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2021, Symmetry
17 pages
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Design Methods of Control Systems, 1992
The aim of the paper is to present how to obtain a necessary a nd sufficient condition of pareto optimality for problems with mult~ equality constraints ~iven in the operator form.The derived specification of the uubovicki-Milutin method is further applied to obtain an optimization theorem for a system described by a partial differential equation of parabolic type with constraints imposed both on controls and a termin nl state. Keyworus. MultioOjective optimization. pareto optimality. optimal control. distriouted parameter system». Oubovicki-Milutin method.
A multi-objective optimization problem consists in the simultaneous optimization of p objective functions f1, . . . , fp subject to some constraints, which I will just write as x ∈ X , where X is a subset of R. It is usually assumed that there does not exist any x ∈ X such that all functions fk attain their minimima at x. Hence, due to the absence of a total order on R, it is necessary to define the minimization with respect to partial orders. So let Y := {f(x) : x ∈ X} be the set of outcome vectors. To compare elements of Y, I will follow the definition of Koopmans (1951). Let y, y ∈ Y. Then y ≦ y if and only if y k ≦ y 2 k for all k = 1, . . . p; y ≤ y if and only if y ≦ y, but y 6= y and y < y if and only if y k < y 2 k for all k = 1, . . . p. It is here that Pareto makes his appearance. In countless books and articles on multi-objective optimization, one can find a definition like this:
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 1990
Mathematical Programming, 2008
In this paper we introduce and study enhanced notions of relative Pareto minimizers to constrained multiobjective problems that are defined via several kinds of relative interiors of ordering cones and occupy intermediate positions between the classical notions of Pareto and weak Pareto efficiency /minimality. Using advanced tools of variational analysis and generalized differentiation, we establish the existence of relative Pareto minimizers to general multiobjective problems under a refined version of the subdifferential Palais-Smale condition for set-valued mappings with values in partially ordered spaces and then derive necessary optimality conditions for these minimizers (as well as for conventional efficient and weak efficient counterparts) that are new in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional settings. Our proofs are based on variational and extremal principles of variational analysis; in particular, on new versions of the Ekeland variational principle and the subdifferential variational principle for set-valued and single-valued mappings in infinite-dimensional spaces.
Science Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2019
Subjective selection of weights in method of combining objective functions in a multi-objective programming problem may favour some objective functions and thus suppressing the impact of others in the overall analysis of the system. It may not be possible to generate all possible Pareto optimal solution as required in some cases. In this paper we develop a technique for selecting weights for converting a multi-objective linear programming problem into a single objective linear programming problem. The weights selected by our technique do not require interaction with the decision makers as is commonly the case. Also, we develop a technique to generate all possible Pareto optimal solutions in a multi-objective linear programming problem. Our technique is illustrated with two and three objective function problems.
Journal of Global Optimization, 2014
Computational Optimization and Applications, 2023
Simultaneous optimization of multiple objective functions results in a set of trade-off, or Pareto, solutions. Choosing a, in some sense, best solution in this set is in general a challenging task: In the case of three or more objectives the Pareto front is usually difficult to view, if not impossible, and even in the case of just two objectives constructing the whole Pareto front so as to visually inspect it might be very costly. Therefore, optimization over the Pareto (or efficient) set has been an active area of research. Although there is a wealth of literature involving finite dimensional optimization problems in this area, there is a lack of problem formulation and numerical methods for optimal control problems, except for the convex case. In this paper, we formulate the problem of optimizing over the Pareto front of nonconvex constrained and time-delayed optimal control problems as a bi-level optimization problem. Motivated by existing solution differentiability results, we propose an algorithm incorporating (i) the Chebyshev scalarization, (ii) a concept of the essential interval of weights, and (iii) the simple but effective bisection method, for optimal control problems with two objectives. We illustrate the working of the algorithm on two example problems involving an electric circuit and treatment of tuberculosis and discuss future lines of research for new computational methods. Keywords Multi-objective optimization • Optimal control • Optimization over Pareto front • Optimization over efficient set • Numerical methods • Rayleigh problem • Tuberculosis • Time-delay problems.
We study necessary optimality conditions for Pareto problems with three kinds of constraints: inequality constraints, equality constraints and a set constraint. We suppose that the objective function and the inequality constraints are Hadamard (directionally) differentiable at the optimal solution and the equality constraints are continuous around and Fréchet differentiable at the optimal solution. We provide minimum principle necessary optimality conditions for a problem with a convex set constraint whose interior may be empty. Some constraint qualifications are considered to get Kuhn-Tucker conditions. We also provide minimum principle necessary optimality conditions for a problem with an arbitrary set constraint under a generalized Bender constraint qualification (GBCQ), which is automatically satisfied by the interior tangent cone and the cone of quasi-interior directions to the constraint set.
Computers in Human Behavior, 2012
Mobile payment is an emerging and important application of mobile commerce. The adoption and use of mobile payment services are critical for both service providers and investors to profit from such an innovation. The present study attempts to identify the determinants of pre-adoption of mobile payment services and explore the temporal evolution of these determinants across the pre-adoption and postadoption stages from a holistic perspective including behavioral beliefs, social influences, and personal traits. A research model that reflects the characteristics and usage contexts of mobile payment services is developed and empirically tested by using structural equation modeling on datasets consisting of 483 potential adopters and 156 current users of a mobile payment service in China. Our findings show that behavioral beliefs in combination with social influences and personal traits are all important determinants for mobile payment services adoption and use, but their impacts on behavioral intention do vary across in different stages. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are presented.
capítulo do livro "Por uma politica menor: arte, comum e multidão"., 2014
livres, e sua aproximação com os partidos comunista, socialista e verde em diferentes momentos); mas também as posições dos dois, nem defesa, nem condenação incondicional, em relação à luta armada na Europa, ou, por exemplo, à Organização para a Libertação da Palestina. 3 Para uma reflexão sobre o período, incluindo a diferença entre pensá-lo como "momento" e "movimento", cf. Nunes (2010). 4 Pseudônimo de Alain Badiou.
Multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs) appear quite often in all areas of pure and applied mathematics, for instance, in the geometry of Banach spaces [1][2][3], in operator theory [4][5][6][7], in lineability theory [8][9][10], in differential geometry [11][12][13][14], and in all areas of Experimental, Medical and Social Sciences [15][16][17][18][19][20]. By means of MOPs, many real-life situations can be modeled accurately. However, the existence of a global solution that optimizes all the objective functions of an MOP at once is very unlikely. This is were Pareto optimal solutions (POS) come into play. Informally speaking, a POS is a feasible solution such that, if any other feasible solution is more optimal at one objective function, then it is less optimal at another objective function. Pareto optimal solutions are sometimes graphically displayed in Pareto charts (PC). In this manuscript, we prove a characterization of POS by relying on orderings and equivalence relations. We also provide a sufficient topological condition to guarantee the existence of Pareto optimal solutions.
This work is mainly motivated by certain MOPs appearing in engineering, such as the design of truly optimal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) coils [18][19][20][21][22][23]. The main goal of this manuscript is to characterize (Theorem 6) the set of Pareto optimal solutions of the MOPs that appear in the design of coils, such as (3). In the case of MOPs in which operators are defined on Hilbert spaces, this characterization is improved (Corollary 1). Under this Hilbert space setting, we also study the relationships between different MOPs involving different operators, but which are defined on the same Hilbert space. These operators can be naturally combined to obtain a new MOP. The set of Pareto optimal solutions of this new MOP is compared (Corollary 2) to the set of Pareto optimal solutions of the initial MOPs.
In this section, we compile all necessary tools to accomplish our results. We also develop new and original tools, such as Theorem 1 and Corollary 2, which contribute to enriching the literature on optimization theory.
A generic multiobjective optimization problem (MOP) has the following form:
. . , p, min g j (x) j = 1, . . . , q, x ∈ R, (1) where f i , g j : X → R are called objective functions, defined on a nonempty set X, and R is a nonempty subset of X called the feasible region or region of constraints/restrictions. The set of general solutions of the above MOP is denoted by sol(M). In fact,
x ∈ R, and
are single-objective optimization problems (SOPs) and sol(P i ), sol(Q j ) denote the set of general solutions of P i , Q j for i = 1, . . . , p and j = 1, . . . , q, respectively. The set of Pareto optimal solutions of MOP M is defined as
To guarantee the existence of general solutions, it is usually asked for X to be a Hausdorff topological space, R is a compact subset of X, f i s are upper semicontinuous, and g j s are lower semicontinuous. This way, at least we make sure that the SOPs P i s and Q j s have at least one solution (Weierstrass extreme value theorem). Even more, solution sets sol(P i ) and sol(Q j ) are closed and thus compact, which makes sol(M) also compact. Nevertheless, even under these conditions, sol(M) might still be empty, as we can easily infer from Equation (2).
A more abstract way to construct the set of Pareto optimal solutions follows. Let X be a nonempty set, f i , g j : X → R functions and R a nonempty subset of X. In R, consider the equivalence relation given by
Next, in the quotient set of R by S, R S , consider the order relation given by
As a consequence, sol(M) ⊆ Pos(M). If there exists i 1 ∈ {1, . . . , p} or j 1 ∈ {1, . . . , q} such that sol(P i 1 ) or sol(Q j 1 ) is a singleton, respectively, then sol(
Proof. Fix an arbitrary x 0 ∈ Pos(M). Let us assume that there is y ∈ R, so that
Conversely, fix an arbitrary x 0 ∈ R, such that [x 0 ] S is a maximal element of R S endowed with ≤. Take y ∈ R satisfying that there exists i 0 ∈ {1, . . . , p} or j 0 ∈ {1, . . . , q} with
Lastly, suppose that sol(P i 1 ) is a singleton for some i 1 ∈ {1, . . . , p}, and write sol(
If there is
If there is
Proof. We only prove the first item since the other follows a dual proof. Assume that x i 0 S is not a maximal element of R/S. Then, we can find y ∈ R in such a way that
Theorem 2. Consider MOP (1). If X is a topological space, R is a compact Hausdorff subset of X and all the objective functions are continuous, then Pos(M) = ∅.
Proof. Fix i 0 ∈ {1, . . . , p}. In accordance with Lemma 1, it is only sufficient to find a maximal element of A :
We rely on Zorn's lemma. Consider a chain in A, that is, a totally ordered subset of elements [x k ] S , with k ranging a totally ordered set K in such a way that k 1 < k 2 if and only if x k 1 S < x k 2 S . Since K is totally ordered, we have that (x k ) k∈K is a net in R. The compactness of R allows for extracting a subnet (y h ) h∈H of (x k ) k∈K convergent to some x 0 ∈ R. Let us first show that
The arbitrariness of ε shows that max
In a similar way, it can be shown that
Since every chain of A has an upper bound, Zorn's lemma ensures the existence of maximal elements in A.
A large number of objective functions in an MOP may cause a lack of general solutions, that is, sol(M) = ∅. This happens quite often with MOPs involving matrices. Even if the number of objective functions is short, we might still have sol(M) = ∅. The following theorem [20], Theorem 2, is a very representative example of this situation of lack of general solutions. Theorem 3. Let T : X → Y be a nonzero continuous linear operator, where X, Y are normed spaces; then, the following max-min problem is free of general solutions:
Equation 3describes an MOP that appears in bioengineering quite often after the linearization of forces or fields [18].
We focus on MOPs similar to (3). In fact, we find Pos(3) (Theorem 6 and Corollary 1). If X, Y are Hilbert spaces, say H, K, and T 1 , . . . , T k ∈ B(H, K) are continuous linear operators, then the sets of Pareto optimal solutions of the MOPs
for i = 1, . . . , k are compared (Corollary 2) with the set of Pareto optimal solutions of MOP
Let X, Y be normed spaces. Consider a nonzero continuous linear operator T : X → Y. Then
is the norm of T. On the other hand,
stands for the set of supporting vectors of T, where B X := {x ∈ X : x ≤ 1} is a (closed) unit ball, and S X := {x ∈ X : x = 1} is the unit sphere. Continuous linear operators are also called bounded because they are bounded on the unit ball. The space of bounded linear operators from X to Y is denoted as B(X, Y). Let H be a Hilbert space, and consider the dual map of H:
J H is a surjective linear isometry between H and H * (Riesz representation theorem). In the frame of the geometry of Banach spaces, J H is called duality mapping. Consider H, K Hilbert spaces, and let T ∈ B(H, K) be a bounded linear operator. We define the adjoint operator of T as T : If T ∈ B(H) verifies T = T , then T is self-adjoint. This is equivalent to equality (T(x)|y) = (x|T(y)) held for every x, y ∈ H. If T satisfies (T(x)|x) ≥ 0 for each x ∈ H, then T is called positive. If H is complex, then T ∈ B(H) is self-adjoint if and only if (T(x)|x) ∈ R for each x ∈ H. Thus, in complex Hilbert spaces, positive operators are self-adjoint. T is strongly positive if there exists S ∈ B(H, K) with T = S • S. Typical examples of self-adjoint positive operators are strongly positive operators.
For each T ∈ B(H), the following set is the spectrum of T
where U (B(H)) is the multiplicative group of invertible operators on H. Among spectral properties, it is compact, nonempty, and T ≥ max |σ(T)|. We work with a special subset of the spectrum: If T is an eigenvalue of T or, in other words, T ∈ σ p (T), then T is the maximal element of |σ(T)|, i.e., T = max |σ(T)|. In this situation, we also write T = λ max (T).
therefore, T(x) = T and hence x ∈ suppv(T).
In general, T / ∈ σ p (T), unless, for instance, T is compact, self-adjoint, and positive. This is why we have to rely on adjoint T and strongly positive operator T • T. It is straightforward to verify that the eigenvalues of a positive operator are positive, and in the case of a self-adjoint operator, the eigenvalues are real. When T is compact, it holds that T • T is compact, self-adjoint, and positive.
The next result was obtained by refining ( [10] [Theorem 9]). In particular, we obtained the same conclusions with fewer hypotheses.
. Then, 1.
supp(T) = ∅ if and only if T
In this situation, T = λ max (T • T) and suppv(T)
Fix an element x ∈ H, and the associated mapping
If element x is taken in the unit sphere, i.e., x ∈ S X , and considering the previous inequalities, we concluded that T 2 = T • T .
Pos (11)
Proof. Consider bounded linear operator
The next equality trivially holds for every x ∈ H,
Since the square root is strictly increasing, (11) is equivalent to
which is an MOP of form (3).
Let x ∈ suppv(T) be an arbitrary element; then, Equation (6) implies that T (T(x)) = T 2 = T T(x) = T T(x) .
Then, x ∈ suppv(T • T).
We rely on Theorem 6 and Corollary 1. Fix an arbitrary x ∈ k i=1 Pos (12). If (11). Suppose that x = 0. In view of Theorem 6, x
x ∈ k i=1 suppv(T i ). We prove that
Take any y ∈ B H . Since
As a consequence,
In accordance with Theorem 6,
Take v ∈ suppv(T). Before anything else, since suppv(T) ⊆ suppv(T • T), we have
Following chain of equalities (6),
Thanks to the strict convexity of space H,
We implicitly proved that suppv(T)
As we remarked before, T • T is a strongly positive operator, so the eigenvalues of that operator are real and positive. Therefore, equality λ max (T • T) = T • T holds, which implies that
This chain of equalities proves that w ∈ suppv(T). Consequently,
The following technical lemma establishes the behavior of the point spectrum of a linear combination of operators. However, we first introduce some notation. Considering bounder linear operator T ∈ B(H, K) defined between H and K, Hilbert spaces, then
Lemma 2. If we consider Hilbert spaces, H, K, and T 1 , . . . , T k ∈ B(H, K), then, for every α 1 , . . . ,
. If x = 0, there is nothing to prove, x is actually in V ∑ k i=1 α i T i . So, assume that x = 0. For every i ∈ {1, . . . , k}, there exists
This shows that
The hypothesis in Lemma 3 is, in fact, very restrictive.
If H is another Hilbert space and T i : H → H i is a continuous linear operator for each i = 1, . . . , p, then the direct sum of T 1 , . . . , T p is defined as
If S i : H i → H is a continuous linear operator for each i = 1, . . . , p, then the direct sum of S 1 , . . . , S p is now defined as
Proof. Fix arbitrary elements x ∈ H and Theorem 6. Let X, Y be normed spaces, and T : X → Y be a nonzero continuous linear operator. Then, Pos(3) = Rsuppv(T).
Proof. Fix an arbitrary x 0 ∈ Pos(3). Since
, it is sufficient if we show that
x 0 x 0 ∈ suppv(T). Therefore, we may assume that x 0 = 1, so our aim was summed up to prove that T(x 0 ) = T . Since
By the definition of sup,there exists y ∈ B X , such that T(x 0 ) < T(y) ≤ T . y ≤ 1 = x 0 and T(x 0 ) < T(y) , which contradicts that x 0 ∈ Pos(3). As a consequence, T(x 0 ) = T ; hence, x 0 ∈ suppv(T). The arbitrariness of x 0 ∈ Pos (3) shows that Pos(3) ⊆ Rsuppv(T). Conversely, fix an arbitrary x 0 ∈ Rsuppv(T). There exists y 0 ∈ suppv(T) and α ∈ R, such that x 0 = αy 0 . Observe that x 0 = |α| y 0 = |α|. We prove that x 0 ∈ Pos(3). Let us consider an element y ∈ X satisfying that y < x 0 = |α|, and we distinguish cases: if y = 0, then T(x 0 ) = |α| T(y 0 ) = |α| T > 0 = T(y) . If y = 0, then
Lastly, if there exists y ∈ X, such that T(y) > T(x 0 ) , then
When X, Y are Hilbert spaces, the Pareto optimal solutions of (3) are directly obtained via combining Theorems 4 and 6. Corollary 1. Let T : H → K be a continuous linear operator with H, K Hilbert spaces. Then,
This last result allows for solving the following MOP (motivated in Section 4), given by
The Pareto optimal solutions of (11) are related to those of
for i = 1, . . . , k.
If T 1 , . . . , T k ∈ B(H, K) are continuous linear operators between Hilbert spaces H and K, then:
In order to design truly optimal TMS coils, and depending on the nature and characteristics of the coil that we want to maximize or minimize, a linearization technique is applied to the electromagnetic field [18,[23][24][25]; then, MOPs like (3) come out:
where E is a matrix representing the electromagnetic field, E x , E y , E z are the components of E, and L represents inductance with a positive definite symmetric matrix. Using Cholesky decomposition, as L is positive definite and symmetric, the existence of an invertible matrix C, such that L = C T C, is guaranteed. Then, ψ T Lψ = ψ T C T Cψ = (Cψ) T (Cψ) = Cψ 2 2 .
Next, we apply the following change of variables: ϕ := Cψ. Then, the previous problems can be rewritten as follows:
Since the square root is strictly increasing, the previous MOPs are equivalent to the following (in the sense that they have the same set of global solutions and the same set of Pareto optimal solutions):
The three MOPs above are of the form (3). Therefore, in view of Corollary 1, the Pareto optimal solutions of each of them is determined by
respectively. On the other hand, we can consider the combined MOP, as in (11):
Let us define the following linear operator:
The corresponding matrix to T is precisely
For every ϕ ∈ R n ,
Then (17) is the same as
According to Corollary 1,
A very illustrative example of this situation is displayed in the Appendix A
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