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1988, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 1988
[1990] Proceedings of the 2nd International IEEE Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence, 1990
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 1990
In the presented paper, we proposed a concept of software realization of a hybrid expert system using case based reasoning. The presented paper focuses on that part of case-based reasoning system which is smoothly integrated into a rule-based reasoning system, thus coordinating case-based reasoning techniques and rule-based reasoning techniques in a unified automated reasoning system, in which an automated processor may proceed by inferential reasoning on the facts about the problem and the cases by means of rule-based reasoning techniques or based on procedural directives supplied by a human programmer, and may select the case which is the best match for the given problem, but may act differently from the precise action prescribed for that case. The solution for dynamically adapting the case base to the problems; which the automated case based reasoning system encounters, in which the system may create additional cases which may exemplify the problem or which may be useful for future problems. The solution in which the system may be set to work with a limited case base, and may solicit human advice for treatment of new problems which are not already well-treated by the case base reasoning system.
IEEE Expert / IEEE Intelligent Systems, 1986
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1983
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