NetBSD Developers

NetBSD developers are members of the NetBSD Foundation and have CVS commit privileges.

Hikaru Abe PGP key
Eitan Adler PGP key
Nia Alarie board, pkgbuild, aiomixer, misc
Carl Alexander
Jukka Andberg wscons on amiga
Jason Bacon pkgsrc
Christoph Badura pkgsrc PGP key
Michael B�uerle pkgsrc PGP key
Marc Balmer kernel, userland; gpio, wakeonlan, Lua, touchscreens, point-of-sale hardware
Bang Jun-Young uwscons, machfb PGP key
Erik Berls security-team
Kevin Bloom pkgsrc
Stephen Borrill pkgsrc, releng PGP key
Sean Boudreau misc bug fixes in kernel, libc, utilities PGP key
Manuel Bouyer pkgsrc, releng, IDE/ATAPI, siop(4) PGP key
Allen Briggs † 2012-03-03
David Brownlee pkgsrc, releng, www, advocacy PGP key
Jon Buller PGP key
Simon Burge PGP key
Pavel Cahyna PGP key
D'Arcy J.M. Cain www, port-i386 mailing list maintainer PGP key
Frederic Cambus pkgsrc
Taylor R. Campbell board, core PGP key
Dave Carrel
Mihai Chelaru PGP key
Aleksey Cheusov pkgsrc PGP key
Adam Ciarcinski pkgsrc
Dan C�rnaț pkgsrc PGP key
William J. Coldwell board, security-team PGP key
Sean Cole macppc, ia64 PGP key
Julian Coleman releng, Curses, port-atari helper PGP key
Marcus Comstedt
Charles D. Cranor kernel (UVM virtual memory system and other odds and ends)
Alistair G. Crooks core, pkgsrc, pkgsrc-pmc, pkgsrc-security, releng, security-officer PGP key
Masatake Daimon pkgsrc PGP key
Johan Danielsson
John Darrow
Mark Davies pkgsrc PGP key
Jed Davis
Arnaud Degroote
Felix Deichmann PGP key
Chris Demetriou
Tracy Di Marco White PGP key
Jarom�r Doleček kernel, ext2fs (ext3/ext4 support, journalling), linux emulation, pkgsrc
Marek Dopiera
Emmanuel Dreyfus Emulation subsystem (Linux/powerpc, Linux/mips, IRIX, Darwin), hpcarm bits
Matthias Drochner † 2018-08-04
Richard Earnshaw ARM
Jun Ebihara pkgsrc, www, hpcmips, htdocs/ja, Japan NetBSD Users' Group
Elad Efrat
Christoph Egger
Havard Eidnes releng, release engineering PGP key
Stoned Elipot pkgsrc PGP key
Michael van Elst board, ieee1394, misc bug fixes PGP key
Robert Elz PGP key
Yuuki Enomoto syspkg, installation PGP key
Bernd Ernesti PGP key
Erik Fair www
Gavan Fantom pkgsrc, midi, various ARM bits and pieces, misc kernel PGP key
Hauke Fath mac68k, pkgsrc
Frederic Fauberteau debugging, pkgsrc PGP key
Hubert Feyrer pkgsrc, www, The NetBSD Packages System (pkg_*,, i386 bulk builds), documentation, some PR and misc bug fixing PGP key
Matt J. Fleming PGP key
Lourival Pereira Vieira Neto Lua PGP key
Matt Fredette
Hisashi Todd Fujinaka misc bug fixing, tracking current on amd64, tracking NetBSD-6 on i386 and amd64 PGP key
Makoto Fujiwara board, pkgsrc PGP key
Shigeyuki Fukushima
Quentin Garnier PGP key
Thomas Gerner
Simon J. Gerraty PGP key
Nikita Ronja Gillmann pkgsrc, src, misc
Paul Goyette modules, spdmem, sdtemp, sysmon_envsys PGP key
Brian Ginsbach thread-safety of libc PGP key
Matthew Green core
Rui-Xiang Guo PGP key
Andreas Gustafsson
Harold Gutch evbarm, NetBSD under emulation
David H. Gutteridge PGP key
Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino † 2007-10-29
Adam Hamsik
Juergen Hannken-Illjes PGP key
Yorick Hardy
Eric Haszlakiewicz PGP key
John Hawkinson various
John Heasley Sparc64, X
Tom Ivar Helbekkmo
Emile Heitor PGP key
Iain Hibbert Bluetooth PGP key
Michael L. Hitch amiga and pmax (and dabbling in vax and alpha)
Adam Hoka PGP key
Jachym Holecek evbppc, misc kernel
David A. Holland chief entomologist, gnats-admin
Christian E. Hopps ipsec, networking, routing PGP key
Daniel Horecki pkgsrc-security, pkgsrc
Ken Hornstein membership-exec, i386 power management, AFS port, IrDA
Eduardo Horvath
Nick Hudson pkgsrc PGP key
Martin Husemann membership-exec, releng, sparc64, PPPoE PGP key
Roland Illig pkgsrc, make, lint
Tetsuya Isaki x68k
ITOH Yasufumi
IWAMOTO Toshihiro
Iku IWASA pkgsrc PGP key
Soren Jacobsen pkgsrc, releng, misc PGP key
Darrin Jewell next68k, filesystems, vfs, wapbl, misc device drivers, evbarm, pkgsrc on osx
Nicolas Joly † 2017-06-07
S�ren J�rvang PGP key
Takahiro Kambe pkgsrc, misc bug fixes PGP key
Frank Kardel timecounters & keeping PGP key
Min Sik Kim pkgsrc, Korean translation PGP key
Tero Kivinen pkgsrc
Thomas Klausner board, membership-exec, pkg-bug-handler, pkgsrc, pkgsrc-pmc, pkgsrc-security, www, bktr(4), man pages PGP key
Klaus Klein PGP key
John Klos m68k, VAX, ppc, mips bulk package building, miscellaneous bug finding work
Wayne Knowles
Charlotte Koch pkgsrc, games, dreamcast
Takayoshi Kochi PGP key
Mateusz Kocielski security-team, SASL library, general bug fixing PGP key
Jonathan A. Kollasch
Joseph Koshy debugging, toolchain PGP key
Chris Kobayashi PGP key
Jeandre C. Kruger wifi PGP key
Radoslaw Kujawa PGP key
Jochen Kunz port-hppa, port-ofppc, device drivers PGP key
Martti Kuparinen † 2010-06-27
Tomohiro Kusumi filesystems PGP key
Arnaud Lacombe Coverity fixes, General kernel work PGP key
Bjoern Labitzke PGP key
Kevin Lahey
David Laight
Guillaume Lasmayous PGP key
Greg Lehey
Christian Limpach next68k
Frank van der Linden former core
Sergio Lopez PGP key
Michael Lorenz macppc, sparc, sparc64, XFree86
Tomasz Luchowski PGP key
Juraj Lutter pkgsrc, pkgsrc on SmartOS PGP key
Palle Lyckegaard sparc64 PGP key
Brett Lymn Curses, ETI libraries, Termcap PGP key
Anders Magnusson
Anthony Mallet pkgsrc, misc PGP key
Roy Marples dhcpcd, pkgsrc PGP key
Cherry G. Mathew security-team, ia64
David Maxwell security-alert, www PGP key
Gregory McGarry
Zachary McGrew
Dan McMahill pkgsrc, occasional bug fixes, some htdocs PGP key
Jared D. McNeill arm, device drivers, kernel PGP key
Julio Merino PGP key
Thomas Merkel pkgsrc PGP key
Perry E. Metzger PGP key
Luke Mewburn former core PGP key
Jean-Yves Migeon port-xen PGP key
Brook Milligan pkgsrc, occasional bug fixes PGP key
Simas Mockevicius PGP key
Ryosuke Moro PGP key
der Mouse
Youri Mouton pkgsrc, general PGP key
Sijmen J. Mulder pkgsrc PGP key
Siddharth Muralee
Constantine A. Murenin kernel, sysmon and envsys
Joseph Myers PGP key
Alexander Nasonov bpfjit, pkgsrc PGP key
Takeshi Nakayama kernel
Phil Nelson admins, releng, www, coverity scans PGP key
John Nemeth pkgsrc, PAM PGP key
NISHIMURA Takeshi port-x68k mailing list maintainer
Tohru Nishimura pmax, mips, m88k PGP key
NONAKA Kimihiro
Tobias Nygren pkgsrc-security, port-sparc64, pkgsrc on HP-UX and Tru64 PGP key
OBATA Akio pkgsrc PGP key
Tatoku Ogaito PGP key
Masaru Oki PE/COFF (Win32) binary compatibility support PGP key
Rin Okuyama misc bug fixes PGP key
Paolo Vincenzo Olivo pkgsrc, www PGP key
Ryo ONODERA pkgsrc-security, pkgsrc PGP key
Guilherme Salazar Lua PGP key
Atsushi Onoe wireless, ipv4/ipv6 networking, newsmips
Thomas Orgis pkgsrc
Sergey A. Osokin pkgsrc PGP key
Greg Oster RAIDframe PGP key
Ryota Ozaki port-arm, porting software, networking PGP key
Richard Palo pkgsrc PGP key
Lloyd Parkes bugs, kernel, pkgsrc
Travis Paul pkgsrc, htdocs, Dreamcast
Jonathan Perkin pkgsrc, pkgsrc-pmc PGP key
Fredrik Pettai PGP key
Herb Peyerl www PGP key
Matthias Pfaller
Pedro Pinho pkgsrc
Chris Pinnock PGP key
Mateusz Poszwa pkgsrc PGP key
Theodore Preduta kernel, Linux emulation
Pierre Pronchery board, Desktop integration, security PGP key
Ruibiao Qiu
Santhosh Raju kernel, pkgsrc
Maya Rashish security-team
Mindaugas Rasiukevicius
Nils Ratusznik pkgsrc, documentation PGP key
Michael Rauch
Jeremy C. Reed pkg-bug-handler, pkgsrc, www, advocacy, pkgsrc on multiple platforms PGP key
Jens Rehsack pkgsrc
Erik Reid † 2004-02-18
Antoine Reilles pkgsrc PGP key
Jeff Rizzo admins, pkgsrc, releng, port-i386 PGP key
Hans Rosenfeld port-vax, kernel
Niclas Rosenvik pkgsrc PGP key
Steve Rumble port-sgimips PGP key
Rumko pkgsrc PGP key
Kamil Rytarowski desktop PGP key
David Sainty pkgsrc on multiple platforms
SAITOH Masanobu releng
Curt Sampson PGP key
SATO Kazumi
Jan Schaumann PGP key
Matthias Scheler pkgsrc, misc bug fixing PGP key
Keiichi SHIMA
Amitai Schleier pkgsrc, pkgsrc-pmc PGP key
Jonathan Schleifer pkgsrc, security-team PGP key
Eric Schnoebelen † 2019-03-18
Konrad Schroder
Martin Sch�tte PGP key
Lubomir Sedlacik PGP key
Olaf Seibert pkgsrc PGP key
Reed Shadgett www
John R. Shannon pkgsrc
Ryo Shimizu † 2023-05-02 PGP key
Takao Shinohara PGP key
Benny Siegert pkgsrc, releng-pkgsrc, MirBSD support for pkgsrc
Chuck Silvers core, UVM, UBC, misc. kernel PGP key
Thor Lancelot Simon admins, pkgsrc, src PGP key
Nathanial Sloss pkgsrc, src PGP key
Noriyuki Soda admins, www PGP key
Wolfgang Solfrank misc kernel work (currently mostly bug fixing)
J�rg Sonnenberger pkgsrc, pkgsrc-security, security-team PGP key
Ignatios Souvatzis PGP key
Brad Spencer evbarm
T K Spindler admins
Matthew Sporleder admins, pkgsrc PGP key
Bill Squier PGP key
Adrian Steinmann pkgsrc, advocacy PGP key
Bill Studenmund PGP key
Kimmo Suominen admins, pkgsrc, misc PGP key
Gr�goire Sutre PGP key
Sergey Svishchev pkgsrc
Robert Swindells arm32
Leonardo Taccari board, pkg-bug-handler, pkgsrc-security, pkgsrc, www PGP key
Shin'ichiro Taya pkgsrc PGP key
Ulrich Teichert ppc-prep, rs6000
Matt Thomas core, ieee 1394, fddi, networking, vax, alpha, mips, device drivers, smp, ... PGP key
Greg Troxel pkgsrc-pmc, pkgsrc, networking PGP key
Izumi Tsutsui
Masao Uebayashi PGP key
Abhinav Upadhyay apropos(1), makemandb(8), spell(1), and other userland PGP key
Valeriy E. Ushakov hpcsh, javastations PGP key
Andrius Varanavicius device drivers, documentation, general bug fixing and code cleanup PGP key
Paul Vixie
Mike M. Volokhov PGP key
Krister Walfridsson pkgsrc PGP key
Patrick Welche pkgsrc
Lex Wennmacher membership-exec, pkgsrc, misc bug fixing, improving system security (by using file flags) PGP key
Sebastian Wiedenroth pkgsrc
Nathan Williams PGP key
Jim Wise PGP key
YAMAMOTO Takashi former core, I18N
Shoichi Yamaguchi PGP key
David Young ifconfig, text utilities
Arnaud Ysmal
Reinoud Zandijk arm26, arm32 PGP key
S.P.Zeidler admins, releng-pkgsrc, security-team, security-alert, misc PGP key
Tim Zingelman PGP key
Christos Zoulas core, admins, membership-exec, security-officer PGP key