Zollner Elektronik AG ranks among the top 15 EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Services) providers with headquarters in Zandt. The company has locations in eight countries.
The electronics contract manufacturer Zollner develops and produces individual parts, modules, devices as well as complex systems for customers in different industry sectors such as industrial electronics, rail technology, automotive technology, medical technology, aerospace and defense, measurement technology, office electronics and data technology, other consumer products and telecommunications. Apart from development and production, Zollner also provides services in areas such as product life cycle management, supply chain management, material management and after sales service.
The company was founded in 1965 by the present Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Manfred Zollner sen. as a one-man company. The management board of the Zollner Elektronik AG consists of Johann Weber (CEO, Director Electronics), Ludwig Zollner (Member of the Board), Manfred Zollner jun. (Member of the Board), Christian Zollner (Member of the Board) and Thomas Schreiner (CFO). Today, Zollner employs a total of 8,790 people (as of December 2014).
Zöllner is a lunar impact crater located to the west of Sinus Asperitatis. To the north is the smaller crater Alfraganus and to the northwest lies the oval-shaped Taylor. Southeast of Zöllner is the smaller crater Kant.
The rim of Zöllner forms an irregular oval, with the formation being longer in a north–south direction. The wall is low and worn, with a distorted, crater-like depression attached to the southeast of the rim. The narrow floor still retains a central peak.
The Apollo 16 landing site is located about 80 kilometers west-southwest of the crater rim.
By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Zöllner.
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