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West Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands - 6799

Turning saltwater into sourdough on a remote tropical island

The smell of fresh artisan sourdough greets visitors after they fly in to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. The bread is the brainchild of Tony Lacy, who is making the most of the remote island's limited produce.
Freshly baked bread cools on a kitchen bench at Salty's cafe and bakery on the Cocos Islands.

Growing up in tropical paradise, Sally amassed a large shell collection. Now she's righting the 'crime of the past'

NSW-based artist Sally Clarke spent her formative years on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and amassed a vast shell collection. Forty years later, she wants to return what she took.
An image of two shells on a white background

From Kangaroo to K'gari, find out how eight amazing Australian islands were born

Australia is surrounded by stunning islands — you may even spend time on one this summer. Join us on a whistle-stop tour to explore how some of our most iconic isles rose from the sea.
A flat coral atoll at Cocos Keeling Islands

Some 'inconvenient Australians' fear their slice of paradise will be ruined in the name of national security

The Defence Force is about to splash more than $500 million on this remote part of Australia to upgrade the airstrip to take more high-tech spy planes. Locals, already concerned about parts of the islands falling into the sea, are worried what it'll mean for their futures.
An illustration of a RAAF Poseidon aircraft above the Cocos Islands.

Authorities working to remove child exploitation material from Cocos (Keeling) Islands .cc domain

Commonwealth authorities pledge to take action to stop the internet domain .cc, assigned to a remote Australian territory in the 1980s and now being used for child exploitation material.
An Australian Federal Police officer looks at the contents of a seized laptop

Marine parks off Christmas and Cocos islands set to proceed

Indian Ocean marine parks off Christmas Island and Cocos Islands get the go-ahead.
ABC News Current
Duration: 1 minute 40 seconds

They've been called Australia's 'Galapagos Islands'. Now they'll become highly protected marine sanctuaries

After months of consultation with locals, plans for two marine parks off Christmas Island and Cocos Islands are set to proceed.
A boat sits in pristine waters off Christmas Island.

Marine scientists to map underwater mountains around Christmas Island

Marine scientists have embarked on a voyage to discover the secrets of Australia's Indian ocean territories
ABC News Current
Duration: 1 minute 33 seconds

Home to one of Australia's best beaches, this island is fighting against the waves of plastic

A community of just 600 people isolated in the Indian Ocean is being inundated with the world's plastic waste. It is now finding innovative ways to fight back.
Plastic cups and bottles with a sprouting coconut, Direction Island

Island holiday destinations in all shapes and sizes that don't require your passport

With more than 8,200 islands sprawled around Australia, there's a good chance you can't name them all — so we've listed some of them to inspire your next getaway.
A bird's eye view of Orpheus Island overlooking white sandy beaches and blue water.

One of world's most isolated golf courses gives new meaning to 'flying the green'

On an isolated tropical island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, a tiny population entertains itself by playing golf over the international runway.
Golfers have special permission to cross the runway.

'Only the tip of the iceberg': Australia's island paradise polluted by plastic

The beaches of the Cocos Islands, an Australian territory off the coast of Western Australia, are covered with more than 400 million pieces of rubbish, a quarter of which are single-use plastic products.
Plastic and rubbish debris on a beach on Direction Island in the Cocos Islands

Experimental farmer goes coconuts on remote islands trying to crack export market

Despite having no soil, cripplingly high freight costs and a brace of ducks he doesn't know what to do with, one micro-farmer is determined to build a viable agricultural business on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
Wild coconut farmer Tony Lacy

Flight cut anger on Cocos Islands where cucumbers cost $12

Residents in the Cocos Keeling Islands fear a further reduction in subsidised freight and passenger flights will reduce their access to fresh food and leave passengers stranded.
West Island sunset on the Cocos Islands

Dutch shipwreck Fortuyn search continues

The quest to find a missing 18th century Dutch spice trade ship continues, as a team of Australian shipwreck archaeologists reviews data collected off WA's North West coast.
Graeme Henderson on research vessel

Everyday life in a tropical paradise: Cocos' remote West Island

Take a look at the daily life for the few hundred residents on a tiny circle of coral islands of the middle of the Indian Ocean.
The West Island community at the Big Barge on 9 November 2014.

Hear Prof Howieson explain the Christmas Island ag trial

Hear Professor John Howieson from Murdoch University discuss the agriculture trial on Christmas Island
ABC News Current
Duration: 5 minutes 43 seconds

6.7 quake strikes off Indonesia

A 6.7-magnitude earthquake has struck south of Java, but an earlier tsunami warning has been cancelled.
Breaking News

Cocos Keeling islands brace for cyclone's approach

There is a cyclone warning for people on the Cocos Keeling Islands.
ABC News Current

Rescued asylum seekers arrive at Christmas Island

The ship carrying asylum seekers rescued from a sunken boat near the Cocos Islands has arrived at Christmas Island.
The survivors are due to be off-loaded at Christmas Island later today.

WA police begin asylum seeker deaths inquiry

WA Police will investigate the deaths of a number of asylum seekers who died after their boat sank off the Cocos Islands.
ABC News Current

RFDS returns from search area

Medical and emergency staff, and the RFDS jet, have returned to Perth after taking part in the search for survivors of the asylum seekers' boat which sank north west of the Cocos islands.
RFDS search for asylum seekers

Asylum seekers rescued off Cocos Islands

The Government has detected another boatload of asylum seekers off the north-west coast of Australia.
The arrival of six boats in the past two weeks has sparked a political row in Canberra.

Tsunami warning for Cocos and Christmas Islands

A second major earthquake measuring 7.6 off the coast of southern Sumatra in Indonesia has prompted a tsunami warning for Australia's Cocos and Christmas Islands.
ABC News Current

Teen glad Cocos shark got him, not brother

A 15-year-old Perth schoolboy says he is glad he, and not his six-year-old brother, was attacked by a shark while at the Cocos Islands, off Western Australia's north-west coast.
Angus Chapman had just finished snorkelling when he was bitten on the leg three times by what he says was a bronze whaler shark.