ensure that the planned
production rate is achieved, the 810A site team has applied and
obtained a permit to use explosives for the rock excavation once the
blasting programme is finalised and fully approved after site testing,
the effect of rock blasting will be evident.
4.40 However, in the Independent Experts’ view, a well prepared
contingency plan should be prepared in case the target dates are not
achieved. If the above efforts still fall short of assuring the handover
of B4 area to the track-laying team by August 2016, a wellcoordinated contingency plan with the subsequent track-laying,
E&M installation and testing and commissioning activities is needed
to accommodate the potential delay. With this contingency plan the
2017 passenger service is still achievable. The Independent Experts
have discussed with the XRL E&M team the need for this
contingency plan. The E&M team is responsible for all activities
after the handover of B4 floor and platform sites. Currently, the
contingency plan is being considered while the E&M team awaits the
finalisation of the detailed plan for the construction of contract 810A.
4.41 Although not on the critical paths, there are two additional
significant risks at the 810A site that should be mentioned. They are:
(1) construction of the terminal roof and (2) repeated relocations of
the Lin Cheung Road. These do not directly affect the track-laying
works, E&M installations or the testing and commissioning of the
high-speed trains. However, both carry risks that may impact a
smooth commercial service beginning in 2017. The Independent
Experts recommend that the Board closely monitors the construction
progress of the terminal roof and supports the site team by working
to have Lin Cheung Road closed.
The roof
4.42 The key risks in respect of the roof construction are: (1) production
of the steel for the roof is located in Thailand and China, where
quality issues have been found in inspections, and (2) the PjT’s lack
of previous experience in erecting similarly complex roof structures.
To mitigate these risks, the site team has increased the coordination
and quality inspections at the manufacturing sites and has prepared
and practised detailed computer simulations of the installation steps
for the roof.
4.43 In the view of the Independent Experts, the PjT follows good project
management practice by having developed two contingency plans for
the worst case scenario, in which not all of the roof can be
constructed according to the planned schedule.
Lin Cheung Road
4.44 For the construction of the western side of the station and the Lin
Cheung Road Underpass the current Lin Cheung Road needs to be
relocated several times in and out of the construction area. These
relocations pose significant potential risks not only to the
construction schedule but also to the safety of the road users all of
which have to be managed closely. The site team is currently
pursuing closure of the Lin Cheung Road.
4.45 In sum, the Independent Experts find that, although contract 810A
still has not been able to achieve the planned production rate, with
new work fronts opening up and the development of a contingency
plan to coordinate the B4 handover and track-laying, the 810A PTC
plan is achievable. Moreover, blasting to accelerate the rock
excavation and closure of Lin Cheung Road will significantly de-risk
the 810A PTC.
4.46 Although the PTC provides a feasible plan for the construction of
810A, the programme remains very tight and critical, with little slack.
The site team of MTRC and the contractor must work closely and
cooperatively as “one team” to face the challenges and remain
effective and efficient. The Independent Experts recommend that
MTRCL senior management invite senior management of the
Contractor to jointly commit the best resources to the site and to
reconfirm their commitment to achieving the key milestones.
Contract 823A
4.47 The risks at the 823A site are more straightforward and focused,
compared to contract 810A. There is one key issue: performance of
the north TBM.
4.48 Figure 4 shows the originally planned drilling rate of the north D/T
TBM at 2.7 rings/day. However, due to a lower actual production rate,
breakdowns of the machine and flooding, the tunnelling rate actually
achieved was only 0.7 rings/day. The current planned tunnelling rate,
assumed in the 2014 PTC, is 1.5 rings/day. This requires an increase
in the efficiency of the north TBM of 114%.
Figure 4. Planned and actual tunnelling rate, north TBM (rings
per day)
4.49 According to the site team, this planned 114% efficiency increase in
the tunnelling rate will be achieved through modifications and
improvements to the north TBM. The planned improvements and
modification and their effects on reducing the construction period of
the north U/T tunnel are estimated by the PjT as follows:
TBM modification to reduce breakdowns: 103.5 days;
Prevention of the flooding risk: 93 days;
Tunnelling efficiency increase due to new cutter head: 51.9
Tunnelling efficiency increase due to new screw conveyer:
39.4 days;
Tunnelling efficiency increase due to new man lock
arrangement: 46.8 days;
Tunnelling efficiency increase due to new heat exchanger and
slurry circulation system: 10.2 days; and
Tunnelling efficiency increase
arrangement: eight days.
4.50 The overall shortening of the construction period for the north U/T
tunnelling, compared with the north D/T drive, is therefore estimated
at 352.8 days, with a total tunnelling period of 300.2 days.
4.51 Based on the above estimate, the Independent Experts summarised
the improvement of the average daily tunnelling rate planned for the
TBM as described in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Expected improvement of the tunnelling rate, north
TBM (rings per day)
4.52 The Independent Experts consider the measures taken to minimize
the risk of another flooding or similar incident to be comprehensive.
However, the Independent Experts stress-tested the other
assumptions behind the PTC by assuming only half the
improvements to tunnelling compared with the assumptions of the
PjT. In this case, the overall improvement in speed would reduce
from 114% to 64%, as shown in Figure 6. Under this more
conservative assumption, the average tunnelling rate would be 1.15
rings/ day and the total tunnelling period would be 382 days.
Figure 6. Conservative assumption for improved tunnelling rate,
north TBM (rings per day)
4.53 When the original PTC was planned, it was still unknown to the PjT
how soon the flooded TBM could be recovered. Start of drilling for
the U/T TBM was assumed to be 31 March 2015. However, the team
recovered the TBM sooner than expected and the estimated start of
drilling moved forward to November 2014. This change has created a
buffer of around four to five months before the follow-on tracklaying activity is scheduled. Under the conservative assumption of an
82 day longer period for drilling, contract 823A would still have two
months of buffer.
4.54 Therefore, achieving the key dates for contract 823A mostly relies on
the performance of the TBMs. To secure high performance, the site
team has agreed with the contractor and the TBM manufacturer to
station a testing and commissioning team of four to five engineers
and technicians, one tunnel supervisor and one tunnel E&M engineer
on site to support U/T tunnelling until completion of the drives.
4.55 The Independent Experts conclude that the key handover date of
823A to track-laying and E&M installation is achievable, but is still
exposed to substantial risk, i.e. reliability of the TBM. To minimise
this risk and achieve the projected completion date, the Independent
Experts recommend that the Chairman and/or CEO of MTRCL
contact the Chairman and/or CEO of the Contractor and the TBM
Manufacturer to ensure that there is commitment and pressure from
the most senior management to keep the TBMs running with
minimal delay until completion.
Track-laying and E&M installation
4.56 Following the Degree-1 completion of the civil works, the track and
overhead lines can be installed. These works are carried out by the
XRL E&M team, which is also in charge of station E&M, building
services, depot equipment and rolling stock testing and commissioning.
The scope of the team's work include:
Track work installation;
Building services;
Rolling stock testing and commissioning;
Power system installation;
Signalling system installation;
Communication control;
Ticketing system installation;
Security monitoring system installation;
Depot equipment procurement and installation; and
Maintenance equipment procurement and installation.
4.57 Due to the delay of the civil construction works in tunnelling and at
the WKT, the E&M team has already undertaken several remedial
measures to proactively prevent the civil delay from further negatively
impacting schedule and cost. These remedial measures include:
Procuring special track-laying plant to allow track-laying
without using work trains. Conventionally E&M activities are
carried out sequentially by running multiple specialised work
trains along the full length of the track. For the Project, special
purpose-built lifters have been constructed to allow track
installation in completed tunnel sections so that the team does
not have to wait until full segments of the tunnel are handed
Changing track construction sequence to suit the availability
of sites;
Rescheduling the manufacturing schedule for bulky equipment
in order to store equipment underground now, which avoids
future bottle necks at the access points to the tunnels;
Locating storage area for equipment that has already been
Advancing cable installation manually instead of awaiting for
track-laying and work train installation;
Shifting key plant rooms away from delayed WKT areas to
reduce the impact of the delayed hand over;
Reducing the onsite construction period through off-site
prefabrication and testing of some subsystems;
Using direct labour instead of subcontractors for 810B, where
installation is available in a small and piecemeal manner to
save contracting time and cost;
Coordinating with civil contractors to identify key rooms for
E&M installation to assure that critical areas of WKT are
handed over as they become available;
Verifying software compatibility at site office to reduce the
site interface testing period;
Conducting sub-systems integration off-site to reduce the onsite construction time;
Conducting the high-speed dynamic testing of first train on the
Hu-Kun Line in China to reduce the dynamic testing period;
Applying for labour under the Supplementary Labour Scheme
(SLS) now to have additional resources for later stages that
will require a large amount of E&M installation works to be
carried out concurrently at WKT.
4.58 The Independent Experts have examined these measures and judge
them to be a reasonable and effective way to deal with possible
further delay of the WKT B4 handover for track and E&M
installation. The Independent Experts recommend that once the
definite concreting plan for WKT is in place, the E&M team works
with the 810A team to put in place a contingency plan for the worstcase scenario of a delay to the handover for track-laying in order to
ensure that this would have no negative impact on meeting the
opening date for passenger service at the end of 2017.
Testing and commissioning and trial operation
4.59 After completion of track-laying and E&M installation, the follow-on
major activities are testing and commissioning and trial operations,
which are planned to start in February 2016 and to finish to be ready for
the end of 2017 opening to passenger services.
4.60 The MTRCL Projects Division will lead testing and commissioning,
supported by MTRCL’s Operations Division. During trial operations,
and operations themselves, the MTRCL Operations Division takes
the lead in planning, execution, coordination and monitoring.
4.61 In the original XRL programme, with the estimated handover date in
August 2015, many critical issues remained unresolved, which
jeopardised the handover date. While many issues are still unresolved,
the new PTC affords additional time to resolve the issues.
4.62 MTRCL’s Operations Division has developed a comprehensive plan
to guide its operation preparation works consisting of 15 major tasks
and 751 subtasks and activities.
4.63 Among the necessary operation preparation works, the Operations
Division has identified 60 key action items and among them ten
items are classified as “very challenging”. Successful on-time
completion of all of the ten very challenging action items requires
coordination, commitment and agreement from outside organisations
by, for example, Government, GRC and CRC. Resolving these items
requires continuous discussion, coordination and conciliation to find
solutions in time so that follow-on activities are not delayed.
4.64 Currently, the most urgent action item to be resolved is the decision on
co-location of the CIQ. The CIQ arrangement will have repercussion
effects on many follow-up activities such as the interior design of
WKT, the operation procedures, the profitability of XRL, the time
table and train arrangement. Most urgently, the uncertainty around the
CIQ arrangements prevents the building designs from being frozen,
which might cause further delays and additional costs in the future.
4.65 The Service Concession Agreement with Government also ought to
be sought as early as possible. This will enable MTRCL to
commission the operator-operator communication between Hong
Kong and the Mainland. This is necessary for MTRCL to:
Develop a co-operating agreement with GRC;
Develop joint operation procedures with GRC for both normal
operation and incident handling at the interface tunnel section;
Agree on maintenance demarcation on system-wide equipment
and at the interface tunnel section with GRC;
Tender pre-ops maintenance and services contracts, as well as
the commercial contracts; and
Agree with CRC/GRC on operation and maintenance staff
training and qualification for both Mainland and HK staff.
4.66 The other “very challenging” items which require joint efforts of
Government, GRC, CRC and MTRCL are to decide the Safety
Management System, Certification Principles, Revenue Split, etc.
4.67 The Independent Experts’ investigation has confirmed that the
Operations Division has a refined roadmap to move forward. Given
the time available the roadmap is achievable. However, the resolution
of all these “very challenging” items is not fully within the control of
MTRCL. Resolving them requires continuous dialogue, persistent
coordination and reasonable conciliation. Therefore actions should not
be relaxed due to the delay of the opening date to 2017.
4.68 While all “very challenging” items require extensive coordination
and discussion, the rest of the testing and commissioning and trial
operation activities requires skills which MTRCL already has and are
similar to testing and commissioning and trial operations in the
existing MTRCL systems. Past MTRCL experience may need to be
modified in some cases to suit the high-speed rail operation (such as
the ticketing system and cross-boundary operations), but in the
Independent Experts’ view this should prove fairly straightforward to
the PjT given its previous experience.
4.69 For past MTRCL projects, the testing and commissioning and trial
operations were scheduled to last six months, comprising two months
of dynamic testing, two months of integration testing and two
months of trial operations. For the Project, a nine-month period
(three + three + three months) has been allocated. The Independent
Experts consider this assumption, with a third extra time, to be
4.70 If the “very challenging” action items requiring coordination,
commitment and conciliation with the relevant outside organisations
can be resolved in time the planned milestones for testing and
commissioning and trial operations are likely to be achieved.
Conclusions, bottom-up assessment
4.71 The PTC is driven by two distinct critical paths:
Completion of B4 level at 810A for track-laying by October
2016. This will allow commencement of dynamic testing for
the train and E&M system from February 2017 for three
months, which will be followed by another three months of
test running and three months of trial runs (three + three +
three months), before opening to passenger service by end of
2017; and
Degree-1 completion of 823A north U/T tunnel by September
2016 for track-laying and E&M installation.
4.72 The Independent Experts have used the bottom-up assessment to
examine these two critical paths from end to end. The Independent
Experts conclude that:
Critical path # 1 (WKT 810A) is more uncertain because it has
more interdependencies and because as of yet the production
rates assumed in the PTC have not been achieved. However,
with a well-coordinated contingency plan, including E&M,
track installation and operations preparation, the 2017
passenger service at WKT should be achievable, in the view
of the Independent Experts, despite substantial remaining
schedule risk; and
Critical path # 2 (823A) is also achievable for 2017 passenger
service, provided remaining schedule risks are mitigated
4.73 The Independent Experts recommend, specifically for contract 810A,
Corporate-level attention and support are given to the key
tasks of the contract, aimed at achieving the key dates. The
best talent and resources of MTRCL and the WKT contractors
should be allocated to the contract and all parties should be
firmly committed to the opening date; and
An effective contingency plan is prepared and ready in case
the worst-case scenario develops at WKT, including the
involvement of all relevant experience and knowledge of the
civil construction, E&M and the Operations teams.
Is the anticipated budget reasonable?
4.74 This section first outlines the currently forecasted cost to complete
XRL and then verifies this target by two approaches:
Top-down verification; and
Bottom-up verification.
Current forecasted cost to complete XRL
4.75 Procurement provided the Independent Experts with the details of the
most recent forecast of the XRL outturn cost of HK$71.5 billion,
which is based on the May 2014 cost report.
4.76 The current outturn cost forecast for XRL is the result of a
collaborative effort by Procurement and the PjT. The forecast outturn
cost comprises the current committed cost and the future cost risk.
Following MTRCL practice the future cost risk falls into two
Allocated risks, which reflect the estimated cost risk of
completing the Project in accordance with the PTC for the
inauguration of passenger services in 2017; and
Contingency, which reflects an allowance for future unknown
4.77 According to MTRCL the current outturn cost forecast for XRL is
based on the following major assumptions:
Date for inaugural passenger operations moved from 2015 to
All costs are assessed based on the applicable contract terms
and valuation principles;
No cost allowances made for recovery of damages where
delay may be the fault of the contractor;
No changes in project scope;
For variable price contracts (mainly tunnels), future escalation
risk based on Government projections of inflation; and
No allowance for special bonus or commercial incentives for
4.78 According to Procurement, the outturn cost forecast for XRL will be
continuously developed and updated on a six monthly cycle, in
accordance with MTRCL's established practice and procedures.
Top-down assessment of budget realism
4.79 In interview with members of Procurement, the Independent Experts
asked what the P-value of the revised cost estimate of HK$71.5 billion is,
i.e. the likelihood that the budget will be met. Procurement’s response
was that its analysis took into account all the identified risks and their
assessed quantum values on which it ran Monte Carlo simulations.
The values taken were based on a 90% confidence level. Hence
Procurement’s confidence in meeting the currently projected outturn cost
of HK$71.5 billion is 90% (P90), based on the assumptions and related
identified risks, leaving a 10% risk of exceeding that estimate. If these
assumptions and the related risks change this will affect the forecast.
4.80 In order to assess the revised cost estimate, the Independent Experts
benchmarked the remaining part of the Project, as of July 2014, against:
A reference class of similar international projects;
Previous, completed MTRCL and KCRC projects; and
Current, on-going MTRCL projects.
Benchmarking against international projects
4.81 The benchmarking against international projects is shown in Table 12.
The benchmark consists of 112 high-speed rail, tunnel and urban rail
projects that can be considered comparable to the Project and for
which data on cost were available. Statistical tests showed no
significant differences between the three types of projects regarding
cost overruns; the data for the three types can and should therefore be
pooled, as done in the table row with the total.
Table 12. Cost performance, international benchmark
High-speed rail
Urban heavy rail
Frequency of Size of cost
cost overrun overrun (average)
4.82 The benchmarking shows that the average cost overrun in the
benchmark was +42% (median +30%). This is 32 percentage points
higher than the cost overrun of +10% for the Project. It should be
kept in mind, however, that the projects in the benchmark are all
completed, whereas XRL is currently only 60% complete.
4.83 At 60% complete, the estimated total outturn cost for XRL is
HK$71.5 billion. If the Project performs no worse or no better than
the projects in the benchmark, then there is a 67% risk the XRL team
will not meet the estimate of HK$71.5 billion for the Project.
4.84 The Independent Experts believe there are two risk factors associated
with the Project which would suggest that the 67% probability of
exceeding the currently projected cost outturn is conservative, i.e. the
real risk may be higher. There are that: (1) XRL is substantially more
complex (all underground, including a large underground terminal,
all built in a dense urban area) than the majority of projects in the
benchmark; and (2) XRL has experienced a change in top management
midway through construction (discussed further below). Due to delays
the disbursement profile for the Project is different from the typical
disbursement profile for similar projects. This fact also would suggest
that a conservative interpretation of the 67% value is appropriate, in the
view of the Independent Experts.
Benchmarking against previous MTRCL and KCRC projects
4.85 The benchmarking against previous, completed MTRCL and KCRC
projects is shown in Table 13. The benchmark consists of five
previous MTRCL projects completed after 1998 that cost more than
HK$0.5 billion in 2012 prices. Those projects were Lantau Airport
Railway, Tseung Kwan O Extension, Quarry Bay Congestion Relief
Works, Disneyland Resort Line and Tseung Kwan O South Station.
The benchmark also includes five KCRC projects for which data
were available. Those projects were: Kowloon Southern Link, West
Rail Project, Ma On Shan Rail, Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spur
Line and Tsim Sha Tsui Extension.
4.86 The benchmark shows that previous MTRCL projects achieved
lower or no cost overruns compared to XRL. 20% of the MTRCL
projects exceeded their budget, that is only one out of the five
projects: the Lantau Airport Railway. On average previous MTRCL
projects had a cost overrun of -17%, that is, on average previous
projects stayed within budget. All KCRC projects stayed within
budget. On average they underspent the budget by 11%.
Table 13. Cost overrun benchmark of previous MTRCL projects
Frequency of Size of cost
cost overrun overrun (average)
Previous MTRCL projects*
Previous KCRC projects
* Completed 1998-2014, larger than HK$0.5 billion
Benchmarking against current MTRCL projects
4.87 The benchmarking against current, on-going MTRCL projects is
shown in Table 14. The benchmark consists of four projects: West
Island Line, South Island Line (East), Kwun Tong Line Extension,
Shatin Central Link. The benchmark shows that two of the projects
(West Island Line and South Island Line) have announced that they
will exceed their budgets. The average cost overrun for the four
projects is +5%. According to MTRCL staff, the supply pressures in
the overheated HK construction sector are the key reason why
MTRCL projects now are more similar to the international benchmark.
Table 14. Cost performance, current MTRCL projects
Frequency of Size of cost
cost overrun overrun (average)
Current MTRCL
projects*, excl. XRL
* against latest approved baseline
4.88 Research has shown that the key error in bottom-up forecasts is the
underestimation of variance between forecasts (cf. Appendix 2). Table
15 compares the differences between the P50 and P90 levels of
certainty of the estimate. The results show that the variation between
the estimated outturn cost of the Project is in line with the variation that
would be expected given the current MTRCL projects. The variation in
the current outturn cost forecast of the Project is narrower than
estimates based on the behaviour of previous MTRCL and KCRC
projects. Most notably though, the top-down forecast, i.e. using the
International Reference Class, shows a ten-times larger variation than
the bottom-up forecast predicts. Above it was documented that, at
present, schedule overrun for the Project is more than three times higher
than for other current MTRCL projects, and cost overrun twice as high.
Moreover, it was concluded that regarding schedule and schedule
overrun, the Project is more similar to projects in the international
benchmark than to other Hong Kong projects. In conclusion, this means
that most likely the P80 and P90 cost risks and budget estimates for the
Project, as provided by Procurement, are underestimated at present, in
the view of the Independent Experts.
Table 15. Range between P50 and P90 of forecasted outturn cost
Previous MTRCL
Previous MTRCL & KCRC
Current MTRCL
Previous and current MTRCL & KCRC
Reference class
* based on August Cost Report
Difference (% of the
base estimate)
4.89 Given the results of the above benchmarkings the Independent
Experts find:
• The 10% cost overrun of the Project is lower than the typical
cost overrun in the international benchmark;
• Cost overruns in previous MTRCL projects have been rare and
were minor compared to the international benchmark. Previous
KCRC projects had no cost overruns; and
• Cost overruns are currently being experienced in half of the
on-going MTRCL projects. However, the size of the overruns
is smaller than that of the international benchmark and similar
to XRL.
4.90 In sum, the Independent Experts found that while MTRCL has a
reputation for completing past projects on budget, cost overruns are
now happening in its projects, although they are smaller than in
comparable international projects. While MTRCL might well be able
to repeat past performance of low or no cost overruns, XRL today
appears to face cost risks that are more typical of projects in the
international benchmark than of previous MTRCL projects. Even
with the recent 10% increase in the XRL budget, the Independent
Experts find that high cost risks remain for the completion of the
4.91 Comparing the remaining period of the Project to performance in
typical international projects, the Independent Experts found that the
HK$71.5 billion cost estimate would be more likely a P33-budget, i.e.
the certainty of the budget being met would be 33%, leaving a 67%
risk of further cost increases, if the Project continues to perform like
international projects. Based on the results of this benchmark, it is
the view of the Independent Experts that XRL would have to achieve
levels of performance for the remainder of the project that are more
in line with previous MTRCL projects, and less with international
ones, if the XRL is to stay within the current budget.
Bottom-up assessment of budget realism
4.92 To verify the top-down assessment of the HK$71.5 billion estimate
the Independent Experts analysed the XRL contingency draw down.
According to the contingency reported by Procurement, the Project
has nearly depleted its contingency reserve.
4.93 The MTRCL contingency management process works as follows: a
project budget is established based on the estimated cost plus an
allowance for contingency. This budget is sub-divided into budget
headers, which align with the anticipated works contract packages. When
a contract is awarded, the budget for that contract is reconciled against
the awarded contract sum, this is referred to as the ICCT. Where the
contract sum exceeds the budget allowance the difference is drawn from
contingency; where the contract sum is less than the budget the
difference is returned to contingency. Where it is necessary to increase
the ICCT for a given contract, a change form is submitted to the PCG
with justifications as to the reasons for the increase, together with details
of the quantum. The ICCT plus any approved changes which are funded
from contingency are referred to as the current control total. Where there
is a potential cost increase that is not yet seen as a commitment, this is
referred to as a potential change. The current control total plus potential
changes, which are funded from contingency, are referred to as the
estimated final cost.
4.94 In order to challenge and verify the bottom-up cost estimate of the
Project the Independent Experts extrapolated the historic trend of
contingency draw down into the future. The forecast shows that, if the
Project follows past patterns of contingency draw down, the remaining
contingency will be used up by mid-2015. The forecast also shows that
by the opening date in December 2017 the cost would exceed the
current estimate of HK$71.5 billion. This forecast is based on the
assumption that the past contingency draw down is systemic for the
Project, i.e. that unforeseen changes to the ICCT remain constant. Thus,
the forecast is likely to be conservative, in the view of the Independent
Experts, given that several civils contracts are nearing completion and
given that high cost risks still remain for the unfinished tunnel
excavation work and the WKT construction, as described above.
4.95 As described above, applying the top-down benchmark approach
suggests that at a 50% level of certainty (P50) the current projected
outturn cost will be exceeded. The Independent Experts found that
the top-down and bottom-up verifications of the Project outturn cost
are very similar and support each other well.
Key cost risks
4.96 The review by the Independent Experts identified three project risks
related to cost: (1) the current contingency position, (2) uncertainty
of the funding situation and (3) risk of escalation.
4.97 As described above, the reported contingency provisions comprise
allocated and unallocated risks. The HK$71.5 billion estimate (based
on the May 2014 cost report) includes:
Currently committed cost, i.e. the sum of the newly adjusted
contract values (the known knowns); plus
Allocated risks, which reflect the estimated cost risk of
completing the XRL in accordance with the programme for
the inauguration of passenger services in 2017 (the known
unknowns); plus
Actual contingency (the unknown unknowns).
4.98 In the view of the Independent Experts, there is a significant risk that
the contingency will be insufficient for the remaining three years
until opening for passenger service in 2017.
4.99 First, the low remaining contingency puts the project itself at risk of
further delays. Previously, the project aimed to achieve its original
schedule and recover delays through implementing numerous DRMs.
Going forward, the insufficient contingency could severely limit the
Project’s ability to quickly react to future unforeseen events and
recover potential delays.
4.100 Second, in interviews with the Independent Experts, members of the
PjT expressed the view that the uncertainty regarding the funding of
the increased budget has created reservations among the contractors.
The contractors are concerned how extensions to programmes due to
the move of the opening date from 2015 to 2017 will be covered.
4.101 Third, cost escalation, i.e. the risk of inflation due to the prolonged
time frame, might put the project further at risk. Every six months (in
March and October) Government forecasts the inflation for future
works contracts. The so-called money of the day forecast is the basis
of price expectations for public bids.
4.102 Table 16 compares the October 2009 Government forecast of
inflation in the public works projects with the actual figures for
labour prices in civil engineering and building works. The growing
divergence between forecast and actual is a symptom of the
overheating construction sector in Hong Kong. Theoretically, in
lump-sum contracts the Project is commercially protected against the
unexpected inflation; however, the macro-economic development
squeezes Project contractors and impacts the Project on non-lumpsum contracts. The pressures on contractors subsequently create risks
for the Project in the form of potential increased volumes of claims
by contractors to recover lost profits, further shortages of labour due
to the inability to pay the necessary rates and even, in the extreme,
insolvency or liquidity risk for some contractors - all factors which
put the cost and schedule of the Project further at risk.
Table 16. Comparison of forecasted and actual inflation
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
MOD forecast
Actual inflation
0% 2% 7% 11% 11% 11% labour civils
Actual inflation
1% 3% 5% 10% 11% 10% labour building
Note: Actual figures for 2014 are June to June, other actual figures show
increases from December to December
Sources: HKSAR Financial Services and Treasury Bureau, HKSAR Census
and Statistics Department
Mitigation of key cost risks
4.103 To mitigate cost risk MTRCL is developing contract resolution strategies.
The Independent Experts note that such strategies might give the
contractors the needed financial commitment required to avoid an
adverse impact to the Project’s progress. Acknowledging that such
strategies might give the contractor the necessary financial commitment,
the Independent Experts recommend that the commitment of contractors
is further strengthened by tying payments to the successful achievement
of key project milestones, key dates of the contract or target productivity
rates. Moreover, such a commercial strategy could include incentive
payments to contractors who meet their best achievable programme
ahead of the PTC.
4.104 Additionally, the Independent Experts recommend that MTRCL
establishes a regular communication channel with key contractors to
reassure them about the financial situation of the Project and ensure
their solid commitment to the 2017 opening date.
4.105 Lastly, the Independent Experts recommend that the HK$71.5 billion
estimate continues to be re-evaluated taking into account the Independent
Experts’ findings, and that extra funds, if likely to be needed, are
mobilised now in order to prevent a vicious circle of further delays and
cost increases resulting from budget uncertainty.
Key reporting milestones to the Board
4.106 As mentioned above the commercial strategy might tie payments and
incentives to specific achieved milestones and production rates.
Moreover, once key milestones in each of the critical contracts are
achieved, the risk position for the Project changes. Table 17 lists the
key milestones, which reflect the point in time when the risk of XRL
will change and the remaining risks could be reassessed.
Table 17. Key reporting milestones to the Board
Re-launching of both north and south U/T TBM
Complete D&B excavation
Achieve B3 diaphragm action in north top-down
Complete Central Stability System and South
Stability System
Complete South Stability System statutory
Complete south U/T TBM excavation
Complete U/T and D/T TBM excavation
Erect all roof trusses
Degree-1 completion of TBM tunnels for track-laying
Complete track-laying for mainline D/T
Degree-1 completion of D&B tunnels for track-laying
Complete B4 / OHVD and platform track-laying
for the first 4 tracks
Complete north U/T TBM excavation
Energise OHL for pilot section
Complete statutory inspections for ventilation
Complete track-laying for mainline U/T
Energise OHL for dynamic testing of trains in
mainline from Nam Cheong to Mai Po, both Up
and Down Track
Complete statutory inspections WKT
Complete WKT track-laying
Dynamic testing of Whole Line Dynamic
Complete integration T&C with Mainland
Commence Trial Running
Nov 2014
Dec 2014
Mar 2015
Apr 2015
June 2015
Jul 2015
Aug 2015
Dec 2015
Dec 2015
Dec 2015
Feb 2016
Aug 2016
Sep 2016
Sep 2016
Oct 2016
Nov 2016
Jan 2017
Jan 2017
Jan 2017
Feb 2017
May 2017
Aug 2017
4.107 First, after commissioning and testing the north TBM at site 823A
the start of the U/T drilling drive is scheduled for November 2014. At
this date it will become clear what the schedule buffer is in the PTC.
4.108 Second, by December 2014 site 824 aims to complete the drill and
blast tunnel connecting site 823 with 825.
4.109 Third, site 810A aims to achieve B3 diaphragm action in the north
top-down area by March 2015. Once diaphragm action is achieved
the concreting rate should increase and the civil construction risks at
WKT will be significantly reduced.
4.110 Fourth, by June 2015 the statutory inspections of the stability
systems at WKT are planned to be completed. This is the first
important milestone for the commissioning of the XRL.
4.111 Fifth, by April 2015 the WKT site plans to have completed the
Central Stability System and the South Stability System. These are
critical works in order to begin the erection of the roof trusses.
4.112 Sixth, site 823A plans to complete the south U/T tunnel excavation
by July 2015.
4.113 Seventh, the cross-boundary tunnels are scheduled to be completed
by August 2015. Achieving this milestone will de-risk the tunnelling
activities due to the difficult geological conditions in this area.
4.114 Eighth, the WKT roof trusses are planned to be erected by December
2015. The complex design of the WKT roof is one of the risks to
completion. Once the roof trusses are erected the risk for the
remainder of the WKT work will be significantly reduced.
4.115 Ninth, contract 826 plans to achieve Degree-1 completion of both
tunnels by December 2015. Achieving this milestone marks the
handover of the cross-boundary tunnel segment to E&M.
4.116 Tenth, the E&M team expects the completion of track-laying of the
D/T mainline by December 2015. Achieving this milestone will
reduce the remaining construction risks of the track works and
testing can be expanded to the full D/T of the mainline.
4.117 Eleventh, by February 2016 all drill and blast tunnels are planned to
achieve Degree-1 completion and to have been handed over to E&M.
4.118 Twelfth, the first four tracks at level B4 of the WKT are expected to
be completed by August 2016 and handed over to E&M. This
milestone carries significant risks due to the sequential nature of
construction and E&M activities. Achieving this milestone will allow
the E&M team to commence their works towards testing and
4.119 Thirteenth, it is planned to complete the north U/T tunnelling drive
on contract 823A by September 2016. Achieving this milestone will
significantly de-risk the tunnelling activities of the Project due to the
low performance of the TBM on the north D/T drive.
4.120 Fourteenth, the pilot section of the track will be energised by
September 2016. When this milestone is achieved testing of the line
can commence.
4.121 Fifteenth, by October 2016 the statutory inspections for the
ventilation buildings are planned to be completed as part of the
commissioning process.
4.122 Sixteenth, the E&M team plans to complete track-laying for the U/T
mainline by November 2016. Achieving this milestone will again
significantly reduce the risk of not being able to commence full day1 operations on both tracks by 2017.
4.123 Seventeenth, the E&M team plans to energise the OHL by January
2017. This will allow the start of the dynamic testing between Nam
Cheong to Mai Po in both the U/T and D/T tunnels.
4.124 Eighteenth, by January 2017 all statutory inspections of WKT are
planned to be completed. Achieving this milestone will close out
most of the risks of the construction programme of the WKT.
4.125 Nineteenth, the E&M team plans to complete all track-laying works
by January 2017 when the WKT track-laying is planned to be
completed. Achieving this milestone will result in further de-risking
of the project as most of the track-related building works will be
4.126 Twentieth, dynamic testing of the whole XRL is planned to be
completed by February 2017.
4.127 Twenty-first, by May 2017 the integration testing with the Mainland
section is planned to be completed.
4.128 Twenty-second, by August 2017 full trial operations are planned to
commence. Achieving this milestone will be the last step before
commencement of full passenger operations in November 2017.
Most uncertainties of the project should have been resolved by then.
4.129 Table 18 lists the KPIs that track the progress of the Project towards
key construction milestones.
Table 18. KPIs to track key construction milestones
Complete D&B excavation
Achieve B3 diaphragm action in
north top-down area
Complete Central Stability System
and South Stability System
Complete south U/T TBM
Complete U/T and D/T TBM
Erect all roof trusses
Degree-1 completion of TBM
tunnels for track-laying
Complete track-laying for
mainline D/T
Degree-1 completion of D&B
tunnels for track-laying
Complete B4 / OHVD and
platform track-laying for the first
4 tracks
Complete north U/T TBM
Complete track-laying for
mainline U/T
WKT track-laying completed
Excavation rate
Concrete production
Steel production
Excavation rate
Excavation rate
Steel production
(temporary and
Concrete production
Track-laying production
Concrete production
Concrete production
Excavation rate
Track-laying production
Track-laying production
Part V – Project management
The Independent Experts were asked to taking into account the causes
of delay described in the IBC’s First Report and delay mitigation and
delay recovery measures already put in place or developed by the PjT
since January 2010, to recommend any enhancements they may see as
appropriate to the project management of the Project (including
reporting to stakeholders) in order to better ensure the completion of the
Project in as timely and cost effective manner as possible.
In order to recommend enhancements to project management the
Independent Experts analysed two questions: (1) Were the causes of
the delay of the XRL identified by the MTRLC project information
management system (PIMS)? (2) If so, why was the delay not
reported in a more timely fashion than was the case?
The Independent Experts found that underlying the delay to the
Project was an initial optimistic schedule of implementation. As
discussed above, schedule overruns are common in comparable
projects: 71% of the projects in the benchmark were delayed and the
average schedule overrun of all projects in the benchmark was +43%.
The benchmark shows that the hope that “everything will go
according to plan” is common in large infrastructure projects.
However, the benchmark also shows that most projects do not go
according to plan due to the near certainty that unforeseen events
will occur.
The above benchmark also shows that schedule and cost overruns in
past MTRCL and KCRC projects were infrequent and minor
compared with the international benchmark projects, which lends
some justification to the optimistic schedule at the beginning,
although it must be remembered that XRL was a different type of
project than past MTRCL and KCRC projects, as described above.
The initial schedule for the Project, from the signing of the
Entrustment Agreement and construction start in January 2010 to the
planned start of service in 2015, was estimated at 5.8 years. In
comparison, projects in a reference class of 85 similar projects
actually took on average 7.0 years from construction start to opening
of service, or 21% longer than the XRL construction schedule
estimate. In the view of the Independent Experts, this shows that the
XRL schedule was optimistic from the start, which left the Project
with inadequate schedule contingencies to absorb unforeseen events.
The Independent Experts consider the initial optimism and the lack
of adequate schedule contingencies to be the root cause of the delay
to the Project.
The problems with the initial schedule were aggravated by
continuing optimism during construction. This optimism became
apparent when key milestones were missed and assumed rates of
production not met. Despite this challenging situation the PjT, in
particular the PjD and GM, appeared to believe in the ability of
DRMs to make up for lost time and get the schedule back on track.
As a result, for several critical months the reality of a rapidly
declining likelihood of meeting the original schedule appears not to
have been properly recognised, despite warnings from within the PjT,
and was therefore not communicated outside the Project organisation,
leading to surprise and negative reactions when the inevitability of
delay was finally communicated to the Board, Government and the
Among the contracts in the Project, 810A (WKT) is the largest, most
complicated and most difficult to be constructed. The contract was
made even more troublesome due to delays on adjacent contracts
(810B and 811B), as a consequence of which award of 810A was not
possible until October 18, 2011. The contract commenced on
October 24, 2011, which left only 3 years and 10 months to complete
the Whole of Works to be ready for passenger service by August
2015. This was an extremely optimistic, if not impossible, schedule
from the outset, in the judgment of the Independent Experts. In
interview, MTRCL staff have acknowledged that the logistics of the
Project programme were always tight. Everything had to run very
smoothly from day one if MTRCL was going to meet the original
target completion date. MTRCL staff further explained that,
unfortunately, even from day one there were issues, not least delays
handing over land for the site. However, delays due to quality issues
with so-called "steel couplers" also delayed the WKT construction
showing that the programme was not progressing “very smoothly”.
Moreover, the Independent Experts understand that members of the
PjT and the contractors increasingly questioned in late 2013 whether
it would be possible to recover the delays to the Project programme
through DRMs or in the face of the labour shortage.
Finally, the black rain storm on 30 March 2014 at the site of contract
823A and subsequent flooding of the “Fan-li-hua II” TBM seems to
finally have led to a realisation within the whole PjT that the delays
could not be recovered. However, the Independent Experts found that
the flooding and the resulting problems with the TBM were not the
main issues, although they were important. The main cause of the
delays had already been incurred before the flooding and the most
critical delay was related to the lower than planned production rates
at contracts 810A, 823A and 826. In hindsight the PjD acknowledged
this fact, singling out the WKT site as the key reason for the delay.
5.10 After the flooding, the existence of optimism, as described above,
has been acknowledged by the PjD. The Independent Experts
understand from its review of the documentary evidence, however,
that the PjD pushed his team and the contractors as hard as possible
to meet deadlines.
5.11 A further root cause for the delays to the Project, in addition to the
optimistic schedule, was the sequential and highly interdependent
construction works which had to be implemented in a very limited
time span and confined space, in particular for contract 810A.
5.12 The effects of these root causes, in the view of the Independent
Experts, was that the PjT, despite its good intentions and hard work
on DRMs, was in reality given a very challenging task to achieve
from the outset.
5.13 The facts about delays were openly reported and the PjT proactively
attempted to recover the Project through DRMs. However, the
Independent Experts identified the following reasons why the delay
was not reported in time:
None of the three reporting systems, the PjT status reporting,
the project management system, and the internal and external
auditors "raised the flag" of irrecoverable project delay;
The interpretation of facts and the responsibility for making
the judgment as to whether the 2015 opening date was to be
considered feasible ultimately rested with a single person,
namely the PjD; and
This judgment call was made all the more difficult due to its
binary nature, i.e. a “yes” or a “no” as to whether the schedule
could still be recovered.
5.14 The XRL is managed using MTRCL’s Project Integrated Management
System (PIMS). The PIMS was developed in 1992 and was first used at
the Lantau and Airport Railway Project in 1992. Following the KCRCMTRCL merger in 2006/2007, the PIMS reflects the collection of best
practices used at both organisations. The PIMS is continuously updated
and improved through changes overseen by a special steering group
that meets on a quarterly basis.
5.15 The PIMS is a readily accessible system. PIMS covers progress, cost,
safety, environmental, and risk indicators. Project performance is
measured by KPIs, which are summarised in a one-page dashboard,
including traffic lights to focus attention. The dashboard is
supplemented by detailed reports for each contract. The dashboard is
primarily aimed at informing decision making at the project level.
5.16 Reporting to the CEO and Board happens through project status
reports on a monthly basis. The reports are based on the PIMS KPIs.
Following the recommendations in the First IBC Report in July 2014,
the presentation of these reports was changed. Currently, the monthly
report to the Board includes a one page safety programme, and a cost
summary for all on-going projects, followed by project by project
reporting of progress, issues, stakeholder management and costs
including a Gantt chart 8 showing critical path performance and an Scurve chart showing overall project performance.
5.17 The aim of the PIMS is to provide a documented management system
that meets international standards for quality, safety, environment, risk
and asset management. The PIMS is ISO 9001 certified. The PIMS is
implemented in MTRCL projects through the use of a series of project
manuals and practice notes. Projects’ compliance with PIMS is audited
through internal audits and self-quality audits.
5.18 The Independent Experts found that according to its users the PIMS
has proven effective for past projects under the “Ownership
Approach”. Specifically, the PIMS has been successfully used in all
previous MTRCL projects since 1994. In 2008, MTRCL commissioned
independent reviews of the internal controls framework and the PIMS.
These reviews found the PIMS to be fit for purpose and to be complete,
robust and comparable to best practice.
8 A Gantt chart is a bar chart typically used in project management to illustrate the schedule, subdivided into tasks.
5.19 For XRL, two special “Compliance Manuals” were developed based
on the entrustment agreements between MTRCL and Government.
These two manuals set out the compliance actions against the
obligations under the entrustment agreements.
5.20 The Independent Experts reviewed the past XRL dashboards and
several status reports. The Independent Experts found that the first
dashboard for the XRL was prepared in June 2011.
5.21 As described in Part III, the Independent Experts found that delays
were openly reported and that the PjT proactively attempted to
recover delays through DRMs. The Independent Experts further
found that delays were indeed reported in the XRL performance KPIs
and dashboards as specified in the PIMS.
5.22 However, the Independent Experts observed that in June and July
2011 the XRL PjT reported an amber traffic light for the programme.
After this – from August 2011 to May 2014 – the XRL team
consistently reported red programme traffic lights, 34 continuous red
lights in total. The Independent Experts found that the project
reporting openly communicated these delays for nearly three years.
5.23 In summary, three separate channels exist to escalate and manage
arising issues for MTRCL projects, including the XRL: (1) the PIMS,
(2) several layers of internal and external project audits and (3) status
reporting by the PjT. Yet, the Independent Experts found that none of
the three channels raised, in a timely fashion, the flag indicating that
delays might become irrecoverable for the XRL. The Independent
Experts assessed MTRCL project management with a focus, in
particular, on what changes could be incorporated going forward to
ensure that a flag is raised on a timely basis if delays are likely again
to become irrecoverable.
Why did the PIMS not raise the flag about the delay of the XRL?
5.24 The Independent Experts consider that the KPI-based PIMS can be
more effective because the defined organisational procedure of
“Setting, Reporting and Review of Key Performance Indicators”
(PIMS/PN/01-1/A2) does not include a clear and cogent procedure
for escalation of issues of non-performance beyond the PjT.
5.25 The defined organisational procedure requires that KPIs are reviewed
and acted upon by the PjT: “PM, in conjunction with the project team,
should discuss and review the project-level KPI performance against
the targets and the effectiveness of the mitigation measures taken, if
any, at the monthly Project Progress Meeting.”
5.26 In other words, the procedure did not require any performance
shortfalls to be brought to the attention of higher levels of management,
even if programme performance continuously fell short of targets, for
nearly three years in the case of XRL. Because of this missing
requirement in the PIMS, the Project Quality Audit did not find any
non-compliance with reporting, even for the nearly three years when
the programme was reporting red traffic lights.
5.27 The Independent Experts found, however, that the PIMS contains all the
necessary information to identify when a project becomes irrecoverable.
Recommendations are made below in Part VII “Reporting Processes and
Presentation” regarding how to better utilise this information for improved
5.28 Moreover, the current criteria for the green-amber-red traffic lights are
one-size-fits-all criteria for all MTRC projects. In Part VII, the
Independent Experts recommend using a more project-specific
approach that provides information regarding the probability of
achieving project targets based on the schedule and cost contingencies
of individual projects and informed by the data in the PIMS KPIs.
Why did the project audits not raise the flag about the delay of the XRL?
5.29 Several levels of auditing, including MTRCL internal audits and audits
by the Government-appointed M&V auditor, are in place for XRL. The
internal audits have been conducted to ensure conformity to the MTRCL
PIMS. The purpose of the internal audits is to confirm the consistent use
of the PIMS and thus that project information is reported correctly and
comprehensively. However, only a self-declaration process is in place to
ensure compliance with the Compliance Manuals.
5.30 The audit structure was established through two decisions by the
Board. First, on 3 August 2010 the Audit Committee made the
decision that “In light of the increasing importance of new railway
projects to the Company, it was agreed that the Projects Director
would be invited to give a regular briefing to the Audit Committee in
future meetings similar to the Operations Director and Property
Director.” Subsequently, the Audit Committee decided on 24
November 2010 that “For new Hong Kong railway projects and to
minimize duplication of work, IAD would conduct an audit on
contracts administration and financial related matters only, while the
Projects Division would focus on project quality assurance. IAD’s
Half-yearly Report to the Audit Committee would include the audit
summary report of the project assurance team.”
5.31 The remit of the IAD is outlined by the Audit Committee’s terms of
reference as: “The Audit Committee is required to review, at least
annually, the effectiveness of the Corporation’s financial controls,
internal control and risk management systems and to report to the
Board that such a review has been carried out. These controls and
systems allow the Board to monitor the Corporation’s overall
financial position.”
5.32 In short, internal audits are carried out by the IAD for all costrelevant processes, except quality assurance, which is audited
through self-quality audits by each project under the guidelines of the
project quality assurance and compliance section. The IAD and the
project quality assurance and compliance section are independent
from the Project Management Team.
5.33 The Independent Experts consider that project programme and project
cost are two inseparable parts of project management and recommend
that the auditing of them is done together and under the same body,
with reports submitted to the CWC pertaining to its oversight function
for capital works.
5.34 In the relevant period, the IAD once audited selected contracts of the
West Island Line, South Island Line (East) and XRL projects. The
audit report found no major instances of non-compliance. The report
further suggested improvements to the speed of claims resolution
process, and the consistency of reporting and KPIs used across
5.35 The Independent Experts found no evidence that the review of the
effectiveness of internal controls by the IAD and the Audit
Committee had helped raise the flag of irrecoverable delays for the
Project. In the view of the Independent Experts, the problem is twofold: (1) the IAD audits focussed on assuring that facts were neither
misrepresented nor omitted but were transparently communicated
from the front line up to the PjD; and (2) the Audit Committee
meeting minutes suggest that while the status of the Project was
communicated transparently, the effect of the delays was not
recognised, because the Committee relied on the interpretation by the
PjD of the achievability of the Project programme to completion. The
Independent Experts understand that the Audit Committee did not
receive any progress reporting apart from the PjD briefing.
5.36 For example, on 7 February 2012 the Audit Committee reviewed
XRL progress and found that “XRL was slightly behind schedule […]
[but the PjD] was still confident [in] a completion by August or
September of 2015”. Similarly, on 14 August 2013: “In general all
five new lines/extensions […] had been progressing in line as
planned and project delivery was expected to be on time with some
challenges though. Budget management was satisfactory and still
under control notwithstanding the volume of claims in place […]
there would still be many challenges to overcome […] Delay
Recovery Measures were being taken by Management to maintain
[the] programme.”
5.37 The Independent Experts recommend that the remit of the project
audits is enlarged to incorporate the effectiveness and efficiency of
control structures, including tools and procedures to identify when
problems, e.g. schedule delays and cost overruns, are likely to be
irrecoverable, and therefore may pose financial and reputational risk
to a project and MTRCL.
5.38 Additionally, improved guidelines to assess project status might aid
the Audit Committee in their role of challenging the PjT and PjD. For
instance, the Independent Experts recommend that consecutively
reported red lights for more than a quarter should trigger an alert to
the Audit Committee that it should consider referring the
performance of that project to the Board as a concern that the project
programme is at risk of moving into irrecoverable delay.
5.39 In addition, XRL external audits are carried out regularly by the
Government-appointed M&V auditor. The M&V audit reports,
reviewed by the Independent Experts, demonstrated that the auditor
challenged the project on aspects of technical designs as well as
programming issues. In April 2013, the M&V list of critical issues
included slow progress at contract 826 and warned of a delay of 1719 months. The M&V list of critical issues from August 2013
similarly estimated a delay of 9.5 months and posed the following
question: “…what allowance has MTRCL made in its overall
calculations for the critical delays at WKT and Contracts 820 and
826?” The response from MTRCL management was: “The current
delays at WKT, 820 and 826 are being monitored closely and their
impacts to the project is being assessed and reviewed.” The M&V
audit of 12 September 2013 found that key dates were being missed
and that track access had been impacted. The Independent Experts
found no evidence that MTRCL’s responses did not satisfy the M&V
5.40 In sum, the M&V audits, as well as the 2013 Internal Quality Audits,
Self Quality Audits and Technical Audits have found no evidence of
significant non-compliance by the PjT with the respective project
management systems. On the basis of the available evidence, the
Independent Experts are reasonably satisfied by the audits that the
PjT has followed the processes in the PIMS for the Project.
5.41 However, the Independent Experts recommend that when there is a
continuous period in which a project reports red traffic lights this fact
should be considered a new non–compliance event after a certain
defined period, e.g. three months. The system should then require
specific actions to be undertaken to rectify the situation before a
specified deadline. In addition, the Independent Experts recommend
that MTRCL considers enlarging the remit of the project audits to
incorporate the effectiveness and efficiency of control structures,
including tools and procedures to identify when problems, e.g.
schedule delays and cost overruns, are likely to be irrecoverable, and
therefore may pose financial and reputational risk to the relevant
project and MTRCL.
Why did the project status reporting by the PjT not raise the flag
about the delay of the XRL?
5.42 As detailed above, the Independent Experts found that facts about
delays were openly and correctly reported by the PjT and the team
proactively attempted to recover the project through DRMs.
5.43 As regards reporting to Government, the Independent Experts
learned in its interviews with MTRCL staff that Government was
closely involved in problem-solving for the XRL delays. This
happened through the Project’s bi-weekly meetings with Government
and daily reporting on progress of the tunnels in Contract 826.
Government supported this work through a designated team of
engineers. Government was fully aware, for instance, of the delays in
the cross-boundary tunnel contract and actively helped resolve the
issues by working with the Mainland government.
5.44 The Independent Experts also learned in its interviews that the different
project teams on the XRL were not only meeting on a regular basis but
also interacted daily and kept an active communication flow in the PjT.
High risk areas (e.g. water inflow in contract 824, prefabrication of roof
in contract 810A) were closely monitored. The Independent Experts
were told of and saw protocols that demonstrated a high level of on-site
supervision of contractors by MTRCL.
5.45 The Independent Experts conclude that although delays for each
contract were factually reported, the interpretation of the consequences
of the delays, and the responsibility for making the judgment as to
whether the 2015 opening date would be feasible, ultimately rested with
a single person only, namely the PjD. The impact of the delays on the
overall schedule would have to be, and was ultimately, raised by the
PjD based on all the reporting systems and outcomes available to him.
5.46 Moreover, the Independent Experts found that a contributing factor
as to why the PjD did not report irrecoverability of the delay earlier
is that the current PIMS and Compliance Manuals lack systematic
indicators that would prescribe when the reporting of delays of a
certain size and likelihood of irrecoverability must take place. Such a
check would have assisted the PjD in making this key reporting
decision. Instead, the current practice of reporting a delay as being
beyond recoverability relies on intuitive judgment by the PjD aided
by past experience, supported by the interpretations and experience
of other members of the PjT. This judgment call is made all the more
difficult due to its binary nature in the current practice of reporting,
i.e. a “yes” or a “no” as to whether the schedule may still be
recovered. Reversing the Project’s position that the planned opening
was no longer feasible and that delays were irrecoverable was
particularly challenging given stakeholder expectations.
5.47 In sum, the Independent Experts have not seen evidence that the PjT,
including the PjD and GM, has not followed the systems and
procedures of the PIMS and Compliance Manuals. The Independent
Experts have seen evidence, however, that there is scope for
improving these systems and procedures as regards systematic
reporting on the effect of delays on the Project programme (see Part
III above).
5.48 The Independent Experts recommend that MTRCL develops a
project status reporting system based on the probability of achievability
pre-determined targets, such as completion or handover dates. The
enhancements, which will be detailed in Parts VI and VII, can be made
as part of MTRCL’s on-going improvements of the PIMS.
5.49 In sum, the Independent Experts found that several layers of auditing
and several reporting channels are in place to communicate and
escalate issues in MTRCL projects. The Independent Experts have
seen no evidence of non-compliance in the audit reports by the IAD,
the project quality assurance and compliance section and the
Government-appointed M&V auditor. Yet, none of these audits or
reporting systems raised a flag that delays on the project were
becoming irrecoverable.
5.50 The Independent Experts assessed MTRCL project management with
a focus in particular on what changes could be incorporated to
enhance the warning systems regarding the effects of delays going
forward. The Independent Experts recommend enhancements to all
three reporting channels.
5.51 First, the Independent Experts recommend enhancing the effectiveness
of the programme KPIs through:
Ensuring top management’s attention is drawn to areas where
red traffic lights persist for a long duration; and
Tailoring special criteria for the two critical path contracts
810A and 823A, as well as for other high risk contracts, e.g.
5.52 Second, the Independent Experts recommend enhancing the effectiveness
of auditing through placing the audit of project cost and programme under
one responsibility, with reports submitted to the CWC pertaining to its
oversight function for capital works. A strong project auditing and
assurance unit could provide senior management with an independent
channel for reporting the status of projects and of issues of escalation.
5.53 Third, the Independent Experts recommend enhancing the project
status reporting through implementing an approach that reports how
likely it is that a project is going to achieve its targets. Reporting
whether project delays may be recovered or not should not rely
solely on one or even a few persons’ judgment. The step change from
considering delays recoverable to considering them irrecoverable is
difficult and should be supported more objectively.
5.54 The enhancements for budget cost control and progress reporting are
detailed in Parts VI and VII.
5.55 Lastly, in addition to the general issue of constantly and consistently
improving the MTRCL project management and reporting systems to
better support project delivery, including for the Project, the
Independent Experts recommend that the Board carefully monitors
the project management leadership situation through this transition
period of change of PjD and CEO with a view to minimizing or
eliminating any possible risk to the Project from the change in
Part VI – Budget control
The Independent Experts were asked to:
recommend any enhancements to budget control and reporting
systems within the project management of the Project; and
recommend key reporting milestones in the future project
programme for reports to the Board to facilitate monitoring of
the actual Project budget against the proposed Project budget
and anticipated eventual costs outturn.
Recommendations for budget control and reporting systems
The cost control processes currently in place for MTRCL projects
track cost development against the contract baseline (i.e. the Initial
Contract Control Total). The overall cost risk position is regularly
estimated by the PjT. The risk and contingency status are reported
monthly to the GM, PjD and the Project Control Group (PCG). If a
contract exceeds its defined cost control total a change request is
made to the PCG. Approved change requests are funded from the
available project contingencies. MTRCL has weekly PCG meetings,
which ensure a fast process of approving or rejecting claims and
change requests.
MTRCL’s system of estimating and controlling cost has been used
with success in previous MTRCL projects. Only one of six past
projects exceeded their budget: the Lantau Airport Railway by 6%.
In order for the MTRCL budget control system to become better
capable of quickly detecting and hedging against such potential cost
overruns, the Independent Experts recommend:
The use of contingency draw down as a leading indicator to
detect escalation earlier in the project cycle;
The use of reference class forecasting to establish appropriate
contingencies for highly complex and uncertain projects; and
The establishment of a tiered contingency fund, in particular
for projects funded by Government under the “concession
Contingency draw down
The current process of cost controls tracks the cost implications of
events that impact the Project schedule. The monthly Project reports
include an overview of additional funding needs and project by
project reports on the estimated final project cost, contingency
analysis and cost to complete outlook. The project dashboard
compares a project’s actual and planned payment schedule. Currently,
no traffic light indicator is being used to report on Project cost.
The Independent Experts reviewed past XRL progress reports for the
period from November 2011 to July 2014. The Independent Experts
found that the actual monthly payments consistently lagged behind
the planned payment schedule by an average of 4%.
However, actual payments were consistently ahead of the actual
progress by on average 23%. This is unusual compared to industry
practice, but members of Procurement explained in interviews that it
is standard MTRCL practice and that it is done to ensure cash flow to
contractors. The key benefit was described to the Independent
Experts as increasing contract security, including retention, bonding
and guarantees. This practice might lead to the loss of advance
payments in the case of insolvency of a contractor.
Currently, cost forecasts are based on the changes requested and
approved plus the contract baseline. For XRL Procurement has
reported a most likely, a pessimistic and an optimistic scenario for
the cost position of the Project. These scenarios are based on events
that have caused entitlements and other risk areas and vary with the
rate of approved claims. Following the First IBC Report, MTRCL
has revised the reporting to the ExCom (and Board), which includes
projections for risk and outturn cost and an assessment of the
adequacy of contingencies. This should allow ExCom and Board to
more easily detect potential inadequacies in the estimated outturn
As discussed in Part II, the Independent Experts find that the key
cost risks for the XRL are best reflected in the draw down of
contingencies. The contingency funds are used to pay for the
extension to the Project programme of moving the opening date from
2015 to 2017 and unforeseen delays to finish the whole of works.
The Independent Experts recommend that this cost risk is closely
monitored by including in the project summary the monthly
contingency draw down and showing its accumulation against total
and remaining contingencies.
6.10 The current practice of constructing a most likely, a pessimistic and
an optimistic scenario for the cost position of projects follows the
logic of earned value management systems, which make the
assumption that current variations from the cost baseline are of a
temporary nature. However, experience from large, complex projects,
like XRL, show that cost variations on such projects are often
systemic, caused by optimism in initial budgets. Thus scenarios for
the most likely, optimistic, and pessimistic outturn cost should also
incorporate a scenario where the actual historical volume of claims
and variations is projected into the future.
6.11 For example, a trending indicator of the contingency draw down
could indicate (1) a conservative estimate of the total outturn cost,
provided contingencies are drawn down at a constant rate, (2) the
probability of staying within the currently forecasted HK$71.5
billion outturn cost, i.e. a P-value based on actual outturn cost and
actual cost overruns in a reference group of similar past projects
6.12 Additionally, project cost reporting should make it easier to establish
whether a project is likely to overrun its budget and if so by how
much. This could be achieved by including a cost performance index
similar to the schedule performance index that is currently part of the
progress reports. Other information to report could be the overall
cost contingency position, major changes to the contingency position
and a forecast of total outturn cost.
6.13 The Independent Experts were told in interviews with MTRCL staff
that as the contingency fund depletes the risk of an adverse impact on
the progress of the Project increases (and the faster the contingency
fund depletes, the more quickly that risk increases). A lack of
contingency might not only prohibit additional DRMs but might also
incentivise contractors to operate at a consistent level of productivity
which is too low to achieve timely completion of the Project instead
of increasing productivity. The Independent Experts recommend that
the Project contingency is replenished if the objective is to ensure the
2017 opening without further delay.
Reference class forecasting
6.14 Reference class forecasting (RCF) is a new forecasting method
aimed at identifying and eliminating optimism in projections.
Research shows that both the frequency and scale of optimism is
large for transport infrastructure forecasts in general and for forecasts
of rail construction cost in particular. RCF achieves accuracy in
projections by firmly basing them on actual performance in a
reference class of comparable, completed projects and thereby
bypassing optimism and increasing accuracy. RCF is described in
more detail in Appendix 2.
6.15 For the XRL and other MTRCL projects, RCF would work in the
following manner. After a bottom-up cost risk assessment has been
produced the level of contingencies should be checked by taking the
so-called “outside view”. This requires three steps:
Identifying a relevant reference class of completed projects.
The class must be broad enough to be statistically meaningful
but narrow enough to be truly comparable with the specific
Establishing a probability distribution for the selected reference
class for the variable of interest, e.g. risk of cost overruns. This
requires access to credible, empirical data for a sufficient number
of projects within the reference class to make statistically
meaningful conclusions; and
Comparing the specific project with the reference class distribution
in order to establish the most likely outcome for the specific project.
6.16 The key advantage of using reference class forecasting to establish the
appropriate amount of contingencies is that the process is firmly
grounded in empirical probability distributions of cost and schedule
overruns of actually completed projects. It is crucial that contingencies
be empirically based in this manner; otherwise there is a high risk of reintroducing optimism and bias in project preparation and decision
6.17 With the benefit of hindsight, a reference class forecast for the
Project based on the projects used in the cost benchmarkings above
would have suggested a contingency fund of +66% to reach a level
of 80% budget certainty, that is a 20% risk of cost overruns. At a
50% level of certainty, i.e. a 50% risk of cost overruns the
appropriate amount of contingencies would have been +30%. The
7% that were initially allocated to the Project and later replenished
due to procurement savings were equivalent to only a 30% level of
certainty (i.e. they carried a 70% risk of being exceeded). The later
procurement savings increased the level of certainty for the original
HK$65 billion budget to approximately 40%, i.e. it carried a 60%
risk of being insufficient. Actual developments have borne out that
the initial budget was underestimated, with contingencies that were
too low. Most likely an RCF would have resulted in a budget,
initially and presently, with more adequate contingencies.
Tiered contingency fund
6.18 The Independent Experts recommend that, in line with industry
practice, MTRCL establishes a tiered contingency management
approach. Currently contingencies are solely managed by the PCG
and change orders within the GM fund can be authorized by the
Engineer’s Representatives.
6.19 International experience shows that a tiered contingency fund for
publicly financed projects can be highly effective. The specific
structure of the contingency fund depends on the characteristics and
risks of each project and should be separately negotiated. An
example of the international practice, adapted to the context of
MTRCL “concession approach” projects, could be structured as
follows, for example:
Project holds the ICCT + 10%, subject to the authority of the
MTRCL holds contingencies up to the P40 level (i.e.
contingencies sufficient to ensure that the budget will not
overrun with a 40% level of certainty), subject to the authority
of Government; and
Government holds the remaining contingencies up to the P80
or P90 level (i.e. contingencies sufficient that the budget will
not overrun with a 80/90% level of certainty).
6.20 Tiered contingency management as described here helps to reassure
contractors that funding is available to secure smooth project delivery.
On the one hand the overall contingency position would become
public knowledge. On the other hand the tiered approach signals that
access to contingency funds is increasingly difficult. This helps to
avoid the so-called "red meat" syndrome, where contingencies are
used up simply because they are there and are common knowledge. A
tiered contingency scheme that includes Government-held, or
underwritten but not released, funds would alleviate concerns that
future extensions to the Project programme (if any) and DRMs may
be insufficiently funded or will be subject to politics.
Recommendations for key reporting milestones
6.21 With regards to the reporting frequency, the Independent Experts find
that the current practice of monthly updates to the contingency
position and projected outturn cost is sufficient to steer the Project.
6.22 Consistent with the proposed project milestones (4.106), the key
milestones for cost reporting are listed in Table 19. Moreover the key
milestones listed in Table 19 reflect the point in time where the cost
risk of the Project will change and the remaining cost risks could be
reassessed. However, in the view of the Independent Experts, the
Project has now a window of opportunity to secure funding.
Table 19. Key reporting milestones to the Board
Re-launching of both north and south U/T TBM
Complete D&B excavation
Achieve B3 diaphragm action in north top-down
Complete Central Stability System and South
Stability System
Complete South Stability System statutory
Complete south U/T TBM excavation
Complete U/T and D/T TBM excavation
Erect all roof trusses
Degree-1 completion of TBM tunnels for track-laying
Complete track-laying for mainline D/T
Degree-1 completion of D&B tunnels for track-laying
Complete B4 / OHVD and platform track-laying
for the first 4 tracks
Complete north U/T TBM excavation
Energise OHL for pilot section
Complete statutory inspections for ventilation
Complete track-laying for mainline U/T
Energise OHL for dynamic testing of trains in
mainline from Nam Cheong to Mai Po, both Up
and Down Track
Complete statutory inspections WKT
Complete WKT track-laying
Dynamic testing of Whole Line Dynamic
Complete integration T&C with Mainland
Commence Trial Running
Nov 2014
Dec 2014
Mar 2015
Apr 2015
June 2015
Jul 2015
Aug 2015
Dec 2015
Dec 2015
Dec 2015
Feb 2016
Aug 2016
Sep 2016
Sep 2016
Oct 2016
Nov 2016
Jan 2017
Jan 2017
Jan 2017
Feb 2017
May 2017
Aug 2017
Part VII – Reporting processes and presentation
The Independent Experts were asked to:
recommend any enhancements to the systems within the project
management structure for the monitoring and reporting of: (1)
progress toward the key reporting milestones and (2) developments
that may affect the seriousness of risks identified already by the
PjT or subsequently by the Independent Experts; and
recommend any enhancements to the reporting of progress of the
Project in order to better ensure transparency and accessibility
for all stakeholders or recipients of respective reports. This may
include recommendations regarding the presentation and format
of such reports as well as their content.
The Independent Experts reviewed the reporting processes of the
Project as defined by the MTRCL Corporate Structure, the PIMS
Manuals and the Compliance Manuals referring to the entrustment
The Independent Experts further reviewed the actual contents of these
reports and meetings in order to identify potential enhancements. Based
on these analyses the Independent Experts recommend:
Enhancements to the monitoring and reporting; and
Enhancements to the presentation of factual data to ensure
Existing reporting processes
Table 20 summarises all reporting and meetings required for the PjD,
PjT and GM.
Table 20. Summary of regular XLR meetings
(in attendance, () on invitation)
Board Meeting
Meeting Participants
FreGovern Conquency PjD GM PM CM SConE -ment tractor
Internal Meetings
Committee Meeting
Audit Committee
Project Control Group Weekly
XRL Progress Meeting Monthly
PjD Project Weekly
PjD Senior Project
Management Review Bi-weekly
XRL Project Risk
Review Meeting
XRL Stakeholder
Engagement Steering Monthly
Committee Meeting
GM Weekly
GM Weekly
Meeting (Civil)
PM Communication
CM Internal
External Meetings
Project Supervision
Monthly ()
Committee (PSC)
RDO Coordination
Contract Review
Public Relations
Task Group Meeting
XRL Monthly
Cost Meeting
Senior Management
Review Meeting
CM Meeting
Site Safety and
Committee Meeting
SConE Meeting
Meeting Participants
FreGovern Conquency PjD GM PM CM SConE -ment tractor
These regular reports and meetings are arranged in a bottom-up
sequence starting with the GM/XRL weekly communication meeting
on Monday followed by the PjD weekly communication meeting on
Tuesday. The reporting is then taken to the corporate level with the
ExCom meeting chaired by the CEO on Thursday morning and the
PCG meeting on Thursday afternoon.
The weekly PCG meeting also includes representatives from the
HyD/RDO. Additionally, several monthly meetings are held between
MTRCL and Government. Those meetings are:
Monthly PSC meeting: chaired by DHy;
Monthly Project Co-ordination Meeting: chaired by an
Assistant Director of the HyD; and
Monthly Contract Review Meetings: chaired by the Chief
Engineer of RDO.
The Independent Experts reviewed the reports presented in these
meetings and the meeting minutes. The Independent Experts found
that detailed progress, cost, contractual, environmental and safety
information were presented. The Independent Experts also found that
these meetings were attended by all levels of Project staff and
stakeholders. However, in the judgment of the Independent Experts,
presentations of progress in the Project fell short of providing
participants the opportunity to make effective judgments about the
extent of delays and their recoverability through proposed DRMs.
In order to judge whether or not proposed DRMs are likely to
recover a delay and bring the project back to its original plan, an
extensive programme review must be done. Such reviews
quantitatively analyse schedule and resource impacts of all events
that have happened and all proposed DRMs. However, in the case of
XRL new events continuously happened at the sites, further
aggravated by labour shortages. As a result, for example, the MOR
programme took almost a year to confirm. In the view of the
Independent Experts, this shows that for a complex project such as
XRL a full project revision is not easily completed, which creates the
need for alternative ways to inform decision making of project and
corporate management.
To address this need, the Independent Experts propose a simpler
approach based on the programme information reported in the
project dashboard. Data from the PIMS can be used to assess the
work required to recover project delays and the probability of this
increased workload being implemented. Thus, the data give an
indication of how likely it is that the delays will be recovered.
Enhancements to KPIs and the risk register
Schedule Performance Index
7.10 The Independent Experts found that the interpretation of delays can
be informed by the automated reporting system. The actual
programme progress and the planned programme progress can be
used to calculate a Schedule Performance Index (SPI), for the
programme at a certain stage, as:
SPI = Actual Progress / Planned Progress.
7.11 Figure 7 shows the SPI from November 2011 to July 2014 against
the 2015 opening date. The graph shows that Project has gradually
deteriorated from November 2011 until September 2013 when the
performance index reached the lowest point of 0.65. The curve
shows that at the lowest point the SPI for the civil work reached 0.6.
The graph also shows that E&M finished most of the design work in
July 2013 and subsequently ran out of work sites to achieve progress.
Figure 7. Schedule Performance Index (SPI) of the XRL
7.12 In the view of the Independent Experts, if this information had been
included in past reporting meetings it would have been clear to
decision makers that: (1) despite the large number of DRMs being
implemented, their effect on Project progress was minimal; and (2)
the productivity of civil contracts started to improve slightly after
October 2013 but at the same time the E&M contracts significantly
deteriorated due to lack of work spaces.
Schedule Recovery Index
7.13 An alternative way of reporting the recoverability of delays is to
estimate the productivity increase that needs to be achieved and
sustained for the remainder of the project in order to meet the
opening date. This Schedule Recovery Index (SRI) is calculated as:
SRI = (Planned Progress - Actual Progress) / (1 – Actual Progress)
7.14 Figure 8 depicts the required productivity increase for the Project
between November 2011 and July 2014 to achieve the 2015 opening.
7.15 In the view of the Independent Experts, a productivity improvement
of more than 30% is highly unlikely. Achieving and sustaining a 30%
improvement is equivalent to working 3 hours overtime per 10 hour
work day. The historic data in Figure 8 shows that after April 2013
the Project needed to achieve a more than 30% productivity increase
to meet the 2015 opening date. By the end of 2013 the required
increase in productivity was higher than 60%. It is the view of the
Independent Experts that achieving such an increase would have
been almost impossible.
7.16 Consequently, if decision makers had been presented with information
like that above, they would, in the view of the Independent Experts,
have concluded no later than the second half of 2013 that the Project
was irrecoverable.
Figure 8. Schedule Recovery Index (SRI) of the XRL
Enhancement to the programme KPI
7.17 As discussed above, the Independent Experts found that the Project
reported red lights for a prolonged period in time. This indicates that
either the KPI definition was flawed or appropriate action was not
7.18 According to the KPI definition, a red light indicates a delay of more
than eight weeks. The buffer in the original baseline was twelve
weeks. The Independent Experts recommend tailoring the definition
of traffic lights to the specific cost and schedule contingencies in the
current baseline of projects rather than using a consistent definition
across all projects.
7.19 The Independent Experts further recommend that clear rules are
defined that a project cannot report more than a given number of
consecutive red lights (depending on the overall length of the project)
before triggering a review of the project. The outcome of the review
should be a re-baselining of the project and an actionable turn-around
plan, in the view of the Independent Experts.
7.20 Consecutive red lights must be linked to a clear plan of action with
clear accountabilities and deadlines to bring project performance
back on track. In other words, the PjT and the contractors must have
responsibility to demonstrably recover performance by a set deadline.
Suggested DRMs need to clearly specify by when they are going to
be met and how much they will improve performance, so that the PjT
can select the appropriate steps for short and long term recovery. The
decision as to whether DRMs are sufficient needs to be driven by
7.21 Following the First IBC Report, MTRCL has taken steps to improve
the reporting process. The revised reports now include Gantt charts
indicating the critical path and slippage of contracts against the last
approved baseline.
7.22 Moreover, changes to the reporting process have been made. Project
status reports now require sign off by the Chief Programming Engineer.
This adjustment was made to use the role of the Chief Programming
Engineer to critically challenge the PjT. However, the Independent
Experts find that this measure, while working temporarily, might not
prevent future projects from ambitious assessments as to how achievable
plans may be. The Independent Experts therefore recommend that
MTRCL strengthens an independent channel to assure projects as
recommended in Part V.
7.23 The Independent Experts also recommend that MTRCL incorporates
indicators similar to the SPI and SRI in its new form of reporting.
MTRCL should adopt a probabilistic approach in the reporting, which
can be quickly updated when events are continuously happening.
Risk Register
7.24 The Independent Experts also reviewed the risk registers of the
Project and its contracts. In the view of the Independent Experts, the
risk register is fairly comprehensive and the regular risk reviews
focus the PjT on taking proactive steps to ensure that safety, quality,
schedule and cost targets are being met in the short and long-term
7.25 The overall project reporting should include a high-level summary of
key risks. To aid understanding of the risk register. The register could
either be structured in sections for each goal or, to avoid duplication,
the risk register could include a separate rating for the impact on the
key goals, namely project safety, quality, schedule and cost. A
summary depiction included in the high-level project report would
then aid decision makers in showing which goals are most at risk and
which areas of the Project to focus on in order to challenge the PjT.
This would strengthen the link between risk reporting and project
performance reports.
Senior participation
7.26 The First IBC Report concluded that: “the failure of the PjD to
communicate the likelihood of delay had deprived the Corporation of
the opportunity to manage the situation in which it found itself on 12
April and the following days in the best possible way.”
7.27 Subsequently, on 21 August 2014, the Board announced the formation
of two new committees: the CWC and the Risk Committee. Both
committees are intended to provide oversight “to ensure the works of
MTR Corporation management continue to meet high standards and
7.28 The Independent Experts consider that the two new committees
provide channels for the Board to identify whether projects go
through periods of difficulty and provide the project with the Board’s
support and perspective.
7.29 In the view of the Independent Experts, the work of these two new
committees is best informed by existing reporting. The Independent
Experts do not see the need to create new reports and/or presentations
besides the existing ones as enhanced by the recommendations above.
7.30 Moreover, the Independent Experts recommend that the committee
members invite contractors’ senior management and Government
officials to have regular informal meetings to enhance teamwork and
the capacity for problem resolution at the most senior levels.
Recommendations to ensure transparency and accessibility
7.31 The June 2013 Internal Audit Report identified that the approval
process for revisions to contracts’ completion obligations should be
accelerated to ensure that the Project is transparent about the current
level of performance and that delays are not hidden in lengthy
approval processes for claims. The Independent Experts recommend
that IAD continues to monitor projects to ensure open and
transparent reporting.
7.32 The Independent Experts further recommend that performance
against the safety, quality, schedule and cost goals of the overall
Project and each contract should be communicated openly within the
PjT and upwards, including traffic light assessments. One positive
side effect of open and visual communication between contracts is to
create a competitive environment where contracts aspire not to be the
worst performing.
Part VIII – Recommendations
This part summarises the recommendations made above by the
Independent Experts. The summary is made under four main
headings: (1) recommendations to de-risk critical path contracts, (2)
recommendations to enhance budget control, (3) recommendations to
enhance reporting processes and presentation and (4) recommendations
for key reporting milestones.
Recommendations to de-risk critical path contracts
Contract 810A
The Independent Experts found that, although the PTC has defined a
feasible plan for the construction of 810A, the programme remains
very tight and critical, with little slack. The Independent Experts
make the following three recommendations:
The site team of MTRCL and the contractor should work
closely and cooperatively as “one team” to face the challenges
and remain effective and efficient;
Corporate-level attention and support ought to be given to the
key tasks of the contract, aimed at achieving the key dates. The
best talent and resources of MTRCL and the contractors should
be allocated to the contract and all parties should be firmly
committed to the opening date. MTRCL Senior Management
should invite Senior Management of the contractors to jointly
commit the best resources to the site and to reconfirm their
commitment to achieving the key milestones; and
An effective contingency plan should be prepared and ready in
case the worst-case scenario develops at WKT, including the
involvement of all relevant experience and knowledge of the
Civil, E&M and Operations teams.
Contract 823A
The Independent Experts found that the achievement of the key dates
of contract 823A mostly relies on the performance of the TBMs. To
minimise the risk of under-performance of the TBMs and achieve the
date, the Independent Experts recommend that the chairman and/or
CEO of MTRCL contact the Chairman and/or CEO of the Contractor
and the TBM Manufacturer to ensure that there is commitment and
pressure from the most senior levels of management to keep the
TBMs running with minimal delay until completion.
Contract 826
The Independent Experts found that, for now, contract 826 is no
longer on the critical path. The Independent Experts make the
following three recommendations:
Although sufficient buffers are available to contract 826 for
now, the 826 team should continuously exercise its diligence
to prevent this contract from becoming critical again;
The PjT should diligently monitor contract 826, in particular
the time needed for repairs and achieved production rates; and
The current unexpected cutter head damage of the D/T TMB
should be recovered as soon as possible.
Testing and commissioning and trial operation
The Independent Experts have examined the fallback plans and
measures and judged them to be a reasonable and effective way to deal
with possible further delays. The Independent Experts recommend that:
Once the definite concreting plan for WKT is in place, the
E&M team should work with the 810A team to reach a
contingency plan for the worst-case scenario of delay in the
handover to track-laying in order to try to ensure that that
delay will have no negative impact on meeting the opening
date for passenger service at the end of 2017;
The Operations Division’s roadmap require resolution of ten
“very challenging” items that are not fully under the control of
MTRCL. Resolving them requires continuous dialogue, effective
coordination and reasonable alignment of interests. The Independent
Experts recommend that actions should not be relaxed due to the
delay of the opening date to 2017.
Recommendations to enhance budget control
The Independent Experts make two recommendations for the
commercial strategy, currently being investigated by MTRCL, in
The commercial strategy should assures financial commitment
to the contractors. Such commitment should further be
strengthened by tying payments to the successful achievement
of key project milestones, key dates of the contract or target
productivity rates. Moreover a commercial strategy should
include incentives for early achievement of milestones; and
MTRCL should establish a regular, top-management communication
channel with key contractors to reassure them about the financial
situation of the project and to ensure their solid commitment to the
opening date 2017.
The Independent Experts found in its top-down and bottom-up assessment
that, in its view, the budget is most likely going to be exceeded. The
Independent Experts make the following recommendations to enhance the
budget control:
The Independent Experts found that the key cost risk for XRL
is best reflected in the draw down of contingencies. The
contingency funds are used to pay for the extension to the
programme of moving the opening date from 2015 to 2017
and unforeseen delays to finish the whole of works. The
Independent Experts recommend that this cost risk is closely
monitored by including in the project summary the monthly
contingency draw down and showing its accumulation against
total and remaining contingencies;
The current MTRCL practice of constructing the most likely,
pessimistic and optimistic scenario for the cost position of
projects follows the logic of earned value management
systems, based on the assumption that current variations from
the cost baseline are of a temporary nature. However,
experience from large, complex projects, like XRL, shows that
the cost variations on such projects are often systemic, caused
by optimism in initial budgets. Thus scenarios for the most
likely, optimistic, and pessimistic outturn cost should also
incorporate a scenario which assumes that the past volume of
claims and variations will continue into the future;
A trending indicator of the contingency draw down could
indicate: (1) the most likely total outturn cost, provided
contingencies are drawn down at a constant rate, (2) the
probability of staying within the currently forecasted HK$71.5
billion outturn cost, i.e. a P-value based on actual outturn cost
and actual cost overruns in a reference group of similar past
Project cost reporting should make it easier to establish
whether a project is likely to overrun its budget and if so by
how much. This can be achieved by including a cost
performance index similar to the schedule performance index
which is currently part of the progress reports. Other
information to report could be the overall cost contingency
position, major changes to the contingency position, and a
forecast of the total outturn cost estimate;
The HK$71.5 billion project estimate should be reviewed in
the light of the Independent Experts’ verification; and
The Independent Experts recommend that, in line with
international practice, MTRCL establishes a tiered contingency
management approach. Currently contingencies are solely
managed by the PCG and change orders within the GM fund can
be authorized by the Engineer’s Representatives. Such an
approach could, for example, adapting international practice to
the context of MTRCL’s “concession approach” projects, be
structured as follows:
a. Projects holds the ICCT + 10%, subject to the authority
of the PCG;
b. MTRCL holds contingencies up to the P40 level (i.e.
contingencies sufficient to ensure that the budget will
not overrun with a 40% level of certainty), subject to
the authority of Government; and
c. Government holds the remaining contingencies up to
the P80 or P90 level (i.e. contingencies sufficient that
the budget will not overrun with a 80/90% level of
Recommendations to enhance reporting processes and presentation
The Independent Experts reviewed the three channels in place in the XRL
to escalate issues. The Independent Experts made recommendations to
enhance the (1) Project Information Management System (PIMS), (2)
project auditing and (3) project status reporting.
Recommended enhancements to the PIMS
The Independent Experts consider that the KPI-based PIMS can be made
more effective. The Independent Experts make three recommendations
to enhance the PIMS:
The current criteria for the green-amber-red traffic lights are onesize-fit-all criteria for all MTRC projects. The Independent
Experts recommend that the traffic light alert system is based
upon planned schedule and cost contingencies;
The Independent Experts recommend using an approach
which more clearly reports on the probability of achieving key
dates and milestones; and
Strengthen the effectiveness of the programme KPI through:
a. Ensuring top management’s attention is drawn to areas
where red traffic lights persist for a long duration;
b. Tailoring special criteria for the two critical path
contracts 810A and 823A, as well as for other high-risk
contracts, e.g. 826.
Recommended enhancements to project auditing
8.10 The Independent Experts recommend establishing strong project
auditing and assurance in order to provide senior management with an
independent channel for receiving reports on the true status of projects
and to escalate issues to senior management. The Independent Experts
make four recommendations for enhancing the project auditing in this way:
The Independent Experts consider the project programme and
project cost to be two inseparable parts of project management.
They recommend that the auditing of these two functions is done
together and under the same body, with reports submitted to the
CWC pertaining to its oversight function for capital works;
The Independent Experts recommend that the remit of the
project audits is enlarged to incorporate the effectiveness and
efficiency of control structures, including tools and procedures
to identify when problems, e.g. schedule delays and cost
overruns, are likely to be irrecoverable, and therefore may
pose financial and reputational risk to the Project and MTRCL;
Additionally, improved guidelines to assess project status might
aid the Audit Committee in its role of challenging the PjT and
PjD. For instance, the Independent Experts recommend that
where red lights are reported consecutively for more than a
quarter in relation to any project’s performance, that event
should trigger an alert to the Audit Committee that it should
consider referring the project’s performance as an area of
concern to the Board; and
The Independent Experts recommend that the continuous
display of red traffic lights, following current procedures, be
considered a new “non–compliance” event after a certain time
period, e.g. three months, that requires specific actions to be
undertaken to rectify the situation before a specified deadline.
Recommended enhancements to project status reporting
8.11 The Independent Experts recommend strengthening the project status
reporting as follows:
MTRCL should develop and adopt measures to ensure that
reporting whether a project delay can be recovered does not
solely rely on one or a few persons’ judgment. The
Independent Experts recommend that this can be achieved
through strengthening the audit channel or establishing
guidelines when issues need to be escalated;
The step change from delays being recoverable to being
irrecoverable is difficult to make. This decision can be better
supported by a reporting system that shows the probability of
achieving key dates and milestones. Thus, the Independent
Experts recommend implementing a reporting system that
shows more clearly the probability of achieving pre-defined
milestones. The Independent Experts gave examples of
probability-based KPIs above, e.g. to track:
a. How likely it is that the target opening date is going to
be met, given a project's current performance, by using
the schedule performance index; or
b. How likely it is that DRMs are going to recover delays,
by using the schedule recovery index.
The Independent Experts also observe that the Project reported
red lights for a prolonged period in time. This indicates that
either the KPI definition was flawed or that appropriate action
was not taken. The Independent Experts recommend tailoring
the definition for how traffic lights are set to the specific cost
and schedule contingencies in the current project programme
rather than using the same definition across all projects.
The Independent Experts further recommend defining clear
rules that a project cannot report more than a given number of
consecutive red lights without triggering an alert or response
in the project management system. The relevant number of red
lights may be varied depending upon the overall length of the
project. Reporting several red lights in a row should trigger a
process to review the project with the outcome of putting a
project turn-around plan into action or re-baselining the
Red lights in a project need to be linked to a clear plan of
actions with clear accountabilities and deadlines to bring
project performance back on track. The Independent Experts
recommend establishing reporting that holds the PjT and the
contractors accountable to demonstrably recover performance
by a set deadline. Suggested DRMs need to clearly specify by
when they are going to improve performance and by how
much. The judgment whether the DRMs are sufficient and
whether performance has improved needs to be driven by data.
The Independent Experts observe that changes to the reporting
process have been made. Project status reports now require
sign-off by the Chief Programming Engineer. This adjustment
was made to use the role of the Chief Programming Engineer
to critically challenge the PjT. However, the Independent
Experts find that this measure, while temporarily working,
might not prevent future projects from ambitious assessments
as to how achievable plans may be. The Independent Experts
recommend that MTRCL should strengthen an independent
channel to assure projects as outlined above.
The Independent Experts found that the risk register is
currently not part of the project dashboard. The overall project
reporting should include a high-level summary of key risks.
To better link the risk register with the KPI reporting the
Independent Experts recommend that risks are rated by their
likely impact on key project goals, namely project safety,
quality, schedule and cost. If a summary depiction of that risk
matrix is then included in the high-level project report, that
should aid decision makers in showing which goals are most
at risk and which area of the project to focus on in order to
challenge the relevant project team.
The Independent Experts consider that the two new Board
committees established to oversee MTRCL projects (the CWC
and Risk Committee) could provide channels for the Board to
identify when projects go through periods of difficulty and
when to provide any such project with the Board’s support,
assistance and influence. In the view of the Independent
Experts, the work of these two new committees is best
informed by existing reporting. The Independent Experts do
not see the need to create new reports and/or presentations
besides the existing ones (as enhanced according to the
Independent Experts’ recommendations above).
The Independent Experts recommend that the committee
members invite contractors’ senior management and Government
officials to have regular informal meetings to enhance the
teamwork and resolution of problems beginning at the top level.
Regarding the transparency of potential delays, the Independent
Experts recommend that IAD continues to monitor that delays
are not hidden in lengthy approval processes for claims. IAD
should also continue to ensure that projects continue to report
openly, transparently, and factually.
The Independent Experts further recommend that performance
against the safety, quality, schedule and cost goals of the
overall project and each contract should be communicated
openly within the PjT and upwards, including traffic light
8.12 In addition to the above recommendations, the Independent Experts
recommend that the Board carefully monitors the project management
leadership situation through this transition period of change of PjD and
CEO with a view to minimising or eliminating any risk to the Project
from the change in leadership.
Recommendations for key reporting milestones
8.13 The Independent Experts reviewed the PTC and the milestones of the
XRL. The Independent Experts have identified key milestones,
which reflect the point in time where the schedule and cost risks of
XRL will change, and KPIs that track the progress of the Project
towards these milestones. The Independent Experts recommend that
these milestones are closely monitored and once they are achieved,
the remaining risks may be reassessed. Table 21 lists the milestones,
Table 22 lists the KPIs.
Table 21. Key reporting milestones to the Board
Re-launching of both north and south U/T TBM
Complete D&B excavation
Achieve B3 diaphragm action in north top-down
Complete Central Stability System and South
Stability System
Complete South Stability System statutory
Complete south U/T TBM excavation
Complete U/T and D/T TBM excavation
Erect all roof trusses
Degree-1 completion of TBM tunnels for track-laying
Complete track-laying for mainline D/T
Degree-1 completion of D&B tunnels for track-laying
Complete B4 / OHVD and platform track-laying
for the first 4 tracks
Complete north U/T TBM excavation
Energise OHL for pilot section
Complete statutory inspections for ventilation
Complete track-laying for mainline U/T
Energise OHL for dynamic testing of trains in
mainline from Nam Cheong to Mai Po, both Up
and Down Track
Complete statutory inspections WKT
Complete WKT track-laying
Dynamic testing of Whole Line Dynamic
Complete integration T&C with Mainland
Commence Trial Running
Nov 2014
Dec 2014
Mar 2015
Apr 2015
June 2015
Jul 2015
Aug 2015
Dec 2015
Dec 2015
Dec 2015
Feb 2016
Aug 2016
Sep 2016
Sep 2016
Oct 2016
Nov 2016
Jan 2017
Jan 2017
Jan 2017
Feb 2017
May 2017
Aug 2017
Table 22. KPIs to track key milestones
Complete D&B excavation
Achieve B3 diaphragm action in
north top-down area
Complete Central Stability System
and South Stability System
Complete south U/T TBM
Complete U/T and D/T TBM
Erect all roof trusses
Degree-1 completion of TBM
tunnels for track-laying
Complete track-laying for
mainline D/T
Degree-1 completion of D&B
tunnels for track-laying
Complete B4 / OHVD and
platform track-laying for the first
4 tracks
Complete north U/T TBM
Complete track-laying for
mainline U/T
WKT track-laying completed
Excavation rate
Concrete production
Steel production
Excavation rate
Excavation rate
Steel production
(temporary and
Concrete production
Track-laying production
Concrete production
Concrete production
Excavation rate
Track-laying production
Track-laying production
Appendix 1
IBC members, appointed Independent Experts, interviews and
site visit dates
Members of the IBC9
Prof. Frederick Ma Si Hang (Chairman)
Dr. Dorothy Chan Yuen Tak Fai
Mr. Edward S T Ho
Mr. Alasdair Morrison
Mr. Abraham Shek Lai-him
Independent Experts appointed by the IBC
Prof. Bent Flyvbjerg
Prof. Tsung-Chung Kao
Interviews and site visit dates of the Independent Experts
01 August 2014
XRL Terminus Management Team
01 August 2014
Projects Director
08 August 2014
Contract 823A
08 August 2014
Project Quality Assurance
12 August 2014
12 August 2014
15 August 2014
Project Quality Assurance
15 August 2014
15 August 2014
15 August 2014
WKT contracts
18 August 2014
Internal Audit Department
18 August 2014
19 August 2014
Contract 826
19 August 2014
Project Quality Assurance
22 August 2014
25 August 2014
Procurement, Programming
04 September 2014 Project Quality Assurance
04 September 2014 E&M
05 September 2014 Internal Audit Department
12 September 2014 Programming
16 September 2014 Programming
18 September 2014 Projects Director
9 Mr. T. Brian Stevenson resigned from the IBC shortly following production of the First IBC Report due to conflicting time
Appendix 2
Reference Class Forecasting
A brief history of Reference Class Forecasting
RCF is founded on theories of decision making under uncertainty, which
won Daniel Kahneman the Nobel prize in economics in 2002 10 11 12. After
professional debate in Harvard Business Review in 2003 13 14 , RCF was
developed by Flyvbjerg and Cowi 15 into an applied method for forecasting
in policy and management practice.
The first instance of RCF in practical policy and management was carried
out in the UK in 2004 by Flyvbjerg and Cowi under the auspices of HM
Treasury and the UK Department for Transport16. Today, RCF is required
for all large transport infrastructure investments in the UK seeking funding
from the UK Department for Transport and HM Treasury, and many UK
transport projects have been submitted to RCF, including London's £15
billion Crossrail project.
In the USA in 2005, the American Planning Association (APA) officially
endorsed RCF in the following manner:
“APA encourages planners to use reference class forecasting in addition to
traditional methods as a way to improve accuracy. The reference class
forecasting method is beneficial for non-routine projects such as stadiums,
museums, exhibit centers, and other local one-off projects. Planners should
never rely solely on civil engineering technology as a way to generate
project forecasts.” 17
Interest in and application of RCF is quickly spreading in developed and
emerging economies alike.
10 Kahneman, D. and Tversky, A., 1979. Prospect theory: An analysis of decisions under risk, Econometrica, 47, pp. 313–327.
11 Kahneman, D. and Tversky, A., 1979. Intuitive prediction: Biases and corrective procedures, in: S. Makridakis and S. C.
Wheelwright (Eds.) Studies in the Management Sciences: Forecasting, p. 12, Amsterdam: North Holland.
12 Kahneman, D., 1994. New challenges to the rationality assumption, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 150, pp.
13 Lovallo, D. et al., 2003. Delusions of success. Harvard Business Review, 81(7), pp.1–10.
14 Flyvbjerg, B., 2003. Delusions of success: Comment on Dan Lovallo and Daniel Kahneman. Harvard Business Review, 81(12),
pp. 121-122.
15 Flyvbjerg, B. and COWI, 2004. Procedures for Dealing with Optimism Bias in Transport Planning: Guidance Document, The
British Department for Transport: London.
16 Flyvbjerg, B., 2006. From Nobel Prize to Project Management: Getting Risks Right. Project Management Journal, 37(3), pp.5–
17 American Planning Association, 2005. JAPA article calls on planners to help end inaccuracies in public project revenue
forecasting. Available at
Key concepts of Reference Class Forecasting
RCF is based on Kahneman and Tversky’s 18 19 finding that human judgment
is generally optimistic due to overconfidence and insufficient regard to
distributional information.
Thus people will underestimate the costs, completion times, and risks of
planned actions, whereas they will overestimate the benefits of the same
actions. Such errors of judgment are shared by experts and laypeople alike,
according to Kahneman and Tversky.
Lovallo and Kahneman20 call such common behaviour the “planning fallacy.”
They argue that this fallacy stems from actors taking an "inside view"
focusing on the constituents of the specific planned action rather than on the
outcomes of similar actions that have already been completed.
At the root of the planning fallacy is a tendency for actors to see each new
venture as unique. In fact, ventures are typically more similar than actors
assume, even ventures that on the surface of things may appear quite
For instance, planners may think that building a high-speed rail line and
building a subway are two very different undertakings with little to gain
from each other. In fact the two may be – and often are – quite similar in
statistical terms, for example as regards the size of cost and time overruns
or demand and revenue shortfalls. Thus the lessons from one project can be
pooled with other similar projects and used as distributional information to
statistically predict the outcome of another project.
Kahneman and Tversky 21 argue that the prevalent tendency to underweigh
or ignore distributional information is perhaps the major source of error in
forecasting. Planners should therefore make every effort to frame the
forecasting problem so as to facilitate utilizing all the distributional
information that is available.
18 Kahneman, D. and Tversky, A., 1979. Prospect theory: An analysis of decisions under risk, Econometrica, 47, pp. 313–327.
19 Kahneman, D. and Tversky, A., 1979. Intuitive prediction: Biases and corrective procedures, in: S. Makridakis and S. C.
Wheelwright (Eds.) Studies in the Management Sciences: Forecasting, p. 12, Amsterdam: North Holland.
20 Lovallo, D. et al., 2003. Delusions of success. Harvard Business Review, 81(7), pp.1–10.
21 Kahneman, D. and Tversky, A., 1979. Intuitive prediction: Biases and corrective procedures, in: S. Makridakis and S. C.
Wheelwright (Eds.) Studies in the Management Sciences: Forecasting, p. 12, Amsterdam: North Holland.
This may be considered the single most important piece of advice regarding
how to increase accuracy in forecasting through improved methods 22. Using
such distributional information from other ventures similar to that being
forecasted is called taking an “outside view” and is the cure to the planning
RCF is a method for systematically taking an outside view on planned actions.
RCF places particular emphasis on relevant distributional information because
such information is most significant to the production of accurate forecasts.
The three steps of Reference Class Forecasting
Identification of a relevant reference class of past, similar
projects. The class must be broad enough to be statistically
meaningful but narrow enough to be truly comparable with
the specific project.
Establishing a probability distribution for the selected reference
class. This requires access to credible, empirical data for a
sufficient number of projects within the reference class to make
statistically meaningful conclusions.
Comparing the specific project with the reference class distribution,
in order to establish the expected outcome for the specific project.
Thus RCF does not try to forecast the specific uncertain events that will
affect the particular project, but instead places the project in a statistical
distribution of outcomes from the class of reference projects.
In statisticians’ language, RCF consists of regressing forecasters' best guess
toward the average of the reference class and expanding their estimate of
credible interval toward the corresponding interval for the class.
The comparative advantage of the outside view and RCF is most pronounced
for non-routine projects, understood as projects that planners in a certain
locale or organisation have rarely or never attempted before – like building
new major infrastructure or catering to new types of demand. It is in the
planning of such new efforts that biases in forecasts are likely to be largest.
22 Kahneman, D., 2011. Thinking, Fast and Slow. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.
Choosing the right reference class of comparative past projects becomes
more difficult when planners are forecasting initiatives for which
precedents are not easily found, for instance the introduction of new and
unfamiliar technologies. However, most projects are both non-routine
locally and use well-known technologies. Such projects are, therefore,
particularly likely to benefit from the outside view and RCF.
A more full description of the theory and methodology of reference class
forecasting was published in 2006 23.
Adjusting forecasts for optimism
For a cost forecast, when a relevant reference class of past, similar projects
has been defined (step 1 above), the available statistical data on actual budget
increases may be used to establish a probability distribution for this group of
distinct transport schemes (step 2 above).
Figure 9 below provides an example of the probability distribution for
budget increases in the reference class of benchmarking projects from Part
III. It furthermore illustrates the link between the observed ex-post cost
increases for historical projects and the required up-lift for a new project to
ensure that the probability of the final cost being higher than the initial
budget plus the up-lift is less than a given threshold level.
Figure 9 Overview of distribution of cost overruns and resulting uplifts required from benchmark in Part III
If the new project is similar to the projects in the reference class (using
similar technology and planning/governance regime) and the initial budget
is established in a similar manner (not including budget contingencies
23 Flyvbjerg, B., 2006. From Nobel Prize to Project Management: Getting Risks Right. Project Management Journal, 37(3), pp.5–15.
reflecting the risk of cost escalations above the level of contingencies used
in the reference cases), the up-lift should be applied to the initial budget.
The project team or other experts closely associated with the project may
hold the inside view that the established initial budget is the best possible
estimate of the average ex-post realised cost and that no up-lift is necessary.
However, overwhelming data on past projects suggest that although this
will be the case for a few individual projects it is not the typical case.
Only for projects where risk analysis and mitigation has been applied
beyond the level applied in the average project is there an argument for not
applying the up-lift.
In other words, assuming that the project in question is an average project,
it should then be expected that the final budget - on average - will exceed
the initial budget by the average budget increase. This also implies that
there is a 50% chance of the budget increase being less than the average
budget increase and a 50% chance of the budget increase being higher than
the average budget increase.
If it is not acceptable to decision makers that there is a 50% chance of the
realized cost being higher than the budget (including up-lift), i.e. the
revised budget needs to be more than 50% certain, the up-lift would need to
be higher than the average budget increase. Figure 9 shows the necessary
uplift to ensure that the level of certainty of a revised budget (including uplift) is above a given threshold (x%).
For an organisation implementing a large portfolio of projects, the total
realised budget increase across all projects can be expected to be close to
the expected average. If the organisation has the ability to reallocate
budgets between projects (portfolio management), application of an up-lift
reflecting the average budget increase should therefore enable budget
compliance on average.
However, for the individual project organisation, a budget based on the
initial budget plus an uplift reflecting the average budget increase will
mean that there still is a 50% risk of the budget being inadequate.
The right level of adjustment for optimism bias will therefore also be
dependent on willingness to accept risk and the procedural issues related to
budget revisions.
Possible pitfalls of Reference Class Forecasting
Budgets that are available to a project organisation often tend to get used. It
is therefore important to recognise that the establishment of budgets which
on average are more than adequate (as would be the case if uplifts are
applied that reflect a higher percentile in the distribution than the 50%
percentile) may have an incentive effect which works against tight cost
control if the more than adequate budget is available (or perceived as being
available) to the project organisation.
This emphasises that the introduction of an outside view and associated
uplifts should go hand in hand with contractual and process-oriented
initiatives or governance structures, e.g. tiered contingency schemes, aimed
at keeping cost down.
Furthermore, there will typically be some degree of asymmetrical
information between the project organisation and external observers. The
introduction of uplifts may therefore in itself introduce an additional moral
hazard risk in the principal-agent relationship between the project
organisation (the agent) and the decision maker and funder of the project
(the principal). This, and other issues regarding strategic behaviour and
institutional set-ups should be given careful consideration in conjunction
with a reference class forecast.
Finally, a possible pitfall in employing the approach described above is that
forecasters, when estimating the future cost of a specific project, would
depart from the basic principles of reference class forecasting and would
gradually return to the practices of conventional forecasting, with
forecasters focusing on the details of the project at hand and attempting to
forecast the specific events that would influence the future course of this
project. Studies show that with the track record of conventional cost
forecasting for rail, there is an 80-90% likelihood such behaviour would reintroduce optimism in forecasting. This pitfall may be avoided by
consistently sticking to the method of reference class forecasting.