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Apostila de exercícios de matemática par concurso
The Science of Reading zealots have succeeded in convincing their toadies in state legislatures around the country to pass laws about reading instruction. These new toady-based laws make certain kinds of reading instruction illegal. Schools are now forced to purchase expensive one-size-fits-all scripted reading programs. Teachers are required to use these programs. They are to open the box, read the directions, and follow the directions with fidelity. But let’s be clear – these scripted programs serve to silence teachers and separate them from their expertise and experience. Teachers are to shut up and follow the directions.
Comunicazione Filosofica, 2022
The paper aims at presenting a reflection on some notions that lie on the basis of teaching philosophy and are often presupposed without being discussed. Such notions will be put in their both historical and theoretical background, in order to understand the different levels that make teaching philosophy possible.
Contrary to what Kant believed about the Dutch (and their visual culture) as "being of an orderly and diligent position" and thus having no feeling for the sublime, this book argues that the sublime played an important role in seventeenth-century Dutch visual and decorative art, architecture, and theater. By looking at different visualizations of exceptional heights, divine presence, overwhelming natural phenomena, political grandeur, extreme violence, and extraordinary artifacts, the authors demonstrate how viewers were confronted with the sublime, which evoked in them a combination of contrasting feelings of awe and fear, attraction and repulsion. In studying seventeenth-century Dutch visual culture through the lens of notions of the sublime, we can move beyond the traditional and still widespread views on Dutch art as the ultimate representation of everyday life and the expression of a prosperous society in terms of calmness, neatness, and order. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, visual culture, architectural history, and cultural history.
IAEME, 2019
The present paper is concerned with a statistical approach involving latent and manifest variables applied in order to assess the Environmental Management System performance. The main idea is to develop an assessment tool in order to measure the Environmental Management System practices performances (which are divided into seven segments: Context of the organization, Leadership, Planning, Improvement, Support, Operation, and Performance Evaluation) described in the ISO14001 standard. , enabling the company to characterize her performance regarding to the ISO 14001 standards. For this, we conceptualize a structural equation modeling (SEM) which describes various causal connections between the Environmental Management requirements. The SEM's resolution is based on the Partial Least squares (PLS) method and the implementation is running in the XLSTAT software. The obtained results could be examined in order to plan the improvements and develop an action plan. It is necessary to control Environmental Management System performance to ensure that it is either good enough, or that something is being done to improve it.
In "Credere", n. 23, giugno 2024, pp. 33-38
Con questa espressione Giovanni XXIII salutò don Primo Mazzolari (1890-1959) poco prima della sua morte. Lo risarciva così delle incomprensioni e censure che aveva sofferto da parte delle gerarchie ecclesiastiche. Parroco di uno sperduto paesino del mantovano, Bozzolo, don Mazzolari si era distinto per la sua radicale fedeltà al Vangelo e alla coscienza, che lo condussero in prima fila nell’impegno per il rinnovamento della Chiesa e per la giustizia sociale e nella denuncia dell'orrore della guerra. La vicenda e le parole di don Mazzolari possono accompagnare compiti e sfide che appaiono oggi ancora più impellenti degli anni in cui scriveva. La mattina del 20 giugno 2017 papa Francesco inaugurava con una visita alla sua tomba la sua geografia di incontri con figure e realtà della Chiesa italiana contemporanea. La rivista “Credere” mi ha invitato a riproporre il suo profilo di “piccolo profeta” nella speranza di rinnovarne la memoria: «Le vecchie e nuove povertà incombenti, i drammatici scenari di guerra, i cammini di rinnovamento intrapresi dalla Chiesa invitano a tornare a don Primo, alla sua voce che non cede allo sconforto, al suo fervore che non cede all’indifferenza, al suo credere che sa nutrirsi di poesia».
Zgodovinski časopis, 1990
Museum & Society, 11(1) © 2013 ISSN 1479-8360, 2013
Revista chilena de historia natural, 2002
Jurnal Pengembangan Sistem Informasi dan Informatika, 2020
Malaria Journal, 2011
The Plant Genome Journal, 2009
Chemical Communications, 2002
Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, 2020