Front cover image for Innovation systems in the service economy : measurement and case study analysis

Innovation systems in the service economy : measurement and case study analysis

"Innovation Systems in the Service Economy: Measurement and Case Study Analysis presents contributions which increase the understanding of the role of services in the development of the division of labor in modern economies. This volume is devoted to the elaboration and understanding of the following two themes. First, service firms can be innovative in their own right even though the process of innovation and the kinds of innovation may be different from those traditionally associated with manufacturing and other primary activities. Second, service firms and associated activities play an important role in the evolving division of creative labor which is constituted by modern innovation systems."--BOOK JACKET
Print Book, English, ©2000
Kluwer Academic, Boston, ©2000
Kongress Manchester 1998
viii, 339 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
9780792377306, 0792377303
Ch. 1. Introduction, Overview and Reprise / J.S. Metcalfe and I. Miles
Ch. 2. Distributed Innovation Systems and Instituted Economic Processes / B. Andersen, J.S. Metcalfe and B.S. Tether
Ch. 3. Innovation as a Loosely Coupled System in Services / J. Sundbo and F. Gallouj
Ch. 4. Recombination and the Production of Technological Knowledge: Some International Evidence / C. Antonelli
Ch. 5. Innovation, Measurement and Services: The New Problematique / R. Coombs and I. Miles
Ch. 6. Rethinking Innovation Comparisons between Manufacturing and Services: The Experience of the CBR SME Surveys in the UK / A. Hughes and E. Wood
Ch. 7. Service Innovation: What Makes It Different? Empirical Evidence from Germany / B. Preissl
Ch. 8. Information Flows and Knowledge Creation in Knowledge-Intensive Business Services: Scheme for a Conceptualization / C. Hipp
Ch. 9. Indicators of Manufacturing and Service Innovation: Their Strengths and Weaknesses / A. Kleinknecht
Ch. 10. Structural Change and Technological Externalities in the Service Sector: Some Evidence from Italy / G. Antonelli, G. Cainelli and N. De Liso / [and others]
Ch. 11. Information Technologies in Non-Knowledge Services: Innovations on the Margin? / K. Ducatel
Ch. 12. Innovation in Services: The Dynamics of Control Systems in Investment Banking / P. Nightingale and R. Poll
Ch. 13. Research and Technology Outsourcing and Systems of Innovation / J. Howells
Ch. 14. Horndal at Heathrow? Incremental Innovation Through Procedural Change at a Congested Airport / B.S. Tether and J.S. Metcalfe
List of Invited Participants to CRIC Workshops
Based on 2 workshops held at the ESRC Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition in 1998
Based on 2 workshops held at the ESRC Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition in 1998