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Kingsvale - 2587

Murder trial hears Amber Haigh made a will as she feared the father of her child would 'end her life'

A former legal secretary has told the Supreme Court that missing NSW woman Amber Haigh believed her "life would be taken" by Robert Geeves after she gave birth.
A young woman holding a baby whose face has been blurred. A man sits next to them.

Nurse who cared for missing teen Amber Haigh was 'alarmed' by accused killer's past

Sue Powell, a nurse who cared for the teenager and her newborn baby, told the court she was concerned something might happen "at the hands of Robert Geeves" after learning details about his history with police.
A young woman in a multicoloured jumper looks off camera

Murder trial hears Amber Haigh did not want accused's name on son's birth certificate

Neighbours told the Supreme Court in Wagga Wagga that Ms Haigh did not want Robert Geeves on her son's birth certificate "due to how [he] treated her".
A young woman in a multicoloured jumper looks off camera

'It wasn't right': Son of accused killers tells court his ex-girlfriend Amber Haigh had a baby with his father

Robbie Geeves, whose parents are accused of murdering Amber Haigh in a plot to gain custody of her son, told the court his parents confronted him after he refused to accept the newborn boy as his brother.
A young woman in a multicoloured jumper looks off camera

Accused killer Anne Geeves would watch Amber Haigh have sex with husband, court hears

The missing woman's great-aunt Stella Nealon told the court that alleged murderer Anne Geeves was "nasty" to Ms Haigh and threatened to "take" her baby, during a disjointed day at court.
Young smiling woman with long dark hair pulled back, holding a baby, whose face is blurred. both wearing brown, mustard clothes

Disappointment after teen mum's inquest at Young

The mother of missing Kingsvale woman Amber Haigh says the inquest into her disappearance has left many questions unanswered.
ABC News Current

'Murder or misadventure': Amber Haigh inquest

A coroner has found that missing teenager Amber Haigh probably died from murder or misadventure, soon after she disappeared nine years ago.
ABC News Current

Amber Haigh inquest findings today

A coroner is expected to deliver findings today into the disappearance of a teenager from the Young district nine years ago.
ABC News Current

Inquest examines case of missing woman

An inquest has begun into the suspected death of a 19-year-old woman nine years ago.
ABC News Current

Police hope inquest will further Amber Haigh case

A 9000 page brief will be presented to a coroner to next week to investigate the disappearance of a Kingsvale woman.
ABC News Current

Police still investigating Haigh disappearance

Police say they have not given up solving the disappearance of Amber Haigh, 19, from the Young district.
ABC News Current

Inquest to be held into Haigh case

An inquest into the disappearance of a woman who was living near Young, in south-west New South Wales, is to be held almost eight years after she vanished.
ABC News Current

Breakthrough made in murder case

A man has been granted bail after being charged with murder over the shooting death of a 29-year-old woman near Young a decade ago.
ABC News Current

Police to keep Haigh case open

Police say their investigation into the suspected murder of a local teenager will not be closed, despite a fruitless search of a dam and wells in the Kingsvale area of southern NSW.
ABC News Current

Divers search dams for missing woman

Police divers will search several dams today for the body of a woman who has been missing from the Young area, in southern NSW, for more than a year.
ABC News Current

Police hope for new leads in missing persons cases

It is Missing Persons Week and police are hoping for a breakthrough soon in one of three southern NSW cases.
ABC News Current