24/7 News Coverage
October 20, 2024
Potential microbial habitats in Martian ice

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Oct 18, 2024
Martian ice deposits may hold conditions suitable for photosynthetic life, according to a recent study published in 'Communications Earth and Environment'. The research suggests that regions of exposed ice in the mid-latitudes of Mars could offer a protective environment for microbial life, shielding it from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation while still allowing enough light for photosynthesis to occur. Mars' surface is exposed to high levels of UV radiation, making it nearly impossible for life ... read more

Sandia evaluates heat shields for Mars Sample Return and Titan missions
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Oct 16, 2024
Sandia National Laboratories' National Solar Thermal Test Facility is utilizing solar energy to simulate the intense heat experienced during atmospheric reentry and hypersonic flight. The latest tes ... more
Perseverance just keeps roving across Mars
Pasadena CA (JPL) Oct 18, 2024
Throughout the past week, Perseverance has continued marching up the Jezero crater rim. This steep ascent through the Martian regolith (soil) can prove to be slow driving for the rover, as the wheel ... more
New Team Evaluates Plans for NASA's Mars Sample Return Program
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Oct 17, 2024
NASA has formed a new strategy review team to assess potential changes in the Mars Sample Return Program's architecture, a significant initiative aimed at returning carefully selected Martian sample ... more
Controlled Propulsion for Gentle Landings
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Oct 13, 2024
The Curiosity and Perseverance Mars rovers continue to provide a wealth of information about the Red Planet. This was made possible in part by the sky crane landin ... more
Previous Issues Oct 18 Oct 17 Oct 16 Oct 15 Oct 14

Lichens Found Thriving at Mars Analog Research Stations
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Oct 13, 2024
Lichens, those resilient organisms made up of fungi and photosynthetic partners, are found just about everywhere on Earth, thriving on surfaces like rocks, trees, and even buildings. Known from all ... more
New insights into how Mars became uninhabitable
Greenbelt MD (SPX) Oct 11, 2024
NASA's Curiosity rover, currently exploring Gale crater on Mars, is providing new details about how the ancient Martian climate went from potentially suitable for life - with evidence for widespread ... more
NASA wants to send humans to Mars in the 2030s
Williamsburg VA (SPX) Oct 11, 2024
NASA plans to send humans on a scientific round trip to Mars potentially as early as 2035. The trip will take about six to seven months each way and will cover up to 250 million miles (402 million k ... more
Cryptic Mars landscape revealed as ice thaws in southern hemisphere
Paris, France (SPX) Oct 10, 2024
ESA's Mars Express has unveiled a striking collection of landforms as winter frost melts in Mars' southern polar region. Some of these darker features, emerging from the ice, have been dubbed "crypt ... more



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Rocket Lab wins NASA contract to study martian rock sample return mission
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Oct 08, 2024
Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) has been chosen by NASA to conduct a study on retrieving rock samples from Mars and transporting them back to Earth. This mission aims to meet key exploration goa ... more
Evidence of volcanic spatter cone on Mars
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Oct 04, 2024
A team led by the University of Idaho has identified what appears to be a volcanic spatter cone on Mars, marking the first confirmed evidence of such a feature on the planet. This discovery was made ... more
Nuclear rockets could travel to Mars in half the time
Atlanta GA (SPX) Oct 04, 2024
NASA plans to send crewed missions to Mars over the next decade - but the 140 million-mile (225 million-kilometer) journey to the red planet could take several months to years round trip. This ... more
A high-energy-density Mars battery designed for long-term missions
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 30, 2024
The extreme environmental conditions on Mars, with its 95.32% carbon dioxide atmosphere and significant temperature fluctuations, pose major challenges for energy storage systems on the planet. To o ... more
Martian rocks shed light on planet's ancient climate
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 26, 2024
Mars' ancient landscape was shaped by wind and water, with these forces sculpting the planet's sand and sediment into patterns such as dunes and ripples, known as bedforms. Over billions of years, m ... more
Mars' missing atmosphere could be hiding in plain sight
Boston MA (SPX) Sep 26, 2024
Mars wasn't always the cold desert we see today. There's increasing evidence that water once flowed on the Red Planet's surface, billions of years ago. And if there was water, there must also have b ... more

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Crew completes simulated Mars Mission at JSC
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 26, 2024
A volunteer crew recently "returned" from a simulated 45-day mission to Mars at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston. The crew completed their stay in a small habitat, contributing to resear ... more
A Striped Surprise
Pasadena CA (JPL) Sep 25, 2024
Last week, team scientists and the internet alike were amazed when Perseverance spotted a black-and-white striped rock unlike any seen on Mars before. Is this a sign of exciting discoveries to come? ... more
Algorithm from Mars Rover assists data analysis for earth sciences
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 22, 2024
A new algorithm called Nested Fusion, developed by Georgia Tech Ph.D. student Austin P. Wright, is enhancing scientists' ability to search for evidence of life on Mars while also providing broader a ... more
Solar Wind effects on Mars' nightside magnetic field revealed
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Sep 20, 2024
A new study led by Postdoctoral Researcher Jiawei Gao from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS), reveals how Mars' magnetic field responds to the influence o ... more
Organic molecules on Mars linked to atmospheric formaldehyde
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Sep 20, 2024
Mars, now a cold and dry planet, once had liquid water, which raises the possibility of ancient life. In pursuit of this idea, researchers at Tohoku University developed a model showing how organic ... more
Study reveals surprising behavior of Mars' induced magnetosphere
Berlin, Germany (SPX) Sep 19, 2024
Researchers at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna have discovered that the induced magnetosphere of Mars can break down under certain conditions. These findings were recently pub ... more
Reaching New Heights to Unravel Deep Martian History!
Pasadena CA (JPL) Sep 17, 2024
The Perseverance rover is reaching new heights as it ascends the rim of Jezero crater (over 300 meters in elevation higher than the original landing site)! The rover is now enroute to its first camp ... more
NASA recreates Mars' Spider formations in lab for the first time
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 15, 2024
NASA scientists have successfully recreated the mysterious spider-shaped formations found on Mars, providing new insights into how these unique geologic features form. The laboratory experiments wer ... more
Gravity study of Mars reveals hidden structures and activity beneath Olympus Mons
Berlin, Germany (SPX) Sep 16, 2024
Recent gravity data from Mars have revealed dense, large-scale features hidden beneath the sediment of a once-extant ocean. The findings, which combine models and data from multiple Mars missions, a ... more
What time is it on the moon? NASA's trying to figure that out
Washington DC (UPI) Sep 12, 2024
NASA said Thursday its Space Communication and Navigation program is taking the lead on an effort to establish a Coordinated Lunar Time standard as humans prepare to return to the moon. ... more
Mars Cloud Atlas offers key insights into atmospheric dynamics
Berlin, Germany (SPX) Sep 12, 2024
Researchers and cloud enthusiasts now have a new resource to explore unique cloud formations on Mars. The German Aerospace Centre (DLR) in Berlin has developed a comprehensive 20-year database of cl ... more
ChemCam Laser Hits 1 Million Zaps on Mars, Continues Data Collection
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 12, 2024
The ChemCam instrument, developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory, has fired its laser for the 1 millionth time on Mars. Positioned atop NASA's Curiosity rover, ChemCam has been key to scientific ... more

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Mars mission: Wurzburg researchers orchestrate swarm of robots
Wurzburg, Germany (SPX) Sep 12, 2024
An enormous canyon stretches across Mars: Valles Marineris is 3,000 kilometres long, 600 kilometres wide and on average eight kilometres deep. Its Latin name goes back to the Mars orbiter "Mariner", ... more
Find Me on the Moon: NASA Seeks Navigation Solutions for Lunar Exploration
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 11, 2024
As part of the Artemis lunar exploration campaign, NASA aims to deepen its understanding of the moon's surface and prepare for future Mars missions. The Artemis missions will target the lunar south ... more
Rover trials demonstrate autonomous sampling capabilities in UK quarry
Paris, France (SPX) Sep 11, 2024
European Space Agency (ESA) engineers are advancing the capabilities of autonomous Mars rovers, as demonstrated in recent trials conducted in a UK quarry. The ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover, nickna ... more
Hubble and MAVEN collaborate to uncover Mars' water loss
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 06, 2024
Mars, once a planet with abundant water, now presents a mystery regarding the fate of its water resources. While scientists believe some water may have gone underground over the past 3 billion years ... more
China targets Mars sample-return mission by 2028
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Sep 06, 2024
China is preparing to launch its Tianwen-3 mission with the aim of returning samples from Mars by 2028, a Chinese space expert revealed on Thursday. Liu Jizhong, the chief designer of the Mars ... more

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