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Newman - 6753

'A dramatic change of heart': Miners realise 44,000 tonnes of tyre waste must be properly managed, recyclers say

With nearly half of Australia's mining tyre waste generated in WA's Pilbara region, the focus is turning to how they can be recycled locally.   
A yellow truck on red dirt

WA police double down on calls for alcohol restrictions in regional towns

WA police write a second letter to the state's director of liquor licensing, Lanie Chopping, urging her to consider widespread liquor restrictions, according to documents obtained by the ABC under freedom of information laws. 
Alcohol stacked up which was seized by Kimberley police

Further booze bans to be introduced in WA's Kimberley, with limits on trading hours

The Director of Liquor Licensing announces the sale of takeaway alcohol in the Kimberley town of Derby will be banned each Sunday and Monday, alongside further restrictions on trading hours in Broome. 
A crushed can of mixer floats in the dirty incoming tide

Owner describes disbelief after 'needle in the haystack' dog rescue in remote WA

Jamie Rooney thought his dog Rocky was gone for good after he disappeared in the vast Pilbara — until veteran cattle-mustering pilot Jack Poplawski flew in to help.
A dog sits with his owner in the cabin of a helicopter, flying above the Pilbara outback.

How did you fare? All the winners and losers from Treasurer Rita Saffioti's first WA Budget

A lower-than-forecast surplus, a Metronet blowout and electricity credits all mark the WA budget. What's in it for you?
A map of WA superimposed over winner and loser graphics tiles.

Bloody Slow Cup now a bloody long way away as it's moved from the Pilbara to Perth

The annual police charity event has been held in the northern WA mining town of Newman for 19 years and locals can't understand why it's suddenly been moved 1,500 kilometres away.
A collage of players standing at a rugby match.

'Our son should still be here': Grieving mum demands better mental health services

Pilbara mother Kristie Grabenhofer says her son, who took his life at 21, would still be alive if he'd been able to access the mental health care he needed.
A woman holding a framed photo of a young man

'Villainous appearance' spurs researcher to name ant species after Harry Potter antagonist

The ants with slender, ghostly bodies now bear the name of Voldemort, the iconic villain, after being discovered recently in Western Australia's Pilbara region.
A close up image of an ant next to an image of Voldemort from the Harry Potter series

Psychologist compares impact of mining to alcohol abuse during court testimony

As hearings in a $500-plus million compensation case against Fortescue Metals Group resume, a clinical psychologist says traditional owners report significant trauma associated with mining in their community.
A silhouette stature of a man holding a spear in front of a sunset.

'No April Fools joke!' Rare pic of blind mole captured in outback

Most Australians will never have heard of the kakarratul, an elusive silky mole that burrows in the desert and has no eyes. Now a growing threat is shrinking its habitat.
A small furry creature perched on a human finger

Remote WA mining town begging state government to come good on promise to upgrade 57yo hospital

Tom Price residents are frequently forced to travel hours away for health services not offered at a hospital that was promised upgrades in 2021, and considered a slap in the face given the region's $35 billion a year contribution in mining.
A group of women, one holding a baby, stand in a car park.

Entire lives are devoted to working in this mining town, but retirees are being forced out due to the rising cost of living

Retirees in the Pilbara are being pushed out of the towns they love due to social and cost-of-living challenges. Now, the WA government is working to find a solution.
A senior using a blue bingo pen to mark game numbers, the host calling numbers in front of a social club a large mug and a lamin

Should WA's uranium be used to help the world go nuclear, or is it too risky?

WA Liberals say they will legalise uranium mining, overturning a ban, if they win the 2025 election. Supporters of the ban say it's a dangerous commodity that should be left in the ground.
A radioactivity label on a window.

What makes this triangular region in outback WA so hot, and could it be the hottest spot in Australia?

This northern WA region has already experienced three heatwaves, and meteorologists say it's just getting warmer.
A landscape shot of red earth and blue sky, buildings can be seen in the far distance.

Peach trial starts to bear fruit in WA's iron ore heartland as future beyond mining beckons

While Newman is best known for its central role in WA's mining industry, locals hope a developing stone fruit orchard will help the town to diversify.
Three peaches growing.

Remote teachers' unforgettable trip to school by plane after floodwaters cut off Pilbara town

Two British teachers are flown to their first day of school in Western Australia's outback, assisted by police and ADF, after flooding forces road closures.
Four people pose for a selfie inside a plane at Newman airport.

Tropical low hits Newman.

The Fortescue River and Gingianna Pools have both broken their banks as Newman receives the brunt of a tropical low system.
ABC News Current
Duration: 49 seconds

Flash flooding, road closures across Pilbara as tropical low brings heavy rain

Heavy rain has flooded parts of WA, leaving remote communities isolated and major roads cut. 
Cars travel along a flooded road with grey skies, and flooded bushland on the right.

Empty shelves and travel delays as flooding leaves East Kimberley communities cut off

Road access to the Kimberley towns of Halls Creek, Kununurra and Wyndham has been cut off by flooding across two major highways, although residents are well stocked and prepared for wet season challenges.
Flood water flows over the top of a bridge

Elders suffering due to youth crime as nurses evacuate after break-in, community leader says

Elderly people in a remote Western Desert community missed out on medication and healthcare because of the actions of a "few kids", community leader Devon Cuimara says.
A man wearing a hat with a long white beard smiles in front of a green hedge.

Remote community left with single nurse after alleged break-in attempt

Three nurses have been rushed out of the remote WA community of Jigalong, sparking calls for preventative steps to be taken to tackle youth crime.
Jigalong Remote Community School

A new kind of outback toilet gets a dry run, with 'huge possibilities' for remote tourism

A waterless loo that keeps the flies away could offer a healthy solution for a tricky problem in the Australian outback.
A man in a blue shirt and hat sits on a toilet, fully-clothed

Pilbara family 'lucky to be alive' after hitting cow, flipping camper trailer

The Stoddart family walked away uninjured after a cattle collision near Newman overturned their camper trailer, in what is the fifth cattle strike in as many weeks around the town.
A campervan towed by a black 4WD lies on its side on a road at dusk.

Roger Cook targets 'environmental lawfare' in bid to make WA a renewable energy 'powerhouse'

Premier Roger Cook says the environmental approvals process in WA is "broken", but will his government's legislation to overhaul it create a free-for-all for resources companies? 
Three people wearing high-vis vests.

See how your town compares: Police figures reveal worst WA hotspots for alcohol-fuelled violence

Over 38 pages and 25 towns, police have gone into intense detail about the extent of regional Western Australia's alcohol problem.
Cartons of liquor stashed in the boot of a white car