24/7 Farm  News Coverage
September 27, 2024
Champagne houses abuzz over English sparkling wine

Chilham, United Kingdom (AFP) Sept 26, 2024
Far from its native Champagne, prestigious French wine house Taittinger on Thursday inaugurated its new vineyard in south-east England, where climate change is making it increasingly easy to grow grapes. The grand opening of the 60-hectare Domaine Evremond vineyard, situated on a quiet hillside in Kent, received the royal seal of approval, with the Duchess of Edinburgh Sophie in attendance. "It's a story of ten years of friendship between two families and two companies," explained Vitalie Taitt ... read more

Drought reduces Amazon River in Colombia by as much as 90%: report
Bogota (AFP) Sept 26, 2024
The Amazon River has seen its levels in Colombia reduced by as much as 90 percent, a government agency said Thursday, as South America faces a severe and widespread drought. ... more
Tokyo says Taiwan eases import restrictions on Japanese food
Tokyo (AFP) Sept 25, 2024
Taiwan will ease restrictions on imports of Japanese food products including seafood from areas around the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, Tokyo's ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries said on Wednesday. ... more
Thai farm culls 125 crocodiles as floodwaters rise
Bangkok (AFP) Sept 25, 2024
A crocodile farm in Thailand has culled 125 of the reptiles because of fears they could escape during ongoing floods and endanger human lives, the owner said Wednesday. ... more
EU supports reduced protection for wolves; Finnish zoo to return pandas to China early
Brussels, Belgium (AFP) Sept 25, 2024
EU member states on Wednesday voted in favour of lowering the protection status of wolves, a move decried by conservationists that paves the way for a relaxation of tight hunting restrictions. ... more
Previous Issues Sep 26 Sep 25 Sep 24 Sep 23 Sep 22

Artificial intelligence advances decentralized water purification
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Sep 25, 2024
Around 2.2 billion people worldwide, over a quarter of the global population, lack access to clean, safely managed drinking water. Nearly half of the world's population faces severe water shortages ... more
Environmental impacts of genetically modified crops need more study
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 25, 2024
Genetically modified (GM) crops are widely used worldwide, but their environmental effects remain under scrutiny. New research published in 'Science' on August 30, 2024, explores common geneti ... more
Beijing 'regrets' EU's WTO challenge against Chinese dairy probe
Beijing (AFP) Sept 23, 2024
Beijing "regrets" the European Union's launching of a WTO challenge against a Chinese anti-subsidy probe into imports of some European dairy products, state media reported the government as saying Monday. ... more
Human urine shows potential as eco-friendly fertilizer for crops
London, UK (SPX) Sep 25, 2024
A new study has revealed that human urine can serve as a viable, eco-friendly alternative to synthetic fertilizers, showing minimal impact on soil bacterial communities. Conducted by researchers fro ... more



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Undiscovered Neolithic society sheds light on early Mediterranean history
Cambridge UK (SPX) Sep 25, 2024
Archaeologists in Morocco have uncovered the earliest known farming society in North Africa, filling a significant gap in the region's prehistoric record. The findings, published in 'Antiquity', hig ... more
Angry French cognac makers see red over Chinese tariffs threat
Cognac, France (AFP) Sept 22, 2024
Frustrated cognac producers in southwestern France are growing increasingly anxious over the looming threat of Chinese tariffs on European brandy, a move industry representatives worry could force French liquor from the Chinese market. ... more
Unprecedented global study reveals cities receive more rainfall than surrounding rural areas
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 23, 2024
It is widely understood that cities are generally warmer than their rural surroundings, a phenomenon known as the urban heat island effect. However, a lesser-known counterpart to this is the urban p ... more
Kimchi threat as heatwave drives up South Korea cabbage prices
Seoul (AFP) Sept 20, 2024
An unprecedented heat wave across South Korea has driven up the price of cabbages, data revealed Friday, with the vegetable used in the famed national dish kimchi surging by nearly 70 percent year-on-year. ... more
Sustainable mulch films aim to boost agriculture and reduce plastic waste
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 20, 2024
Weeds are a persistent problem, costing the agricultural industry approximately $33 billion annually as they compete with crops for essential resources like water, nutrients, light, and space. While ... more

US city of Flint still reeling from water crisis, 10 years on

Amazon drought leaves Colombian border town high and dry
Leticia, Colombia (AFP) Sept 19, 2024
Extreme drought affecting large parts of South America has dramatically reduced the flow of the Amazon River where Colombia borders Peru and Brazil, choking food supplies and threatening residents' health. ... more
China to tax Taiwanese agricultural imports
Beijing (AFP) Sept 18, 2024
China will begin imposing tariffs on agricultural imports from Taiwan in retaliation to similar moves by the island's government, Chinese state media said Wednesday. ... more
In Colombia, a river's 'rights' swept away by mining and conflict
Choco, Colombia (AFP) Sept 18, 2024
In 2016, a Colombian court sent a powerful statement on environmental protection by ruling that a crucial river in the northwestern Choco jungle, which was being decimated by illegal mining, had legal rights. ... more
Three activists risking their lives for the planet
Paris (AFP) Sept 18, 2024
Almost 200 environmental activists were murdered last year, with the toll especially heavy in South America, according to rights group Global Witness. ... more
Report links meatpacking companies to 'war on nature' in Brazil
Sao Paulo (AFP) Sept 17, 2024
A report by environmental and rights NGOs Tuesday linked three major meatpacking companies to illegal deforestation in Brazil, where farmers are accused of spraying herbicides from the sky to clear huge tracts of land. ... more
Solar and Farming Can Work Together
London, UK (SPX) Sep 17, 2024
Researchers at Swansea University have developed a new tool to help find the best photovoltaic (PV) materials to support both solar energy generation and crop growth. In a new study published ... more
Farmers fret over fires and drought; as fires approach Brazil's capital
Rio De Janeiro (AFP) Sept 16, 2024
Sugarcane farmer Marcos Meloni is still haunted by his battle last month to fight the flames on his land, as the double-edged disaster of fires and drought hits Brazil's agricultural sector hard. ... more
Lakes drying up leave Greeks in despair
Thessaloniki, Greece (AFP) Sept 13, 2024
Lake Koronia, one of largest in Greece, is shrinking after a prolonged drought and a summer of record-breaking temperatures, leaving behind cracked earth, dead fish and a persistent stench. ... more
Vietnam farmers lose their blooms as floods claim crops
Hanoi (AFP) Sept 13, 2024
Vietnamese farmer Do Hong Yen estimates she lost tens of thousands of dollars when her valuable peach blossom crop was swamped by muddy waters in Hanoi's worst flooding in two decades. ... more
Deadly floods bring relief to Moroccan farmers
Rabat (AFP) Sept 13, 2024
When powerful thunderstorms hit Morocco's arid south, they brought deadly floods but also provided some relief to farmers as the country grapples with its worst drought in nearly 40 years. ... more
Support for Trump, questions for Harris in pro-fracking Pennsylvania
West Bethlehem Township, United States (AFP) Sept 13, 2024
For Pennsylvania farmer George Wherry, 85, fracking for natural gas under his otherwise bucolic fields means greater economic "freedom" - one of the many reasons he'll be voting for Donald Trump in November. ... more
Russian missile hit wheat cargo ship in Black Sea: Zelensky
Kyiv, Ukraine (AFP) Sept 12, 2024
A Russian missile hit a cargo ship in the Black Sea carrying wheat to Egypt, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Thursday, calling on the world to condemn Moscow's attacks on food shipments. ... more
'Historic': Bad weather slashes wine harvest in France's Jura
Domblans, France (AFP) Sept 12, 2024
Heavy rainfall, hail and mildew have destroyed most of the wine harvest in eastern France's Jura region for this year, leaving winegrowers struggling. ... more
Greece unveils water network overhaul amid drought troubles
Athens (AFP) Sept 11, 2024
Greece on Wednesday unveiled a multi-billion-euro plan to safeguard its water supply amid shortages coming after the warmest winter and summer on record. ... more
AI-driven systems can cut energy usage in indoor farming by 25%, Cornell study shows
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 11, 2024
A new study from Cornell University engineers suggests that incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into environmental control systems can significantly reduce energy consumption in indoor agricu ... more
Nestle to pay 2 mn euros to close France water probes
Strasbourg, France (AFP) Sept 10, 2024
Nestle's water subsidiary, which produces brands such as Perrier, will pay 2 million euros ($2.2 million) to close French probes over illegal wells and treatment of mineral water, prosecutors said Tuesday. ... more
Parched Iraqi Kurdistan town navigates regional water diplomacy
Qaladiza (AFP) Sept 10, 2024
A river flowing through Iraq's northern Kurdistan has all but dried up, prompting warnings of an "environmental catastrophe" for the water-stressed border city as it tussles for the resource with neighbouring Iran. ... more
An Amazon river dries up, creating hellish crossing for villagers
Humaita, Brazil (AFP) Sept 10, 2024
Only the youngest and strongest villagers now brave the crossing of a vast, blistering stretch of sand where, in normal times, the waters of the mighty Madeira River flow in the Brazilian Amazon. ... more
Peaches from Japan's Fukushima region sold at Harrods
Tokyo (AFP) Sept 10, 2024
Peaches from Fukushima can now be bought at London's luxury department store Harrods in a Japanese push to ease fears about produce grown in the region hit by nuclear disaster. ... more
'We are starving': Malawi villagers cook toxic yams to survive drought
Salima, Malawi (AFP) Sept 9, 2024
In the worst drought in southern Africa in a century, villagers in Malawi are digging for potentially poisonous wild yams to eat as their crops lie scorched in the fields. ... more
Drought sinks longest Polish river to record-low level
Warsaw (AFP) Sept 8, 2024
Poland's longest river, the Vistula, on Sunday hit a record-low water level in the capital because of drought, the national weather agency said. ... more

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