Elementary definitions are of particular interest because they admit a complete proof apparatus while still being expressive enough to support most everyday mathematics (via the addition of elementarily-expressible axioms such as ZFC).
Saying that a definition is elementary is a weaker condition than saying it is algebraic.
Earlier this year, the district had selected three finalists, one from each grade level (elementary, middle and high school), for the principal award ...Jennifer Hughes, fifth grade teacher from SouthwestElementarySchool,.
The Taipei City Government is launching a milk subsidy program for public elementary schools and kindergartens starting this month to provide students with one bottle of milk per week.
The state had one measles case in 2023 and seven in 2024 ... At several area elementary schools, more than one-fifth of kindergarteners’ parents filed moral exemptions to having their children vaccinated.
HillsElementarySchool in Hills on May 23, 2024 ... “I don't think anybody moved here just because we had an elementary, though the fact that we had one was a nice selling point,” said Kemp.
The 51-year-old actor shared that he experienced multiple panic attacks, one after the other, during the pandemic in October 2020 ... That was one of the sacrifices I had to make to get off because I really did love that aspect of it.”.
by sportswriter Huang Yaoman ... One such trailblazer is 18-year-old Cidan Yuzhen, a rising star in ski mountaineering ... In 2016, she was selected for an amateur sports school in Shannan, one of two chosen from her elementary school ... an Olympic podium.
“It’s whatever I can find that is interesting,” the retired elementary-school teacher said ... One of Frederick’s favorite parts of volunteering is listening to the messages that are left for her and the other Messengers.
The country’s apex employment body, the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC), in one of its reports, lamented that some of the university graduated candidates were not even familiar with elementary mathematics.
... far from NicholsElementary-Middle School — where she lived with her family in one of the two houses that Kelly’s grandfather, affectionately known in the neighborhood as J.C., purchased on the block.
Arguably one of the most risque topics covered by JoJo was in her track How to Touch A Girl, which she has writing credits for alongside Billy Steinberg and JoshAlexander... 'It seemed like no one wanted to sit with me.
The series will focus on three questions.Why was the decision made to retire WashingtonElementarySchool?Why is now the right time to make facility decisions?What options does the school district have for next steps?.