
Azaleas /əˈzliə/ are flowering shrubs in the genus Rhododendron, particularly the former sections Tsutsuji (evergreen) and Pentanthera (deciduous). Azaleas bloom in spring, their flowers often lasting several weeks. Shade tolerant, they prefer living near or under trees. They are part of the Ericaceae family.


Native American Azaleas

R. occidentale flowers are larger than other azaleas and are usually white with a splotch of yellow, though sometimes are yellow. Can grow to 8 feet.

R. arborescens are native to the east coast of North America and can be found growing wild from Alabama to Pennsylvania in wooded, higher altitude areas. Plants grow up to 20 feet high and flowers are white and fragrant.

The Flame Azalea, R. Native to the mountain regions of Pennsylvania to Georgia and Kentucky. Flowers do not smell but bloom in every shade from pale yellow to crimson red. Flowers bloom in the late spring. A good variety for drier soils and shady areas. Foliage turns bright yellow in the Fall.

Azalea: A Magazine by Third World Lesbians

Azalea: A Magazine by Third World Lesbians was a quarterly periodical for black, Asian, Latina, and Native American lesbians published between 1977 and 1983 by the Salsa Soul Sisters, Third World Wimmin Inc Collective. The Collective also published the Salsa Soul Sisters/Third World Women's Gay-zette (c. 1982).

Early history

The group formed in 1974, growing out of the Black Lesbian Caucus of the New York City Gay Activists Alliance (GAA).


Rodger Streitmatter, author of Unspeakable: The Rise of the Gay and Lesbian Press in America, notes that the founders of the periodical attempted not to perpetuate oppression and replicate societal biases by refusing to "assess the quality of contributions sent to them, publishing all material without any editing."

The magazine published contributions from Africa, Asia and South America as well as material from the United States.

Select contributors

  • Donna Allegra
  • Becky Birtha
  • Linda Jean Brown
  • Robin Christian
  • Azalea (disambiguation)

    The azalea is a flowering shrub.

    Azalea may also refer to:


  • Azalea, Oregon, U.S., an unincorporated community
  • Azalea State Natural Reserve, California
  • Azalea or Isahaya Park, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
  • 1056 Azalea, an asteroid
  • Publications

  • Azalea a journal of Korean literature published by the University of Hawaii Press
  • Azalea: A Magazine by Third World Lesbians, a quarterly published between 1977–1983
  • Ships

  • Azalea class sloop, any of 12 minesweeping sloops in the UK Royal Navy including HMS Azalea (1915)
  • HMS Azalea (K25), a Flower class corvette in the UK Royal Navy
  • USS Azalea, several ships
  • USLHT Azalea (1891), a lighthouse tender in the US Navy, briefly USS Azalea
  • Sports

  • Azalea Open Invitational, a PGA Tour golf tournament last played in 1971
  • Azalea Stakes, a thoroughbred horse race in Miami Gardens, Florida
  • Azalea Trail Run, an annual road running event in Mobile, Alabama
  • Palatka Azaleas, a minor league baseball team based in Palatka, Florida, up to 1953
  • Arts and entertainment

