Circularity & Sustainability
Accelerate the transition to a more circular and sustainable construction environment.
Climate Adaptation & Mitigation
Climate Adaptation and Mitigation focuses on preventing (or slowing) global warming, and on adapting the built environment to climate change.
Through digitalization of the building and construction sector, we will be able to build safer, faster and more sustainable.
Energy Transition
Technologies and processes to speed up large scale renovation of existing buildings to reduce the energy demand and integrate technologies for the production, storage and distribution of sustainable energy.
Health in the Built Environment
Studying and simulating healthy behavior, evaluating and acting upon climate change
Future proofing and enhancing sustainability in the renovation and development of infrastructure.
20 Jan 2025
Universiteiten zetten deuren open voor nieuwe vormen van onderwijs, onderzoek en samenwerking
Klimaatverandering, enorme druk op de zorg en krapte op de arbeidsmarkt. De maatschappij staat voor grote uitdagingen. Universiteiten moeten nadenken over hun veranderende positie.
20 Jan 2025
Universities open doors to new forms of teaching, research and collaboration
Climate change, pressure on the healthcare system, and tight labor markets. Society faces major challenges. Universities need to think about their changing position.
7 Oct 2024
Onderzoekers van TU Delft nemen staat van Zeelandbrug onder de loep
Onderzoekers van de TU Delft gaan de staat van de iconische Zeelandbrug uitgebreid monitoren om onzekerheden wat betreft de restlevensduur beter in kaart te brengen. Het vijf kilometer lange fieldlab is vorige maand van start gegaan.
7 Oct 2024
TU Delft researchers take a close look at the condition of the Zeelandbrug
Researchers at TU Delft will extensively monitor the iconic Zeelandbrug's condition to better identify uncertainties regarding its residual lifespan. The five-kilometer field lab started last month.