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Drug and Substance Abuse

More police to be sent to WA's far north to help enforce new alcohol restrictions

The number of police officers targeting alcohol-related crime in WA's remote Kimberley region will be bolstered ahead of new liquor restrictions coming into effect from next week. 
Steve Thompson stands outside of Broome Police Station

Denise suspected something was wrong with her son — then found out he'd been in 'life and death' scenarios

If you've had concerns about a loved one's drug use and haven't known how to help them, you're not alone — new research shows most people don't know where to start.
A woman looks out a window toward a garden.

The psychology behind filicide — explaining the unexplainable

About 20 children are murdered by a parent every year in Australia. It's a crime that evokes equal measures of horror and confusion. At the crux of the issue is male-perpetrated violence.
Filicide study

Experts release plan to head off potentially fatal overdoses as fentanyl and nitazenes hit Victorian drug market

Synthetic opioids like fentanyl and nitazenes are already finding their way into Australia's drug supply. Experts are concerned surges in the drug could have fatal consequences and are calling on the government to prepare. 
A bag of heroin in an unidentifiable hand.

Jet's mother was a sixties model who married rock royalty but her life met a tragic end

Jet James was eight when his mother died tragically. His journey back from childhood trauma led him in an unexpected direction.
Angie King marries Eric Burdon

Deaths of four people in Melbourne home linked to synthetic opioid, police say

Police say a synthetic opioid was detected in the systems of four people who died in a house in Broadmeadows, in Melbourne's north last week. A 17-year-old boy was among those who died.
Officers in forensics uniforms outside a house.

The dangerous street drug which is up to 1000 times stronger than morphine

Nitazenes are a new lethal drug that have been linked to mass overdoses and deaths in Australia. The synthetic opioid has authorities and health specialists on high alert, as it continues to appear in drugs ranging from heroin to cocaine and MDMA.
ABC News Current
Duration: 8 minutes 15 seconds

Nitazenes are coming into Australia from India and China. Their effects are deadly

There are fears of more overdoses as nitazenes infiltrate Australia's underground drug supply, with occasional recreational drug users warned the synthetic opioid is being found in drugs like cocaine.
A person holds a bag of nitazenes powder.

Queensland to open second pill-testing clinic after promising Brisbane trial

The Gold Coast will host the state's second pill-testing clinic from July as the first of its kind in Brisbane is deemed a "success".
A woman holds up a bag of powder

Organised crime targets Perth vape sellers with mafia-style intimidation, say police

Ahead of new laws cracking down on vape sales coming into effect next week, police are investigating reports bikie gangs are using stand-over tactics on small businesses selling nicotine vapes.
A collection of vapes stacked in boxes on a table

'We need to accept the evidence': Victorian government outlines details of pill testing trial

Pill testing will be rolled out across 10 Victorian festivals this summer and a fixed site will be established in the city in a bid to decrease drug overdoses.
A scientist testing a pill-like substance.

A synthetic opioid stronger than fentanyl and hundreds of times more potent than heroin is emerging in Australia

A synthetic opioid — which has been linked to a rise in overdose deaths overseas — has emerged on the illicit drug scene, with some experts warning it has the potential to be Australia's version of a "fentanyl crisis".
A small yellow tablet next to a ruler.

Victorian government announces pill testing trial to start this summer

Victoria will trial pill testing of illicit drugs this summer, Premier Jacinta Allan has announced, saying it was "a common sense way to save lives".
Premier Jacinta Allan standing at a microphone.

Pharmacist fury at deal for vapes to be restricted to pharmacies-only, without adults needing prescription

Vapes will be banned from sale outside pharmacies, but adults will not need a prescription to buy them, as the federal government agrees to water down its proposed ban to win over the Greens.
five colourful vapes standing on a black-coloured counter

'Dodged a breach on a technicality': MP stands by accusations despite SIA clearing AFL of illicit drug claims

Andrew Wilkie says the AFL "dodged a WADA breach on a technicality" as Sport Integrity Australia finds there is no evidence to support the MP's explosive claims.
A top AFL executive sits at a desk facing the media with microphones in front of him.

'One millilitre too much' of GHB can lead to 'profound comas' and hospital visits are on the rise

While the desired effects of the party drug are euphoria, increased sociability and an increased sexual libido, the drug is extremely dose and tolerance dependent.
A bottle, plastic syringe, and small soy sauce container against a black background.

Australian faces up to 12 years in an Indonesian prison if convicted of drug possession

Prosecutors reduced the initial charge of drug trafficking to the less serious charge of drug use, after police determined he was a drug user.
A man in a white shirt and red vest is handcuffed and being escorted by two men - one of which is carrying a gun

analysis:The Biden family is putting on brave faces, but Hunter's conviction is a huge blow

Hunter Biden's status as a convicted liar could breathe some life into Republicans' efforts to bring down his father, while complicating the mileage Joe Biden can get out of Donald Trump's legal woes.
A court sketch shows a side profile of Hunter Biden sitting in court.

Further booze bans to be introduced in WA's Kimberley, with limits on trading hours

The Director of Liquor Licensing announces the sale of takeaway alcohol in the Kimberley town of Derby will be banned each Sunday and Monday, alongside further restrictions on trading hours in Broome. 
A crushed can of mixer floats in the dirty incoming tide

Stephen served his time after being caught with meth. Instead of going home, he's being deported

Despite moving to Australia as a child and raising his whole family here, a criminal conviction over methamphetamine means Stephen is facing deportation to a country where he has no ties.
Stephen hugging his two daughters Chloe and Jess.

Claude takes in the men no-one else will. He used to be one of them

The residents of Rainbow Lodge have committed multiple crimes and been in and out of prison for decades. For many, its program is their last chance to take responsibility for their actions and prove they're ready for the outside world – but one slip-up could land them back inside.
A man in a t-shirt with his arms crossed looks into camera with a serious expression.

Man who murdered his girlfriend before jumping off Sydney balcony sentenced to 20 years in jail

Weijie He murdered his girlfriend Liqun Pan during what he claimed was a drug-induced psychosis from long-term nitrous oxide use before jumping off a Wolli Creek balcony in 2020.
Liqun Pan

Oregon's drug decriminalisation law to be rolled back

Three years ago, Oregon became the first state in the US to decriminalise the possession of hard drugs. Now, they're about to reverse course saying it's lead to an extraordinary rise in overdoses and crimes.
ABC News Current
Duration: 7 minutes 37 seconds

This progressive US state pioneered a radical drug policy, then overdose deaths skyrocketed

Welcome to Portland, Oregon, the US city that decriminalised drugs and nearly immediately regretted it.
A man lays against the wall of a car park.

Investigation into Matthew Perry's death to probe amount of ketamine in blood

His autopsy, released in December, found that the amount of ketamine in Perry's blood was in the range used for general anaesthesia during surgery.
a headshot of a man with grey hair and glasses smiling at camera