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ABC Emergency

ABC Emergency gives you warnings and coverage of events before and during emergencies, and information on preparation and recovery.
A bright red sky can be seen over houses.

Colourful Weather

Colourful Weather, presented by Nate Byrne from ABC News Breakfast, brings you the fun and fascinating science behind five very colourful events we can see in the sky, and is a collaboration between the ABC and the Bureau of Meteorology.
A dust storm, coloured orange, moves across a rural landscape, with farm buildings in the foreground.

Weird and Colourful Weather

From pyromaniac clouds to space weather storms, ABC weather guru Nate Byrne explains weird weather phenomena. This series is a collaboration between the ABC and the Bureau of Meteorology.
A rainbow over Canberra's hills with houses in the background.

Weather in 90 seconds

Weather in 90 seconds


Latest weather news

The days are getting longer but this is the coldest time of the year

Despite the varying climate, the capitals – outside of Darwin – all have one thing in common. They've just shivered through what is historically their coldest week on the calendar. So does it mean the worst of the cold weather is now over?
frost blankets the roadside in Needles, Tasmania

The first skiers trekked to Mount Buller 100 years ago. Little did they know what they were pioneering

This weekend marks 100 years since seven skiers hiked up Mount Buller. It was the beginning of one of Australia's most popular snow destinations.
a black and white photo of seven skiers.

'Too cold to sleep': Homeless campers battle rain, mould and the unknown as winter temperatures plummet

Parts of Australia are recording their coldest temperatures in more than a decade, and people sleeping rough are bearing the brunt more than ever. 
Sweeney teaser image

The farmer whose family has been counting 'every drop' of rain since 1899

Lloyd Castle's farm usually gets slightly more rain than a desert, but whatever falls he records and shares the data with the BOM.
A smiling older man holding a rain gauge.

It was the worst flood Bundaberg had seen. But is it ready for the next one?

Eleven years on from one of Australia's largest air evacuations, Bundaberg flood victims have finally seen a levee design that's meant to save their city. But they fear nothing will be done by the time the next big one hits.  
A man stands on the bank of glassy river, reflecting the cloudy sky.