24/7 Wind Energy News Coverage
October 20, 2024
On US coast, wind power foes embrace 'Save the Whales' argument

Washington (AFP) Oct 11, 2024
Whether from real concern for marine animals or doubts about renewable energy, the anti-wind power movement has been growing along the US East Coast, with some trying to blame a surge in whale strandings on the growth of offshore energy projects. Their attempt to link the two seems to be resonating, despite what scientists say is a clear lack of evidence. When Lauren Brandkamp and her team from the nonprofit Whale and Dolphin Conservation organization in Massachusetts carry out a rescue on an ar ... read more

Renewables revolt in Sardinia, Italy's coal-fired island
Cagliari, Italy (AFP) Oct 11, 2024
The bolts securing the towering wind turbine were unscrewed under cover of darkness, an act of sabotage symbolising a vehement pushback against renewable energy in Sardinia. ... more
Government action needed for world to meet renewables goal: IEA
Paris (AFP) Oct 9, 2024
The world is falling short of a global agreement to triple renewable energy capacity by 2030 but the target is within reach if governments take policy actions, the International Energy Agency said Wednesday. ... more
DLR tests innovative sensor system in wind turbine rotor blades
Berlin, Germany (SPX) Oct 03, 2024
The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has been operating the WiValdi Wind Energy Research Farm since August 2023, offering a large-scale platform for real-world wind energy research. Located in Krummend ... more
China drives record growth in renewable energy jobs: report
Dubai (AFP) Oct 1, 2024
A record 2.5 million jobs were created in the renewable energy sector in 2023, most of them in China, the International Renewable Energy Agency and International Labour Organization said on Tuesday. ... more
Previous Issues Oct 18 Oct 17 Oct 16 Oct 15 Oct 14

UK campaigners in green energy standoff reject 'nimby' label
Friston, United Kingdom (AFP) Sept 19, 2024
With its medieval church and picturesque village green, the tranquil hamlet of Friston in eastern England should be an unlikely place for a showdown with the UK government and an energy giant. ... more
Wind turbine orders grow 23 percent, led by China: study
Paris (AFP) Sept 16, 2024
Dominated by China, orders for wind turbines increased 23 percent worldwide in the first half of the year, with investment reaching $42 billion, an energy research firm said on Monday. ... more
Researchers develop method for chemically recyclable wind turbine blades
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 01, 2024
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have identified a viable pathway for creating wind turbine blades from bio-derived materials that can be che ... more
India's green energy wind drive hits desert herders hard
Jaisalmer, India (AFP) Aug 26, 2024
Whirring wind turbines in India's Thar desert supply critical green energy for the world's most populous nation, but those living in their shadows say it comes at their expense. ... more



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MIT engineers' new theory could improve the design and operation of wind farms
Boston MA (SPX) Aug 22, 2024
The blades of propellers and wind turbines are designed based on aerodynamics principles that were first described mathematically more than a century ago. But engineers have long realized that these ... more
Engineers Develop Cost-Effective Seafloor Testing Device for Offshore Wind Farms
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Jul 18, 2024
Australian engineers have introduced an innovative device, inspired by a modified speargun, to provide a cost-efficient method for testing seabed soil in the development of offshore wind farms. ... more
Why US offshore wind power is struggling - the good, the bad and the opportunity
Boston MA (SPX) May 10, 2024
America's first large-scale offshore wind farms began sending power to the Northeast in early 2024, but a wave of wind farm project cancellations and rising costs have left many people with doubts a ... more
Robots enhance wind turbine blade production at NREL
Los Angeles CA (SPX) May 03, 2024
The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has incorporated robotic technology into the production of wind turbine blades, aiming to reduce hazardous working conditi ... more
Offshore wind turbines may reduce nearby power output
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 26, 2024
As electricity demands soar with the onset of summer, East Coast cities in the U.S. look towards offshore wind projects in the Atlantic Ocean to bolster their power supplies. These projects, critica ... more
Wind Energy Expansion Planned for China's Rural Areas
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 24, 2024
China is set to experience a significant increase in wind power development in its rural regions following a new comprehensive plan for renewable energy utilization announced by the National Energy ... more

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