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Law, Crime and Justice

Police to investigate hour's long response for welfare call

NSW Police will investigate why it took almost an hour to respond to a concern for welfare call where a woman was allegedly murdered by her domestic partner in the state's north.
ABC News Current
Duration: 2 minutes 11 seconds

Woman dead after alleged domestic violence-related stabbing

A man has been charged with murder after an alleged domestic violence-related stabbing that left a woman dead in North Queensland.
ABC News Current
Duration: 1 minute 38 seconds

Do your neighbour's security cameras make you uncomfortable? Here's what you can do

Many Australians can now access surveillance tech, but this can lead to disputes between neighbours. Here's a breakdown of some of the legal issues that can crop up.
A small security camera being installed on a yellow wall

analysis:Everyone smells blood in the water around the government. Framing the issues has become more important than ever

Some frame Julian Assange as a free press warrior and others a reckless hacker. As Anthony Albanese backed quiet diplomacy to free him, this unusual move to wield political influence over the legal systems of our democratic allies seems to have been lost in the haze. 
Anthony Albanese and Julian Assange's faces in a composite image.

How Daniel Duggan went from 'top gun' pilot to 'high-risk inmate'

Facing up to 65 years in prison, Australian "top gun" pilot, Daniel Duggan, says he's an innocent man in a high-stakes game between the US and China. So, is he?
Daniel Duggan

Got a beef with your neighbours? Send our legal experts questions about your rights in neighbourly disputes

Getting along with your neighbours can be tricky. Our legal experts will be here on Wednesday July 3 to answer questions about your rights in these disputes. 
Dealing with neighbourly noise

Staff and families had concerns about death certificates at a hospital. Now, 29 have been referred to the coroner

In 2021, a woman raised concerns about a staff member at a major Tasmanian hospital who issued a death certificate for her grandmother. That staff member responded they had the proper authorisation — as it turns out, they did not. Now, a total of 29 deaths at the LGH will be referred to the coroner.
A sign sits outside Launceston General Hospital.

analysis:The Assange light and sound show overshadows government problems but it can't last

Anthony Albanese needs to take the win and move on from the successful negotiation of Julian Assange's freedom. The issue could become sticky fly paper and with troubling inflation and Senator Fatima Payman voting across party lines, he now has other problems to tackle.
A man in suit gets out of a ca r

Former NAAJA CEO wins wrongful dismissal case against organisation in Federal Court

Former NAAJA chief executive Priscilla Atkins sued the organisation after she was removed from the role in early 2023 and accused of allegedly forging a signature on her contract, with the Federal Court finding evidence against her "insufficient" and "vague".
A woman in a blazer and wearing sunglasses walks alongside a man also wearing sunglasses

Sydney woman found dead in sharehouse suffered 'significant and multiple' stab injuries

Officers were called to a home in Russell Lea just after 11am when member of the public reported hearing a woman scream for help.
Police on suburban street with blue and white tape cordoning off the area.

US socialite Paris Hilton testifies she was sexually abused in hearing

US socialite Paris Hilton says she was 'force-fed medications and sexually abused' before a congressional committee about youth care programs.
Paris Hilton reads from a sheet of paper at a microphone on a long wooden bench.
Duration: 1 minute 40 seconds

Former Launceston hospital nurse faces court over alleged abuse against boys in 1980s

A former nurse at the Launceston General Hospital who was also a children's camp leader is facing two counts of indecent assault against children in the 1980s.
A sign with LGH and emergency written on it.

Sex workers, drag queens, gender-diverse people report feeling unsafe in a rideshare car

Women and gender-diverse people feeling unsafe in rideshare vehicles prompts calls for more female drivers in the industry.
a woman posing with a fur hat and coat on, she has dark hair and eyes

A couple spent weekends transforming this old police barracks into their family home. Here's how they did it

This 140-year-old police barracks had no running water, electricity or doors, but it wasn't enough to put Kim and Alan off transforming it into their family home.
Wide view of cottages in the foreground with a new timber extension at the far side. A bridge over a river is visible

Aboriginal legal service director defends organisation amid financial audits, instability

The North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency's deputy chair Colleen Rosas has defended its ability to deliver services amid multiple audits, executive resignations, the domestic violence history of its chair, and an impending federal court decision.
The exterior of the NAAJA building in Darwin.

Canberra lawyer fined after taking pants off during drinking game, dancing shirtless in front of colleagues

The well-known lawyer has been fined $20,000 and found guilty of professional misconduct by the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Black-and-white picture of Ben Aulich.

analysis:Albanese went out of his way to bring Assange back, yet he doesn't want to seem pro or anti the WikiLeaks founder

Whether seen as a hero or villain, support for bringing Assange home eventually stretched across the political spectrum like few other issues, writes David Speers. 
Julian assange salutes crowd

'There was an attempt to brush us away': How six Australian MPs took the cause of Julian Assange to Washington

A cross-party delegation of jet-lagged and obstinate Australian parliamentarians arrived in Washington DC last September to advocate for Julian Assange's freedom. Those in the room reflect on how the "robust", and at times "aggressive", meeting went.
The six politicians stand in front of the US Capitol building.

Debate continues on regulating the NDIS workforce

In the midst of a big news week, crucial recommendations about how to better regulate the NDIS workforce, and cut out fraud, are currently being debated in Federal Parliament.
ABC News Current
Duration: 9 minutes 32 seconds

Assange case sends signal about US prosecution of foreign nationals

Donald Rothwell says the lengthy legal hurdles Assange has had to go through show the United States' willingness to prosecute those outside the country.
An elderly man in a suit and tie speaks during a remotely conducted television interview.
Duration: 5 minutes 49 seconds

Julian Assange's chief lawyer says he has 'suffered tremendously'

Julian Assange's lawyer Barry J Pollack says he has 'suffered tremendously' and the work of WikiLeaks will continue.
A man in a suit and tie speaks at a media conference flanked by a woman with blonde hair.
Duration: 1 minute 27 seconds

How politicians are reacting to the possible release of Julian Assange

How politicians from across political lines are reacting to the possible release of Julian Assange.
 A composite image of three politicians - two men, one woman - conducting television interviews.
Duration: 5 minutes

Julian Assange's lawyer says WikiLeaks founder 'cannot be silenced' despite guilty plea

Assange has been released after pleading guilty to a felony count of obtaining and disclosing national defence information, bringing a more than decade-long legal battle to a close.
A man in suit walks outside court house

Greens leader Adam Bandt says the Assange case sheds light on whistleblower laws

Greens leader Adam Bandt says 'journalism is not a crime' and the Assange case sheds light on whistleblower laws. 
A man in a suit and tie sits in front of a television studio backdrop of Parliament Hill.
Duration: 2 minutes 54 seconds

Advisor to Australian campaign says Assange's focus will be mental health

Greg Barnes is a long-time advisor to the Australian Assange campaign and says the focus for Julian Assange will be on rehabilitating his mental health.
A man with black rimmed glasses wits on a television set with the backdrop of a blue sky and water.
Duration: 3 minutes 46 seconds