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Este trabalho investiga o reaproveitamento de componentes do lixo eletrônico, abordando as técnicas e processos que permitem a recuperação e reciclagem de materiais valiosos. O objetivo é apresentar soluções sustentáveis para o descarte de resíduos eletrônicos, contribuindo para a redução do impacto ambiental e promovendo a economia circular. Além disso, são discutidos os desafios enfrentados na implementação dessas práticas, bem como as oportunidades para inovação no setor.
Correlating transmission wavefields to produce reflection w avefields contains in its rigor- ous definition the mandate of processing data due to only a sin gle source. If more than one source is contained in the wavefield, crosstalk between t he sources will produce a data volume that is not the same as shot gathers with impulsive sources at each receiver loca- tion. When attempting to image the subsurface with the truly unknown ambient noisefield, parameterizing the field data by individual sources is impos sible. For truly passive data, the source and time axis are inextric ably combined, naturally and by processing. This changes direct migration to something more akin to planewave migra- tion. Since the direct arrival from each source can not be expected to sum together with a common time-delay, the summation manufactures a source wavefront with temporal topography rather than a planewave. The Fourier transform of field data as a single wavefield provi des insight into how sourc...
paper at the conference: La civitas romana dalle origini alle leges Valeriae Horatiae - Catanzaro 29.XI - 1.XII. 2018, 2018
[This essay first appeared on the LA Progressive website on 7/14/2024.] With a NATO summit just completed, along with its pledge of at least $43 billion in NATO military aid over the next year and its statement of an “irreversible path” to NATO membership for Ukraine, it is time to reconsider how the present truly tragic Ukrainian war will ever end. For it to do so various possibilities exist, but both Russia and Ukraine need to agree and compromises need to be made. It is simply unrealistic to expect peace to come without some give and take. What is needed is more diplomatic creativity and imagination. As writer Wendell Berry has often commented, our lack of imagination has often prolonged unjust wars. Two areas where greater imagination might help are in regard to Ukrainian NATO membership and the future of formerly Ukrainian territories seized or claiming independent status since 2014. One idea that has been suggested is that Ukraine would not join NATO or would do so under special conditions, but would still be free to negotiate “a wide variety of defensive military assistance and training from other countries.” Regarding Russian-seized or disputed Ukrainian territories, plebiscites “under international supervision” have been mentioned. These two ideas are just examples of more imaginative ways of thinking of how to end the horrific war now dragging on. There well may be better solutions, but diplomats need to come up with them. That’s their job. As John Kennedy once stated, peace is “the most important topic on earth,” and “we have no more urgent task.”
In Nigeria, the reliance on sanitary landfills is a common phenomenon in the disposal of waste materials. The aim of the study was to ascertain the physicochemical and microbiological effect landfill has on its surrounding soil and water. Four water samples and five soil samples were collected each from Ile-Epo and Legacy dumpsites and the adjoining areas. Physicochemical parameters determined were temperature, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), and electrical conductivity. Most of these parameters indicated pollution but were below the World Health Organization (WHO) limits for consumption in the water. Microbiological analysis was carried out using standard microbiological procedures. The mean bacteria count and fungal count for water and soil samples are 26.41 CFU/mL and 10.00 CFU/mL; and 26.30 and 14.50 (CFU/G) respectively. The antibiotic susceptibility pattern of the bacterial isolates against conventional antibiotics displayed varying degree of susceptibil...
Augustinianum, 2020
In the Epistle to the Hebrews (10,1; cf. Hbr. 8,5; Col. 2,16-17) the terms σκιά and εἰκών are opposed, and most commentators have focused on the latter term, interpreting it as a Platonic allusion. If we consider in more detail the meanings of σκιά and σκιαγραφία, another interpretation appears more likely. Σκιαγραφία means “shading”, “silhouette” or “outline”, and finally “sketch” or – even better – “preliminary drawing”, “underdrawing”or “sinopia”. The last meaning is well attested in the sources at least since the late second or early third century AD and a number of passages in the Fathers alluding to the Epistle support the same conclusion. The term is common in the technical terminology of painters on wooden tablets and was a widely employed topos with different nuances according to different authors.
Kwartalnik Naukowy OAP UW "e-Politikon" 2017, nr 21, s. 155-183., 2016
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Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2022
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Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2008
Journal of English Teaching and Linguistics Studies, 2024
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019
Agricultural Systems, 2020
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The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 2015
Cuba Arqueológica. Revista Digital de Cuba y El Caribe , 2015