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PLOS ONE, 2024
Recent exploration of the Khaybar oasis by the Khaybar Longue Duré e Archaeological Project (AFALULA-RCU-CNRS) has led to the discovery of an exceptional Bronze Age fortified site called al-Natah. For the first time in Northwestern Arabia, the characteristics of a third/ second-millennium-BCE settlement can be assessed over a large area. Preliminary archaeological survey and soundings have revealed a fortified 2.6-hectares town built around 2400-2000 BCE which lasted until at least 1500 BCE and possibly 1300 BCE−but with possible interruptions−, functionally subdivided into a residential area, a probable decision-making zone and a necropolis. The nucleated dwellings were constructed following a standard plan and were connected by small streets. By comparison with neighboring oasis centers, we suggest that Northwestern Arabia during the Bronze Age−largely dominated by pastoral nomadic groups and already integrated into long-distance trade networks−was dotted with interconnected monumental walled oases centered around small fortified towns. And by comparison with the contemporary situation in the Southern Levant, we also envisage that the archaeological record bears witness to a 'low urbanization' (or 'slow urbanism'), indigenous to North Arabia, evidencing weak but increasing social complexity through the Early and Middle Bronze Ages.
В статье подробно рассмотрен процесс эвакуации немецкого населения оккупированных районов Ленинградской области зимой — весной 1942 г. Основное внимание уделено планированию, организации и осуществлению этой акции германскими властями на занятых территориях. Разрастание масштабов гуманитарной катастрофы в захваченном регионе, а также интенсивные боевые действия вынудили командование 18-й армии вермахта приступить к поэтапным эвакуациям гражданского населения из прифронтовой зоны в конце осени 1941 г. Эти мероприятия также затронули представителей немецкой национальности и членов их семей, находившихся под покровительством местных оккупационных властей. С января по апрель 1942 г. из предместий Ленинграда и ряда населенных пунктов области проходила эвакуация этнических немцев. Данный контингент в количестве 3749 чел. временно был размещен в лагерях на территории рейхсгау Данциг — Западная Пруссия. Переселенцы из Ленинградской области стали первым и наиболее многочисленным немецким контингентом, который в организованном порядке был вывезен из прифронтовых территорий в начале 1942 г. за пределы СССР. Несмотря на декларированные заявления о заботе над соплеменниками, отношение властей Германии к этническим немцам из СССР имело в значительной степени утилитарный характер. Прибывшие в Рейх переселенцы рассматривались прежде всего как ресурс для германизации аннексированных польских территорий. Этнические немцы с точки зрения национал-социалистической идеологии не считались однородной общностью. Ценность каждого из них должна была определяться в ходе проверочных процедур.
Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction, 2015
The construction industry in the Middle East region is witnessing a continuous growth and is attracting international contractors and investors to its large-scale projects. However, this growth is accompanied by an inevitable increase in claims and disputes consequently leading to significant delays and additional costs. The purpose of this research is to identify the most common causes of disputes in the Middle East (ME) region, and shed the light on the most frequently used dispute resolution methods. It then goes further to briefly discuss the applicability of alternative dispute resolution methods in this region and compare the findings to the perspective of experts in the field. Findings show that disputes are mainly due to the lack of construction management expertise, as well as other contractual, cultural and legal factors. As for the most commonly used dispute resolution methods, they are identified to be negotiation, litigation and arbitration. This paper provides contract...
Kế toán thuế GDT sưu tầm chia sẻ với các bạn tuyển tập các mẫu báo cáo thực tập kế toán
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
The European Union is likely to introduce among the first, most stringent, and most comprehensive AI regulatory regimes of the world's major jurisdictions. In this report, we ask whether the EU's upcoming regulation for AI will diffuse globally, producing a so-called "Brussels Effect". Building on and extending Anu Bradford's work, we outline the mechanisms by which such regulatory diffusion may occur. We consider both the possibility that the EU's AI regulation will incentivise changes in products offered in non-EU countries (a de facto Brussels Effect) and the possibility it will influence regulation adopted by other jurisdictions (a de jure Brussels Effect). Focusing on the proposed EU AI Act, we tentatively conclude that both de facto and de jure Brussels effects are likely for parts of the EU regulatory regime. A de facto effect is particularly likely to arise in large US tech companies with AI systems that the AI Act terms "high-risk". We argue that the upcoming regulation might be particularly important in offering the first and most influential operationalisation of what it means to develop and deploy trustworthy or human-centred AI. If the EU regime is likely to see significant diffusion, ensuring it is well-designed becomes a matter of global importance.
Antiquity, 2024
Historically, urban centres are seen as consumers that draw in labour and resources from their rural hinterlands. Zooarchaeological studies of key urban sites in Southwest Asia demonstrate the movement of livestock, but the region-wide application of these findings has not been tested and the logistics of urban provisioning remain poorly understood. Here, the authors analyse zooarchaeological data from 245 sites in the Levant and Mesopotamia to examine patterns of livestock production and consumption over a 5000-year period. They find that although preferences varied over time and space, urban sites consistently relied on rural satellites to overcome local limitations to support their large and diverse populations.
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