ROMAN POTTERY FROM NICULITEL–CORNET (TULCEA COUNTY, SOUTHEASTERN ROMANIA) Ștefan-Emilian GAMUREAC Ministry of Culture, Cultural Heritage Directorate, Bucharest, Romania [email protected] Florin TOPOLEANU “Gavrilă Simion” Eco-Museum Research Institute, Tulcea, România [email protected] Sorin-Cristian AILINCĂI “Gavrilă Simion” Eco-Museum Research Institute, Tulcea, România [email protected] Abstract: The paper presents the Roman era pottery discovered during the 1988 and 2000 rescue archaeological excavations at Niculiţel–Cornet, Tulcea County, Romania, prior to the construction of the methane gas pipe in the area. The assemblage consists of pottery of Pontic, Oriental and Western origins, while the functional categories represented are kitckenware, tableware, amphorae. Handmade pottery of local tradition is also present. The fine ware is represented by terra sigillata, barbotine decorated vessels, Pontic sigillata and imitations. The majority of the pottery can be dated to the 2nd-3rd c. AD, with some fragments characteristic of a slightly earlier period, and other types dated up to the 5th c. AD. The present catalogue represents a part of the discovered Roman pottery, the rest of material being scheduled for future analysis and publication. Rezumat: Articolul prezintă ceramica de epocă romană descoperită în timpul campaniilor de cercetări arheologice de la Niculiţel–Cornet, judeţul Tulcea, România din anii 1988 şi 2000. Construirea unei conducte de gaz metan a prilejuit cercetări arheologice preventive, rezultând categorii de vase de origine pontică, orientală şi occidentală, grupate în diferite tipuri de veselă de servit masa, de băut şi de bucătărie, împreună cu amfore şi vase lucrate la mână. Vasele din pastă fină sunt de asemenea prezente, inclusiv terra sigillata, vasele decorate în tehnica barbotinei, sigilate pontice şi imitaţii. Majoritatea ceramicii poate fi datată în perioada sec. II-III p.Chr., dar unele fragmente ceramice sunt caracteristice pentru o perioadă puţin mai timpurie, în timp ce alte tipuri pot fi datate în sec. V p.Chr. Prezentul catalog nu reprezintă întregul lot al ceramicii descoperite, urmând ca restul materialului să fie publicat ulterior. Keywords: Lower Danube, Dobruja, Niculițel, rescue excavation, Roman Pottery, handmade pottery. Cuvinte cheie: Dunărea de Jos, Dobrogea, Niculițel, săpături de salvare, ceramică romană, ceramică modelată cu mâna. PEUCE, S.N. XXI, 2023, p. 75 - 128 / 76 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI INTRODUCTION The cultural heritage of the Niculiţel area from Northern Dobruja is well known for the specialists, being attested remains belonging to various Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Hellenistic, Roman, Late Roman, and Middle Age archaeological cultures.1 Some exceptional archaeological monuments, such as the Paleo-Christian Basilica containing the inscription of the martyrs Zotikos, Attalos, Kamasis and Philippos,2 several villae rusticae or the famous wall of 27 km, containing three fortifications, supposedly Avar, Bulgar or Early Medieval, are only small parts of a larger picture of the heritage importance of this area. 3 Due to the importance of the discoveries, many of these archaeological sites are listed into the Historical Monuments List and they are protected by the Romanian law. During the 1st-3rd c. AD the area was part of the Roman Province Moesia Inferior, and later, during the Late Roman and Early Byzantine period the area was part of the Scythia Minor province; the nearest major Roman town was Municipium Noviodunum (ad Istrum), situated about 10 km north, on the Danube. Around this important centre, there were identified numerous remains from dwellings and necropolis dated to the Early Roman period, inclusively the site from Cornet (Fig. 1). The archaeological site of Niculiţel–Cornet is situated 5 km north of the Niculițel village, Tulcea County, Romania, nearby the flood zone of the Danube fen, on a ledge near the Gorgonel Lake.4 The whole area is deforested today. Its main characteristics are the richness of water sources, as there are many springs, and the high quality soil, enabling proper agricultural activities. It is probable that this landscape would have been perceived as familiar in antiquity.5 The archaeological excavations from Niculițel–Cornet The rescue archaeological excavations in the area of Niculiţel–Cornet started in 1988. The first necessary archaeological research was made necessary by the construction of a methane gas pipe. According to the authors of the archaeological excavation, during the 1988 archaeological campaign, there were first excavated four trenches, from which two (I and II) were oriented North–East, and the other two (III and IV) were oriented South–West. The Roman period layer was situated under the vegetal layer, beginning at the depth of 25 cm, and was thick of 30-40 cm thick.6 The extension of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nuţu, Stanc, Paraschiv 2014, 15. Baumann 2005, 132. Nuţu, Stanc, Paraschiv 2014, 19-20. Ailincăi, Topoleanu, Mihail 2016, 233. Nuţu, Stanc, Paraschiv 2014, 13. Topoleanu, Jugănaru, 1995, 203. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 77 excavations was reached a total number of six excavation trenches (S I-VI, Fig. 2) summing a number of 74 contexts, mostly pits.7 Fig. 1. Early Roman sites around Niculițel Area. In 2000, the work at the methane gas pipe occasioned new archaeological excavations in the area of Niculiţel–Cornet. The archaeological excavation was made on either side of the pipeline route, several surfaces of different sizes being excavated and noted as S 1-13 (Southwest area), and S A-L (Northeast area) (Fig. 2). All these excavations covered a surface of 1600 square meters, being discovered 130 archaeological structures, mostly typical for Babadag culture.8 The results of the two archaeological campaigns have been only partially published, of the main focus being on the vestiges attributed to the Babadag culture9. In order to have a picture as complete as possible of the Niculițel–Cornet site, the present article is dedicated to the pottery finds attributed to the Roman period. 7 8 9 Ailincăi, Topoleanu, Mihail 2016, 233-235. Simion 2001, 163-164; Ailincăi et alii 2017. Jugănaru, Topoleanu 1994; Topoleanu, Jugănaru 1995; Ailincăi, Topoleanu 2003; Ailincăi 2008; Ailincăi, Topoleanu, Mihail 2016; Ailincăi et alii 2017. / 78 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI The contexts with Roman pottery Initially, following the survey conducted during 1986-1988, the Cornet area stood out for the large amount of Roman pottery discovered on the ground. For this reason, for the rescue archaeological research in 1988, the site was entrusted for research to dr. Florin Topoleanu, a specialist of the Roman period at the Lower Danube. However, archaeological excavations revealed a different situation. Thus, during these two campaigns, it was noticed that most of the structures and artefacts belong in fact to a settlement attributed to the Babadag culture, the Roman vestiges being recorded mainly in the topsoil, without well-defined contexts. In fact, during both campaigns, only a total of three structures were recorded that can be attributed to the Roman period, these being called S I-1 (1988), S 6-10 and S I-2 (2000) (Fig. 2-3). S I-1 – pit investigated in S I (1988), square 12. It was circular, with a diameter of about 1 m. The profile is trapezoidal, and the depth reaches 0.40 m (Fig. 3). In addition to the Roman pottery mentioned in the catalogue, in the pit have also been found artefacts specific to the Babadag culture.10 S 6-10 – is a large structure, probably the remains of a hut-type dwelling, identified during the 2000 campaign in S 6 and S 7. It was partially demarcated and appears to have had an irregular, oval shape, oriented WSW-ENE direction. The dimensions are quite large for such structures. The investigated length is 7.25 m, the maximum width reaches approximately 5 m and the maximum depth is 1.30 m from the ancient topsoil level. The complex was first distinguished based on a very large number of Roman tiles, also spread outside the actual pit. The constructive material was arranged mostly in a horizontal position, in some areas on two parallel levels. The sediment had an ashy texture, probably from burni ng or decaying wooden structure. Stratigraphically, two layers with somewhat different textures and colours could be identified. In the upper part it has a fine texture and a gray colour (Fig. 3, layer 4), while at the base the soil becomes darker in color and has in its composition fragments of charred wood and burnt adobe (Fig. 3, layer 5). S I-2 – a small pit, investigated in the 2000 campaign. It had an oval outline, with dimensions of 1.50×1.20 m. The walls were dug vertically to a depth of 0.60 m. In the upper part there were deposited several medium-sized stones (Fig. 3). The most numerous ceramic fragments were discovered in S 6-10 and S I-2, but also in the topsoil layer. This situation raises some issues related to the nature of the habitation from the Roman period and the interpretation of this site. It is possible that 10 Ailincăi, Topoleanu, Mihail 2016, 235, Pl. I/5-9. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 79 the surface researched during in the two campaigns captured only an edge of a rural settlement from the Early Roman period, of which the most valuable archaeological material preserved is pottery. Fig. 2. Niculițel–Cornet. The plan of the archaeological excavations (1988, 2000). / 80 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Fig. 3. Niculițel–Cornet. Roman Age archaeological structures. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 81 THE ROMAN POTTERY11 The analysis of the Roman pottery led to the identification of 259 shards belonging to various categories and types of vessels. TABLEWARE Western terra sigillata, Form Draggendorf, 27 Draggendorf 1895, Taf. II, 27; Dimitrova-Milčeva, 2000, 50-51, Tafel 7/121-123; Hayes 2008, fig. 20/601-602. Catalogue: 1. passim, r.d. =11,5 cm, fine, shining brown slip, 2.5YR 6/8 light red; 2. passim, r.d.=11,8 cm, fine, shining brown slip, 2.5YR 6/8 light red; 3. passim, fine, shining brown slip, 2.5YR 6/8 light red. Earthenware decorated in the barbotine technique The pottery is decorated with specific vegetal ornaments typical for the Butovo and Pavlikeni pottery centres in the territory of Nicopolis ad Istrum, such as ivy-leaves and wine twigs with stylized grape clusters. Baumann 1980, pl. XIX/1-34 (end of 2nd-middle of 3rd c. AD); Baumann 2010, 115, fig. 4 (2nd-3rd c. AD); Nuţu, Costea 2010, 150, pl. 2 (2 nd-3rd c. AD); Sultov 1985, 76, table XXXV/4 two-handled earthenware (type 1B), Butovo, Pavlikeni; Sultov 1985, 66, bowls, table XXVIII/7 (dishes and bowls) type 1; Sultov 1985, 77-78, table XXXVII/3 (two-handled earthenware) type 8, Pavlikeni, middle 2nd c. AD. Catalogue: 4. 2000, S7, square 1, -0.70 cm, r.d.=16 cm, fine fabric, brownish red slip, 5YR 6/8 reddish yellow; 5. 2000, S7, square 3, Cx. S 6-10, -0.56 m, r.d.=31.5 cm, fine fabric, 2.5YR 6/8 light red; 6. 2000, S7, square 2, Cx. S 6-10, -0.70 m, fine fabric, 2.5YR 6/8 light red. Pontic bowls and plates – vessel for serving food Pontic sigillata Mocanu 2021, form 4 Pontic sigillata plates, characterized by a small base, and a body with an obtuse angle marking the limit between rim and body. The fabric is fine; the slip is high quality red 11 r.d. – rim diameter; b.d. – base diameter; d. – diameter; Doa – filling-hole diameter; Dof – wick-hole diameter; p.h. – preserved high; S – trench; Cx - structure. The pottery is kept in the collection of ICEM Tulcea – Institutul de Cercetări Eco-Muzeale “Gavrilă Simion” Tulcea. The Munsell soil color charts, ed. 1994, was used for the colour descriptions. The drawings were made by Sorin Ailincăi (1-259) and Camelia Geanbai (260-264). / 82 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI or brown, at the interior and sometimes at the top of the exterior of the vessel. They can be most probably dated to the 2nd-3rd c. AD. Mocanu 2021, form 4, p. 94, pl. 26/12-14, Opaiţ 1980, p. 336, pl. X/1, 2nd-3rd c. AD. Catalogue: 7. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=21 cm, fine red fabric, red slip, 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow; 8. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=18 cm, fine fabric, red slip at the inside and the top on the exterior of the vessel, 5YR 7/4 pink; 9. 2000, S I, square 5, pit no. S I-2, b.d.=10 cm, fine fabric, brown slip at the exterior, 5YR 6/8 reddish yellow. Fig. 4 Pontic sigillata imitations - Early Pontic Red Slip Ware The shape of these vessels resembles much the sigillata pontica form 1 and 2 after the typology of Marian Mocanu 2021, but the quality of the fabric and especially of the surface treatment is consistent with the category of Early Pontic Red Slip Wares. Similar in shape discoveries were made at Niculițel, (Nuţu, Stanc, Paraschiv 2014, 7879, pl. 29/173-174) included by the authors into the Brown Slip Wares category. The fabric is fine or semi-fine, the slip is reddish-yellow or pink, 2nd-3rd c. AD. Catalogue: 10. 2000, S 7, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=18 cm, fine fabric, red slip 5YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 11. 1988, S 1, square 19-60, r.d.=17 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 7/4 pink; 12. 2000, S I, pit S I-2, r.d.=17 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 8/4 pink; 13. 1988, S 1 square 12, pit S I-1, r.d.=13 cm, semi-fine fabric with limestone particles, red slip at the inside and partially at the exterior, 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow; / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 83 14. 2000, S2, square 2, -0.40 m, median diameter=22 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Fig. 5 Early Pontic Red Slip Ware Pontic bowl Opait 1980, pl X 5/ Mocanu 2021 EPRSW form 2 and 9 The rim of this bowls is high, inclined to the interior of the vessel, decorated with a prominent circular grove at the exterior in the median part, sometimes decorated with vertical regular incisions at the median or lower part of the body. The fabric is usually fine, sometime containing sand or limestone micro particles, and the slip is mostly reddish yellow. The rim diameter varies between 16 and 27 cm, probably the origin is Pontic. Mocanu 2021, 126, fig 37/10-11, EPRSW – Early Pontic Red Slip Ware; Baumann 1995, p. 210, pl. X/4; Opaiţ 1980, 336, pl. X 5. The chronological interval of this shape in the region is the 2nd-3rd c. AD. Catalogue: 15. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, 0.60/1 m, r.d.=26.5 cm, semi-fine fabric with sand, porous, red slip, 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 16. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, 1/1.20 m, r.d.=20.5 cm, semi-fine fabric with sand, porous, red slip, 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 17. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, 0.60/1 m, r.d.=26.5 cm, semi-fine fabric with sand, porous, red slip, 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 18. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, 0.60/1 m, r.d.=27.5 cm, fine red fabric, red slip, 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow 19. 1988, S II, square 25, -0.60 m, r.d.=23 cm 7.5YR 7/4 pink 20. 2000, S 6, square 4, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=27.5 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 21. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1m, r.d.=17 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 22. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1m, r.d.=18 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 23. 2000, S 6, square 3, Cx. S 6-10, -0.20 m, r.d.=23 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 24. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=20 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 7/8 reddish yellow; / Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI 84 25. 2000, median diameter=20.5 cm, fine fabric 7.5YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 26. passim, median diameter=16 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow; 27. passim, median diameter=20 cm, fine fabric, red irregular slip, 5YR 6/8 reddish yellow; 28. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, median diameter=14 cm, semi-fine fabric, rarely sand particles in composition, 10 YR 7/8 yellow; 29. passim, maximum diameter=18 cm, semi-fine fabric containing silver mica sparkles, and rarely limestone particles, red slip, 10YR 7/8 yellow; 30. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, maximum diameter=17 cm, semi-fine fabric with rarely limestone particles in composition, red-orange slip, 10YR 7/8 yellow; 31. passim, r.d.=19.5 cm, semi-fine fabric with limestone particles, 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown; 32. passim, median diameter 19.5 cm, semi-fine fabric with iron oxide and limestone particles in composition, red slip, 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Early Pontic Red Slip Ware Mocanu 2021, EPRSW form 3 The rim is almost vertical, slightly thickened on the top, delimitated by a groove from the body, the rim diameters vary between 28 and 31 cm. The fabric is fine and the slip is reddish yellow. Probably the origin is Pontic. Mocanu 2021, EPRSW form 3, p. 126, pl. 37-38/12-16 Catalogue: 33. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=29.5 cm, fine red fabric, red slip, 7.5 YR 7/6 reddish yellow; 34. 1988, S VI, square 8, -1 m, r.d.=28.2 cm, fine fabric, secondarily burnt at the outside, 7.5YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 35. 1988, S I, square 12, pit S I-1, r.d.=31.5 cm, fine fabric, exfoliated, 7.5YR 8/6 reddish yellow. Early Pontic Red Slip Ware Suceveanu 2000 bowls type VII/Mocanu 2021, EPRSW form 8 The rim of these Early Pontic Red Slip Ware is vaulted to the interior of the vessel, the shape of the body is conical, the fabric is fine or semi-fine, the rim diameter is between 16 and 26 cm. The form is documented at Niculiţel during previous excavations,12 but also is attested in many places in the Western and Northern basin of the Black Sea region. (2nd-3rd c. AD). Suceveanu 2000 bowls type VII, p. 35, Pl 10/1-6; Mocanu 2021, EPRSW form 8, p. 133, fig 40/31-33; Stănică, Streinu, Streinu 2021, 84-85, pl. VI/45-48 Catalogue: 36. passim, r.d.=26 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 7/4 pink; 37. 1988, S VI, square 13, r.d.=25 cm, semi-fine with limestone particles fabric, red slip, 5YR7/6 reddish yellow; 38. 1988, S II, square 8, -0.30 m, r.d.=24 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 6/8 reddish yellow; 39. 1988, S VI, square 22, -0.50 m, r.d.=36 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. 12 Mocanu 2021, 133. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet Fig. 6 / 85 86 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Form Hayes 3 variant C – 5th c. AD The Hayes 3 form of the Late Roman C Ware / Phocaean Red Slip Ware needs no supplementary presentation, being extremely well attested in the West Pontic region. The two fragments of plates were both discovered passim and during the 1988 archaeological excavations. Hayes 1972, 323-404. Catalogue: 40. passim, r.d.=27 cm, fine red fabric, red slip, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 41. 1988, S VI, square 13, r.d.=22 cm, fine fabric, colour 7.5 YR 7/4 pink, gray slip 7.5 YR 6/3 light brown. Fig. 7 / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 87 DRINKING VESSELS Cups/mugs Suceveanu 2000, type XXXII/Opaiţ 1980, pl. VIII/4, 6-7/Honcu 2014, small cups type 3 Small cups/mugs with widened rim, globular body, and one handle. At the exterior, many of the examples present a small groove at the junction between rim and body of the vessel. This type is common for most of the Roman settlements during the 2nd-3rd c. AD. Opaiţ 1980, 336, pl. VIII/4, 6-7; Suceveanu 2000, pots type XXXII, pl. 42-44; Honcu 2014, small cups type 3, p. 85, pl. 25/195-196. Catalogue: 42. 2000, S 2, square 2, r.d.=6 cm, fine, gray colour fabric, 5YR 4/2 dark reddish gray; 43. 2000, S 6, -0.60/1 m, r.d.=5.5 cm, fine fabric, rarely limestone micro-particles, 5YR 6/8 reddish yellow; 44. 1988, S I, square 45, r.d.=6.5 cm, semi-fine fabric with limestone particles, irregular red slip, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 45. 2000, S 6, -0.60/1 m, semi-coarse fabric, rarely limestone particles in composition, red slip at the outside, 10 YR 8/8 yellow; 46. 2000, S I, pit S I-2, r.d.=7 cm, semi-fine fabric, secondarily burnt, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 47. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=8 cm, semi-fine fabric containing fine sand particles, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 48. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, semi-fine fabric with limestone particles, red slip, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 49. 1988, S VI, square 18, r.d.=9 cm, fine fabric, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 50. passim, r.d.=7 cm, fine fabric, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 51. 2000, S VI, r.d.=7,2 cm, fine fabric, red slip at the inside and outside, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 52. 2000, S I, S I, pit S I-2, r.d.=7 cm, fine fabric, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 53. 1988, S II, square 25, -0.60 m, r.d=7.5 cm, fine fabric, 2.5 Y 8/8 yellow; 54. 2000, S F, r.d.=10 cm, fine fabric, rarely limestone particles, 7.5 YR 8/4 pink; 55. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=7 cm, fine, beige colour fabric, 2.5 Y 8/8 yellow; 56. passim, r.d.=8 cm, fine fabric, secondarily burnt at the outside, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 57. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=7 cm, fine fabric, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow. Pitchers Honcu 2014, pitchers type I/ Suceveanu 2000, type XLVI C The rim is vertical, decorated with grooves at the exterior, high neck, oval body and one handle. According to Șt. Honcu 2014, for previous discoveries of this type at Niculiţel, the chronology is the first half of the 3 rd c. AD. Mocanu 2014, pitchers type I, p. 81-82, pl. 24/179-179; Suceveanu 2000, type XLVI C, p. 150-154, pl. 72/17-20 / 88 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Catalogue: 58. 2000, S1, square 1, -0.60 m, r.d.=15 cm, fine, light beige fabric, light reddish slip, 1 for Gley 8/1 greenish gray. Suceveanu 2000 type XLV B This type of pitcher has a vertical, narrow rim, decorated at the top with a flattened groove in the shape of a disc, being dated during the 2nd c. AD. The only exemplar/variant discovered here does not having the second groove under the rim. Suceveanu 2000, pp. 145-149, type XLV B, pl. 68, 69/9-35. The best analogy concerning the type XLV B is pl. 68/no. 9-10; Băjenaru 2013, p. 56, pl. 6/42-43; Cătăniciu, Barnea 1979, fig. 146/4.4 (Tropaeum Traiani, layer II – 2nd c. AD.) Catalogue: 59. 1988, S VI, r.d.=2.5 cm, fine fabric 10 YR 7/4 very pale brown Honcu 2014, type 4 /Suceveanu 2000, type XLVI The pitcher has a trefoil mouth, one handle and a short neck. The type is common for Early Roman times but also for later period. At Niculiţel, this type is dating at the end of the 2nd-first half of the 3rd c. AD. Honcu 2014, pitchers type 4, p. 83, pl. 24/184-185; Suceveanu 2000, “cruche à embouchure trilobée“ type XLVI, p. 154-156, pl. 73 Catalogue: 60. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, square 3, r.d.=6 cm, semi-fine fabric containing white particles, 5 YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Fig. 8 / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 89 KITCHENWARE Pontic Pans Suceveanu 2000 type XXVIII/Honcu 2017, pans type II The pan has a flat rim decorated with a groove. Common Roman provincial type, 2nd3rd c. AD. Suceveanu 2000 type XXVIII, p. 95, pl. 38/1-8; Honcu 2017, pans type II, pp. 93-96, pl. XVII-XIX/175-191 (2nd-3rd c. AD), also pans type III, pl. XIX/182; Catalogue: 61. 2000, S6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=31 cm, coarse fabric containing sand particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the exterior of the vessel, 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Suceveanu 2000 type XXVII/ Honcu 2017, pans type I The rim of the pan is flat, decorated with concentric grooves at the top. The form is common for Roman provincial pottery (2nd-3rd c. AD). Suceveanu 2000 type XXVII p. 95, pl. 38/8-11; Honcu 2017, pans type 1, p. 91, pl. XVII/159-163; Catalogue: 62. 2000, S6, square 3, r.d.=27.5 cm, coarse fabric, sand particles in composition, 10 YR 8/3 very pale brown. Suceveanu 2000, type XXVII The rim is triangular in section; the body is slightly inclined toward exterior. A. Suceveanu considers it as a product of Histria from the 2nd-3rd c. AD. Suceveanu 2000 type XXVII, p. 97, pl. 40/1-7; Honcu 2017, pans type 2 pl. XVIII/172-174. Catalogue: 63. passim, r.d.=22 cm, semi-coarse fabric with fine sand, secondarily fired at the outside, 7.5YR 7/3 pink. Suceveanu 2000, type XXIX The base of the pan is flat, the rim is simple, slightly inclined toward exterior. This type is an imitation of previous types, from Phocean, Aegean (Istenic, Schneider 2000, Fig. 5/4) and African areas (Hayes 2009, fig. 5/122 about pans in Pompeian-Red Ware types). A. Suceveanu considers it as a product of Histria from the 2nd-3rd c. AD. Suceveanu 2000, type XXIX, p. 96, pl. 39/1-2, 4. Catalogue: 64. 1988, S1 square 33, -0.35 cm, r.d.=19 cm, coarse fabric with sand in composition, secondarily burnt, 10 YR 8/3 very pale brown. / Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI 90 Fig. 9 Pontic casseroles Opaiț 1980, pl. II/3 The rim is flat and thickened on the exterior, the body is slightly curved, flat base, there are usually grooves on the body of the vessel, and flat handle, presenting grooves in section. Opaiţ 1980, pl. II/3; 2nd-3rd c. AD; Topoleanu, Gamureac 2021, 105, no. cat. 56-57. The form is common for the 2nd-3rd c. AD., possibly West Pontic. Catalogue: 65. 2000 S I, pit no S I-2, r.d.=26 cm, coarse fabric containing sand particles, 5 YR 5/4 reddish brown; 66. 1988, S6, square 17, -0.80 m, r.d.=20 cm, semi-coarse fabric, secondarily burnt at the outside, 10 YR 7/2 light gray; 67. 2000, S6, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=24 cm, semi-coarse fabric, secondarily burnt at the outside, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 68. 2000, S6, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=25 cm, semi-coarse fabric with fine sand and limestone particles in composition, secondarily fired at the outside, 2.5YR 7/4 pale yellow; 69. 2000, S6, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=22 cm, semi-coarse fabric with fine sand and iron oxide particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the inside and exterior, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 70. 2000, S6, square 17, r.d.=28 cm, semi-coarse fabric, sand particles, secondarily fired, 10 YR 8/8 yellow; 71. 2000, S6, r.d.=17 cm, semi-coarse fabric containing fine sand, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 91 Fig. 10 Aegean casseroles Opaiț 1980 pl III/2 The rim of this casserole type is flat, slightly curved towards the interior, the body is bi-truncated. The vessels have handles with oval section. The fabric is semi-fine/semicoarse, rarely limestone or fine sand in composition, the colour is yellow or pink, presenting traces of secondarily burnt at the exterior. Opaiţ 1980, pl. III/2, p. 330, 351 Troesmis, end of the 2 nd c. AD, microasiatic origin of the form. Honcu 2017, casseroles type II, p. 84, pl. XVI-XVI, Aegean area, 2nd-3rd c. AD; Istenic, Schneider 2000, fig 5/3, Aegean area. Catalogue: 72. 2000, S6, square 1, r.d.=24 cm, semi-fine fabric, limestone particles in composition, 7.5 YR 7/6 yellow; 73. 2000, r.d.=29 cm, semi-fine fabric, secondarily burnt, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 74. 2000, S6 square 3, -0.30 m, r.d.=28 cm, semi-coarse fabric with limestone microparticles, grey colour core, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink. / 92 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Fig. 11 POTS Aegean pots Robinson 1959, G 193/ Băjenaru 2013, pots type 2 The rim is flat, slightly bent to inside, globular body decorated with grooves. Some examples present handles oval in section. The rim diameter varies between 17 and 21 cm, the fabric contains fine particles of sand and limestone, and the colour is pink, yellow or pale red. Some pots were secondarily burnt at the exterior, depending on the dimensions and position of the preserved fragments. Robinson 1959, G 193; Istenic, Schneider 2000, fig. 2-3 (Aegean); Honcu 2017 imported pots type III, 78, pl. XIII/121-122 (2nd-3rd c. AD, Aegean); Băjenaru 2013, pots type 2, 61-62, pl. 8/62-63 (production égéenne 2nd-3rd c. AD Tomis) Catalogue: 75. 2000, S 6 square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=18 cm, semi-coarse fabric, fine sand in the composition, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 8/8 reddish yellow; 76. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=15 cm, semi-fine fabric, white particles in composition, secondarily burnt, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 77. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60 m, r.d.=16.5 cm, semi-fine fabric, rarely limestone in composition, secondarily burnt, 10 YR 7/6 yellow; 78. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=13 cm, semi-coarse fabric rarely sand particles in composition, 5 YR 6/8 reddish yellow; 79. 2000, r.d.=14 cm, semi-fine fabric, secondarily fired, 2.5 Y 7/3 pale yellow; 80. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=18 cm, semi-coarse fabric, rarely limestone particles in composition, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 81. 2000, S 6, square 12, -0.80 m, r.d.=18.5 cm, semi-coarse fabric containing sand and limestone particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the exterior of the vessel, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 93 82. 2000, S I, pit no. pit no. S I-2, r.d.=15 cm, semi-fine fabric with fine sand in composition, grey core, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 83. 2000, S 6, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=16 cm, semi-coarse fabric, rarely limestone particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the outside, 10 YR 7/4 very pale brown; 84. 2000, S 6, r.d.=21 cm, semi-fine fabric with sand in composition, 10YR 8/8 yellow; 85. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=24 cm, semi-fine fabric with rarely limestone particles in composition, 10 R 6/4 pale red; 86. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=18 cm, coarse fabric containing particles of sand, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink. Fig. 12 / 94 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI 87. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=20 cm, semi-coarse fabric with fine sand particles, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 88. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=17 cm, semi-coarse fabric, limestone particles in composition, secondarily burnt, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 89. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60 m, r.d.=17 cm, semi-fine fabric, rarely limestone particles, secondarily burnt at the exterior of the vessel, 7.5 YR 8/4 pink. Băjenaru 2013, pots type 1 The rim of the pot is flat, bent to the outside, globular body. The fabric contains usually limestone particles in composition; the colour of the surface treatment is usually reddish yellow or pink; the core is sometimes gray. The circulation of this type may be earlier, including during the 1st c. AD. Băjenaru 2013, pots type 1, 61, pl. 8/60-61 (production égéenne 1st-2nd c. AD Tomis); Honcu 2017, imported pots type II, 77-78, pl. XII/119-120 (2nd-3rd c. AD, Aegean); Honcu 2017 pots type XVI, 68, pl. IX/89 (1st-2nd c. AD); Suceveanu 2000, type XXXIX, pl. 59/40. Catalogue: 90. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=21 cm, semi-coarse fabric with small particles of sand and limestone, 7.5YR 7/3 pink; 91. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=20 cm, semi-fine fabric, rarely limestone particles in composition, grey color core, secondarily burnt, 5 YR 6/8 reddish yellow; 92. 2000, S 6, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=24 cm, semi-fine fabric, grey core, secondarily fired, 2.5Y 7/6 yellow; 93. passim, r.d.=25 cm, semi-fine fabric containing white particles, secondarily fired at the outside, 10 YR 7/4 very pale brown; 94. passim, r.d.=22 cm, semi-coarse fabric rarely limestone particles in composition, secondarily fired at the outside, 7.5 YR 7/3 pink. Pontic pots Cătăniciu, Barnea 1979, fig 146/5.2 The pot has a vertical, thickened rim, the body is probably globular, and the fabric is coarse, containing sand in composition. At Tropaeum Traiani, the fragment is dated in the second layer, during the 2nd c. AD; Cătăniciu, Barnea 1979, p. 182, fig 146 5.2, N II; Suceveanu 2000, type XXXV, pl. 49/19, Baumann 1995, pl. LXIII/9 (Teliţa–Amza). Catalogue: 95. 2000, S6, r.d.=12 cm, coarse fabric containing particles of sand and silver mica sparkles, 2.5 YR 8/4 pink; 96. 1988, S1, square 25-26, -0.20–0.40 m, r.d.=22 cm, coarse fabric, sand in composition, secondarily fired at the exterior, 10 YR 8/8 yellow. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 95 Cătăniciu, Barnea 1979, fig 152/5.7 The rim of this (possibly) storing pot type is triangle in section, thickened and vertical, the globular body is decorated with grooves, and some examples have handles. The fabric is coarse, containing sand particles and limestone, the rim diameters is 19-21 cm. The characteristics of the fabric and the fact that one example is presenting traces of secondarily burnt, may lead to the idea that this type of pot could be also used for cooking. Cătăniciu, Barnea 1979, fig 152/5.7; Baumann 1980, pl. XXVI/2; Honcu 2017 storing pots/dolia type I, 79-80, pl. XIII/124-125 (2nd-3rd c. AD); Suceveanu 2000, pl. 51/1-5, type XXXVI / A (2nd-3rd c. AD). Catalogue: 97. passim, r.d.=19 cm, semi-coarse fabric with sand particles, 10 YR 7/6 yellow; 98. 2000, S6, r.d.=21 cm, coarse fabric containing small fragments of stone, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 99. 1988, S2, square 25, -0.60 m, r.d.=28 cm, coarse fabric with sand, mica and limestone particles in composition, 10 YR 7/6 yellow; 100. 2000, r.d.=19 cm, semi-coarse fabric with fine sand, secondarily fired, 10 YR 7/6 yellow; 101. 2000, square 1-2, r.d.=20 cm, coarse fabric with limestone particles, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow. Fig. 13 / 96 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Cătăniciu, Barnea 1979, Fig 152/5.3 The rim it is thickened on the top, bevelled; the body is globular in shape, one example has handles. The fabric is coarse containing limestone particles; some examples were used on the open fire. The type can be largely dated to the 2nd-3rd c. AD. Cătăniciu, Barnea 1979, Fig 152/5.3 (Tropaeum Traiani, layer III); Honcu 2017, storing pots/dolia type III, 81, pl. XII/127 (1st-3rd c. AD); Suceveanu 2000, pots type XL, pl. 62/30. Catalogue: 102. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=18,5 cm, coarse fabric, limestone particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the exterior, 5YR 7/2 pinkish gray; 103. passim, r.d.=22 cm, coarse fabric with limestone particles in composition, 2.5Y 7/8 yellow; 104. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=18 cm, coarse, porous fabric containing small fragments of stone, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink. Fig. 14 Honcu 2017 pots type I The rim is funnel-shaped, sometimes thickened, bent to the inside, a globular body, and oval handles decorated with grooves. The fabric is usually coarse, containing sand or limestone particles in composition. Honcu 2017 pots type I, p. 43, pl. I/6, pl. II/11-20, pl. III/21-22, 25 (1st-3rd c. AD). Catalogue: 105. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=10 cm, semi-coarse fabric with sand and silver mica, red slip at the exterior of the vessel, 10YR 7/8 yellow; 106. passim, r.d.=17 cm, semi-coarse fabric with sand in composition, 7.5YR 8/4 pink; / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 97 107. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60 m, r.d.=15 cm, coarse fabric containing sand particles, secondarily burnt at the exterior of the vessel, 2.5Y 8/1 white; 108. 1988, S 6, square 12, Cx. S 6-10, -0.58 m, r.d.=17 cm, coarse fabric with sand in composition, 10 YR 8/2 very pale brown; 109. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=13 cm, semi-coarse fabric containing sand in composition, red slip at the outside, 10 YR 8/8 yellow; 110. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=16 cm, coarse fabric with sand particles, secondarily burnt at the exterior, 7.5 YR 8/4 pink; 111. 1988, S 6, square 13, -0.50 m, r.d.=27 cm, coarse fabric with sand particles, 2.5 YR 5/4 reddish black; 112. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=17 cm, coarse fabric containing sand, red and black particles in composition, secondarily burnt, 10 YR 8/3 very pale brown; 113. 1988, S 6, square 13, r.d.=19 cm, coarse fabric with sand and limestone particles, secondarily burnt, 2.5Y 8/1 white; 114. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1 m, r.d.=16 cm, coarse fabric, sand particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the outside, 7.5 YR 8/4 pink; 115. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=11 cm, coarse fabric, fine sand particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the inside, 7.5 YR 8/4 pink; 116. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1 m, r.d.=18 cm, coarse fabric, fine sand particles, secondarily burnt at the exterior of the vessel, 7.5 YR 8/3 pink; 117. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, -0.50 m, r.d.=19 cm, coarse fabric with sand particles in composition, secondarily burnt, 2.5YR 8/2 pale yellow; 118. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=13.2 cm, semi-coarse fabric, sand particles in composition, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 119. passim, r.d. 17 cm, coarse fabric containing sand particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the inside and exterior of the vessel, 10 YR 7/3 very pale brown; 120. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, -0,60 m, r.d.=12 cm, coarse fabric containing sand particles, 10 YR 8/6 yellow; 121. passim, r.d.=12 cm, coarse fabric containing fine sand particles, secondarily burnt at the outside, 10 YR 8/4 very pale brown; 122. 1988, S VI, square 21, r.d.=14 cm, coarse fabric with fine sand, 2.5 Y 8/1 white; 123. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=11 cm, semi-coarse fabric with limestone particles, secondarily burnt, 10 YR 8/2 very light brown. Variant of the previous type/ Honcu 2017, type XII Catalogue: 124. passim, r.d.=10 cm, semi-fine, rarely containing limestone particles fabric, 7.5YR 7/3 pink; 125. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=13 cm, semi-fine fabric with red and white micro-particles, 10 YR 8/3 very pale brown; 126. passim, r.d.=11 cm, semi-fine fabric containing limestone particles, 2.5YR 6/8 light red; 127. passim, r.d.=11.5 cm, semi-coarse fabric containing limestone particles, red slip at the exterior of the vessel, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 128. passim, r.d.=17 cm, semi-fine fabric containing fine sand particles, 2.5 Y 7/6 yellow. / 98 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Fig. 15 Honcu 2017 pots type IV This type presenting an almost vertical rim, thickened and flat at the top, a globular body decorated with grooves and oval handle in section. The fabric is coarse, containing sand and limestone particles, and the rim diameter varies greatly. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 99 Baumann 1980, pl. XXVI/3-4; Honcu 2017 pots type IV, 53, pl. IV/35-40, pl. V/4150 (2nd-3rd c. AD); Suceveanu 2000, pots type XL, pl. 60-62; Băjenaru 2013, pl. 9/71 (Production indéterminée). Catalogue: 129. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=20 cm, coarse fabric containing sand and limestone particles, secondarily burnt at the exterior of the vessel, 2.5 YR 6/8 light red; 130. 2000, S6, r.d. 13 cm, coarse fabric with limestone particles, 2.5YR 6/8 light red; 131. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=20 cm, coarse fabric containing limestone and sand particles, secondarily burnt at the exterior of the vessel, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 132. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=10 cm, coarse fabric with limestone particles, secondarily burnt at the exterior, 5 YR 7/4 pink; 133. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=16 cm, coarse fabric containing sand sand and limestone particles, secondarily burnt at the inside and exterior, 5 YR 6/8 reddish brown; 134. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=18 cm, coarse fabric containing big particles of limestone and sand in composition, secondarily burnt at the outside, 2.5 YR 6/6 light red; 135. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=21 cm, coarse fabric containing particles of limestone and sand in composition, 2.5 YR 6/8 light red; 136. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=12.5 cm, coarse fabric containing particles of sand in composition, secondarily burnt at the outside, 10 YR 8/3 very pale brown; 137. passim, r.d.=21 cm, coarse fabric containing limestone and small stones particles, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 138. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=14 cm, coarse fabric containing small stones, 7.5 YR 7/6 reddish yellow; 139. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=16 cm, coarse fabric with sand and limestone particles, secondarily burnt, 5 YR 7/4 pink; 140. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/0.65 m, r.d.=13 cm, coarse fabric, sand particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the outside, 7.5 YR 8/1 white; 141. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=23 cm, coarse fabric, limestone particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the outside, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 142. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.15 cm, semi-coarse fabric containing limestone particles in composition, secondarily burnt, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 143. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=24 cm, coarse fabric with limestone particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the outside, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 144. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=22.5 cm, coarse fabric with sand and limestone particles, secondarily burnt, 7.5YR 6/8 reddish yellow; 145. 2000, S6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=25.5 cm, coarse fabric containing sand and limestone particles, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 146. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=21 cm, coarse fabric containing limestone and sand particles, secondarily burnt, 5YR 6/8 reddish yellow; 147. 2000, S 6, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=15 cm, coarse fabric, limestone particles, 5YR 6/8 reddish yellow. / 100 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Fig. 16 / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 101 148. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=16 cm, coarse fabric, limestone and fine sand particles in composition, secondarily burnt, 5 YR 6/8 reddish yellow; 149. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=23 cm, coarse fabric, sand particles in composition, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 150. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60 m, r.d.=12 cm, coarse fabric, sand in the composition, secondarily burnt, 10 YR 8/2 very pale brown; 151. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1 m, semi-coarse fabric, fine sand in composition, secondarily burnt at the exterior, 7.5YR 7/3 pink; 152. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=11,5 cm, semi-coarse fabric with fine sand, secondarily burnt at the inside and outside, 10 YR 7/3 very light brown; 153. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=19,5 cm, coarse fabric containing limestone particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the exterior of the vessel, 7.5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow 154. passim, r.d.=11 cm, coarse fabric with sand in composition, secondarily burnt, 10 YR 8/2 very pale brown; 155. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=17 cm, coarse fabric, containing limestone and iron oxide particles, 7.5 YR 8/4 pink; 156. passim, r.d.=19 cm, coarse fabric with limestone and sand particles, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink. Fig. 17 / 102 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Honcu 2017, pots type VI/Suceveanu 2000, type XL The rim is funnel – shaped, simple, the body is usually globular, decorated with groves. The fabric is coarse, containing sand and limestone particles, being dated during the 2nd-3rd c. AD. The form continued to evolve, being also in use in the Late Roman period. Baumann 1995, p. 257, pl. XVIII/9; Honcu 2017, pots type VI, p. 57-58, pl. VII/6367; Suceveanu 2000, p. 131, type XL, pl. 61; Topoleanu 2000, pl. XXVIII/247-249 Catalogue: 157. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=16,5 cm, semi-fine fabric containing limestone particles, red slip at the exterior, 10 YR 7/8 yellow; 158. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=11 cm, semi-coarse fabric with black particles, red slip at the exterior of the vessel, 10 YR 8/8 yellow; 159. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1 m, r.d.=12 cm, semi-coarse fabric with silver mica and rarely limestone particles in composition, red slip, 2.5YR 7/8 light red; 160. passim, r.d.=14 cm, semi-coarse fabric with sand particles, secondarily burnt, 10 R 4/1 dark greenish gray; 161. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=12 cm, coarse fabric, fine sand particles in composition, secondarily burnt at the inside and outside, 7.5 YR 7/3 pink; 162. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=13 cm, semi-fine fabric, 2.5Y 7/8 yellow; 163. 2000, S 7, square 1, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=11 cm, semi-fine fabric, fine sand particles, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; 164. 2000, S 6, square 1, Cx. S 6-10, -0.35, r.d.=17 cm, semi-coarse fabric with sand particles in composition, secondarily burnt, 10 YR 7/6 yellow. Variant The pot is seemingly alike the previous type, excepting the smaller dimensions and the grove on the top of the rim. Baumann 1980, pl. XXVI/5; Honcu 2017, pots type VI, pl. VI/55; Suceveanu 2000, type XL, pl. 61/15. Catalogue: 165. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=9 cm, semi-coarse fabric containing limestone particles in composition, secondarily burnt, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 166. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, coarse fabric, sand in composition, 10 YR 7/6 yellow. Honcu 2017 pots type III/ Cătăniciu, Barnea 1979, Fig 151/ 2.22 The rim is thickened at the outside, flat on the top, globular body. Oval handles, decorated with grooves. This type may be dated to the 3rd-4th c. AD. The analogy from Histria is dated between the 2nd and 4th c. AD. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 103 Honcu 2017 pots type III, 51-52, pl. IV/31, (3rd-4th c. AD); Suceveanu 2000, p. 130, type XL, pl. 60/3; Cătăniciu, Barnea 1979, Fig 151/ 2.22 Catalogue: 167. passim, r.d.=16 cm, fine fabric, red slip, 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow; 168. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=16 cm, reddish fabric, rarely limestone particles in composition, red slip at the exterior, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 169. 2000, S 6, square 17, r.d.=20 cm, semi-coarse fabric, rarely limestone particles, 10 YR 8/8 yellow; 170. passim, r.d.=20 cm, semi-fine fabric rarely limestone particles, red slip at the outside, 7.5YR 7/3 pink; 171. 1988, S III, -0.50 m, r.d.=28 cm, coarse fabric with limestone particles, 10 YR 8/2 very pale brown; 172. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=16 cm, semi-coarse fabric with fine sand, secondarily burnt, 5 YR 8/4 pink. Fig. 18 / 104 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI LIDS The fabric is generally coarse, the edge is rounded and the button is cylindrical. Some examples have a higher diameter (30-34 cm diameter) being used probably for casseroles or pans. Honcu 2014, 97-98/238-243. Catalogue: 173. passim, b.d.=34 cm, semi-coarse fabric with limestone particles in composition, 10 YR 7/6 yellow; 174. 2000, S6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=13 cm, semi-coarse fabric containing sand in composition, red slip at the outside, 10 YR 8/8 yellow; 175. 2000, S6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=11 cm, semi-coarse fabric, 10 YR 8/8 yellow; 176. 2000, S6, Cx. S 6-10, coarse fabric containing sand particles, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 177. 2000, S6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, coarse fabric with sand particles, secondarily burnt at the inside and outside, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 178. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, coarse fabric with sand and limestone particles, secondarily burnt at the outside, 5 YR 6/8 reddish yellow; 179. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, coarse fabric with sand particles, secondarily burnt at the inside and outside, 10 YR 7/6 yellow; 180. passim, r.d.=19 cm, coarse fabric with sand particles, secondarily burnt at the inside and outside, 10 YR 8/3 very pale brown; 181. passim, r.d.=30 cm, coarse fabric containing sand particles, 10 YR 8/2 very pale brown. Fig. 19 / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 105 THURIBULA - CLAY CENSER Because of the state of fragmentation of these findings, we chose to fallow the typology established by the authors of previous excavations at Niculiţel, 13 based on the decoration of the rim. The four types already identified at Niculiţel are: type 1 – deep bowls with rare finger impressions on the rim; type 2 – the rim is decorated with double finger impressions on the flange; type 3 – thuribula with pinched decoration on the rim and flange; type 4 - thuribula with undecorated rim and flange. The present findings may be classified in three types (types 1, 3 and 4 Niculiţel); there are other two base/pedestals that cannot be ranged in the typology due to their state of preservation, without any preserved part of the body, flange or rim. Nuţu, Stanc, Paraschiv 2014, 102-107, pl. 29-30/249-268; Sultov 1985, table XL/5; Baumann 1980, 398, pl. XX/3-4; Liuşnea 2020, for type 1 at Noviodunum and Barboşi (Galaţi); Radu 2014 (Noviodunum); Stănescu et alii 2021, Fig. 13/33-35. Clay censer Niculiţel type 1 Deep bowls with rare finger impressions on the rim, both fine and coarse fabric at these two examples. Catalogue: 182. 1988, S 6, square 22, -0.50 m, b.d.=3 cm, fine fabric, 5Yr 7/6 reddish yellow; 183. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=28 cm, coarse fabric with sand particles in composition, 7.5 YR 8/3 pinkish white. Clay censer Niculiţel type 3 Pinched decoration on the rim and flange, and also on the median part in multiples registers. The fabric is semi-fine. Catalogue: 184. 2000, S 7, square 1-2, -0.80 m, semi-fine fabric, greyish core, 7.5YR 8/3 pink; 185. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=19 cm, semi-fine fabric, rarely sand particles in composition, 10YR 8/6 yellow; 186. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=20 cm, semi-fine fabric, rarely sand particles in composition, 10YR 8/8 yellow. Clay censer Niculiţel type 4 The rim and flange are undecorated at the exterior of the vessels but presents groves. One example it is decorated with pinched impressions on the top of the rim. Catalogue: 187. 2000, S 7, square 1, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60 m, semi-coarse fabric, sand particles in composition, 5YR 8/4 pink; 13 Nuţu, Stanc, Paraschiv 2014, 102-107. / 106 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI 188. 1988, S VI, square 11, r.d.=20 cm, semi-fine, rarely limestone particles fabric, 5 YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Clay censer varia Two base/pedestals, semi-fine fabric, hollow, widened. Catalogue: 189. 1988, S VI, square 12, b.d.=8 cm, semi-fine fabric rarely limestone particles, grey colour, 2.5YR 6/1 reddish grey; 190. 1988, S VI, square 11, semi-fine fabric, silver mica sparkles, 5YR 8/4 pink. Pl. 20 AMPHORAE Oriental amphorae Dressel 24 type or Dressel 24 similis The rim is funnel - shaped, and the neck is conical. The production of Dressel 24 similis continues until the beginning of the 3rd century AD.14 14 Stănescu 2018, 211 apud Opaiț, Tsaravopoulos 2011, 317 for the Chios subtype. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 107 Opaiţ, Ionescu 2016, Dressel 24 and Dressel 24 similis, p. 67-68, pl. XII-XIV/68-84; Opaiţ 2007, fig. 8/42 (Dressel 24 similis D); Opaiț, Tsaravopoulos 2011. Catalogue: 191. 1988, S VI, square 14, -0.40 m, r.d.=19 cm, brick colour fabric with fine limestone particles, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 192. 1988, S I, square 33, coarse fabric, rarely limestone particles, whitish-yellow coating, the core is 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow and the coating is 10 YR 8/2 very pale brown. Kapitän II type The transport amphorae present a rim with a prominent sharp flange below, the base and foot are long and hollow, the handle appears to be ovoid or elliptical in section, 2nd-4th c. AD. At Niculițel, this type of amphorae it is dated in the period of 2nd-6th c. AD., especially between AD 250-450. Nuţu, Stanc, Paraschiv 2014, 51-53, pl. 6-8/36-47; Paraschiv 2006, type 41, 87-89, pl. 20/31-32; Opaiţ, Ionescu 2016, pl. IV/20-30. Catalogue: 193. passim, r.d.=6 cm, semi-coarse fabric, rarely limestone and sand particles, 7.5YR 7/4 pink; 194. passim, r.d.=6 cm, coarse fabric with fine limestone particles in composition, 10 YR 7/6 yellow; 195. passim, r.d.=6 cm, coarse fabric containing limestone and iron oxide particles, 2.5 Y 8/3 pale brown; 196. 2000, S6, median diameter=7.5 m. Fig. 21 / 108 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Pontic amphorae Zeest 100 “carrot” amphora The single fragment of this amphora type was discovered passim, without context. This type was produced beginning with the 3rd c. AD until the 5th c AD in few places across Black Sea region (Sinope, Herakleea, North of the Black Sea). Kassab Tezgör 2010; Paraschiv 2006, pl. 6-7, type VIII, var. A-B (4th-5th c. AD); Böttger 1982, Taf. 21/15; Зеест 1960, pl. XXXIX, type 100; Opaiţ 2010, 4th-5th c. AD. Catalogue: 197. passim, r.d.=11 cm, coarse fabric with limestone particles, 7.5 YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Heraclea Šelov C type From previous excavations at Niculiţel, this type of amphorae is dated to the 2nd-3rd c. AD. Nuţu, Stanc, Paraschiv 2014, 56-57, pl. 9-11/62-70; Зеест 1960 types 64, 91-94, 104105; Paraschiv 2006, Pontic amphorae, type 3, 19-24, pl. 1-3; Paraschiv 2013, fig. 1-2. Catalogue: 198. 2000, S 6, b.d.=3,3 cm, coarse fabric with sand in composition, 7.5YR 8/4 pink; 199. 1988, S V, square 4, -1.20 m, r.d.=8,6 cm, coarse fabric with limestone particles, red painting horizontal band under the rim, 7.5 YR 8/3 pink; 200. 2000, S I, square 5, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=8 cm, sandy fabric, 10 YR 8/4 very pale brown; 201. 1988, S II, -0,40 m, b.d.=6 cm, 10 YR 8/8 yellow; 202. 1988, S I, square 59, -1 m, r.d.=8,4 cm, coarse fabric with fine sand, 10 YR 8/4 very pale brown; 203. 1988, r.d.=7 cm, sandy fabric, 10 YR 8/6 yellow; 204. 2000, S 7, square 14, b.d.=4.5 cm, coarse homogenous fabric containing sand particles, secondarily burnt 10 YR 8/8 yellow; 205. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, -0.30 m, r.d.=7 cm, sandy fabric, 10 YR 8/6 yellow; 206. passim, sandy fabric, 5 YR 8/3 pale yellow; 207. 1988, S6, square 21, -0.50 m, r.d.=6 cm, coarse fabric containing iron oxide, 7.5 YR 8/3 pink; 208. 1988, S V, square 20, -0.55 m, coarse fabric with limestone particles, 10 YR 8/8 yellow; 209. 1988, S VI, square 12, b.d.=4.5 cm, coarse fabric with silver mica, 10 YR 8/6 yellow; 210. 1988, S III, -0.45 m, r.d.=6 cm, coarse fabric with sand, 10 YR 8/3 very pale brown; 211.1988, S I, square 121, -0.40 m, b.d.=4 cm, coarse fabric with limestone and silver mica particles, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 109 Fig. 22 AMPHORA – LIKE PITCHERS The vessel has a vertical rim, sometimes marked with a groove, the neck is conical and the diameter of the rim is between 9 and 11 cm. From the previous examples at Niculițel, this type is dated during the 2nd-3rd c. AD. There were probably few centres of production in Moesia, notably one of them being attested at Durostorum, but differences of the fabric structure indicate more than one producer. Previous excavations demonstrate that this type of recipient was used both in domestic and funerary contexts.15 15 Nuţu, Constantinescu, Ailincăi 2021, 237-239. / 110 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Nuţu, Stanc, Paraschiv 2014, 61, Pl. 15/101-103; Opaiţ, Paraschiv 2013, Fig. 11; Simion 2007, fig. 7; Suceveanu 2000, cruche amphoroïdale de grande taille, type L, pl. 75/1, pl. 76/2, 4-10, pl. 77/3. Catalogue: 212. 1988, S IV, square 27, -1.15 m, b.d.=9 cm, homogenous fabric containing limestone particles, 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow; 213. 1988, S I, square 59-60, b.d.=11.5 cm, the fabric is containing limestone particles in composition, 2.5YR 6/8 light red; 214. 1988, S6, square 17, b.d.=10 cm, coarse fabric containing limestone particles in composition, 5YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 215. 1988, S I, square 18, b.d.=10 cm, secondarily burnt, 2.5YR 6/8 light red; 216. passim, b.d.=8.5 cm, 7.5YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 217. 1988, S II, square 9, b.d.=12 cm, semi-coarse fabric, secondarily burnt at the exterior, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 218. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=9 cm, homogenous fabric, rarely limestone particles, 2.5Yr 6/8 light red; 219. 1988, S I, square 102, -0.70 m, b.d.=9.5 cm, coarse reddish fabric with limestone and black particles, secondarily burnt at the inside, 2.5 YR 7/8 light red; 220. 1988, S VI, square 7, -0.65 m, b.d.=10.5 cm, coarse fabric with sand and black particles, 5 YR 7/4 pink; 221. 1988, S I, square 81-82, b.d.=10.5 cm, coarse fabric, rarely limestone and siliceous particles, 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow; 222. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=10 cm, coarse fabric containing iron oxide and sand particles, 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow; 223. 1988, S VI, square 5, b.d.=11 cm, semi-coarse fabric with sand and limestone in composition, secondarily burnt, 5 YR 7/4 pink; 224. passim, r.d.=10.5 cm, coarse fabric with sand particles, 2.5YR 6/8 light red; 225. 1988, S6, square 18, -1 m, r.d.=12 cm, coarse fabric containing sand particles, 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow; 226. 2000, S6, r.d.=11 cm, 2.5YR 6/8 light red; 227. passim, r.d.=11 cm, homogenous fabric, rarely limestone particles, secondarily burnt, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 228. 1988, S VI square 3, -0.20 m, r.d.=12 cm, semi-fine fabric containing sand particles in composition, 2.5YR 6/8 light red; 229. 1988, S VI, square 13-14, -0,40 m, r.d.=10 cm, coarse fabric containing limestone particles, 7.5YR 8/4 pink; 230. 1988, S VI, square 1, -0,60 m, r.d.=12 cm, semi-coarse fabric, rarely limestone particles, 7.5YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 231. 2000, S6, square 1, r.d.=11,5 cm, homogenous fabric with limestone particles in composition, 7.5YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 232. passim, r.d.=11 cm, coarse fabric containing limestone particles, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink; / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 111 233. passim, r.d.=12 cm, coarse fabric, grey colour core, 7.5 YR 7/4 pink;234. 2000, S 6, square 12, -0.80 m, r.d.=11 cm, coarse fabric containing limestone particles, 10 YR 7/4, very pale brown. Fig. 23 / 112 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI 235. 2000, S A1, A2, r.d.=12 cm, coarse fabric, with sand and limestone particles, red coating, 5 YR 8/4 pink; 236. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=11 cm, homogenous fabric, rarely limestone and sand particles in composition, red coating, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 237. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=11 cm, coarse fabric, 7.5 YR 8/4 pink; 238. passim, r.d.=12 cm, coarse reddish, porous fabric, 10 YR 7/8 yellow; 239. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, -0.35 m, r.d.=14 cm, coarse fabric with limestone particles, orange coating, 5 YR 8/4 pink; 240. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=15 cm, coarse dark brick colour fabric with limestone particles in composition, 7.5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 241. 1988, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, square 5, r.d.=13.5 cm, coarse fabric containing sand and limestone particles, secondarily burnt at the inside, beige coating, 10 YR 7/6 yellow; 242. 2000, S 7, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, -0.80 m, r.d.=15 cm, coarse fabric with sand and limestone particles, 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 243. 2000, S 6, b.d.=10 cm, coarse fabric with limestone, 2.5 YR 7/6 light red; 244. 2000, S 6, square 4, -0.40 m, r.d.=12 cm, coarse fabric with silver mica and rarely limestone particles, 7.5 YR 8/6 pink. Fig. 24 / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 113 HAND-MADE NON-ROMAN TRADITIONAL WARES The majority of the wares are jar-pots, having an oval body shape, the rim is facing outwards, the neck is short, and the base is flat. The fabric is coarse, containing limestone, there are traces of secondary burning. The colour varies between reddish yellow, light red, very pale brown and light gray. A recent study approaches the ratio of Roman vs. non - Roman traditional pottery in this part of the Roman province of Moesia, especially during the 1st-3rd c. AD.16 The percentage of Thracian (i.e. Getae, Bessi, etc.) tradition pottery (hand-made included) may be relevant not necessarily because of the structure of the ethnic population, but related to the level of actually use of Roman traditional pottery (as an indicator of a larger process of Romanisation) of the diverse ethnic inhabitants. In fact the use of hand-made pottery vs. “Roman provincial pottery” may not be after all a problem of economic power/prices or incapacity of supplying from the centres of production17, knowing that the “common” Roman pottery was one of the cheapest and most abundant product. We may assist to a graduate out of use of the traditional handmade pottery of the population, no matter of the people`s origin, according to the degree of the progressive cultural dislocation. Baumann 1980, pl. XXXIII/1-24 (end of 2nd-middle of 3rd c. AD); Mocanu, Ailincăi, Mihail 2022, pl. 4-5; Babeş 1971, fig. 6-8, 10 (1st-2nd c. AD); Stănescu, Mocanu, Dolea, Ailincăi 2021, 166-168, Fig. 14/36-49; Nuţu, Bârliba 2018, 95-99, Fig 11/14-21; Negru 1998, fig. 1-3/1-24. Catalogue: 245. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=20 cm, coarse gray fabric containing little stones, handmade, 10 R 5/2 light red; 246. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, r.d.=13 cm, coarse fabric containing limestone particles, handmade, secondarily burnt at the outside and inside, 5YR 7/2 pinkish gray; 247. 2000, S 6, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=16 cm, coarse fabric containing limestone particles, handmade, secondarily burnt at the outside, 10 YR 7/3 very pale brown; 248. 2000, S 6, r.d.=13 cm, coarse fabric with limestone particles, handmade, 10 YR 8/4 very pale brown; 249. 2000, S 6, -0.60/1.00 m, r.d.=22 cm, coarse grey fabric containing small stones, handmade, 10YR 6/3 pale red; 250. 2000, S 6, square 1, r.d.=17 cm, coarse grey fabric containing limestone particles and small stone fragments, handmade, secondarily burnt at the inside and outside, 5 YR 6/3 reddish brown; 16 17 Nuţu, Mihăilescu-Bîrliba 2018, 95-99. Honcu 2017, 158; Negru 1998, 633. / 114 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Fig. 25 / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 115 251. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=15 cm, coarse fabric with small stone fragments, secondarily burnt, 2.5TR 5/3 reddish brown; 252. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, b.d.=5 cm, coarse fabric with limestone particles, secondarily burnt at the inside and outside, handmade, 10YR 7/2 light gray; 253. 2000, SI 2, square 5, pit no. 3, r.d.=14.5 cm, coarse fabric, sand and limestone particles in composition, handmade, secondarily burnt at the exterior of the vessel, 10YR 7/6 yellow; 254. 2000, S 6, -0.60/1 m, r.d.=20 cm, coarse, porous fabric with sand in composition, handmade, secondarily burnt at the exterior, 5YR 7/8 reddish yellow; 255. passim, r.d.=10 cm, semi-fine fabric containing limestone particles, secondarily burnt, traces of irregular red paint at the outside, 7.5YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 256. 2000, S I, pit no. S I-2, b.d.=2.2 cm, semi-coarse fabric, rarely limestone particles, 7.5YR 8/4 pink; 257. 2000, S 6, -0.60/1 m, coarse fabric containing silver mica and limestone particles, 7.5YR 8/6 reddish yellow; 258. 2000, S 6, square 1-2, Cx. S 6-10, -0.60 m, r.d.=16.5 cm, coarse fabric containing small fragments of stones in composition, secondarily burnt at the inside and outside, handmade, 5 YR 6/4 light reddish brown; 259. 2000, S 6, Cx. S 6-10, r.d.=15.5 cm, semi-coarse fabric with sand and limestone particles in composition, secondarily burnt, handmade, 10 YR 7/4 very pale brown. LAMPS Loeschcke 1919, type IV; Broneer 1930, type XXIII; Deneauve 1969, type V A; Bailey 1980, type B; Iconomu 1967, type XI; The lamps decorated with volutes on the beak, classified by Loeschcke in six variants, were widely spread especially in the Mediterranean provinces where they were produced. Our specimen, morphologically classified as Loeschcke IV, is certainly produced in a provincial workshop, perhaps even West Pontic. The main argument in favor of this statement is the quality of the type used, heavily worn, so that the decoration present on the disk and on the beak (volutes) is weakly embossed, almost flattened. Also, the finish is slightly sloppy. Similar, less elaborate, Loeschcke IV type lamps have also been found in other Danube sites. The workshops at Durostorum, in the first years of the presence here of the Legio XI Claudia, were proposed for their production18, but also those at Pavlikeni.19 Catalogue: 260. 1989, S I, c. 45, fragmentary painting, the beak is preserved and approx. 1/3 of the tank; research lot 521; pL = 7.52 cm; Doa = 6.66 cm; Dof = 0.96 cm; Hp = 2.35 cm; 18 19 Mușețeanu, Elefterescu 2008, 137; Chrzanovschi forthcoming, Cap. 4, cat. no. 13 Vladkova 2011, 122, no. 6-7. / 116 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Technique/material: modeled with a worn pattern, careless finish, fine paste, rare limestone particles, reddish color (10R4/4 – red), light brown engobe (2.5YR6/3 – light reddish brown), compact on upper valve, with black and brown spots on the lower valve; no traces of use on the beak (the cover looks worn due to the quality of the pattern). Description/Decoration: round tank, wide, concave disc, bordered by two concentric ribs, with feeding hole drilled laterally towards gripper, small, thin beak, with round, wide wick hole, round base, slightly concave, unmarked; the beak is decorated with strongly flattened volutes, and no elements of the disc decoration have been preserved to identify it. Bibliography: unique Reference literature (selective): Loeschcke 1919, 225(37)-228(40), type IV, 387(199)409(221), no. 320-600, pl. I, III-XVII; Broneer 1930, 78-79, type XXIII, no. 454-455, pl. X, XXV; Iconomu 1967, 12-13, type XI, fig. 22-23, no. 169-186; Iconomu 1986, type IX-XII; Deneauve 1969, 126-145, type V A, no. 493-542, pl. LI-LV; Perlzweig 1961, 76, no. 50, pl. 5; Bailey 1980, 153-183, Q 848-956, pl. 9-29; Kuzmanov, Minchev 2018, 56-57, type XXIV, no. 150-153, pl. XI. Date: 1st-2nd c. AD Workshop: West Pontic Province (?) Loeschcke 1919, type VIII H Catalogue: 261. 2000, S 9, ‫ ם‬7, - 0.55 m; fragmentary opacity, disc missing, cracks on lower valve; research lot 523; Dimensions: pL = 9.39 cm; max D = 7.90 cm; bD = 4.85 cm; pH = 3.32 cm. Technique/material: very good quality pattern and finish, clean clay, well chosen, reddish color (2.5YR6/6 –light red), reddish engobe (10R6/8 – light red), thin, applied only to the upper valve; traces of use on the beak. Description/Decoration: medium-sized, very thin-walled opal, disc round, outlined by an incision, with a straight, slightly inclined border, beak round, base round, slightly concave, bordered by a strong rib flanked by two fine incisions; the disk is decorated with a rosette, of which the beak extremities of a number of three petals have been preserved. Bibliography: unique Reference literature (selective): Loeschcke 1919, 237(49)-254(66), type VIII, fig. 7-9, 415 (227)-426 (238), no. 651-750, pl. III-IV, XVI-XVII, XIX; Broneer 1930, 83-87, type XXV, 182-184, no. 505-525, fig. 41, pl. X; Deneauve 1969, 193, type VIII A, no. 908-912, pl. XV, profile 10; Bailey 1980, 293-376, type O, P, Q, no. Q 1200-Q 1249, Q 1250-Q 1326, Q 1327-1422, pl. 56-85; Analogies: Heres 1972, 69, no. 405, 408, pl. 45; Bailey 1988, 349, Q 2819, pl. 88 - sec. II Cnidus; Heimerl 2001, 133, no. 430-436, pl. 11th century II; Iconomu 1967, 18-20, 107, / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 117 109, type XX, no. 532, 550, fig. 129, 131; Bonifay 2004; Georgescu 2016, vol. I, 89-92; vol. II, 35-38, no. 93-100, pl. 20; Date: 1st-2nd c. AD; Workshop: Mediterranean workshop? Note: Very good quality opal modeled in a traditional workshop in the Mediterranean provinces. The H variant of the Loeschcke VIII type is the most widespread in the Roman world. Loeschcke VIII Catalogue: 262. 1988, S VI, c. 12; fragmentary painting, the gripper and part of the tank are partially preserved; research lot 524; Dimensions: pL = 5.35 cm; pH = 3.10 cm. Technique/Material: Worn Pattern, slightly sloppy finish visible at grip attachment, fine paste, sparsely with limestone and mica particles, brick red color (2.5YR5/8 –red), with very faint traces of red engobe Description/decoration: basin round, troncon in section, disc strongly concave, bordered by an incision, border slightly convex, sloping, torus massive, lamellar, horizontally perforated, extending also on lower valve towards base; a decoration with leaves and bunches of vines is still weakly preserved on the border Bibliography: unique Reference literature: Loeschcke type VIII, 237(49)-254(66), fig. 7, cat. no. 651-712; Kuzmanov, Minchev 2018, type XXVII; Analogies: Kuzmanov, Minchev 2018, type XXVII, variant 4, no. 228, pl. XVI; Băjenaru 2013, 76, no. 124, pl. 15, 23; Topoleanu 2000, 196, no. 505, pl. LXII/505; Topoleanu, Croitoru 2015, 140, no. 38; Date: 3rd-2nd c. BC; Workshop: West-Pontic provincial; Note: The lamp belongs to the same Loeschcke VIII type, widespread throughout the Empire, but is of poor quality, from the worn pattern to the sloppy modelling. It is produced in a provincial workshop, perhaps West-Pontic. Loeschcke VIII; Iconomu 1967, type XX Catalogue: 263. 1988, S 2, ‫ ם‬25; fragmentary painting, the gripper is preserved; research lot 525; Dimensions: pL = 2.38 cm; pH = 2.30 cm. Technique/material: pattern, careless finish, fine paste, rare limestone and mica particles, gray color (5YR5/1 –gray), own angobe; slightly worn. Description/Decoration: Annular, clumsily attached, narrow rim, slightly inclined, disc outlined by a circular incision. Bibliography: unique Reference literature: Iconomu 1967, 18-20, type XX; Iconomu 1986, type IX; Iconomu 2013, 89-104. / 118 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI Analogies: Topoleanu 2016, 75-78, no. 23-31, pl. IV/23-31. Date: 3rd-2nd c. BC Workshop: West-Pontic local (Tomis). Note: The fragment belongs to a Euctemon-type lamps, a local variant of the Loeschcke VIII type, with a smaller basin diameter, probably produced in a peripheral workshop in Dobrogea "with a worn pattern due to successive use" (Iconomu 1986, type IX, 44-45, var. i, under var. 3). Due to the popularity they have enjoyed, these lamps are indispensable in all surveyed sites, urban or rural, from those of very good quality, many bearing the stamp of the workshop, to scraps. Loeschcke 1919, type X; Buchi 1975, type X Catalogue: 264. 2000, S 6, ‫ ם‬1, - 0.60 m; fragmentary lamp, the upper part of the beak is partially preserved; inv. lot 522 Dimensions: pL = 4.70 cm; Dof = 1.23 cm. Technique/material: pattern, slightly sloppy finish, fine paste, clean, reddish color (10R6/6 =light red), orange-red engobe (10R5/8 –red), compact, uniform, matte; no signs of use on the beak. Description/decoration: the flat disc is outlined by a prominent rib, uneven in thickness, which forms a channel on the beak, with almost parallel sides, including the combustion hole; on the narrow, slightly inclined border, a pyramid-shaped button is still preserved; the right side of the rib outlining the disc is decorated with six fine notches. Bibliography: unique Reference literature: Loeschcke 1919, 255(67)-298(110), type IX-X, fig.10-11, 35-36, 427(239)- 446(258), no.751-999, pl. I, III, XVIII-XIX; Buchi 1975, type X, pass. ; Broneer 1930, 87-88, 184-185, type XXVI, no. 526-531, pl. XI; Gostar 1961; Deneauve 1969, 208209, type IX, no. 1022-1030, pl. XCIII; Iconomu 1969, 14,62, type XII, no. 187-190, fig. 24-26; Bailey 1980, 271-293, type N, Q 1159-Q 1199, pl. 51-55; Baluta 2003; Alicu 1994; Topoleanu 2010; Elefterescu 2016; Analogies: Elefterescu 2016, fig. 6/4 (photo without comment); Date: 2nd-3rd c. AD; Workshop: western Pontic province - Durostorum Note: In the ceramic workshops of Durostorum, Firmalampen-type lamps were certainly also produced, with patterns and potters from established centers, perhaps even from northern Italy. From the local production, with pieces of lower quality and brands with a zonal circulation, a few specimens with fine notches on the rib outlining the disc can be noted (information D. Elefterescu). I do not exclude that it may be the "signature" of a workshop/potter whose products reached the extreme northeast of the province. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 119 Bailey 1988, Q 2651 Catalogue: 265. 2000, S 6, ‫ ם‬1, - 0.60 m; fragmentary opacity, the beak is preserved; research lot 53802 Dimensions: pL = 4.54 cm; D = 2.32 cm; Dof = 1.00 cm; Technique/material: good quality pattern and finish, fine clay, rare with iron oxide and limestone particles, yellowish color (7.5YR7/4 –pink), reddish engobe (10R4/8 – red), thick, adherent; slightly worn, slight traces of use on the beak; Description/decoration: beak of a tubular shape, wider towards the basin to which it was attached slightly obliquely, the extremity cut horizontally, disk shaped, with the wick opening asymmetrically, outwards; the decoration consists of a circular band with the "fir branch" motif framed by a rib and an incision; there are small incisions towards the basin; Bibliography: unique; Analogies: Bailey 1988, 324, Q 2651-2653, pl. 73; Date: 1st-2nd c. AD (Tarsus, 75-175 BC); Workshop: Mediterranean; Note: Lamp fragment, without analogues in the Danubian provinces; similar pieces discovered at Tarsus are considered to be artistic lamps (Bailey 1988, 321). Fig. 26 CONCLUSIONS As we mentioned above, it is difficult draw clear conclusions regarding the interpretation of the Niculițel–Cornet site. The three habitat areas are at quite a distance from each other, without delineating a specific concentration. However, we must once again note the large quantity and variety of pottery material discovered, / 120 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI especially in the vegetal topsoil, as evidence of the dwelling of some communities here. It is possible that the excavations captured only the edge of a settlement or a passage space to the Noviodunum site, where numerous groups used to roam. The chronology of the pottery ranges between 1st c. AD and the 4th and 5th c. AD, since that not all the discoveries are contemporary. For instance, the Western terra sigillata fragments may be dated to the first c. AD or a little later, and the plates Hayes Form 3, variant C may be dated during to the 5th c. AD. However, the majority of the pottery may be included in the chronological interval of the 2nd-3rd c. AD. As far as we know - according to the stage of the research - the provenance of the pottery is diverse, coming from the Western part of the Roman Empire (1%), Orient (13%) and Pontic area (86%). The Western terra sigillata is represented by the three fragments of Form Draggendorf 27, being dated earlier than the other forms. The Oriental pottery is represented by a small number of Dressel 24/similis and Kapitan II amphorae types, alongside with Aegean casseroles type Opaiţ 1980, pl III/2, and two types of Aegean pots. In this case, the pots identified after the typology established by Băjenaru in 2013 as type 1 may receive an earlier dating - beginning with the 1st c. AD and fragments of the Late Roman C Ware/Phocaean Red Slip plates. The Pontic pottery is by far the largest group at Niculiţel–Cornet. Despite some terminological inadvertences in the literature, we chose to group both “Moesian” and Pontic pottery in the category of “Pontic” pottery, even if some of the wares were produced in various centres from the Balkans, and other in Eastern, Southern or Northern shores of the Black Sea. The amphora – like pitchers and Herakleean Selov C amphorae are representative for the Pontic amphorae production during the 2nd-3rd c. AD and later. We mention that the only fragment discovered of Sinopean/Herakleean “carrot” Zeest 100 amphorae, is more typically encountered during the 4 th and even 5th c. AD in the area. If the earthenware decorated in the Barbotine technique forms are typical for Butovo and Pavlikeni workshops, the origin of the Pontic sigillata plates, Pontic sigillata imitations and Early Pontic Red Slip Ware are less known, being produced in Moesia, Northern shores of the Black Sea and probably many other centres from the Pontic area. There is no guarantee in establishing what types of Early Pontic Red Slip Ware were produced in the Moesia province compared to other Eastern provinces, and the findings of Niculiţel–Cornet cannot contribute too much – excepting the presence of use – of this category; also the repertoire of sigillata pontica forms and imitations20 are very helpful. 20 i.e. Zhuravlev 2002, Zhuravlev 2009, Mocanu 2021. / Roman Age Pottery from Niculițel–Cornet 121 Concerning the categories of pottery imported from other provinces, excepting amphorae, stands out the Aegean kitchenware, which forms a separated group; such discoveries were noticed during the previous research in the area of Noviodunum.21 The fact that such discoveries of Aegean pottery are common in many other places in this part of Moesia Province, along with the assumption that, usually, the kitchen pottery was not necessarily forming the main cargo of the maritime transports, bring to light the commercial trade routes between the Aegean area and the maritime and fluvial Pontic region, in which the main cargo is also important. The categories of Oriental/Aegean amphorae discovered in the region, which may be associated the Aegean kitchen wares, are well known, but the coastal (inshore) navigation presumes a greater exchange of merchandise in order to optimize the profits of such commercial trips. Alongside fish products which may be identified due to the recipients, there are other possibly exported perishable agricultural products, like wheat, that still eludes us, excepting other historical sources. The commercial route from Aegean area is a long term and solid one and represents a substantial percentage of the imported merchandise in Moesia and Scythia until the end of the Roman rule in this area. It would be important to emphasize that the handmade, non – Roman traditional wares were discarded in all these three mentioned areas above, with the bigger concentration of Roman era pottery fragments, alongside with Roman wares. In that way, we can presume that the same community was using both Roman and nonRoman tradition wares, in the same times, in this case in a percentage clearly in favour of Roman traditional forms. Those kinds of observations are common for the archaeological excavations of the 2nd-3rd c. AD in the area.22 Although not all the pottery fragments identified so are published in this present paper, we can say roughly that the percentage of non – Roman traditional wares discovered is about 5-6 % of the pottery. This aspect can be presumed because of the fact that the industrial aspects of the produced Roman traditional pottery overcomes the household production of domestic consumption. The great quantity of the common Roman pottery wares, due to the industrial production, relative to the small price on the market and the patterns of the diffusion are facts established in the literature, highlighting some aspects of the Roman economy. In the matter of fact, we know that at least a part of the local population was adherent to the Roman religion, using the clay censers according to the Roman rituals, but at the same time, an unknown percentage of the same community was using probably both Roman and non-Roman tradition wares. The two aspects are not necessarily contradictory but reflect the level of cultural 21 22 Topoleanu, Gamureac 2021. Babeş 1971. / 122 Emilian GAMUREAC, Florin TOPOLEANU, Sorin AILINCĂI syncretism or cultural dislocation by the process of interpretatio. Such examples are presented by previous works dedicated to the provinces of Moesia province23 or Dacia Inferior24. In the Early Roman settlement at Niculițel–Cornet, identified in the territory of the city of Noviodunum, surprisingly few lamps were found. In compensation, the six fragmentary pieces reflects, on a small scale of course, the remarkable richness and complexity of such lighting tools discovered at Noviodunum. 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