Writing services

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Essay is a piece of writing directed to discussing certain issues from a specific angle. Based on the point of discussion, essays can be argumentative, descriptive, informative/expository, persuasive, analytical, comparison and contrast, application, and others. Typically, this type of paper requires the following structure: introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs, having both topic and concluding sentences each, and overall conclusion. The tone and style of writing may vary depending on the instructions.

Personal Statement

Personal Statement is the type of paper aimed at informing the admission committee about the applicant's personality. It does not always require discussing working background, education, or plans. It is often about describing personal traits and previous experiences that shaped the applicant's character, vision, and values. Personal statement requires presenting the personality in a manner suitable for entering an establishment or participating in a specific program.

Term paper

Term Paper is a type of writing assignment, which is usually given to perform at the end of a certain course to check what a student has learned over the entire set of sections in this subject/course. It usually requires reviewing literature and conducting extensive theoretical research. This task might have any form and structure, depending on the instructions and professor's requirements.


Coursework is a piece of writing aimed at assessing a student's knowledge at the end of the semester. It is different from multiple choice questions or research papers because it usually needs a practical application of the information obtained during the course. Theoretical research is not that important in coursework. This type of assignment can have any form depending on the professor's choice.

Research paper

Research Paper is an assignment that requires conducting in-depth research, which combines gathering the evidence, systemizing and analyzing it, and using critical thinking. This piece of writing presupposes that the author compares different views obtained through the research of reliable sources and forms his/her own perspective on the topic as a result of thoughtful analysis and critique of data. Based on the structure, complexity and requirements, research papers can be simple and extended.

Research proposal

Research Proposal is a written description of the interest in researching a particular problem. It usually provides the reasons for issue investigation, as well as indicates the methods that will be used to analyze it. This assignment is basically a detailed plan of the extended research paper. It typically consists of introduction, literature review, and methodology, though, sometimes, results and discussion chapters are also required. Research proposal presupposes using future tense of writing.

Grant Proposal

Grand Proposal is a piece of writing, in which the author addresses some private business or organization or governmental authorities asking them to provide the funds for some project. It is not only a written request; it presupposes persuading the addressee with the help of properly chosen arguments. This assignment needs to contain the description of goals and plans as well as explanation of the methodology that will be used. The aim of this piece is to convince the target audience why the proposed project is the best solution to a problem.

Report Writing

Report Writing is a piece of writing that concentrates on a specific topic and presents true facts with no opinion included. It is always formal with the purpose to analyze everything regarding a specific topic/event/subject, support it with the facts and stimulate the audience to make a decision with further actions. The structure of Report Writing should include Introduction, Main Body and Conclusion. Apart from that, Table of Contents, Recommendations and Appendices may be also included.

Reference List

Reference List is a type of academic assignments implying the arrangement of all sources to be used in the required task. Students are usually asked to create the Reference List before starting working on the professor's assignment => submit the Reference List for approval. Sometimes it stands as evidence proving that a student has already started researching the assigned topic. Every entry mentioned in the Reference List should be reflected in the paper and must be properly incorporated in the form of citations. Such entries include details about the author(s), year of publication, publisher, etc., and must be properly formatted according to the chosen citation style (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc). Typical word count rules are not applied (i.e. every page includes as many entries as visual formatting allows).

Problem solving

Problem Solving is a type of paper aimed at identifying a problem, explaining causes of the problem, analyzing possible outcomes and solutions of the problem, providing reasoning behind the best solution. Thesis statement is not required in problem solving writing. While writing problem solving papers, one should usually follow a 4-step procedure: 1) determining the problem; 2) suggesting several solutions; 3) reaching the best solution; 4) executing a final plan that will identify possible variables and extensions of the implemented solution, so that the problem will not happen again.

Case Study

Case Study is aimed at analyzing some business situation, determining potential methods to solve the issue, and offering the most effective one. The solution needs to be based on supporting evidence obtained from the sources. As a rule, this task presupposes answering the set of questions in a question-answer format, but it may require conducting research as well. Rather often, case studies are related to such subjects as management, healthcare, business, psychology, education, sociology, though other ones can have them too.

Case Brief

Case Brief is a piece of writing that summarizes court opinion on the case given and underlines main points in the decision made. It does not require a thesis statement like an essay, but it usually needs to follow the IRAC method. There are other formats that can be used for writing case briefs, but the difference between them and the IRAC method is not considerable. In spite of the format chosen, this task needs to contain facts about the case, citation of the case (should be arranged in Bluebook style), issue (presented as a question), rule of the court, application, conclusion, and other components depending on the requirements.

Discussion Board Post

Discussion Board Post (DBP) is a type of paper that focuses straight on answering the question asked, without introducing the subject or theme. However, the answer should be arranged in a paragraph form, so the paragraphs still need to have the topic and concluding sentences. DBPs often need to create a field for discussion, so students can be asked to respond to other students' posts too. In the peer post response, they must rely on the text of the post and support/disagree/provide additional opinion about the issue.

Concept Map

Concept Map is a way to show the connection between ideas and concepts on a specific topic. This type of assignment does not have a particular form or structure. As a rule, ideas can be provided in tables, graphic organizers, Venn Diagrams, timelines, charts, flowcharts, T-charts, and other forms. The major task one needs to meet in this piece of work is to show how ideas are interrelated. Even though the form can be chosen, concepts need to be provided according to some principle, for example, from general to specific ones or logical sequence.

Reaction paper

Reaction Paper requires providing a written response to one or several readings. The reaction can be based on some questions or a certain topic indicated. One may be asked to compare texts, analyze author's ideas, share impressions, etc. As a rule, the first person pronoun \"I\" is allowed to be used in response papers. Such assignments usually follow typical essay structure and may require a short summary of the reading.

Response paper

Response paper requires providing a written response to one or several readings. The reaction can be based on some questions or a certain topic indicated. One may be asked to compare texts, analyze author's ideas, share impressions, etc. As a rule, the first person pronoun \"I\" is allowed to be used in response papers. Such assignments usually follow typical essay structure and may require a short summary of the reading.

Literary analysis

Literary Analysis is a piece of writing, which provides a critique or evaluation of some literary work (i.e. a novel, poem, fiction book, and others). This type of paper requires having a brief summary, but its major part needs to concentrate on the interpretation of the text. It is necessary to take a certain position when interpreting the text and support it with the evidence.

Article Review

Article Review presupposes addressing an article from a critical perspective. This type of paper does contain a brief summary of the text. However, the task for a major part of the review implies that a student takes a certain position and critically evaluates the content of the article. Presentation of the review needs to be supported with the evidence. In many aspects, article review resembles a book review.

Article Critique

Article Critique is a piece of writing that is supposed to critically evaluate the article. This type of the assignment does not require writing a summary. One needs to address the text from a critical perspective, analyze, interpret, and evaluate it. In contrast to the article review, critique requires taking an objective position and support the analysis with the evidence, omitting emotional approach. Addressing the article, one needs to evaluate it from both perspectives (if possible): positive and negative.

Movie Review

Movie Review is a piece of writing that addresses a movie from a critical perspective. It should be a discussion, not a summary. It is important to combine analytical thinking with a strong personal response. If a review is written in a good way, it gives the readers an original opinion on the movie, without mentioning too many details from the plot.

Movie Critique

Movie Critique is a paper that addresses the movie from the critical objective perspective. It does not need to focus on the feelings evoked, like a movie review does. Its purpose is to criticize the movie production and provide recommendations about the aspects that could be improved to address a greater audience or make the movie more accurate and have a better quality.

Book Report

Book Report is a paper that aims at describing/informing the reader about major characteristics of a book. In this piece of writing, the author needs to provide evidence about the plot, themes, characters for fiction books, and thesis, major topics covered, supporting arguments/ideas, conclusions for non-fiction books, etc. Book report presupposes giving an objective perspective on the text without mentioning one's emotions or evaluating the book.

Book Review

Book Review is a paper that aims to critically evaluate/discuss the book. Unlike book reports, reflection presupposes having subjective approach to the text: an author needs to take a stance and support it with corresponding arguments and examples. This type of paper usually contains a brief overview of the plot, but its major part needs to be focused on the evaluation of significance of the book, as well as addressing its strengths and weaknesses.


Synopsis is a piece of writing that provides either a summary or a brief version of some text or its part, like an article, book, chapter, essay, and others. When working on the synopsis, one needs to read the text, find the most important ideas in it, and then briefly summarize them. Present tense of writing is usually required. Unnecessary details should not be mentioned.


Poem is a piece of writing, in which one refers to poetic lines and line breaks rather than saying anything in a regular manner. If the verse chosen for the poem is free, the rhythm and line length may vary. However, for most poems that tend to follow the form rules of standard poetry, these aspects need to be regulated by the writer. Since poems refer to creative writing, the author can freely use imagination in the process.


Letter is a piece of writing, in which the author tries to achieve a certain goal: inform, warn, argue, complain, persuade, encourage, express concerns, etc. Depending on the purpose, various types of letters exist. Based on the addressee, such text can be formal or informal. As a rule, in any letter, it is necessary to directly address the receiver in a polite manner, introduce the issue/topic, discuss it, express gratitude for devoting time to reading/consideration, and sign the letter.

Motivation letter

Motivation Letter is a kind of written work, in which a person describes their motivation and qualification characteristics in order to apply for an academic program. One needs to specify the background (both professional and academic) for the ambition, preference, and sustainability for the educational facility/the chosen program it offers. Such letters need to concern the author's future, namely goals and plans.


Memorandum, also known as memo, is a piece of writing that is used for internal communications in various establishments and organizations. As a rule, it is a short message that is aimed at persuading or just informing the addressee about something. Style of writing needs to be formal. Memo should be concise, straight to the point, and properly organized. Memorandum has a peculiar structure, which is similar to that of a formal letter.

Scholarship essay

Scholarship essay serves for persuading a college, university or any other educational establishment to provide an applicant with the scholarship. This piece of writing presupposes addressing the organization's goals directly and telling about personal experience. In this type of paper, the writer can use the first person pronoun \"I\" because it requires sharing his/her personal information, attitude, perception, and other points.

Article writing

Article Writing is a type of work that requires creating a piece of information for publishing in a newspaper, journal or magazine. Depending on the instructions, the aim of the article may differ: either propagate some piece of news, debate or analyze a topic, or discuss the research outcomes. The major task of an author is to catch the reader's attention and keep in mind that the article should address a wide audience, which might be diverse, so the style of writing is less formal than the one used in the reports.

Blog Article

Blog Article, also known as a blog post (do not confuse with discussion board post), is a piece of writing (usually an article), published in a personal or organizational blog (on a blog page or website). The use of \"I\" is allowed, since the style of writing of this piece is usually semi-formal or informal and is personalized. The writer might tell a personal story, share personal experiences and/or perspectives, etc.

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography is a paper aimed at summarizing and evaluating the sources chosen for the future research. It does not have a typical essay structure: the reference is followed by its one-two paragraph annotation. Annotation contains the evidence from the source, which can be valuable for the research on a certain topic. Annotated bibliography can be an independent task or a part of a bigger assignment, usually a research paper or thesis.

Literature Review

Literature Review is typically a part of the research paper. For this piece, one needs to find the sources that focus on the specified topic. The review of information available in the readings obtained serves as a background for the research to be conducted. The aspects that are not addressed in the sources or the lack of information on certain points create the reason for researching the issue.


Outline is a piece of writing, in which one needs to create a general plan of a paper. This plan indicates the list of arguments to be addressed by the writer in an order that will appear in the final paper. Depending on the details provided, an outline can be simple and extended. In simple outline, the structure of the paper is demonstrated through the section headings and their subtopics. Extended outline presupposed writing a plan in full sentences and addressing the ideas rather than subtopics arranged in the form of the headings. Rather often, extended outline needs in-text citations and a reference list on a separate page.

Online Test

Online Test is used to measure the knowledge of a student on a given topic. Examination is done online and it usually has a tight deadline. This assignment can be in the form of a multiple choice question or questions-answers. As usual, students receive a link to the online exam. The results become visible immediately afterwards, whereas sometimes students must wait for professor's check. Online tests are usually counted according to the formula 5 questions per page.


The type Questions-Answers (Q-A) consists of the questions and answers written in a paragraph form. Answers should be succinct. Questions per se are not included in the word count. The type Q-A does not require introduction and conclusion sections. However, each paragraph should have a topic and concluding sentences. Questions-Answers assignments rely on specific word count rules (either 300 words per page or 5 questions per one page - depending on the task). Clients can always ask Support Team to assist, if they do not know how to count the number of pages correctly.

Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) is a type of the paper where the task is to choose a correct answer to the question. By and large, one has to choose a correct item from a limited list of choices. MCQ consists of a stem and answers. The stem can be in the form of a problem, a question or an incomplete sentence. Multiple Choice Questions are usually counted according to the formula 5 questions per page.


The type Interview implies a conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee (one person or group of people). The interviewer prepares a set of pointed questions on a particular theme. The interviewee should reply to the aforementioned questions. As usual, the interview includes different viewpoints on a certain matter.


Questionnaire includes the list of printed or written questions aimed at receiving information on the assigned topic. Statistical information that is gathered from a group of individuals can be used in a study or a survey. There are different types of questionnaire: ranking, open or close-ended, rating, multiple or single responses, etc.


The type Speech is used to convey a specific message to the audience. There are different types of speeches depending on the goal one wants to achieve. The speech can be persuasive, informative, entertaining, instructional, on a special occasion, etc. Prewriting stage is crucial when it comes to preparing an excellent speech. This stage should include the analysis of the audience, purpose establishment, creating a 'hook', etc.


Dissertation is an in-depth research project on a particular subject. Basically, this piece of writing is used to obtain a PhD degree. The paper should be based on the strong evidence gathered with the help of the quantitative or qualitative methods. Sometimes, both methods are applied. It is particularly important to present a unique perspective on the topic.

Dissertation chapter - Abstract

Dissertation Chapter- Abstract is a summary of the dissertation, which is completed in a highly condensed form. It is presented before the main text and is usually one paragraph long. An abstract should outline only the most significant points and findings of the research. It reveals the essence of the paper and helps the reader to know what exactly it is about. Since it is vital for an abstract to present the outcomes of the dissertation, it is written after the rest of the text is completed.

Dissertation chapter - Introduction

Dissertation Chapter - Introduction is the first chapter of the dissertation. It should clearly state the problem under discussion, purpose and significance of the study. It is essential to draw the reader's attention with a strong beginning, so the introduction should narrow down the focus and show the relevance of the research. Furthermore, the introduction helps the reader to determine the objectives, the research questions, and the hypotheses of the dissertation. After a brief overview of the research area, the methodology, the theoretical approach, the structure of the dissertation, etc. are presented. The introductory chapter should provide a strong thesis statement to reveal the essence of the research.

Dissertation chapter - Hypothesis

Dissertation Chapter - Hypothesis is an educated guess on the outcome of the dissertation. It is based on the experimental data or existing theoretical knowledge. Depending on the research question(s), there may be several hypothesis statements presented. Any hypothesis should be testable by observations, experiments, data analysis or other scientific methodologies which can refute or support the statement. There are a few things to remember when writing any type of hypothesis. First of all, it is imperative that the hypothesis chapter provides the reader with the background information on the subject and all the details about the study field. For this reason, it often appears right after the introductory part. Secondly, to make a good hypothesis, it would be better to present it in two statements, which are the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. Finally, the hypothesis should clearly present one's thoughts devoid of ambiguity.

Dissertation chapter - Literature review

Dissertation Chapter - Literature Review is a scientific analysis of scholarly sources containing relevant methods, theories and gaps in the current research. A good literature review is not a simple summary of books and journal articles on a specific topic. It should always involve identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing the sources and debates on the existing research.This way it provides a clear description of the scientific theories and knowledge on the subject. A perfect literature review is a good basis to establish and develop methodology and a theoretical framework for the research. Furthermore, it shows how the dissertation contributes to a debate or addresses an existing gap in the research question.

Dissertation chapter - Methodology

Dissertation Chapter - Methodology outlines specific methods used by a writer to research a chosen question. Apart from the explanation of what techniques and approaches were used to solve the problem, this chapter should also provihods were applied. A good methodology chapter also provides clarification of why each particulde some justification of the chosen methods and a detailed description of how these metar method or technique would be the perfect choice for answering the given research question. There are multiple types of techniques one can choose to investigate a specific research question. All primary data collection procedures can be divided into two main groups - qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative research techniques do not involve any numbers or calculations and are best for describing and interpreting specific phenomena or concepts. Qualitative methods are a good choice for measuring, ranking and making generalizations as they are based on mathematical calculations and statistics.

Dissertation chapter - Results

Dissertation Chapter - Results presents and organizes the findings in a concise and objective way for the reader's understanding. Only relevant results should be included and presented in the most digestible and comprehensive format possible. It is recommended to include tables, graphs and charts, especially for quantitative research. This type of research usually deals with the results of statistical analysis, so such visual elements will be very helpful for the reader's comprehension. Apart from numbers, there should be a detailed summary or elaboration on specific aspects presented by tables and figures.

Dissertation chapter - Discussion

Discussion Chapter - Discussion gives a detailed analysis, examination, and synthesis of the findings. It should contain a short and descriptive summary of all results, their implication, research limitations, and recommendations for further study. In general, the section makes a student discuss outcomes in light of conceptual framework, literature review, and research hypothesis/questions.

Dissertation chapter - Conclusion

Dissertation Chapter - Conclusion implies reaffirming the thesis and presenting a set of final statements. Conclusions are grounded on the interpretation of the study results. The chapter demonstrates the researcher's contribution to practice and theory in their field and ends the dissertation with clear and powerful messages that are logically connected.


Thesis is an academic assignment aiming at examining an issue in depth with a disputed statement and evidence to support the point. It offers a unique view on the topic and includes the following sections: abstract, introduction, review of literature, research methodology, outcomes, discussion, and general conclusion. Quantitative and qualitative methods are used to obtain evidence. Thesis usually refers to the Master's course

Thesis Proposal

Thesis Proposal is a research paper draft written in the future tense. It expresses interest in a particular problem, reasons for study, and methods used to address the problem under consideration. Abstract, introduction, literature review, and methodology are obligatory sections, whereas results and discussion/conclusion are not always required and should be mentioned in the instructions.

Thesis/dissertation chapter

Thesis/Dissertation Chapter is a section consisting of essential elements common to most theses/dissertations. Typically, the main chapters are as follows: abstract, introduction, hypothesis, review of existing literature, research methodology, findings, discussion interpreting the results, and conclusion. Every chapter serves a certain purpose. However, the size and order of chapters may differ between departments and institutions.

Capstone Project

Capstone Project is an extended paper similar to a thesis, but it focuses on a narrow, clear topic. It usually assists students in developing a practical project and ends in a performance, product, or presentation, as well as any other communication format. Most projects follow standard sections: abstract, introduction, review of literature, research methodology, results of the study, and discussion/conclusion. The number of pages is around 20-25, not including references and appendices.

IB Extended Essay

IB Extended Essay is one of the mandatory essentials of the IB Diploma Programme. It is a piece of independent research on a topic of one's choice, not exceeding 4,000 words. Students are required to provide a mini-thesis written under the supervision of an advisor/mentor. Typically, this type of academic assignments includes: an abstract, table of contents, introduction, body paragraphs (including methodology), and conclusion.

Lab Report

Lab Report is a piece of writing that provides a formal record of the outcome of an experiment. It is aimed at describing exactly what occurred during an experiment, examining the results, and providing a conclusion. The description of procedures, objectives and results should be clear enough so that the interested audience could replicate the experiment. A lab report usually includes: abstract, introduction, procedures (or methods), results/discussion, conclusion, and appendices. A good lab report does not only present data, but shows one's comprehension of the concepts behind the data.

Business Report

Business Report is a fact-based document that describes some particular problem or aspect and is used to make decisions in a business. It contains impersonal information applicable for the course of business or commerce, such as statistical data, facts and research findings, etc. It should be written in a succinct yet distinct manner allowing the reader to skim the report and identify key elements.

Business plan

Business Plan is a documented description of a business that emphasizes its goals and ways for achieving them. Such information helps to identify one's business idea, notice possible issues, set out goals, and measure one's progress. Poor plan or no plan is the main reason for business failure. A good business plan should include an executive summary, services or products, marketing strategy, financial plan, etc.

Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan is a document written for the purpose of describing a company's marketing strategy for the upcoming period, usually including specific actions to be taken and desired results. It assists in the growth of the business by observing effective marketing strategies. As a rule, it contains the following key elements: a statement of the marketing situation, a detailed research of current market trends and a list of actions to be taken to achieve the desirable goals within some specific time period. The structure and components ofa marketing plan may vary depending on the company and its objectives.

White paper

White Paper is a government report aimed at informing the reader on a certain subject, describing the issue and offering its solution, presenting technical information, etc. In addition, it can be an informational document issued by a non-profit organization to promote a product, technology or service, and provide persuasive evidence regarding an effective method of handling a challenge or a problem. White papers are typically written in an academic style and have a formal tone mainly due to considerable amount of research and data.


Formatting is a type of assignment which refers to the layout of the page. Visualization of the paper is crucial here (font, paragraph structure, margins and indentation should be strictly followed). Each formatting style has specific rules to be followed precisely (for example, APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, or any other style specified by the client).


The type Editing includes structure and substantive editing as well as proofreading. Editing consists of word choice consideration as well as correction of sentence structure and grammatical errors. In addition, this type involves checking spelling, punctuation and other style rules. By and large, editing helps to polish the work to perfection.


Proofreading is ordered to catch and fix mistakes in spelling, formatting, punctuation and obvious grammar mistakes. It is usually done before the paper is published or submitted. The sentence structure should not be changed, though. There are 4 types of proofreading: academic, business, translation and print media.


Rewriting presupposes changing entire sentences or some parts of the paper making them more elaborate and meaningful. Formatting, proofreading and editing are included in this type of assignment. This type is based on paraphrasing of the text by rearranging the material.


Revision is a type of assignment which involves changing the paper based on specific comments provided. It may include changing formatting, checking and verifying references and in-text citations, making changes in the content and fixing grammar mistakes. Usually specific comments are provided in order to fulfill each request precisely. This type is used to improve the paper and make it more appropriate for a particular purpose.

PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation is created with the help of the Microsoft Office Suite program called PowerPoint. It requires some research like any other type of assignment. Once the research process is completed, the collected material should be evaluated and presented in a concise way. It combines text and images. Visual information is used to captivate and motivate the audience while the text is presented in bullet points and expresses the main ideas on the given topic. Long PPTs also require an outline on the 1st or the 2nd slide as it is essential for a PPT to be well structured and provide the information in a logical and coherent manner. Moreover, speaker notes can be added under each slide, to make it easier for the audience to perceive and understand the material.

PowerPoint Presentation Poster

PowerPoint Presentation Poster is a piece of writing visually communicating key research points on one slide. It usually includes a few sections of the text (i.e. abstract, introduction, research questions, methods, findings, discussion/evaluation, and conclusion), figures, and graphs broken into columns. One page of PPT Poster includes 300 words. If ordered, speaker notes require original text added under the slide (100-150 words per one page of the order PPT Poster).

PDF Poster

PDF Poster is a piece of writing alternative to PPT which presents information using texts and graphs. PDF Posters should be visually attractive (photos, graphs, tables included) with some research conducted. It is usually a single extended PDF page with a specific content and layout. Speaker Notes may be also added upon request (100-150 words per one page of PDF Poster).

Excel Exercises

Excel Exercises are aimed at demonstrating one's Microsoft Excel skills. With the help of practical exercises, students learn how to use spreadsheets to organize numbers and data with formulas and functions, perform financial analysis, create charts and graphs, make calculations, etc. As a rule, students are required to master special Excel skills in Accounting, Finance and other data-oriented disciplines.

Math Problem

Math Problem is common to Excel Exercises, but completed in MS Word program. It implies solving math problems while responding to the teacher's prompts. Math problem can be represented, analyzed, and solved afterwards with the help of mathematics. There can be both real and abstract math problems to be solved in different disciplines. Solutions in math problems can be reached in words or with the help variables and numbers.

Paper Analysis

"Paper Analysis" option is offered by our most experienced Editors that will help you receive a good grade. Your paper will include comments about the overall structure; if ideas/arguments are clear and coherent; if general academic writing standards were followed; if the paper is well-researched, etc. You are free to use this option, if you have already written your assignment and want to receive comments from a professional Editor about aspects to be reconsidered in your paper.

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