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Meet baby Howie, one of the few children born via altruistic surrogacy so far this year

When Amelia Crispin was 17 she found out she was born without a uterus. But she didn't let her diagnosis stop her from having her own child.
A smiling baby with mouth open.

Would you like a nuclear power plant in your backyard?

Would you live near a nuclear power plant? That's the question many are now asking themselves after the Coalition announced its plan to build nuclear reactors across the country if it wins government.
ABC News Current
Duration: 7 minutes 9 seconds

Premiers threaten to derail proposal for seven nuclear reactors, saying Dutton has no power to lift state bans

State premiers make themselves another hurdle for the federal Coalition to clear if it wants to introduce nuclear power plants at seven locations across the country, saying they would not cooperate to lift state-level nuclear bans.
A group of politicians in suits walk together.

How getting a haircut might save your life

Back in her salon 12 months after the melanoma was removed from her arm, Kira Eacott is having honest conversations about skin health with clients and family.
A woman wearing black cuts a womans hair.

Rebecca found moving to Australia challenging in the 1980s. Now she helps other Filipinos find their feet

Soon after arriving, Rebecca Macdonald knew she needed to "find some Filipinos" to help her settle into her new home. At 78 years old, she is paying forward their kindness.
Rebecca Macdonald smiling standing on her front porch

Isla is a DV survivor, so why does she take a tracking device everywhere she goes?

After a stalker tracked Isla's car and bugged her home, she was given a similar tracking device. She wants all DV survivors to be offered one.
Anonymous picture of blonde female back of head

It's estimated each school discards at least 100kg of uniforms a year. Here's what this school did with theirs

When Newcastle's Belair Public School introduced a new uniform, it didn't want the old ones to end up in landfill. A plan was hatched to recycle them, and also help a remote Fijian community, cyclonic conditions and all.
Two boys holding up uniform polo shirts with a bunch of shirts on a rack behind them.

Mystery remains as coroner unable to determine how farmer consumed poison that killed him

Douglas Thrift died from strychnine toxicity, but a coroner has found there is not enough evidence to prove how he ingested the poison.
Man near trophy board.

Judge rules Hunter Valley bus crash driver must be in court to hear 35 victim impact statements

Special court provisions will be needed for the sentencing of Hunter bus crash driver Brett Andrew Button, given the number of victims and families expected to attend.
A man, Brett Button, standing in a crowd of people with news cameras surrounding him

Newcastle Jets to remain in A-League after securing fourth owner since 2000

Fans' fears have been allayed with Maverick Sports Partners promising the revolving door of owners will end with them.
three people stand together at a football stadium

Men's behaviour change programs are key to curbing domestic violence but 'just not enough' of them

With hundreds of men waiting to access behaviour change programs, service providers say governments must fund more programs to tackle the domestic violence crisis.
Woman with dark brown hair and black blazer standing in front of building

Artists document the closure of the Liddell Power Station

Seventeen people were allowed inside the coal-fired power station before creating their artwork.
ABC News Current
Duration: 2 minutes

How the 'enigma' of his dad's job inspired Todd to paint a significant moment in Australia's energy history

Todd Fuller painted the portraits of 30 Liddell Power Station workers to mark the site's closure. The experience changed his perspective forever.
Two men standing next to each other. The man on the right has his hand on the left man's shoulder

Court told sentencing proceedings for Hunter Valley bus crash driver Brett Button will be lengthy

The Newcastle District Court has been told sentencing proceedings for a bus driver over a fatal crash in the New South Wales Hunter Valley will be drawn out given the gravity of the case. 
Brett Button wearing a suit and tie and glasses walks in to court

'This next part's going to be fun': Bus driver joked with wedding guests before fatal crash

Documents tendered in court for the first time detail the exchanges between Brett Andrew Button and the wedding guests he was transporting moments before a crash that left 10 dead in the Hunter Valley last year.
Brett Andrew Button speaks at a media conference. The top of a camera points at him.

Australian cliff diver will set fear aside for 21m plunge to defend world title

Rhiannan Iffland will dive in Athens this weekend as the Red Bull world series begins. She says she'll challenge herself with new dives as she fights for her eighth title.
Rhiannan Iffland hovers in the air during a high dive with Doha skyscrapers visible behind her

Inquest into poisoning death of farmer Douglas Thrift hears wife had no motive to kill him

The barrister for a woman whose husband died by poisoning has vehemently rejected rumour and innuendo that her client killed him.
Man with cap.

'The worst group with the best people': Why it helps to share the pain of endometriosis

Endometriosis affects at least one in nine females in Australia, but many sufferers often feel isolated. In the Hunter region, a group is working together to navigate a health system that has historically minimised women’s pain.
A woman with curly brown hair sits on a park bench smiling.

Inquest considers multiple theories, including homicide, in death of man found poisoned by strychnine

An inquest into the death of Douglas Thrift has heard the Upper Hunter Valley man had almost twice the amount of the poison in his system needed to kill a person.
Man near trophy board.

After 90 years this family-owned shop has closed its doors. The owner says online shopping has taken its toll

Simpson Shoes was established more than 90 years ago. But after three generations, Craig Simpson has closed its doors. He sees no future in independent retail, saying online shopping has taken over.  
Craig Simpson holding a picture of his Pop, mother and father in front of a wall of shoes on display

Wheels-up landing that gripped the nation the 'most intense emergency' of air traffic controller's career

An RAAF officer who helped guide a light plane pilot to safety speaks about the behind-the-scenes drama, including the heart-stopping moment radio contact was lost in the flight's final seconds.
Woman from shoulders up in airforce uniform.

Mother's 'crippling' grief after daughter's body kept on a crashed bus in NSW Hunter Valley for two days

Greta bus crash victim's mother says a plea deal offered to the driver "has torn apart any progress that we've made recovering from this nightmare".
A woman and dog.

Charlotte's life-threatening health conditions were picked up by a DV outreach scheme. Now, it's expanding

For many women experiencing domestic and family violence, health checks can be difficult to attend but this critical gap is being tackled by three refuges on the NSW Central Coast.
A woman looking into her backyard.

Why won't 'Fluffy' the red-bellied black snake leave Lisa's car?

Newcastle woman Lisa Kournelis has been driving around with a deadly snake in her car for about six weeks. It's not unheard of for snakes to make their way into vehicles, but it is highly unusual for them to linger so long. So why is this one still there?
Black snake in ute.

On a man-made lake near Newcastle, marine pilots are testing their skills in miniature boats

Marine pilots are used to navigating ships as big as the Eiffel Tower lying on its side. But on the man-made lake of Port Ash, they can test their skills on a miniature scale.
A man sits at the front of a small-scale ship on a lake.