Ælfsige (or Aelfsige; died 959) was Bishop of Winchester before he became Archbishop of Canterbury in 959.
Ælfsige became Bishop of Winchester in 951. In 958 he was translated from the see of Winchester to become archbishop of Canterbury.
Ælfsige died of cold in the Alps as he journeyed to Rome to be given his pallium by Pope John XII. In his place King Eadwig nominated Byrhthelm, Bishop of Wells. Ælfsige's will survives and shows that he was married, with a son, Godwine of Worthy, who died in 1001 fighting against the Vikings.
Ælfsige was a medieval Bishop of Winchester. He was consecrated between 1012 and 1013. He died in 1032. In his will, he named Ealdorman Ælfheah as the guardian of his relatives and his last testament, as well as an estate at Crondall.
Ælfsige (or Elfdig) (died 990) was Bishop of St Cuthbert from 968 to 990.