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This game is so spooky and unsettling. I really like the story and the odd characters in it! 


Thank you for the steam key , it is truly a great game.


Great indie psychological horror game. I have completed all achievements of your game in Steam version. But, the key with locked door is still mystery

Deleted 30 days ago

good game it was cool and creepy

Thank You.


I dont think I got the true ending, but I really liked it!!!

WoW, it was so entertaining to watch, thank you so much :)


VERY interesting, absolutely loved it once it clicked and reading the "about the ending" blog has confirmed my final thoughts

PLEASE keep creating art, i havent had an "aha!" moment like this in a while

Deleted 60 days ago

oh my god thank you so much, your comment was really heart warming :) We'd really appreciate it if you could leave some stars for the game.

wish you the best. 

Slm . Hamkari konim?

Deleted 61 days ago

How do I fix the game if it stays at 69%

(1 edit) (+1)

we will release an update tomorrow


I gotta know the name of the intro/menu song man🙏😭

this is the talented musican behind it:


one can add to myself library this game ?


That was awesome!! My friend Tetch and I really tried to solve what was going on. We have a solid theory about the story, that we discuss, but we were still stumped about the locked door lol...Anyways, one of the best psychological PSX horror games we've played =) We really really liked it!!! Please let us know if you need any more playthroughs. We love these kinds of games!!!

*apologies, there's a black section later in the playthrough because I forgot to unhide my video lol*


we actually watched the whole video and it was so good, thank you so much


no problem!! looking forward to your next game =)


I can't play, the loading screen stays in 65

what's your operating system and system specs?

and double check the number is it 65 or 69?

Windows 10 and the number is 69.

Deleted 62 days ago

Good game

Check my videos and subscribe

Nice! We'd really appreciate it if you could leave some stars for the game.


what a great game!

Great video! Subbed! We'd really appreciate it if you could leave some stars for the game.


Have you ever questioned your  sanity cause I have , this has way about creeping the  conversations , the items around the home  is she crazy or am I.

my lets play dorps today  @7:30pm  est. 

thank you, the video is great.


no problem and thank you for watching 


I commented before saying how much I loved the game, and that I will post my video, so here it is!

I never post my videos in the comments of the games, but man I loved this one, and I want the developers to see it, and comment on my theories or what I thought, because I desperately want answers! haha

Also, if anyone, at whatever point, manages to open that damn locked door, please let me know!!!

(1 edit)

Great video! 

really?? that's awesome! can you tell me something about the last part? (spoilers) when the "find meaning in the loop" objective appears? because that almost broke me! 

Also, talking about breaking, I did end up playing on my own, and I figured out a way to break the game in the woods, and just wander through the map and also fall from it

(9 edits) (+1)(-1)

Heavy Spoilers


ok so we are going to explain that part too lol, the story is based on the "sisyphus" story and more specifically reminiscent of a paper that albert camus wrote called " the myth of sisyphus", which suggests that one must imagine sisyphus happy, and the only way that sisyphus can overcome the loop is to actually find some sort of meaning in the loop and do it willingly, does that help?

it's all metaphorical!


Ooohh!! that makes a lot of sense, thanks for responding! I think I wasn't that far off.

And yeah, well I think that's the fun part of doing creative work, that people have their reactions and sometimes, we as spectators/consumers, go crazy trying to find the meaning hahaha


what a fascinating game!



thank you for saving me from the wrong one lol



Any nudity in this game? I want to stream it.

Nope! There isn't any nudity!

is there another ending?


unfortunately we cannot tell

after caseoh played the game everyone is asking us about the endings and the moment we tell that, the fun will be ruined for everyone .

so we are waiting for everyone to figure it out


Is there any actual way to get into the locked room? Considering this game was free this was absolutely an amazing experience! Cheers to you for such a well crafted game 

well I guess nobody will ever know lol 

Thank you so much for your kind comment, it really means a lot to us


I didn't have the chance to say it when I first recorded my playthrough, but the amount of audio detail is phenomenal! I was so immersed that I completely thought this crazy woman was still in the opposite room of me.  The part where she makes your beverage is actually being made in the background and I thought that was a nice touch.

I did notice other subtle details, some were even funny to me, but people need to actually play this themselves and just appreciate how much care was put into this game.

I look forward to playing your future games as well!

(1 edit)

Wow such a Professional Editing! your comments and jokes were funny af ngl.

loved it, thank you so much.


Work of genius and exactly what I needed in my life right now. Thank you.

Glad to hear that. We'd really appreciate it if you could leave some stars for the game.

Deleted 62 days ago

It’s a known windows thing. On windows if you switch window or a pop up or something appears, this problem can occur. Restarting the game should fix the issue.


This person is a troll. Just reported the comment. The game was great. Hope to see more like it.


Thank you for your support and kind words!

Deleted 62 days ago


Deleted 62 days ago

This game  is outstanding in every way. I want more!

Loved it! You do have an eye for details :) Thank You

Can you please confirm that is the ending? 

if we answer that question, the fun will be overrrrr

we can't tell for sure :)

Thats annoying I will let the people know that unhelpful answer.

we really do not know what to do really, we are afraid that if we explain everything, people will stop experiencing themselves and just stop speculating the game.

at least give us sometime to think.


I loved it! 

Please play this game, is a horror game that starts like any other, but soon it becomes something else... Also, after the credits (spoilers) you can go back and a new objective is revealed: find meaning in the loop (or something like that) and I couldn't!

When I can (right now I'm kind of broke) I'll buy it so I can get the additional stuff and see if there are secrets I missed!

Oh! and I recorded it, I'll post it here, I never post my videos on the pages because I want to post my honest opinion always, but I want it so more people can see the game and also! maybe the developers would tell me if I'm missing anything! (that or I'm reading way to much into the game haha)
(1 edit)

thank you, it means so much to us that you loved the game honestly, the whole joy of making a game is knowing that someone somewhere loved your game.

also we would be glad to discuss the ending and the video of course :)


oh that's so awesome!!! yeah of course, I'll probably upload the video next week by Friday maybe, but I'll definitely post it here then!! :D


This was a fun little game. I was thinking a time loop, then maybe I was senile, then maybe she was a killer, that ending was awesome, unexpected and really great! I enjoyed the voice acting too, always appreciated. I recommend completely. Here is my gameplay video! Sub and help my channel grow!

wow the video was super entertaining, loved it, thank you so much


I will be playing this live tomorrow 5/4 around 630-7 PM Est =).


Good game with a good premise

(1 edit)

Lol nice Gameplay. I laughed hard with your commentary couple of times!


Had fun making this video

that was  pretty fun, thank you so much for playing our game.

no problem, I will prolly check out more by you. Love sharing the support and helping get word out about this game!!


Nice this was really great game I like it very much well done keep it up!

Thanks! We'd really appreciate it if you could leave some stars for the game.

9/10 here the stars I don't give a full score, but yes, out of nine, ten is very good :3


albert camus would be proud lol


I really like the aesthetic of this game. Short but it was fun!


it is realy unic,And of course philosophical but very very short.


good shit, legit.