Queensland fishers want to relax shark fishing rules to stop predators taking their catch

Holding up a big fish in one hand, and the head of a fish that has been bitten off, in the other hand.

Michael Thompson says sharks forced him out of commercial fishing and into a seafood shop. (Supplied: Michael Thompson)

Queensland fishermen say sharks are taking up to 70 per cent of their catch and are urging the State Government to take action.

Michael Thompson runs a fish shop at Beerwah on the Sunshine Coast and chairs The Fisherman's Portal Inc — a group he says represents almost 250 commercial fishers in Queensland.

Mr Thompson blames sharks for forcing him out of full-time commercial fishing and says the problem is widespread.

"I used to work between Cape Moreton and Fraser Island, sometimes up to 1770, but progressively it's got worse and worse," he said.

"We've gone from catching tonnes of fish to binge lucky to be able to land a couple of fish per day.

"As every single commercial fisherman that works out there — that's line fishermen — will tell you, from the border of Queensland right to the tip of Queensland, there's massive shark problems on the entire coastline.

"We've still got a great fishery, we can still go and catch or hook multiple fish — the fish are there.

"We just cannot bring them to the boat because the sharks are taking them."

A middle aged man holds onto his trawler nets on top of his boat; he appears frustrated.

Trawler operator Peter Bowman has been forced to tie chains on his nets to deter sharks. (ABC Rural: Megan Hughes)

Deterrents not enough

Those choosing to stay in the industry are being forced to take extra measures to deter shark predation.

Bundaberg-based trawler operator Peter Bowman said he was struggling to deal with sharks, and has taken to tying stainless steel chains to the ends of his nets.

"We have up to 30 following us at any one time and they're getting bigger to what they were in previous years — eight to nine-foot sharks," he said.

"They stay away from our cod-ends because they don't like the noise of the stainless steel."

Mr Bowman said fishers were spending half their days on the boat just fixing nets.

"You lose the whole bag," he said.

"Some nights they cost us $1,000 and times are tough."

All that's left of a fish after a shark bit off its body.

Commercial fishers say they are sick of losing their catch to shark bites. (Supplied: Michael Thompson)

A simple solution

Charter boat operator Luke Truant said sharks were causing problems in the recreational sector as well.

He said each time he took a charter out, a significant amount of fish were getting "sharked".

"We might lose 58 out of 60 fish," he said.

He is calling for the government to reconsider laws preventing fishers from taking sharks more than 1.5 metres long.

"I want the legislation to change so we can harvest sharks in proportion to fish," he said.

"By protecting the one apex predator we're not harvesting the ecosystem as a whole."

Mr Thompson said there were particular shark breeds that should be targeted.

"The spinner shark, the bull shark, definitely tiger shark and oceanic whaler," he said.

But is there a market for large sharks?

Associate Professor of Environmental Management at Bond University, Dr Daryl McPhee, said sharks were just not in high demand.

"The issue with market acceptance of large sharks is just the taste and texture," he said.

"They certainly don't rank as something that is particularly tasty.

"Fins from large sharks can be utilised in shark-fin soup, but there is no real shark-fin market domestically in Australia — the market is in Japan."

But he said there was opportunity in other areas.

"Large sharks could potentially be used commercially or recreationally for crab bait," he said.

Shark fins in a net bag.

There are 114 licences in Queensland for fishermen to catch sharks over 1.5 metres. (ABC Rural: Melanie Groves)

No hard data

Mr Truant said a lack of hard data was causing additional problems because with fishermen bringing in smaller catches it appeared as if a fishery was being overfished, when the figures actually reflected the impact of shark predation.

"They use that [data] over time to say whether that fishery is sustainable or not," he said.

His solution is simple.

"Change every commercial logbook to allow a column for shark interactions and the amount of fish lost to sharks on any given day," he said.

"We're already filling in a log sheet and there's already someone doing data input in Brisbane and at the moment they log every single species of fish that we catch.

"So logging shark interactions would take an extra three seconds."

Bull shark swims over the top of a diver

Fisheries Queensland has started to investigate shark predation. (Supplied: Jayne Jenkins)

Dr McPhee said without hard data the industry only had anecdotal evidence.

"We don't know whether the anecdotal information and observations are linked to more sharks or whether they're linked to sharks changing their behaviour," he said.

A Fisheries Queensland spokesperson said there were 114 licenses in Queensland for fishermen to catch sharks larger than 1.5 metres long.

He said the 1.5 metre fishing rule came into place to protect larger breeding sharks.

"Larger sharks generally have lower reproduction rates and are more vulnerable to overfishing," the spokesman said.

Fisheries Queensland is collaborating on a number of projects to investigate shark predation.

"Results from this project will provide information to assist Fisheries Queensland to manage predation impacts on fisheries productivity," the spokesman said.