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The paper deals with the idea of analysing the impact of the economic freedom on national economic development. In order to realise this, the analysis is focused on three steps. For the beginning, we determined the place of the EU28 in the global economic freedom approach using the Index of economic freedom and the comparative analysis. The second step of the analysis consists of a TwoStep cluster analysis, supported by SPSS19 software, which is realised in order to support the idea that the economic freedom, connected to the economic development, created three clusters from the Member States. The clustering criterion is BIC (Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion). Finally, the analysis is focused on a forecast of the index of economic freedom till the end of 2020, in order to observe if the disparities across the world economy. The dependent variables in this forecast are the economic freedom rates and the independent variable is time. The forecast method is ARIMA. Whole analysis process and all conclusions of the paper are supported by the latest official statistic data, pertinent tables and diagrams. The main conclusion of the paper is that the economic freedom supports the economic development. Its global trend was positive in 2013-2014. There is not global economic actor in world top 10 according index of the economic freedom. Only two Member States are ranked on the global top 10. Moreover, there are great disparities across the EU28 related to the economic freedom. As a result, the Member States can be grouped into three different clusters. Romania will have a positive trend of the economic freedom score until 2020, better than the global trend of this index. The disparities between EU Member States will not be fixed on short and medium term and the solutions seem to be found at national level.-Keywords, for indexing purposes: economic freedom, rule of low, government size, regulatory efficiency, open markets, economic forecasts.
EU Accession and Economic Freedom: An empirical analysis of the effect of EU membership and its antecedents on economic freedom, 2020
The access to European Union and the status of EU membership require significant reforms in order for a country to align with the Union’s overall institutional framework and values. However, the recent financial and sovereign debt crises have called into question the European Union’s commitment to economic freedom. This political debate about the role of European Union must be informed by facts. In light of this, the study seeks to examine whether a trajectory towards EU membership is a driver for more economic freedom. Empirical evidence shows of a link between the EU accession process and the aim of promoting economic freedom. The analysis finds that the process of convergence is associated with more economic freedom and that this effect is deduced from a comparison with not only poorer and less developed countries in the EU neighbourhoods, but also with wealthy non-EU OECD countries. The main channel of this relationship is free trade, which benefits both accruing to accession candidates and full members. Moreover, the study highlights that inflation and monetary stability along with the opening of both domestic and international markets and regulatory harmonization are associated with the policies that European governments implemented to converge towards the Euro currency. The analysis of the index of the economic freedom of the Italian regions, (ILERI) a measurement developed by the Centro Einaudi, demonstrates large and also widening divergence between territorial areas of the country. Some of them are historically known, while new ones developed from 2000 onwards, in spite of the extensive cohesion policies deployed in this period.
Region & Periphery
This paper seeks to explore differences in economic freedom among EU center and periphery countries. We use a sample of the 27 current member states during the 2015-2019 period and we employ a Mann-Whitney test, which yields statistically significant and robust results on disparity in Size of Government and Legal System & Property Rights and less robust results in Regulation among EU center and periphery countries. EU center and periphery countries seem to be closer in the Overall economic freedom score, Sound Money, and Freedom to Trade Internationally areas of economic freedom. Keywords: economic freedom, center-periphery cleavage, EU integration, EU economic policy.
Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS), 2014
After a turbulent 2012, during which many economies of the region experienced recession or stagnation at best, the European economy began to show signs of recovery in the second half of 2013. While growth across the region remained negative or subdued during the first half of the year, most major economies began to register growth in exports and output in the second half. Importantly, many of the smaller economies of the region located on Europe's ‘periphery’ continued to make progress in rebalancing their economies away from growth models based on debt-driven consumption towards export-led growth. Such a model, however, requires expansion in demand for European goods and services. Unfortunately, the global picture was mixed. Growth in China – the fastest growing major economy in the post-crisis period – slowed considerably as policy-makers attempted to reduce excessive growth in investment (Pettis, 2014). Growth in Europe's largest neighbour, Russia, also decelerated as fears mounted that significant economic reform would be required to generate a resumption of pre-crisis growth rates (Connolly, 2013; Mau, 2013). Growth in other so-called ‘emerging markets’, such as Brazil and Turkey, also slowed as financial markets were affected by the prospect of a tightening of monetary policy in the US. It was in the US, however, where prospects looked brightest. Economic activity accelerated even as government spending was cut, suggesting that optimism in the private sector had returned. It was against this mixed backdrop that the economies of the Member States outside the eurozone continued their unsteady and multispeed recoveries from the global recession of 2008–09. This year's JCMS AR contribution is comprised of three sections. The first gives an overview of key economic performance indicators, while the second summarizes key developments in each of the European economies outside the eurozone. The third section examines the state of financial sector stability in central, east and southeastern Europe – a salient issue due to the role that financial vulnerabilities played in causing the severe recession in 2008–09. Indeed, the reduction of financial vulnerabilities was a key policy aim in the period immediately after the financial crisis in 2008. It is therefore vital to examine the progress made in this area of fundamental economic importance.
The paper deals with the idea of a new approach connected to the common cohesion policy in the EU27. The analysis follows three levels and it is finished with an economic forecast for 2015-2016. The main objective of the paper is to quantify and measure the economic disparities between the Member States. In order to do this, the paper uses four economic indicators: GDP growth rate, unemployment rate, inflation rate and structural budget balance. Whole analysis is based on the latest official data and pertinent diagrams.
The Romanian Statistical Review, 2017
In this paper, the authors have analyzed the main economic-financial evolutions of the European Union member countries. First, we have performed the study regarding the evolution of the Gross Domestic Product growth in the European Union, by total and by comparison with other countries that play an important role in the global evolution of the economy. There are emphasized comparative data regarding the economic growth of China, which is the highest in the world. The growth rate of China is net superior to the rates recorded by USA, Japan and European Union (28 members). There can be observed a significant decrease of economic growth during the period 2008-2010, with a negative peak in 2009 (-2%-6% in the case of the United States, EU-28 and Japan). Even if China itself has felt the effects of the economic-financial crisis, the growth rate has reduced from 14% in 2007 to 9% in 2008, the decrease continued in the subsequent period, reaching some 8.5% in 2014. Then, we have analyzed t...
Public Administration & Regional Studies (2065-, 2021
The paper deals with the analysis of the present global crisis' impact on the EU Member States' economies and answers to the question related to the posibility of economic recovery on short and medium terms. Different methods of statistical analysis and forecasting are used in order to quantify the economic recovery process using two scenarios. The main conclusion of the research is that the present crisis succeeded in increasing the economic disparities between the Member States' economies. The statistical databased used for the analysis is the latest official one.
The European Union (EU) this year has entered into the next phase of its existence, not only in terms of new economic conditions of the unwinding of the financial and economic crisis, but also on the basis of the results of European Parliament elections and the adoption of the EU financial framework for the period from 2014 to 2020.
Empirica, 2008
The main theme of the conference was regional economics and economic geography, but-as is usual at NOeG Annual Meetingspapers in all other fields of economics could be submitted for presentation as well. In an anonymous refereeing process, 88 papers dealing with theoretical, methodological, empirical and institutional aspects of regional economics and economic geography (including spatial econometrics) as well as other fields of economics were selected for presentation from the 131 papers submitted. In addition, a workshop on the Sustainability of Public Debt took place as a satellite meeting to the conference on May 20, where 12 invited papers on that topic were presented and discussed. Among the highlights of the main conference were invited plenary papers by Jacques Thisse (Heterogeneous Agents and Strategic Differentiation), Peter Nijkamp (Ceteris Paribus, Spatial Complexity and Spatial Equilibrium), Oded Stark (Embracing Regions, Introvert Migrants) and Harry Kelejian (The Evolution of Spatial Models: Misconceptions, Natural Variations, Empirical Oversights, and Needed Extensions). Some papers dealing with topics relating to the main theme were submitted to the Journal of Geographical Systems, while papers from the general sessions were solicited for submission to Empirica. The present issue of Empirica contains five papers from the conference devoted to important policy problems in the European Union which were selected according to the usual refereeing process of the journal. Following the enlargement of the European Union to 27 members, it has often been conjectured that the EU has become rather heterogeneous and that this might severely impede further progress on economic integration in Europe. Obviously, the
The 2004 enlargement of the European Union was the largest single acceptance of members to the organization at a single time in its history. Many EU members were opposed to the enlargement because many of the nations that were being considered for acceptance were thought to have inferior economies to the other EU members, and 8 of the 10 were former communistic states. The hypothesis of this study was that acceptance to the EU was not beneficial for the member nations of the 2004 enlargement in relation to their annual GDP mean performance, which was found to be true. This article discusses the impact of the global financial crisis of 2008, and its impact on all EU members. It also discusses problems surrounding euro adoption of nations within the Eurozone and the flawed design of the EU, specifically the ECB and the EMU.