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2000, Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A
SummaryWe describe a case of canine mycoses initially diagnosed by clinical signs and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay anti‐fungal test, and later confirmed by the isolation of Paecilomyces sp. during the post‐mortem examination. The fungus was isolated from lesions in the kidneys, mitral valve, abdominal aorta and vertebral discs. In this kind of process, it is important to identify the responsible agent early in order to make a study of anti‐fungal susceptibility and establish effective treatment.
Veterinary Dermatology, 2008
A 4-year-old spayed female mixed breed dog was referred to the Michigan State University, Veterinary Teaching Hospital (MSU-VTH) with vomiting, lethargy and anorexia of 2 weeks duration. Abdominal radiographs and ultrasonography showed hepatosplenomegaly. Cytological evaluation of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirates of the liver and spleen revealed fungal organisms and pyogranulomatous inflammation; fungal culture documented Paecilomyces variotii infection. The dog received antifungal therapy and supportive care. Multiple firm plaque-like skin lesions, predominantly involving the inguinal region, developed 18 days after initial presentation and were diagnosed histopathologically as calcinosis cutis. While generalized calcinosis cutis has been reported in three dogs with blastomycosis and one dog with leptospirosis, the association with disseminated Paecilomyces spp. infection is novel.
Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2012
A six‐year‐old female entire German shepherd dog was investigated for polyuria, polydipsia and lethargy. Investigations revealed a mild azotaemia and abdominal ultrasound revealed marked bilateral dilation of the renal pelves with echogenic material and proximal left hydroureter. Urine cytological examination and aspirates from the right renal pelvis revealed mats of fungal hyphae consistent with fungal bezoar formation. Fungal cultures revealed a profuse growth of Paecilomyces variotii. Initial treatment with oral itraconazole was unsuccessful, leading to bilateral nephrotomies to remove the fungal material. Postoperatively the Paecilomyces infection persisted despite continued itraconazole therapy. Treatment was commenced with amphotericin B, leading to resolution of the dog's clinical signs. To the authors’ knowledge this is the first report of canine Paecilomyces pyelonephritis, without disseminated systemic disease, which documents its successful treatment.
There are various mycotic diseases of veterinary importance affecting the domestic animals. The diagnosis of the causative fungi or yeast responsible for those infections is essential in veterinary microbiological laboratories for confirmative diagnosis followed by its treatment and control.
Journal of Fungi
This review focuses on aspects of antimycotic therapy specific to veterinary medicine. In the first part, drug availability, limited mostly by economic consideration but also by clinical applicability and specific adverse effects, is described for polyenes, 5 fluorocytosine, azoles, echinocandins and terbinafine. In the second part, current knowledge and experience in the treatment of selected fungal infections are overviewed. These mycoses include disseminated mold infections in small animals (dogs and cats) and avian species, upper respiratory tract infections of small animals (sino-nasal and sino-orbital aspergillosis) and horses (guttural pouch mycosis), eumycetoma, infections caused by dimorphic fungi, (blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis and sporothrichosis) and by yeasts and yeast-like microorganism (Cryptococcus spp. and Malassezia pachydermatis).
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2008
Istilah etika memiliki banyak makna berbeda. Ada yang menyebutkan bahwa etika adalah semacam penelaahan, baik aktivitas penelaahan maupun hasil penelaahan itu sendiri. Pendapat lain menyebutkan bahwa etika adalah kajian moralitas. Sedangkan moralitas adalah pedoman yang dimiliki individu atau kelompok mengenai apa itu benar dan salah, atau baik dan jahat suatu perbuatan. Meskipun etika berkaitan dengan moralitas, namun tidak sama persis dengan moralitas. Etika merupakan studi standar moral yang tujuan utamanya adalah menentukan standar yang benar atau yang didukung oleh penalaran yang baik, dan dengan demikian etika mencoba mencapai kesimpulan tentang moral yang benar dan salah, dan moral yang baik dan jahat Etika bisnis merupakan etika terapan. Etika bisnis merupakan aplikasi pemahaman kita tentang apa yang baik dan benar untuk beragam institusi, teknologi, transaksi, aktivitas dan usaha yang kita sebut bisnis. Etika bisnis merupakan studi standar formal dan bagaimana standar itu diterapkan ke dalam system dan organisasi yang digunakan masyarakat modern untuk memproduksi dan mendistribusikan barang dan jasa dan diterapkan kepada orang-orang yang ada didalam organisasi. Sebenarnya banyak yang keberatan dengan penerapan standar moral dalam aktivitas bisnis. Beberapa orang berpendapat bahwa orang yang terlibat dalam bisnis hendaknya berfokus pada pencarian keuntungan financial bisnis mereka saja dan tidak membuang-buang energy mereka atau sumber daya perusahaan untuk melakukan pekerjaan baik yang sesuai dengan norma-norma yang berlaku. Etika seharusnya diterapkan dalam bisnis dengan menunjukan bahwa etika mengatur semua aktifitas manusia yang disengaja, dan karena bisnis aktivitas manusia yang disengaja, etika juga hendaknya berperan dalam bisnis. Argument lain berpandangan bahwa, aktivitas bisnis, seperti juga aktivitas manusia lainnya, tidak dapat eksist kecuali orang yang terlibat dalam bisnis dan komunitas sekitarnya taat terhadap standar minimal etika. Bisnis merupakan aktifitas kooperatif yang eksistensinya mensyaratkan prilaku eksis. Dalam masyarakat tanpa etika, ketidakpercayaan dan kepentingan diri yang tidak terbatas akan menciptakan " perang antar manusia terhadap manusia lain " , dan dalam situasi seperti itu hidup akan menjadi " kotor, brutal, dan dangkal ". Karenanya dalam masyarakat seperti itu, tidak mungkin dapat melakukan aktivitas bisnis, dan bisnis akan hancur. Karena bisnis tidak dapat bertahan hidup tanpa etika, maka kepentingan bisnis yang paling utama adalah mempromosikan prilaku etika kepada anggotanya dan juga masyarakat luas.
Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 2019
Suddenly, talk of 'safeguarding' and a sector-wide 'safeguarding crisis' seems to be everywhere. Grappling with the scope and content of 'safeguarding' as a parameter of humanitarian practice, this commentary asks questions about the framing of safeguarding as a buzzword: about what buzzwords do, whether safeguarding is a global buzzword, whether it is a reframing of old concerns and historical accountability efforts, what is new about it-and finally, what kind of reflections and responses this newness should engender.
The terms “relation” and “technique” are frequently used in discussions of what is effective in psychotherapy, but often on the assumption that they refer to conceptually separate phenomena. The present paper questions this dichotomy between “relationship” and “technique”. This is done on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the concepts of technique and relationship, and the variety of phenomena they refer to. Techniques are defined as procedures prescribed as the means to reach some goal, that are made available to individuals through various kinds of training, education, and apprenticeship, and that result in the acquisition of skills and attitudes. It is argued that there are two basic categories of techniques in psychotherapy: (a) relational techniques, which the therapist uses either explicitly or implicitly in the interaction with the patient, and (b) self-techniques, which the therapist teaches the patient to use (or applies to him/herself). In addition, it is argued that the therapeutic relationship involves a number of non-technical aspects that need to be systematically addressed. This model of technique and relationship as partly overlapping categories is illustrated with examples from psychodynamic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapies and humanistic-experiential therapy. It is argued that the development of a comprehensive theory of psychotherapy would benefit from a systematic search through the literature to identify techniques that have been advocated by various therapists, and the use of thematic analysis to analyze the content of these techniques in terms of skills and attitudes.
Questões e respostas sobre Trabalho- Sistema Capitalista
Pertemuan Ke 2 Pengantar Teknologi Informasi , 2024
Annali della Fondazione Ugo Spirito e Renzo De Felice. Il presente storico, 2023
Anthropology Now , 2023
Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, 2023
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2012
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2010
Cadernos Saúde Coletiva, 2013
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2018
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2020
AACE Clinical Case Reports, 2019