2013 11 A3.2 12 A3.3 A4 Meminta mahasiswa menguji jawaban Meminta mahasiswa membuat kesimpulan Kembali pada kelompok 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 GUIDE BOOK Clauses in TOEFL based Counterbalanced Sumardiono STKIP PGRI Blitar i Clauses in TOEFL Sumardiono Kata Pengantar Puji syukur patut saya panjatkan kepada Allah SWT atas rahmat dan bimbinganNya saya dapat menyelesaikan penulisan buku panduan penggunaan media berbasis counterbalanced. Dalam buku panduan ini akan dipelajari tentang: (a) simulasi tertulis dari media tentang materi klausa (b) drill tertulis dan pembahasan materi klausa, dan (c) latihan tertulis dan kunci jawaban materi klausa. Setelah mempelajari buku pandua ini, dosan dan mahasiswa memperoleh pemahaman tentang struktur kalimat dalam klausa dan makna elemen klausa dan klausa secara menyeluruh. Dengan buku panduan ini akan membantu pembelajar untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan gramatika pada penguasaan bahasan klausa dalam bahasa Inggris yaitu pada klausa kata keterangan, klausa adjektiva, klausa kata benda, dan klausa aposisi. Penulisan buku panduan penggunaan media berbasis counterbalanced ini merupakan usaha penyediaan sumber belajar di lingkungan STKIP PGRI Blitar khususnya yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik mahasiswa. Saya menyadari bahwa penyusunan buku panduan masih banyak kekurangan. Untuk itu saran dan kritik konstruktif sangat diharapkan demi buku panduan yang lebih sempurna. Tim Penulis, 2013 ii Clauses in TOEFL Sumardiono DAFTAR ISI KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................... ii DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................... iii Petunjuk Pengelolaan Pembelajaran dengan Media ........................................ iv Pengenalan Media Berbasis Counterbalanced ................................................ v Pendahuluan ..................................................................................................... 1 Tujuan Pembelajaran ........................................................................................ 3 Alokasi Waktu.................................................................................................. 3 Petunjuk untuk Dosen dan Mahasiswa ............................................................ 4 BAB 1 SIMULASI MATERI KLAUSA ......................................................... 6 A. Introduction to Clause .......................................................................... 7 B. Adverbial Clause and Adjective Clause ............................................... 12 C. Noun Clause and Appositive Clause .................................................... 13 D. Meanings of Clause and Its Elements .................................................. 20 BAB 2 DRILL MATERI KLAUSA ................................................................ 16 A. Drill Materi Klausa ............................................................................ 17 B. Pembahasan Drill ............................................................................... 22 EVALUASI MATERI KLAUSA .................................................................... 23 A. Evaluasi Materi Klausa ........................................................................ 24 B. Pembahasan Evaluasi ........................................................................... 28 Daftar Pustaka .................................................................................................. 40 Biodata Penulis ................................................................................................ iii Clauses in TOEFL Sumardiono Petunjuk Pengelolaan Pembelajaran dengan Media 1. Memberikan gambaran secara umum pembelajaran dengan modul pembelajaran berbasis masalah. 2. Pembelajaran dengan modul berbasis masalah belum biasa bagi siswa, maka guru perlu memantau dan membantu siswa secara individu/ kelompok untuk mengetahui kesulitannya. 3. Pada pertemuan tertentu guru meminta siswa untuk mengumpulkan hasil kerjanya untuk melihat minat belajar siswa. iv Clauses in TOEFL Sumardiono Pengenalan Multimedia Berbasis Counterbalanced Multimedia berbasis counterbalanced adalah media yang dikembangkan oleh Sumardiono (2013) dalam menyikapi kurangnya media belajar yang dapat membuat mahasiswa dapat belajar mandiri dengan ketertarikannya dengan teknologi dan informasi. Media ini terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu model simulasi, model drill, dan model evaluasi. Model simulasi memberikan penjelasan secara teori dan contoh-contoh klausa, model drill memberikan latihan kepada mahasiswa untuk memahamkan dan model evaluasi untuk menguji kompetensi mahasiswa dalam penguasaan gramatika TOEFL. Model simulasi terdiri dari empat bagian yaitu pengenalan klausa, klausa kata keterangan dan klausa adjektiva, klausa kata benda dan klausa aposisi, dan makna klausa dan elemen klausa. Model drill terdiri atas 20 pertanyaan dalam bentuk multiple choice dan error recognition beserta pembahasan. Sedangkan model evaluasi terdiri atas 40 pertanyaan dalam bentuk yang sama dengan jumlah pertanyaa sesuai dalam TOEFL. v 2013 Pendahuluan Pendahuluan Belajar gramatika bahasa Inggris merupakan hal yang penting jika seorang pembelajar ingin bahasa Inggris yang ia kuasai benar. Sebagai salah satu komponen bahasa, gramatika menjadi tolok ukur akurasi dalam penguasaan struktur bahasa. Di tingkat perguruan tinggi, uji kompetensi bahasa Inggris menjadi hal yang sangat penting bagi berbagai keperluan seperti syarat akhir mengikuti ujian skripsi, syarat lulus kompetensi berbahasa Inggris, bahkan untuk syarat mengikuti pendidikan yang lebih tinggi. Dalam Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL), orientasi tes yang mengikuti perkembangan teknologi searah dengan berkembangnya materi yang diujikan. Mulai dari Paper Based Test (PBT), Computer Based Test (CBT), sampai Internet Based Test (IBT). Perkembangan sesi tes pun ada dalam perubahan orientasi pengerjaan TOEFL. Yang dulu ada sesi mendengarkan (listening session), sesi gramatika (structure session), dan sesi bacaan (reading session) berkembang dengan adanya sesi menulis (writing session) dan sesi berbicara (speaking session) berdasarkan kecanggihan piranti yang dapat mengakomodasi sesi yang dikembangkan tersebut. Salah satu sesi yang digunakan dalam hal ini adalah sesi gramatika (structure session). Sesi ini dibagi menjadi dua berdasarkan jenis tes yang diujikan yaitu berbentuk pilihan ganda (multiple choice) dan analisa kesalahan (error recognition). Materi yang ada pada dua jenis bentuk soal ini pun beragam mulai materi gramatika tingkat dasar sampai tingkat lanjut. Materi gramatika yang biasa keluar di dalam TOEFL antara lain kesamaan (paralellism), ketepatan penggunaan kata (word appropriateness), penggunaan kata ganti (pronoun usage), klausa (clause) dan frasa (phrase), anak kalimat (sub/independent clause), transisi (transition), logika (logic), dan kata kunci kontekstual (contextual clues). Materi yang begitu banyak dipertimbangkan sebagai materi yag dikembangkan. Tim penulis mempertimbangkan kompleksitas kalimat dalam teori klausa sangat bermanfaat untuk dipelajari sekaligus bahasan yang ada pada mata kuliah gramatika di tingkat II di STKIP PGRI Blitar. Pemahaman klausa dalam TOEFL kadang hanya dipahami dan dijawab hanya sebatas terasa pas dan pantas tidaknya. Melalui media berbasis counterbalanced, Lyster (2007) yang menyatakan pentingnya menjaga baik bentuk dan isi yang seperti dilakukannya pada pembelajaran di kelas imersi, menyampaikan, memahami, dan merespon dengan bahasa Inggris memang perlu tetapi memahami isi yang disampaikan, dipahami, dan direspon juga perlu. Melalui ini, tim peneliti menggunakan counterbalanced vi 2013 Pendahuluan sebagai dasar pembuatan materi dan dikemas dengan menggunakan media sehingga ketika menggunakan media instruksional mahasiswa dapat memahami struktur yang benar dalam klausa dan memahami maknanya sekaligus. Dengan demikian, model simulasi yang memberikan penjelasan dan ulasan tentang materi klausa secara lengkap disajikan dan diberikan contoh-contohnya. Setelah memahami konsep melalui model simulasi, mahasiswa diberikan drill materi klausa dengan materi soal tentang klausa sekaligus pembahasan dan cara menjawabnya. Setelah terlatih, mahasiswa diberikan uji kompetensi untuk memahami materi klausa tersebut dengan model evaluasi yang hanya terdapat soal, penialaian dari hasil kerja mahasiswa kemudian dilakukan oleh dosen dan berdasarkan penilaian dalam buku panduan ini. vii 2013 Pendahuluan Tujuan Pembelajaran . Dengan belajar menggunakan media berbasis counterbalanced ini, tujuan pembelajaran yang diinginkan adalah: Tujuan Umum: Mahasiswa dapat menjawab soal klausa pada model TOEFL. Tujuan Khusus: Dengan media berbasis counterbalanced ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat: a. Menentukan elemen klausa b. Menentukan fungsi klausa c. Menentukan makna elemen klausa dan klausa d. Menyelesaikan soal gramatika TOEFL materi klausa. Petunjuk Alokasi waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 kali pertemuan) Pelajari dengan baik Kegiatan Belajar ini. Kerjakan soal-soal pada permasalahan sesuai dengan permintaan yang ada. Permasalahan tersebut akan membantu anda untuk memahami konsep serta materi klausa dalam TOEFL. viii 2013 Pendahuluan Petunjuk untuk Dosen dan Mahasiswa Ada beberapa hal yang penting dan perlu diperhatikan dalam menggunakan media berbasis counterbalanced ini. Oleh karena itu, petunjuk baik bagi dosen dan mahasiswa diperlukan untuk memperoleh manfaat dari media ini secara optimal dengan memperhatikan petunjuk untuk dosen dan mahasiswa. Secara terperinci, berikut dijabarkan petunjuk untuk dosen dan mahasiswa:  Petunjuk untuk Dosen Buku pedoman ini bermanfaat bagi dosen dalam mengajar gramatika dan gramatika dalam TOEFL pada materi klausa. Materi klausa yang dibahas dalam media ini mencakup klausa kata keterangan, klausa adjektiva, klausa kata benda, dan klausa aposisi. Bagi dosen, dalam menggunakan media ini perlu memperhatikan persiapan yang dilakukan untuk memperlancar penggunaan media ini dalam proses mengajar. Beberapa petunjuk yang perlu diperhatikan meliputi: 1. Dosen perlu melakukan persiapan berupa media pendukung untuk menjalankan media ini yaitu laptop atau komputer, LCD, dan lembar pencatatan kesulitan yang dihadapi mahasiswa. 2. Dosen perlu memperhatikan kesiapan siswa apabila model pembelajaran divariasi untuk pengerjaan mandiri akan kelengkapan dan kesiapan piranti pendukung tersebut diatas secara individu agar ketika mempelajari dan menghadapi masalah ketika menjalankan program tersebut tidak mengganggu mahasiswa lain. 3. Dosen perlu memberikan jeda dan instruksi apabila ada materi yang perlu dibahas saat menjalankan media ini 4. Dosen perlu memberikan catatan tambahan apabila ada materi dalam simulasi dipertanyakan oleh mahasiswa secara manual untuk mengoptimalkan kegiatan belajar di kelas. 5. Dosen perlu memberikan umpan balik untuk memeriksa sejauh mana mahasiswa memahami materi dan kesulitan yang dihadapi saat belajar dengan media ini 6. Dosen perlu menegaskan bahwa peran media ini sebagai sarana pembatu untuk mempermudah belajar secara terkoordinasi dan mandiri sehingga mahasiswa disarankan perlu memberitahu dosen apabila mengalami kesulitan dan telah memahami secara jujur ix 2013 Pendahuluan  Petunjuk untuk Mahasiswa Bagi mahasiswa petunjuk ini dapat dibagikan apabila diperlukan atau disampaikan secara lisan untuk menekankan pentingnya petunjuk dalam menjalakan media sehingga persiapan yang dilakukan dapat membuahkan hasil belajar yang optimal. Beberapa hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan oleh mahasiswa antara lain: 1. Mahasiswa perlu mempersiapkan catatan personal apabila sistem pengajaran terpusat pada media yang hanya disediakan untuk dosen dan disampaikan melalui LCD, namun apabila sistem pengajaran menggunakan sistem pembelajara mandiri maka mahasiswa perlu menyiapkan piranti yang diperlukan yaitu laptop atau komputer da buku catatan untuk mencatat kesulitan saat belajar. 2. Mahasiswa perlu memperhatikan materi saat program sedang dijalankan dan meninggalkan aktivitas yang tidak berkenaan dengan proses belajar dengan media ini karena aktivitas yang seperti itu dapat menggaggu proses dan hasil belajar. 3. Mahasiswa perlu melakukan refleksi diri dalam memahami dengan memberika pertanyaan ataupun gagasan dan menuliskan serta mendiskusikan dengan dosen agar hasil belajar menggunakan media ini dapat optimal. x 2013 Simulasi Materi Klausa Simulasi Materi Klausa Tujuan pembelajaran: Pada simulasi materi klausa ini digunakan untuk membahas klausa . secara terperinci yaitu agar mahasiswa memahami: 1. Pengenalan klausa meliputi pengertian, fungsi klausa, jenisjenis klausa, dan elemen klausa. 2. Klausa kata keterangan (adverbial clause) dan klausa adjektiva (adjective clause) 3. Klausa kata benda (noun clause) dan klausa aposisi (appositive clause) 4. Makna klausa dan elemen klausa (link, sub clause, main clause) Alokasi Waktu Alokasi waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 kali pertemuan) Pertemuan : 4 kali pertemuan Rincian Alokasi Waktu : 1. Pengenalan Klausa  2 x 45 menit 2. Klausa kata keterangan dan adjektiva  2 x 45 menit 3. Klausa kata benda dan aposisi  2 x 45 menit 4. Makna klausa dan elemen klausa  2 x 45 menit xi A. Introduction to Clause Before we discuss further noun clauses, we need to define what clause is and what types it has. In this case, there are several empirical views concerning with the definition of clause. The first expert is Greenbaum (1973) that defines a clause to be like a sentence variety that is a group of related words containing at least subject or verb. This is supported by Davidson (2003: 124) defining a clause to be sentences linked by conjunction in larger structures that are also sentences. Huddleston and Pullum (2005) also go along to this traditional derived theory in defining clause. They define that a clause is larger sentence unit which consists of a subject followed by a predicate. In the simplest case, the subject (Subj) is a noun or noun phrase and the predicate (Pred) is a verb or verb phrase. In traditional grammar, the example below is categorized to be simple sentence , but we do not use this term; it covers only a subset of what Huddleston and Pullum call to be clausal sentence. Figure 1. Sample of Subject and Predicate Classification Subj Things Pred changed. Subj Kim Pred left. Subj People Pred complained. In short, those three can be summed up in another definition of clause. Based on the three, a clause is simply summarized to be a larger unit of sentence which requires conjuncts to relate the each clausal sentence. Meanwhile, there are also several divisions of clause in English grammatically. We use some schools of grammarians to compare their ways in classifying clause into some categories regarding this can be functional to get more complete views in classifying clause. Davidson (2003) groups clauses according to the ordination used in clausal transition xii signal to be; 1) Co-ordinate Clauses, and 2) Subordinate Clauses. Here are the details: 1) Co-ordinate clauses are clauses that linked by coordinate conjunctions such as and and but like links in a chain. To remind, in the theoretical sentence categories, this is classified to be compound sentences. (1) (2) I saw him and we discussed the matter but he disagreed with our point of view. I miss you but I hate you. 2) Subordinate clauses are clauses that depend on other clauses and linked using subordinate conjunctions like when, while, before, after, etc. In sentence classifications, this belongs to complex sentences. (3) The house seems very empty when you aren t here. (4) Even if it s raining, I go for a walk, because it s good for me. He also classifies clause types in accordance with the function of clause in sentence structure. They are: 1) noun clauses, 2) adjective clauses, 3) adverb clauses, and 4) Apposition clauses, 5) Non-finite clauses, and 6) Verbless clauses. In case of this term topics, the discussion we propose is noun clauses. To be remembered, in clausal sentences, Greenbaum (1973) classifies clause according its dependency to be: 1) dependent clause; clause which is depended on other clauses, in another word, it cannot stand alone in clausal structure, and 2) independent clause; clause which is not depended on other clauses or able to stand alone in clausal structure. Davidson (2003) has the same argument in its classification; however, he has his own term to this. He calls; 1) principal clauses; the clauses that subordinate clauses depend on, and 2) developmental clauses; the clauses that are depended on the principal clauses. Other terms, still in the same argument is proposed by Foley and Hall (2003), the xiii same as the previous grammarians, they use; 1) main clauses to show the independent sentence in clausal structure, and 2) sub-clauses to show the partial sentence from main clause. Here are the instances to have a brief distinction of clausal independency: (5) I know that she can t hear us. independent clause/ principal clause/ main clause) (6) We can talk about that when I get home. (independent clause/ principal clause/ main clause) (7) If you don’t have any tea, I ll drink coffee. dependent clause/ developmental clause/ sub clause) (8) After I know her, I ensure her. (dependent clause/ developmental clause/ sub clause) Sentence (5) and (6) show the independency of clause that precedes the sentence. In fact, making sentence is in accordance with the writers creativity whether they require placing the main clause in front or in the middle of the sentence. Meanwhile, instance (7) and (8) are dependency of clause that they cannot stand alone as a sentence regarding the context given through the conjunction is still hung on. The same as independent clause, the place where it should appropriately be placed is optional that is regardless. O Grady 1 : 148) states that all human languages allow sentence- like constructions to be embedded within larger structures. In sentences (1), (2), and (3) above the sub clause are called complement clauses or generally termed subordinate clauses. The division of clause types is based on the sentential nucleus, namely, subject [noun] and predicate [verb]. The general function of the clause is to add or change the information in noun and to add the verb function in the sentence structure. xiv Table 1 Clauses and Their Functions Types Adverbial Clause Adjective Clause Noun Clause Positions and Functions Grammatical Lexicogrammatical Positions Function Initial Adverb Adding verb info Final Adverb Adding verb info Modifier of Subject Adding noun info Modifier of Subjective Complement Modifier of Direct Object Modifier of Indirect Object Modifier of Objective Complement Object of Preposition Modifier of Adverb Adding noun info Subject Changing noun info Adding noun info Adding noun info Adding noun info Adding noun info Adding noun info Adding noun info Subject Complement Changing noun info Adding noun info Subject after It Changing noun info Adding noun info Direct Object Changing noun info Adding noun info Indirect Object Adding noun info Object of Adding noun info Preposition Appositive Subject Adding noun info Clause Subject Complement Adding noun info xv Examples (9) If it rains, we won’t have the picnic. (10) I can see you when I finish my work. (11) Maya whom I met in Depok was her girlfriend. (12) This is the year when the Olympic Games are held. (13) They played football that was used by the best team. (14) He paid the money to the man who had done the work. (15) He called his dog Milky whose fur is so white like the milk. (16) He paid the man from whom he had borrowed the money. (17) She went to his house which has just been bought. (18) That coffee grows in Brazil is well known to all. (19) His own affair how he gets the money is not again an issue. (20) That is that coffee grows in Brazil. (21) That is his belief that coffee grows in Brazil. (22) It is well known that coffee grows in Brazil. (23) It is well known issue that coffee grows in Brazil. (24) I know that coffee grows in Brazil. (25) I know the issue that coffee grows in Brazil. (26) I reported the issue to the live news that coffee grew in Brazil firstly. (27) We were concerned about whether he would get the money. (28) Alice, the captain’s daughter works in the cabin, is a strong girl. (29) That is the issue, coffee grows in Brazil. Direct Object Adding noun info Indirect Object Adding noun info Object Complement Adding noun info Adv of Time Adding noun info Adv of Place Adding noun info (30) I know the issue, coffee grows in Brazil. (31) We show it to him, a man is smoking in front of the house. (32) We call it Janur, a young leaf of palm grows in the peak. (33) We see the issue today, a day brings sudden events. (34) Sandra went to Thailand, a country has classic temples. (Adapted from Frank, 1972) Now, personally, find 5 (five) complex sentences from English textbooks used in SMP or SMA then analyze them by classifying and analyzing the clause elements. Table 2. Student’s Task of Analyzing 5 (five) Complex Sentences: Keeping Forms No Book Sentence(s) Functions Clause Elements Grammatical Lexicogrammatical Link Main Sub Clause Clause 1 2 3 4 5 In the following meeting, submit your work and we will discuss some of them. This is the end of the introduction of clause Do not forget asking when you find the difficulty xvi B. Adverbial Clause and Adjective Clause In the second meeting, we are going to discuss two divisions of clauses. They are adverbial clause and adjective clause. Referring to the theory of clauses. Both clauses basically the same in case of its function, namely, to add the function of sentence fragment. Adverbial clause gives additional information to the main verb in the main clause while adjective clause gives additional information to the noun referred closely in the main clause. ADVERBIAL CLAUSE Hi, today firstly, we learn about adverbial clause. Do you konw what an adverbial clause is? Okay, to make you understand deeper about it, let s review this simulation model to comprehend it. a. Definitions of Adverbial Clause There are three definitions reviewed in this simulation, firstly Frank (1972) defines that an adverbial clause is a clause that functions as an adverb in sentence structures. Furthermore, Leech, (1982) define that an adverbial clause is a dependent clause used as an adverb within a sentence to indicate time, place, condition, contrast, concession, reason, purpose, or result. The third supporting definition is by Azar (2002) also defines that adverb clause is a dependent clause that functions as an adverb; that is, the entire clause modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. From those three definitions, we can infer that an adverbial clause is a sub-clause or dependent clause functioning as adverb in the sentence structure to indicate time, place, condition, contrast, concession, reason, purpose, or result. An adverbial clause is marked by using subordinate conjunction as the link to a main clause. xvii b. Positions of Adverbial Clause Since the adverbial clause acts as an adverb in sentence structure, the positions of the adverb can be various as follows: Table 1. Positions of Adverbial Clause Link Adverb clause Main clause e.g.: Whereas they disobeyed the law, they will be punished. Main clause Link Adverb clause e.g.: He could not come because he was ill. An adverbial clause consists of a subject and predicate introduced by a subordinate conjunction like when, although, because, if, etc. Such a clause may be used in initial position, final position, and occasionally in midposition with the predicate of the sentence. A comma usually appears after an introductory clause, but is much less common before a clause in final position. A clause in mid-position must be set off with commas. c. Functions of Adverbial Clause As explained before, the function of adverbial clause is as an adverb in sentence structure, the functions of adverbial clause are developed based on the types of adverbs in the sentence. In addition, the functions of adverbial clause in grammatical functions can be placed in various functions like: (1) I can see you when I finish my work. S (2) P DO Wherever it is possible, the illustrations are taken from literature. Adv of Place (3) Adv of Time S P Adv of Purpose Now that he has passed the exam, he can get his degree. Adv of Cause S xviii P DO (4) We won t have the picnic S (5) P DO Adv of Condition Although I felt very tired, I tried to finish the work. Adv of Concessive (6) P DO P DO Adv of Adversative DO Adv of Purpose They climbed higher so that they gor a better view. S (9) P He is saving his money so that he can go to college. S (8) S Some spend their time to read, while others watch television. S (7) if it rains. P SC She works S P Adv of Result harder Adv of Manner than her sister does. Adv of Comparison (10) He looks as if he needs more sleep. S P Adv of Manner To be detailed, the types of adverbial clauses above can be understood by seeing the Table 2 below. Table 2. Types of Adverbial Clause and Its Subordinate Conjunctions No 1 Types of Adverbial Clause Time 2 Place 3 Cause Subordinate Conjunctions                When While Since Before After Until As soon as As long as By the time (that) Now that once Where Wherever Because Since xix Example(s) (11) She was reading a book while the dinner was cooking (12) I have not seen him since he returned to the country. (13) They will leave before you get there. (14) We live where the road crosses the river. (15) Inasmuch as no one was hurt becuase of his       4 Condition 5 Contrast: Concessive 6 Contrast: Adversative 7 Purpose 8 Result 9 Comparison                   As Now that Whereas (legal) Inasmuch as (formal) As long as On account of the fact that Owing to the fact that In view of the fact that Because of the fact that Due to the fact that If Unless On condition that Provided/ providing that In the event that In case that Whether.. or not... Although Though Even though Even if In spite of Despite Notwithstanding that           While Where Whereas That In order that So So that For the purpose that So ...that Such ..... that   As ....... as -er/ more ..... than xx negligence, the judge gave him a light sentence. (16) On account of the fact that the country was at war, all the young men were drafted. (17) We ll have the picnic providing that it doesn t rain. (18) In the event that it rains, the picnic will be postponed. (19) Though he was angry, he tried to be patient. (20) In spite of the fact that prices went down recently, the company made a huge profit. (21) Notwithstanding the fact that the government was weak at that time, law ad order were maintained. (22) Some people spend their time reading, while others watch television. (23) They climbed higher that they might get a better view. (24) She sang so beautifully that everyone applauded her performance. (25) She has such pretty hair that we all enjoy looking at it. (26) She works just as hard as her sister works. 10    Manner the ...-est/most..... of all As if As though (27) He hasn t behaved as a gentleman should behave. (28) The clouds disappeared as if by magic. The table above explains that adverbial clause can be in many grammatical functions and constructions like conditional sentence, comparison degree, adversatives, concessives, etc. Hence, the subordinate conjunctions are also various based on the functions of adverb used in the sentences. Now, let s practice to analyze the complex sentences using the theory of adverbial clause we have just learned. Find five adverbial clauses in reading passages and analyze based on the given charts below: Source : (Fill with the title of reading passage) Table 3. Analyzing Adverbial Clause No Sentence(s) Subordinate Conjunction Function(s) Position(s) 1 2 3 4 5 In the following meeting, submit your work and we will discuss some of them. Go on Adjective Clause Simulation xxi ADJECTIVE CLAUSE Hello, still with the simulation model, now, we learn about the second material in this session, namely, adjective clause. To know it well, there are three important points discussed in this session. They include definitions, postions, and functions of adjective clause. Let s check this one out. a. Definitions of Adjective Clause The same as before, three definitions of adjective clause are discussed to understand what an adjective clause is. Firstly, Frank (1972) states that a definition of an adjective clause is as a clause that functions as an adjective in modifying the the noun functions in sentence structure. In linarity with Frank, Leech, et. al (1982) define an adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun. Again, Davidson (2002) defines it as a group of words with a subject and verb that modifies a noun in a sentence. In this lesson, we will learn how adjective clauses work. From all definitions above, we see that an adjective clause is a modifier in form of clause that modifies noun function in the sentence structure. The noun functions modified can be in subject, object, adverb or even in the three places in form of possesion. Now, we should take a look at many layers of adjective clause to understand it clearly. b. Positions of Adjective Clause Discussing about the positions of adjective clause, we are now taking a look at the noun functions in the sentence structure. To be detailed, here are the explained positions. xxii Table 1. Positions of Nouns Modified by Adjective Clause No 1 Position of Noun Subject 2 Subjective Complement 3 Direct Object 4 Indirect Object 5 Objective Complement 6 Adv of Place 7 Adv of Time Example(s) (1) The rains which the farmers were expecting came too late to save the crops. (2) The musicians whom the company had hired for the office party arrived very late because of the storm. (3) It is the abstract art which many people do not understand. (4) Affandie is an expert of abstract who is concerned with esthetic form rather than with graphic representation. (5) I know the premise on which he based his arguments. (6) Everyone knows him who is not capale one. (7) Father bought a car to his beloved son who won in international jazz festival. (8) Allissa fed his cat a bunch of food which was bought from pet shop. (9) People call it democracy which never keep secret and transparant about every single business. (10) I know him a leader of ESA who participated in the national conference in Bali. (11) We go to Surabaya where the zoo is intended to close by the govermential needs. (12) Yesterday when I met her in the park, I found her with another man. From the table above, the noun functions can be in those probable places in the sentence structure. As long as it is a noun followed by the xxiii clause directly after the noun as the post modifier, it is an adjective clause modifying the noun. c. Functions of Adjective Clause As explained in the first meeting, function of an adjective clause is basically to add the information of noun in the sentence structure. Syntactically, adjective clause is as post modifier which exists altogether with the noun modified linked by introductory word. An adjective clause modifies noun as the antecedent meaning referred to. The structure of adjective clause can be illustrated as follows: Figure 1. Adjective Clause with Its Antecedent Noun  Introductory word  Sub clause Adjective Clause To show its relationship, here are the forms of noun as antecedent including the introductory word relating those things. Table 2. Antecedents and Introductory Words in Adjective Clause No 1 Noun Antecedent Link Introductory Meaning Word Person Relative Who, whom, Pronoun whose xxiv Illustrative Sentence(s) (13) He paid the money to the man who had done the work. (14) He paid the man whom he had hired. (15) He paid the man from whom he had borrowed the money. (16) This is the girl whose 2 Thing Which (17) (18) (19) 3 Time Relative Adverb When, (before)*, (20) (after)*, as (after the same* (21) (22) 4 Place Where (23) 5 Reason Why (24) picture you saw. Here is a book which describes animals. The chair which he broke is being repaired. She was wearing the coat for which she had paid $2,000. This is the year when the Olympic Games are held. He became sick the day before he was to leave for his vacation. She made the same mistakes as her sister did. Here is the house where I live. Give me one good reason why you did that. *It is sometimes used informally In an adjective clause, as we see in the table it should at least consist of a subject and a predicate that modifies a preseding noun or pronoun (its antecedent). Okay, to check whether you understand the theory above, let s practice analyzing the adjective clause in the movie trailer. Choose the movie trailer and than record the sentences and choose five adjective clauses appearing in the movie trailer and analyze it as follows: Title of movie : ......................................... Length of trailer : ......................................... xxv Table 3. Analysis on Adjective Clauses Appearing in Movie Trailer No Sentence(s) Introductory word Position of Antecedent Form of Antecedent 1 2 3 4 5 Good Luck To discuss the result, submit and consult it via email on [email protected] This is the end of the Second Meeting xxvi C. Noun Clause and Appositive Clause Good days, we meet again in the third meeting we learn clauses in TOEFL. What we discuss today is about noun clause and appositive clause. The first, we can start learning the theory of noun clause followed by the theory of appositive clause. NOUN CLAUSE It is necessary to have some discussions in determining some grammatical topics related to the empirical view of noun clause. They include the definition, positions, and functions of noun clause. Here are briefer elaborations of noun clause: a. Definitions of Noun Clause The definition of noun clauses is mentioned in Frank (1972: 62) stating that a noun clause consists of a subject and predicate that functions as a noun. She adds the common functions are as the subject and object of a verb. This theoretical definition is further supported by Jackson (1982:89) that defines in another term namely nominal clauses. He defines nominal clauses to be clauses that function in the same places of noun phrase. The supportive argument in defining this also proposed by Landowsky (2000: 79) defining a noun clause is clause which has function as nouns in the sentence and can be used as subjects, objects, predicate nominatives, and objects of prepositions. To sum up, we add a necessary definition of noun clause to be a partial clause or developmental clause which functions in the same places of nouns or noun phrase in the sentence structure. Necessarily, the places of nouns or NPs in sentence structure are to be subjects, complements (both subjective complement and objective complement), objects (both direct object and indirect object), and adjuncts. xxvii Here is the figure to draw a brief picture in mind of noun places in sentence structure: Figure 1. Places of Noun and Noun Phrase in Sentence Structure (Greenbaum: 1973) N or NPs Places in SS Subject Complement Subjective Complement Object Objective Complement Direct Object Adjuncts Indirect Object As the additional information concerning this sub topic, I need to explain what adjuncts are to get the difference in application. As generally known, the translation of grammatical function or functional level of sentence is not well acquired since many university students cannot differentiate which one is keterangan or kata keterangan’. Keterangan in Tata Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia, (Putrayasa, 2000), is adjunct in English grammar. To distinguish, this is quite different from adverb or kata keterangan . Adverb is the partial form of adjunct. Adjuncts can grammatically be in form of noun or noun phrase, prepositional phrase (followed by NP, which is as object of preposition (Landowsky: 2000), adverb, finite verb clauses, non-finite verb clauses, and verbless clauses. The definition of adjunct is clearly argued by Jackson (1982:85) that is normally optional element in clause structure and may be freely added to any clauses, give circumstantial information about the action or even that the clause refers to e.g.: information about time (when or how long), about xxviii place (position or direction), about manner, frequency, and so on. Figure 2 shows the forms of adjuncts in sentence structure: Figure 2. Forms of Adjuncts in Sentence Structure Noun or NPs Prepositional Phrase Verbless Clause Forms of Adjuncts Adverb or Adv Phrase Non-Finite Verb Clause Finite Verb Clause Quirk and Greenbaum (1973) mention another term of adjuncts to be adverbials. The functions of adjunct or adverbials are realized to be as drawn in Figure 2. Here are the examples of various adjuncts: a) Noun phrases (1) (2) Allissa was playing last week. Tomorrow she will come to me. b) Prepositional phrases (3) (4) Allissa was playing with great skill. Between Friday and Saturday she will come to me. c) Adverb phrases (5) (6) Allissa was playing well. Directly and soon she will come to me. xxix d) Finite verb phrases (7) (8) Allissa was playing although he was very tired. After she graduates, she will come to me. e) Non-finite verb phrases The verbs which can be in form of non-finite verb phrases are probably in form of these three forms of verbs.  Infinitive verbs (9) (10) Allissa was playing to win. To be loyal, she will come to me.  -ing participle verbs (present participle verbs) (11) (12) Wishing to be a winner, Allissa was playing. She will come to me showing her bravery.  -ed participle verbs (past participle verbs) (13) (14) Allissa was playing while neglected by his friend. Given many works to do, she will come to me. f) Verbless phrases (15) (16) Allissa was playing, unware of the danger. Brave to prove her love, she will come to me. b. Positions of Noun Clauses From the discussion of adjuncts above, in case of noun clause, as preceded in the beginning, adjuncts can the place of noun clause to be. As the brief explanation to Figure 2, here are the examples of noun clauses positioning in the various places of noun or NPs in sentence structure: xxx a) Noun clause as subject Noun clause can replace the functions of subject as well, to show the detailed subject replaced. Sentence (25) and (26) show the replacement of subject in sentence structure by noun clause. (17) (18) That I live in Blitar is indeed true. It is indeed true. Replacing it as subject That coffee grows in Brazil is well known to all. It is well known to all. Replacing it as subject (Frank, 1972: 61) b) Noun clause as subjective complement (19) (20) c) It seems that I live in Blitar. My understanding is that coffee grows in Brazil. (Frank, 1972: 61) Noun clause as objective complement (21) (22) I inform him that I live in Blitar. I understand his story telling that coffee grows in Brazil. d) Noun clause as direct object (23) (24) She does not think that I live in Blitar. I know that coffee grows in Brazil. (Frank, 1972: 61) e) Noun clause as indirect object (25) (26) f) I tell her that I live in Blitar. He debated me that coffee grows in Brazil. Noun clause as adjunct (27) (28) She will be happier when I live in Blitar. (adverb of time) While coffee grows in Brazil, some fertilizers are developed scientifically. (adverb of time) g) Noun clause as apposition xxxi (29) (30) His assumption that I live in Blitar is indeed true. (restrictive apposition) His belief that coffee grows in Brazil is correct. (restrictive apposition) (Frank, 1972: 61) h) Noun clause as after introductory It is true that I live in Blitar. adding function of it It is well known that coffee grows in Brazil. (adding function of it (Frank, 1972: 61) Noun clause as after object preposition (31) (32) i) (33) (34) c. She is interested in why I live in Blitar. She is concerned with how coffee grows in Brazil. Functions of Noun Clauses Discussing the definition and types of noun clause, we need to emphasize that the function of noun clause is to add or substitute and change the functions noun or noun phrase in sentence structure. Sentence (39) and (40) are the examples of noun clause function as addition, to be additive clause. Meanwhile, sentence (25) up to (38), (41), and (42) show the function of noun clause to be substitutive clause. The examples below are to show the funstions of noun clause in adding and changing noun functions in the sentence structure. Table 1. Functions of Noun Clause No 1 Function(s) of Noun Clause Adding noun info 2 Changing noun Example(s) (35) His aim that she will be successful is an optimistic way. (36) I know the way she explains the case. (37) He suggested that I should write a sign. (38) We talked about what a handsome boy Maurer was. xxxii To be better in understanding the materials of noun clause, let s find an international article published in SAGE journal, and find five noun clauses and analyze the elements of noun clause using the following charts. Title of Article : .............................................................................. ............................................................................ ............................................................................ Volume : ........................................................................... Number : ........................................................................... Publication Date : ........................................................................... Table 2. Analysis of Noun Clause in SAGE Article No Sentence(s) Introductory Conjunction Sub Clause Function of Noun Clause 1 2 3 4 5 Have a nice analyzing Submit and discuss the result in the following meeting Now, go on appositive clause xxxiii APPOSITIVE CLAUSE Appositive clause, here we should learn this type of clause regarding we sometimes use it but seldom realize that we use this construction of complex sentences. Here we go with the theory of appositive clause. a. Definitions of Appositive Clause To begin with, as usual, three different definitions are going to be discussed to review the basic constructions of noun clause based on the grammarians. Firstly, Frank (1972) defines that an appositive clause is a clause that functions to add the noun functions by adding both restrictive and non-restrictive information to the preceding noun. In another theory, Leech, et. al (1982) differ appositive clause and relative clause. Adjective or relative clauses need to be distinguished from the type of finite clause which can postmodify a noun: the appositive clause. This looks very similar to a relative clause introduced by that. Compare: (1) The story that I wrote was published. (2) The story that I had resigned was published. The first is relative (that can be replaced by which); the second is appositive (that means "that is", and cannot be replaced by which). Davidson (2002) also adds that an appositive generally implies the word "noun," so we can just refer to an appositive noun as an appositive. An appositive is a noun, noun phrase, or series of nouns placed next to another word or phrase to identify or rename it. But, appositive clause is an appositive in form of clause. xxxiv b. Positions of Appositive Clause Since an appositive clause is to add noun information, the positions of appositive clause follows the noun added the information. Grammatically, nouns and pronoun can be placed in subject, subjective complement, direct object, indirect object, objective complement, and adverb. To see how appositive clause following the noun places, see Table 1 below. Table 1. Positions of Appositive Clause No 1 Position of Noun Subject 2 Subjective Complement 3 Direct Object 4 Indirect Object 5 Objective Complement 6 Adv of Time 7 Adv of Place Example(s) of Appositive Clause (3) The professor, a man does many researches and developments, is granted an award. (4) He is the professor, a man does many researches and developments. (5) I know him, a man does many researches and developments. (6) We give the degree to him, a man does many researches and developments. (7) We recognize him a professor, a man does many researches and developments. (8) I knew her yesterday, a day was with all memories. (9) Diandra goes to Singapore, a country of million shops provides a lot of fun. The italic words above are the nouns modified by appositive clauses. Quite often, appositives are introduced with terms like namely, i.e., that is, and in other words. For example: (10) The beast, namelya large lion was with a man like a bonfire, was starting to show interest in our party. xxxv c. Functions of Appositive Clause Syntactically, appositive clause functions as the post-modifier of nouns, just the same as relative clause. And, grammatically it can also functions as the noun positions in the sentence structure, namely, subject, subjective complement, direct object, indirect object, objective complement, adverb of time, and adverb of place. Naturally, it adds the noun information. Now, here we go to the last task of clause, find five appositive clauses in free sources. Analyze them using the chart below: Table 2. Analysis of Appositive Clause No 1 2 3 4 5 Sentence Appositive Clause Noun Position Okay, have a nice analyzing This is the end of the simulation of noun clause and appositive clause xxxvi D. Meanings of Clause and Its Elements Keeping the forms, we introduce the comparative analysis in keeping the content of the sentences by comparing constructions of clauses and the meaning in Indonesian by regarding issue of Englishes that is English is as foreign language in Indonesia. The distinctive meanings from different forms of clauses make students realize that a single unit of lexicogrammatical feature of clausal elements can produce different meaning. Table 1. Sentential Analysis: Comparative Analysis to Keep Contents Sentence Meaning (1) I d bring the book, if you bring mine to the library. Saya akan membawakan buku itu jika kamu membawakan milik saya ke perpustakaan Saya mengetahui apakah mereka memahami materi tersebut atau tidak. Perempuan yang bekerja di rumah sakit itu adalah saudarinya. Setia orang mengetahui siapa dia. Ketika mereka berangkat ke sekolah, mereka membawa banyak buku. Shinta mengetahui (2) I know if they understand the material or not. (3) The woman who works in the hospital is her relative. (4) Everyone knows who she is. (5) When they go to school, they bring a lot of books. (6) Shinta knew when xxxvii Link(s) Types of Clause Fragment Meaning of the Link Jika If Adverb clause If Noun clause Apakah Who Adjective clause Yang Who Noun clause Siapa When Adverb clause Ketika When Noun Kapan she should make a decision. (7) The man that stood was a cop. (8) We believe that he knows the truth. kapan dia harus membuat keputusan. Laki-laki yang berdiri adalah seorang polisi. Saya percaya bahwa dia mengetahui kebenaran itu. clause That Adjective clause Yang That Noun clause Bahwa By keeping both forms and content using counterbalanced approach, you are expected to have a good understanding in sentence fragments. Furthermore, lexicogrammaticals like participial phrases can be understood well. Now, use your previous 5 (five) sentences found in English textbooks used in SMP or SMA to be analyzed in case of its content or meaning. No Book Table 2. Student’s Task of Analyzing 5 (five) Complex Sentences: Keeping Content Meaning of Clause Meaning of Link Sentence(s) Meaning Link(s) Meaning 1 2 3 4 5 Now, we can discuss the result. This is the end of the simulation model in explaining theory of clauses Let s get them more challenging in TOEFL xxxviii Type of Clause 2013 Drill Materi Klausa Model Drill Model drill ini merupakan media belajar TOEFL materi klausa (klausa kata sifat, klausa kata keterangan, klausa kata benda, dan klausa aposisi). Model drill ini melatih mahasiswa untuk terbiasa dengan soal materi klausa dalam model test kompetensi berbahasa Inggris yang standar yaitu TOEFL. Berikut ini dijelaskan tujuan pembelajaran pada sesi drill ini untuk mahasiswa. Drill Materi Klausa Tujuan pembelajaran: Pada drill materi klausa ini digunakan untuk mengasah pemahaman . mahasiswa tentang materi klausa secara terperinci yaitu agar mahasiswa memahami: 1. Pengenalan klausa meliputi pengertian, fungsi klausa, jenisjenis klausa, dan elemen klausa. 2. Klausa kata keterangan (adverbial clause) dan klausa adjektiva (adjective clause) 3. Klausa kata benda (noun clause) dan klausa aposisi (appositive clause) 4. Makna klausa dan elemen klausa (link, sub clause, main clause) Alokasi Waktu Alokasi waktu Pertemuan Rincian Alokasi Waktu 5. Pengerjaan Soal 6. Pembahasan Soal : 2 x 45 menit (1 kali pertemuan) : 1 kali pertemuan :  1 x 45 menit  1 x 45 menit xxxix MULTIPLE CHOICES DIRECTION: Read the sentences below and supply the correct answer according to the sentential context given by choosing A, B, C, or D! 1. In many ways, the most striking of the carnivorous plant in the Venus Fly-trap,… a. It grows in marshy places in Caroline b. That growing in marshy places in Caroline c. Which it grows in marshy places in Caroline d. Which grows in marshy places in Caroline 2. When speaking of the social mammals, there are other conditions of life, however … that the newly born young one should be put on the spot almost at once because the situation is full of danger. a. In that it is necessary c. If it is necessary b. In which it is necessary d. That they are necessary 3. The knee is the joint __________the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg. a. When b. Where c. Why d. Which 4. Charlie Chaplin was a comedian ________ was best known for his work in silent movies. a. Who b. Which c. Whose xl d. What 5. A type of oil-base paint containing binders that form a film by oxidation or polymerization __________ is called an enamel. a. because it exposes to air b. in that its exposure to air c. which they are exposed to air d. when they are exposed to air 6. Helen Keller lost both her sight and hearing after a severe illness ________. a. of her age in 19 months b. she was 19 months old c. when she was 19 months old d. when 19 months old she was 7. The teacher didn't know _______ . a. which noun clauses teach b. which noun clauses to teach c. why noun clauses to teach d. when noun clauses to teach 8. The judges had an extremely hard time deciding _______ . a. who's painting was the best b. whose painting was the best c. painting who was the best d. the best painting was who 9. Disturbances in seabed slope which have occurred over short periods of time have caused scientists to believe __________ more extensive than at first thought. a. that tectonic drift is c. tectonic drifts b. which tectonic drift d. tectonic drifting xli 10. Influenced by Ross, and worthy of being linked with him, …, who proved in 1900 that the vehicle of the deadly yellow fever organism is the common house mosquito of tropical America. a. Who was Walter Reed c. Walter Reed was b. Was Walter Reed d. Walter Reed ERROR RECOGNITION DIRECTIONS: In these questions, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Look at the following examples. Example The research for the book Roots taking Alex Haley twelve A B C D years The sentence should read, The research for the book Roots took Alex Haley twelve years. Therefore, you should choose answer (C). and, correct it to be TAKES. 11. While we were driving the town, we seen a carnival passed by our A B C D way. 12. Hana is the most intelligent student in our class. She is one of the A B choose teenager of the international students exchange program C held by the Ministry of National Education. D 13. This house is neither my uncle s or my parents . We rent it for the A B C summer vacation because the hotel is fully-booked D 14. Since the school auditorium does not have enough capacity for the A xlii annual rally, the principal allows us to use the teacher longue, in B which several students enjoying some snack and punch. C D 15. The teacher elaborating the theory in such ways that it interested A B C me that I took his class. D 16. After baking the fruitcake for dessert, Mom pours tea for every one A B of the guests opened the door for Dad, who had just arrived for C D Christmas. 17. The factory was closed down considering the use of excessive A B C chemical made the river dries out. D 18. Marco Polo was one the first Europeans to travel though the A B C Mongol territories, from Italy to China, where he was welcoming D by Kublai Khan. 19. Research showing that 99 percent of out genetic materials is A B identical to that of the chimpanzee, which means that we not only C resemble one another but also share the same diseases. D 20. Sailors feared that the Sargasso Sea was haunted by sea monsters A B and filled with Seaweed that would entangled ship and prevent C D their escape. xliii ANSWER KEY AND DISCUSSION Multiple Choice 1. D. Which grows in marshy places in Caroline This noun of the Venus Fly-trap requires adjective clause to add the information. And, the complete construction to complete it is by adding link + verb. So, D is the answer. 2. B. In which it is necessary The noun clause that the newly born young one should be put on the spot almost at once is best added by subject after it, namely, it is necessary , meanwhile, the appropriate conjunction to link the previous words, other conditions of life should be introductory word, in which. In conclusion, B is the best answer. 3. B. Where Where is the appropriate subordinate conjunction to show the place of meeting bones. 4. A. Who To explain a comedian , the following construction shows was best known for his work in silent movies . It is not completed by subject so that an introductory word showing person (a comedian) subject is required. The only answer is A. 5. D. When they are exposed to air Types of temporal adverb clause is needed to complete the condition in sentence No. 5. It requires adverbial clause to change the subject position so D is the best answer to fill. 6. C. When she was 19 months old xliv The adverb of time after a severe illness needs to be completed by noun modifier in form of noun clause as structured noun + noun clause which functions to add the noun information. So, when she was 19 months old is the best answer as its construction of when (link) + clause. 7. B. Which noun clauses to teach The sentence requires object in form of phrase. This can be a trap to testee since the construction is to show the choicem], namely, which noun clauses to teach meaning klausa-klausa kata benda mana yang harus diajarkan . 8. B. Whose painting was the best The gerund phrase, deciding (verb) ... requires an object in form of clause. So, noun clause of showing posession whose (link) + clause is the best answer. 9. A. That tectonic drift is The predication in form of infinitive phrase to believe requires an object that can relate with the following segment showing comparison more extensive than at first thought . Hence, the object should be in form of noun clause, link + noun + predicate + more extensive than at first thought . ‚nd, the best answer is that tectonic drift is . 10. D. Walter Reed The blank space requires a noun or noun phrase since the following construction who proved in 1900 is an adjective clause requiring subject in front of it. Walter Reed is the most appropriate answer. xlv Error Recognition 11. C. Seen Seen should be placed by saw since it is about paralellism. 12. C. Choose Choose is the incorrect answer because what is required in forming noun phrase in this number is to form pre-modifier + head , and, choose should be best replaced using chosen to keep the meaning into remaja yang terpilih , namely, using past participial phrase. 13. B. Or Since the context requires showing that the house does not belong to both his uncle and his parents, the best sentence to express is by using correlative conjunctions neither .... nor , the house is neither my uncle s ad my parents . 14. D. Enjoying The sub clause should be in form of link + clause S + P + O/C , so the sub clause which several students enjoying some snack and punch should be corrected in using the predicate to be paralel with the used tense, namely, present tense, hence it becomes which several students enjoy some snack and punch . 15. A. Elaborating This complex sentences require paralellism. Since the most verbs use past tense, the predicate elaborating should be replaced using elaborated . 16. B. Pours The key to answer the difficulty in testing adjective clause used in this sentene is by knowing the not underlined key word, had , it shows the tense used in the sentence is past tense so that the main clause should be mom poured tea for everyone . xlvi 17. D. Dries The shortened construction of present participial phrase which comes from adjective clause, considering .... needs to be paralell by making dries into dried . 18. D. Welcoming The particle by indicates that the expression should be in form of passive voice so that the answer should be welcome . 19. C. Not only That-clause should be corrected critically since every elements can be the key to find the dangling construction. Using not only means the sentence should be in negation. So, we do not only resemble one another but also share the same diseases. 20. D. Entangled Looking at the classical roblem here. What happens is that after modal we should use bare infinitive so that the word entangled should be best replaced using entangle . xlvii 2013 Evaluasi Materi Klausa Model Evaluasi Model evaluasi materi klausa ini berisi uji kompetensi materi klausa yang sudah dipelajari dan dilatih pada kedua model sebelumnya, simulasi dan drill. Dalam evaluasi ini berisi 40 soal dengan dua jenis soal pilihan ganda dan pencaria kesalahan. Selamat mengerjakan. Evaluasi Materi Klausa Tujuan pembelajaran: Pada evaluasi materi klausa ini digunakan untuk mengasah . pemahaman mahasiswa tentang materi klausa secara terperinci untuk mendapatkan nilai uji kompetensi gramatika yaitu agar mahasiswa memahami: 1. Pengenalan klausa meliputi pengertian, fungsi klausa, jenisjenis klausa, dan elemen klausa. 2. Klausa kata keterangan (adverbial clause) dan klausa adjektiva (adjective clause) 3. Klausa kata benda (noun clause) dan klausa aposisi (appositive clause) 4. Makna klausa dan elemen klausa (link, sub clause, main clause) Alokasi Waktu Alokasi waktu Pertemuan : 2 x 45 menit (1 kali pertemuan) : 1 kali pertemuan xlviii MULTIPLE CHOICES DIRECTION: Read the sentences below and supply the correct answer according to the sentential context given by choosing A, B, C, or D! 1. Look out ridges are of little value ___________ there is no way to get to it quickly because of a lack of trails, or no way to call for immediate help. 2. a. If after the fire is discovered c. After the fire is discovered b. If the fire is discovered d. At which the fire is discovered ____________________ and have low refractive indices, low dielectric constants, and low surface tensions has long been known by chemist. a. Those fluorocarbons are more volatile and denser than corresponding hydrocarbons b. That fluorocarbons are more volatile and denser than corresponding hydrocarbons c. While fluorocarbons are more volatile and denser than corresponding hydrocarbons d. When fluorocarbons are more volatile and denser than corresponding hydrocarbons 3. Influenced by Ross, and worthy of being linked with him, _______, who proved in 1900 that the vehicle of the deadly yellow fever organism is the common house mosquito of tropical America. a. Who was Walter Reed c. Walter Reed was b. Was Walter Reed 4. d. Walter Reed In many ways, the most striking of the carnivorous plant in the Venus Fly-trap, ___________________________ xlix a. It grows in marshy places in Caroline b. That growing in marshy places in Caroline c. Which it grows in marshy places in Caroline d. Which grows in marshy places in Caroline 5. When speaking of the social mammals, there are other conditions of life, however _________ that the newly born young one should be put on the spot almost at once because the situation is full of danger. a. In that it is necessary c. If it is necessary b. In which it is necessary 6. d. That they are necessary A lot of workers _________ in that company, ________ public transportation to reduce traffic. a. Who work, choose b. Who are working, is choosing c. Who is working, is choosing d. Who were working, are choosing 7. The last time the San Andreas Fault slipped, ________________ a. Was causing the worst disaster in San Fransisco s history b. Had been causing the worst disaster in San Fransisco s history c. It caused the worst disaster in San Fransisco s history. d. Was the cause of the worst disaster in San Fransisco s history. 8. The chemical reactions ________ the bodies of animals work best at warmer temperatures. a. That power c. That powers b. That powered 9. d. Have powered It is possible ________ may assist some trees in saving water in the winter. a. The leaves are lost l b. When leaves have lost c. That the loss of leaves d. To lose leaves 10. The Federal Reserve System, ________ under President Wilson, plays a key role in regulating the U.S. economy. a. The establishment in 1913 b. Was established in 1913 c. Established in 1913 d. In 1913 they established it 11. The judges had an extremely hard time deciding _______ . a. Who's painting was the best b. Whose painting was the best c. Painting who was the best d. The best painting was who 12. We had hoped ________ the game, but the other team played very well. a. That State University would win b. State University to win c. That State University win d. State University's winning 13. ________ Java Man, who lived before the first Ice Age, is the first manlike animal. a. Generally believed it is b. It is generally believed that c. Believed generally is d. That it is generally believed 14. The Indian variety of crocodile is the most widely researched crocodile in the world _______ anatomical structure is so unusual. li a. Because its b. Because of its c. It is because d. Is because 15. It is in many cases an advantage if an animal can remain perfectly still, and in a general way it may be said that an animal in danger in most likely to be detected __________. a. Movement b. When it moves c. Then it moves d. When does it move 16. A type of oil-base paint containing binders that form a film by oxidation or polymerization __________ is called an enamel. a. Because it exposes to air b. In that its exposure to air c. Which they are exposed to air d. When they are exposed to air 17. The teacher didn't know _______ . a. Which noun clauses teach b. Which noun clauses to teach c. Why noun clauses to teach d. When noun clauses to teach 18. The men ___________ got their last salary last month. a. Who was work in the company b. Whom work in the company c. Who work in the company d. Who worked in the compay lii 19. Charlie Chaplin was a comedian ________ was best known for his work in silent movies. a. Who c. Which b. Whose 20. d. What Although one of his ships ________________ in sailing all the way back to Spain through the Cape of Good Hope, Magellan never completed the first circumnavigation of the world, and neither did most of his crew. a. Succeeding b. Having succeeded c. Succeeded d. Being succeeded ERROR RECOGNITION DIRECTIONS: In these questions, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Look at the following examples. Example The research for the book Roots taking Alex Haley twelve A B C years liii D The sentence should read, The research for the book Roots took Alex Haley twelve years. Therefore, you should choose answer (C). and, correct it to be TAKES. 21. A one hundred-horsepower tractor can make the work of a large A B C number of working horses. D 22. Melanin, a pigment that lay under the skin, is responsible for skin A B color, including the variations that occur among different races. C 23. D The process of making Egyptian sun-dried mud brick are much the A B same today as it was in prehistoric times. C 24. D According to a World Resources Institute report, a significant part A B of forest acreage disappear each year. C 25. D Princeton University, which was establish in 1746, is one of the A B oldest universities in the United States. C 26. D The people tried of defended their village, but they were finally A B forced to retreat. C D liv 27. Putting a large amount of information on a map, a variety of A B C symbols, are used. D 28. When he was a little boy, Mark Twain would walk along the piers, A B watch the river boats, swimming and fish in the Mississippi, much C D like his famous character, Tom Sawyer 29. The best way to eliminate a pest is to controlling the food accessible A B C to it. D 30. The organizers of the charity were more than surprised at how A B many people lined up to receive the clothes donating by the C outgoing mayor. D 31. Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but anothers are regularly A B C used in producing cheeses, crackers, and many other foods. D 32. Salmon lay their eggs and die in freshwater, although they live in A B salt water when most of their adult lives. C D lv 33. In spite of the inclement weather the tennis tournament went A B ahead just as the players had started putting their rackets into. C 34. D Despite of rain or snow there are always more than fifty thousand A B C fans at the OSU football games. D 35. Because of the severe snow storm and the road blocks, the air force A B dropped food and medical supplies close the city. C 36. D While his racing days, racehorse John Henry earned a record $6.5 A B million, $2.3 million more than his closest competitor. C 37. D Together Rogers and Hammerstein wrote nine musicals, the first of A B C whose was Oklahoma [1943]. D 38. Because helicopters are capable of hovering in midair, they are A B particularly useful for rescue missions, military operates, and C D transportation. 39. Since infection can cause both fever as well as pain, it is a good idea A B lvi to check a patient's temperature. C 40. D The professor was considering postponing the examination until A B the following week because the student's confusion. C D ~ Good Luck ~ lvii Answer Key Multiple Choices 1. B. If the fire is discovered 2. B. That fluorocarbons are more volatile and denser than corresponding hydrocarbons 3. D. Walter Reed 4. A. It grows in marshy places in Caroline 5. A. In that it is necessary 6. A. Who work, choose 7. C. It caused the worst disaster in San Fransisco s history 8. A. That power 9. D. To lose leaves 10. C. Established in 1913 11. B. Whose painting was the best 12. A. That State University would win 13. B. It is generally believed that 14. A. Because its 15. B. When it moves 16. C. Which they are exposed to air 17. B. Which noun clauses to teach 18. D. Who worked in the compay 19. A. Who 20. C. Succeeded Error Recognition 21. A. One hundred-horsepower tractor 22. A. Lay lviii 23. B. Are much 24. C. Dissappear 25. A. Establish 26. A. Of defended 27. D. Are used 28. D. Swimming 29. B. To controlling 30. C. Donating 31. B. Anothers 32. A. Lay 33. A. In spite of 34. A. Despite of 35. D. Close the city 36. A. While 37. A. Together 38. D. Operates 39. B. As well as 40. D. Because lix 2013 Daftar Pustaka Daftar Pustaka Azar, B. S. 2002. Understanding and Using English Grammar. New York: Pearson Education. Davidson, G. 2003. Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences. Greenwood: Learners Publishing Pte Ltd. Frank, M. 1972. Modern English: A Practical Reference Guide. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc. Greenbaum, S. & Nelson, G. 2002. An Introduction to English Grammar. Edinburg: Pearson Education. Huddleston, R. & Pullum, G.K. 2005. A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Jackson, H. 1982. Analyzing English: An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics. Birmingham: Pergamon Press. Landowsky. 2000. Sentence Structures: Forms, Varieties, and Developments. Toronto: Toronto University Press. Leech, G, Deuchar, M, and Hoogenraad, R. 1982. English Grammar for Today. London: Macmillan Press. O’Grady, W, Michael Dobrovolsky, and Mark Aronoff. 1989. Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Putrayasa, I. B. 2009. Tata Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia. Singaraja: Refika Aditama. Quirk, R. & Greenbaum, S. 1973. A University Grammar of English. Edinburg: Pearson Education. lx 2013 Biodata Penulis Biodata Penulis Sumardiono merupakan seorang dosen mata kuliah struktur (Grammar) di program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris di STKIP PGRI Blitar sejak tahun 2011. Saat ini, dia sedang pada tahap akhir penyelesaian tesisnya di Universitas Islam Malang. Kesukaannya dalam meneliti adalah pada bidang pengajaran gramatika, pengajaran membaca, neurolinguistik, dan semiotika budaya. Dia menjadi pembicara pada beberapa presentasi ilmiah seperti Sang Guru 2 tahun 2013 yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Negeri Surabaya, ELITE Conference 2013 yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Islam Negeri Maliki Ibrahim Malang, Seminar Sehari di STKIP Pasundan Cimahi, International Conference in Applied Linguistic yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusan National University Korea, dan NELTAL 2014 yang diselenggarakan di Universitas Negeri Malang. Beberapa tulisannya adalah berkaitan dengan komputasi linguistik, teknologi dan informasi untuk pengajaran, pengajaran gramatika, pengajaran membaca yang diterbitkan oleh jurnal lokal, nasional, dan intenasional. lxi