ISO basic Latin alphabet
Aa Bb Cc Dd
Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt
Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz

Z (named zed /ˈzɛd/ or zee /ˈz/)[1] is the twenty-sixth and final letter of the ISO basic Latin alphabet.


Name and pronunciation [link]

In most dialects of English, the letter's name is zed /ˈzɛd/, reflecting its derivation from the Greek zeta, but in American English, its name is zee /ˈz/, deriving from a late 17th century English dialectal form.[2]

Another English dialectal form is izzard /ˈɪzərd/. It dates from the mid-18th century and probably derives from Occitan izèda or the French ézed, whose reconstructed Latin form would be *idzēta,[1] perhaps a popular form with a prosthetic vowel.

Other languages spell the letter's name in a similar way: zeta in Italian, Spanish and Icelandic, zäta in Swedish, zet in Dutch, Polish, Romanian and Czech, zæt in Danish, zett in Norwegian and German, zède in French, and in Portuguese.

Several languages lacking the /z/ phoneme render it as /ts/, e.g. zeta /tsetɑ/ or /tset/ in Finnish. In Mandarin Chinese pinyin the name of the letter Z is pronounced [tsɨ], although the English zed and zee have become very common.

History [link]

PhoenicianZ-01.png EtruscanZ-01.svg Zeta uc lc.svg

Semitic [link]

The name of the Semitic symbol was zayin which was the seventh letter and possibly meant "weapon". It represented either z as in English and French, or possibly more like /dz/ (as in Italian zeta, zero).

Greek [link]

The Greek form of Z was a close copy of the Phoenician symbol I, and the Greek inscriptional form remained in this shape throughout ancient times. The Greeks called it zeta, a new name made in imitation of eta (η) and theta (θ).

In earlier Greek of Athens and Northwest Greece, the letter seems to have represented /dz/; in Attic, from the 4th century BC onwards, it seems to have been either /zd/ or a /dz/, and in fact there is no consensus concerning this issue. In other dialects, as Elean and Cretan, the symbol seems to have been used for sounds resembling the English voiced and unvoiced th (IPA /ð/ and /θ/, respectively). In the common dialect (κοινη) that succeeded the older dialects, ζ became /z/, as it remains in modern Greek.

Etruscan [link]

In Etruscan, Z may have represented /ts/.

Latin [link]

In Old Latin, the consonant /z/ (written s) developed into /r/ by rhotacism and a symbol for /z/ became useless. It was therefore removed from the alphabet around 300 BC by the Censor Appius Claudius Caecus, and a new letter, G, was put in its place soon thereafter.

In the 1st century BC, Z was introduced again at the end of the Latin alphabet to accurately represent the sound of the Greek zeta. The letter Z appeared only in Greek words, and is the only letter besides Y that the Romans took directly from Greek, rather than from Etruscan.

Earlier zeta was transliterated as s at the beginning and ss in the middle of words, as in sōna for ζώνη "belt" and trapessita for τραπεζίτης "banker".

In Vulgar Latin, Greek zeta seems to have represented (IPA /dj/), and later (IPA /dz/); d replaced /z/ in words like baptidiare for baptizare "baptize", while conversely Z appears for /di/ in forms like zaconus, zabulus, for diaconus "deacon", diabulus, "devil". Z was also written for the consonant J, which changed from an approximant in Latin to a fricative in the Romance languages, as in zunior for junior "younger".

Last letter of the alphabet [link]

In earlier times, the English alphabets used by children terminated not with Z but with & or related typographic symbols. [1] In her 1859 novel Adam Bede, George Eliot refers to Z being followed by & when she makes Jacob Storey say, "He thought it [Z] had only been put to finish off th' alphabet like; though ampusand would ha' done as well, for what he could see."[3]

Blackletter Z [link]

A glyph variant of Z originating in the medieval Gothic minuscules and the Early Modern Blackletter typefaces is the "tailed z" (German geschwänztes Z, also Z mit Unterschlinge). In some Antiqua typefaces, this letter is present as a standalone letter or in ligatures. Together with long s (ſ), it is the origin of the ß ligature in the German alphabet.

Z in an Antiqua typeface may be identical with the character representing 3 in other fonts.

A graphical variant of tailed Z is Ezh, as adopted into the International Phonetic Alphabet as the sign for the voiced postalveolar fricative. Tailed Z is to be distinguished from the similar insular G and yogh found in Old English, Irish, Middle English, etc.

Unicode assigns codepoints U+2128 black-letter capital z (HTML: ℨ) and U+1D537 𝔷 fraktur small z (HTML: 𝔷) in the Letterlike Symbols and Mathematical alphanumeric symbols ranges respectively.

Use in English [link]

Early English used S alone for both the unvoiced and the voiced sibilant. The Latin sound imported through French was new and was not written with Z but with G or I. The successive changes can be well seen in the double forms from the same original, jealous and zealous. Both of these come from a late Latin zelosus, derived from the imported Greek ζῆλος zêlos. The earlier form is jealous; its initial sound is the [dʒ] which developed to Modern French [ʒ]. John Wycliffe wrote the word as gelows or ielous.

Z at the end of a word was pronounced ts, as in English assets, from Old French asez "enough" (Modern French assez), from Vulgar Latin ad satis ("to sufficiency").[4]

Z represents /ʒ/ in words like azure, seizure. More often, this sound appears as su or si in words such as measure, decision, etc. In all these words, /ʒ/ developed from earlier /zj/ by yod-coalescence.

Few words in the Basic English vocabulary begin with Z, though it occurs in words beginning with other letters. It is the most rarely used letter in written English.[5] It is more common in American English than in British English, as with the endings -ize/-ise and -ization/-isation, where the American spelling is derived from Greek and the British from French. One native Germanic English word that contains z, freeze (past froze, participle frozen) came to be spelled that way by convention, even though it could have been spelled with s (as with choose, chose, chosen).

Zzz or zzzz is used in writing to represent the act of sleeping. It is used because human snoring often sounds like the pronunciation of the letter.

Use in other languages [link]

Z stands for /z/ in Albanian, Breton, Czech, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Slovak, and the International Phonetic Alphabet. It stands for /ts/ in Chinese pinyin, Danish, Finnish, and German. In Italian, it represents two phonemes, /ts/ and /dz/. Castilian Spanish uses the letter to represent /θ/ (as English th in thing), though in other dialects (Latin American, Andalusian) this sound has merged with /s/. In Portuguese, it stands for /z/ in most cases, but also for /s/ or /ʃ/ (depending on the regional variant) at the end of syllables.

The letter Z on its own represents /z/ in the Polish language. It is also used in four of the seven officially recognized digraphs: cz (/t​͡ʂ/), dz (/d​͡z/ or /t​͡s/), rz (/ʐ/ or /ʂ/) and sz (/ʂ/); and is the most frequently used of the consonants in that language. (Other Slavic languages avoid digraphs and mark the corresponding phonemes with the háček (caron) accent: č, ď, ř, š; this system has its origin in Czech orthography of the Hussite period.) Two more Polish digraphs include Z with diacritical marks: dź (/d​͡ʑ/ or /t​͡ɕ/) and dż (/d​͡ʐ/ or /t​͡ʂ/).

Among non-European languages that have adopted the Latin alphabet, z usually stands for [z], such as in Azerbaijani, Igbo, Indonesian, Shona, Swahili, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, and Zulu.

In the Kunrei-shiki and Hepburn romanisations of Japanese, ⟨z⟩ stands for a phoneme whose allophones include [z] and [dz].

In mathematics, U+2124 double-struck capital z is used to denote the set of integers.

Related letters and other similar characters [link]

U+0369 ͩ greek capital letter zeta (HTML: ͩ), U+03B6 ζ greek small letter zeta (HTML: ζ ζ)

Computing codes [link]

character Z z


character encoding decimal hex decimal hex
Unicode 90 005A 122 007A
UTF-8 90 5A 122 7A
Numeric character reference Z Z z z
EBCDIC family 233 E9 169 A9
ASCII 1 90 5A 122 7A

1 and all encodings based on ASCII, including the DOS, Windows, ISO-8859 and Macintosh families of encodings.

Other representations [link]

Zh [link]

Zh is used in English to transliterate the Cyrillic letter Ж, for instance in the surnames of Leonid Brezhnev and Marshal Zhukov.

In English-transliterated Tamil script, zh is used to represent ழ U+0BB4 (, [ɹ]).

See also [link]

References [link]

  1. ^ a b "Z" Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition (1989); Merriam-Webster's Third New International
  2. ^ One early use of "zee": Lye, Thomas (1969) [2nd ed., London, 1677]. A new spelling book, 1677. Menston, (Yorks.) Scolar P.. p. 24. LCCN 70407159. "Zee Za-cha-ry, Zion, zeal" 
  3. ^ George Eliot: Adam Bede. Chapter XXI. online at Project Gutenberg
  4. ^ "asset". Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 3rd ed. 2001.
  5. ^ English letter frequencies

External links [link]

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Letter Z with diacritics
Źź Ẑẑ Žž Żż Ẓẓ Ẕẕ Ƶƶ Ȥȥ Ⱬⱬ ʐ ʑ ɀ



Záříčí is a village and municipality (obec) in Kroměříž District in the Zlín Region of the Czech Republic.

The municipality covers an area of 8.05 square kilometres (3.11 sq mi), and has a population of 743 (as at 2 October 2006).

Záříčí lies approximately 10 kilometres (6 mi) north of Kroměříž, 29 km (18 mi) north-west of Zlín, and 225 km (140 mi) east of Prague.


  • Czech Statistical Office: Municipalities of Kroměříž District
  • Voiced alveolar fricative

    The voiced alveolar fricatives are consonantal sounds. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents these sounds depends on whether a sibilant or non-sibilant fricative is being described.

  • The symbol for the alveolar sibilant is z, and the equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is z. The IPA letter z is not normally used for dental or postalveolar sibilants unless modified by a diacritic ( and respectively).
  • The IPA symbol for the alveolar non-sibilant fricative is derived by means of diacritics; it can be ð̠ or ɹ̝.
  • Voiced alveolar sibilant

    The voiced alveolar sibilant is common across European languages but is relatively uncommon cross-linguistically compared to the voiceless variant. Only about 28% of the world's languages contain a voiced dental or alveolar sibilant. Moreover, 85% of the languages with some form of [z] are languages of Europe, Africa or Western Asia.

    In the eastern half of Asia, the Pacific and the Americas, [z] is very rare as a phoneme. The presence of [z] in a given language always implies the presence of a voiceless [s].

