ZoomSystems specializes in the design, technology, software development, and operation of automated retail stores. ZoomSystems technology and services support automated, self-service retail stores called ZoomShops located in airports,malls, military bases and retailers.
ZoomSystems service offerings include location procurement, supply chain integration, inventory management, account management, creative services and project management. The company has partnered with well-known brands to open over 1,000 ZoomShops across the U.S., Europe and Japan. ZoomSystems has partnered with companies such as Best Buy, Apple, Macy's, Proactiv Solution, Procter & Gamble and Max Wellness.
Product types currently offered in ZoomShops include consumer electronics, cosmetics, wireless accessories and personal health products.
ZoomSystems corporate headquarters is located in San Francisco, California.
In 2002, after several years of research and development to create the kiosk, Gower Smith, a serial entrepreneur, founded ZoomSystems (New Zoom, Inc.). Two years later, in 2004, ZoomSystems partnered with Sanyo to develop an automated delivery hardware system and developed the software that operates each ZoomShop. The typical ZoomShop allows the consumer to purchase products using a touch screen interface. Once a product is purchased, the robotic arm delivers it into the pickup box and charges the consumer's credit card.
See my ships, they are sailing
In and out of the harbor
Will they go together
Or must they stay apart?
Yes, I know it's in my heart
Surely you see what's inside of me
Jesus is coming soon
I can hear Gabriel blow his trumpet tune
This I know, this I know
Our Lord is coming soon
Mercy, mercy me
Marvin Gaye, he was shot by his father
O, my Father
Have mercy on me
Cold Kane, o, my cheap thrill
O my shame for Cain and the Devil
Momma, I need water
I'm thirsty, surely you see