Front cover image for Poems


To the nineteenth-century reader, George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824), was the archetype of the Romantic literary hero, a figure admired and emulated as much for the revolutionary panache with which he lived his life as the brio and allure of his verse. Our century has seen him more clearly as a poet whose intellectual toughness, satiric gifts, and utter inability to be boring have made him one of the great comic spirits in our literature
Print Book, English, 1994
A.A. Knopf : Distributed by Random House, New York, 1994
288 pages ; 17 cm.
9780679436300, 0679436308
The poet's life: 'My heart leaps up when I behold'
'I wandered lonely as a cloud'
'She was a phantom of delight'
The sparrow's nest
To the cuckoo
To a butterfly
'Among all lovely things my love had been'
'The sun has long been set'
A complaint
A night-piece
Expostulation and reply
The tables turned
The solitary reaper
'Yes, full surely 'twas the echo'
Lines written at a small distance from my house
Lines written in early spring
' A whirl-blast from behind the hill'
Airey-force valley
Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey
The small celandine
Resolution and independence
Ode: Intimations of immortality
From The prelude (1805 version) Books one and two. Memorial poems: "A slumber did my spirit seal'
'She dwelt among the untrodden ways'
'Strange fits of passion have I known'
'Surprised by joy
impatient as the wind'
Lucy Gray; or, Solitude
'Three years she grew in sun and shower'
'I travelled among unknown men'
There was a boy
The two April mornings
A poet's epitaph. Sonnets: 'The world is too much with us'
'It is beauteous evening, calm and free'
Composed upon Westminster Bridge
London, 1802
'Nuns fret not at their convent's narrow room'
'With ships the sea was sprinkled far and nigh'
'Dear Native Brooks your ways have I pursued'
'Great Men have been among us'
To Toussaint L'Ouverture
The River Duddon. Narrative and dramatic poems: Animal tranquility and decay
The old Cumberland beggar
The sailor's mother
Goody Blake and Harry Gill
We are seven
Alice fell; or, poverty
The ruined cottage
The thorn
The idiot boy. Index of first lines
Cover title: Byron
Includes index