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De Minaur to spearhead Aussie Olympic tennis team on clay

Fresh off a French Open quarterfinal, Alex de Minaur will return to Roland Garros and lead Australia in singles and doubles in his Olympic debut.
Alex de Minaur looks down at the ball as he plays a backhand shot representing Australia in a team tennis competition.

Julian Assange knew 'for weeks' he was being released from UK prison

Julian Assange's family plan to sit back and have some beer and champagne should all go to plan and he is soon back in Australia.
A man speaks into a microphone at a rally in a UK park.

analysis:The USA has named its Olympic swimming team — and it's really good

Australia's swimmers laid down a marker at the Australian Swimming Trials in Brisbane, but in front of record crowds in Indianapolis, America's best have answered the call and, with a little extra incentive provided by a former Australian great, they are ready to go hard in Paris.
Katie Ledecky looks up

New wave of violence in New Caledonia as activists sent 17,000km away to detention in France

A new wave of unrest has hit New Caledonia amid warnings the decision to send seven activists charged over deadly riots to France has mobilised pro-independence supporters.
A man concealing his face stands in front of a roadblock and a small fire at night.

All the looks from Vogue World: Paris as Serena Williams and Sabrina Carpenter make surprise runway cameos

The third iteration of Vogue World has set up camp in the French capital ahead of next month's Olympics, putting on a parade in the city's Place Vendôme.
A composite image of Cara Delevingne, Sabrina Carpenter and Ivy Getty.

US athletes to get aircon in Paris amid heat fears for Olympians

The US Olympic team will use temporary air conditioning units at the Paris athletes' village, as concerns grow over the impact of heat on competitors.
A woman in a green bikini lies on the concrete bank of the Seine river reading, with a view of Paris visible in the background

Teen sensation and Tokyo gold medal winner claim victories in Olympic qualifiers in Budapest

Tokyo gold medal winner Keegan Palmer and 14-year-old Arisa Trew both claim gold for Australia at the Olympic Qualifier Series in Budapest. 
Arisa Trew

Woman attacked by wolves after straying into zoo 'safari zone'

Investigators are looking into how a female jogger ended up in a wolf enclosure at a safari-style zoo outside Paris.
Two white Arctic wolves stand on snowy ground with one in the foreground looking back directly at the camera

Athletes warn of heat-related injuries ahead of Paris Olympics

A new report featuring current and former Olympic athletes warns intense heat could lead to competitors collapsing and heated-related deaths.
Extreme Heat Conditions, Paris Olympics: A swimmer competing in a race.
Duration: 3 minutes 33 seconds

Five quick hits: Mbappé left on the bench, Dutch frustration as goal ruled out, Ukraine keep hopes alive

French superstar Kylian Mbappé sits it out, the Dutch are left frustrated by VAR and Ukrainians keep hopes alive. Here are five quick hits from overnight at the Euros.
A referee walks away as an angry Dutch footballer stands gesticulating with his hands after a goal is ruled out.

'One of the best days of my life': Jess Fox's emotional week highlighted by sister Noemie's Olympic qualification

Jess Fox set another benchmark in paddle sport history by winning all three World Cup events, but it came at the end of an emotional rollercoaster of a week that saw incredible highs of Noemie's Olympic qualification, and the devastating lows of losing her grandfather.
Kayaker Jessica Fox celebrates by clapping her hands, in the kayak, in the water and the end of the course

From joy to agony: How a 'crazy' French swimmer put his Olympics hopes in jeopardy by celebrating

French swimmer Rafael Fente-Damers pulled out the swim of his life to qualify for his home Olympic Games, but now he'll have to wait on the results of scans after appearing to dislocate his shoulder celebrating.
Professional swimmer screaming in pain after dislocating his shoulder in the pool

Bowing out at Wimbledon or Olympics would be fitting, says Andy Murray

After 20 years on tour, Andy Murray's tennis career is coming to an end — and the Scottish veteran says he's most likely to wrap things up after one final Wimbledon or Olympic Games.
Tennis player Andy Murray walks off the court at Wimbledon carrying his bags and waving to the crowd.

After being closed for more than a month, New Caledonia's international airport reopens

La Tontouta international airport will reopen to commercial flights from today and an overnight curfew in the territory will be reduced as unrest continues to ease. 
Burnt out cars sit next to a large pile of debris on a roadway surrounded by green foliage

Will Paris be ready for the Olympics?

Water in the Seine River had unsafe elevated levels of E. coli less than two months before swimming competitions are scheduled to take place.
Will Paris Be Ready? Paris Olympics 2024: View of the Seine river in Paris.
Duration: 3 minutes 56 seconds

Thousands protest against France's far-right party ahead of snap elections

A series of opinion polls have projected that the far-right party National Rally could win the upcoming French elections and be in a position to form the next government.
ABC News Current

Massive turnout for protest against far right in Paris

Leaders of France's left-wing Popular Front join thousands of protesters to march through Paris against the far-right National Rally.
A crowd of people fill a square in Paris.
Duration: 59 seconds

Parisians divided on city's preparedness for Olympic games

While excitement for the Olympics builds, some Parisians argue the event is an expensive extravagance and the city is ill-prepared for it.
City Split on Preparedness, Paris Olympics: Tents set up on a city street.
Duration: 2 minutes 27 seconds

'Brisbane, show the world what's happening': Paris has an Olympic warning for Australia

Organisers are putting the finishing touches on a sporting and cultural opus they hope will transform Paris and unite its residents — but for some, the Olympics are an expensive extravagance and something that must be stopped.
A man on a bike rides past a wall, with a painting of the olympic rings on it.

Unsafe levels of E. coli found in Paris's Seine less than two months before Olympics

Contamination levels in the first eight days of June, after persistent heavy rain in Paris, showed bacteria such as E. coli and enterococci existed in the river beyond the limits judged safe for athletes.
A line of people swim in the blue waters of a river as a state looms over them.

'Too many': Ninth person dies in New Caledonia riots as French president suspends controversial voting reform

Emmanuel Macron's decision to hold a snap election in France has further delayed the implementation of the controversial changes, which sparked five weeks of violent riots.
A burnt-out car sits next to a burning car with flames and black smoke pouring from it on a motorway surrounded by green trees

Ultra-fast fashion is so last year in France. Australia is being urged to follow the trend

France has moved to curb sales of mass-produced clothes. Could Australia follow suit?
Clothing website Shein is shown on a computer screen, and online retailer Temu is shown on  mobile phone screen.

Olympics organisers say French election won't affect games

The parliamentary elections will be held in less than a month, and it could result in France having a far-right prime minister.
Olympic Election, Macron's Gamble: A dummy of Emmanuel Macron at a protest with a large false cigarette smoking in his mouth.
Duration: 1 minute 37 seconds

What is the far right? Why nationalist parties are on the rise in Europe

Radical-right political parties have made significant gains in the European Parliament elections, as nationalist and populist groups continue to gain dominance in national settings across EU capitals.
A group of protestsers in front of Germany's parliament at a demonstration against the far-right Alternative for Germany.

Macron calls snap French election after far-right gains in EU

The French President labelled the rise of nationalism a danger to Europe, gambling on an early vote to re-establish his waning authority.
ABC News Current
Duration: 2 minutes 2 seconds