Týr (/ˈtɪr/;Old Norse: Týr [tyːr]) is a god associated with law and heroic glory in Norse mythology, portrayed as one-handed. Corresponding names in other Germanic languages are Gothic Teiws, Old English Tīw and Old High German Ziu and Cyo, all from Proto-Germanic *Tīwaz. The Latinised name is Tius or Tio.
In the late Icelandic Eddas, Tyr is portrayed, alternately, as the son of Odin (Prose Edda) or of Hymir (Poetic Edda), while the origins of his name and his possible relationship to Tuisto (see Tacitus' Germania) suggest he was once considered the father of the gods and head of the pantheon, since his name is ultimately cognate to that of *Dyeus (cf. Dyaus), the reconstructed chief deity in Indo-European religion. It is assumed that Tîwaz was overtaken in popularity and in authority by both Odin and Thor at some point during the Migration Age, as Odin shares his role as God of war.
Týr is a god of war and will take mead, meat and blood for sacrifice. If a warrior carved the rune Tîwaz on his weapon he would be dedicating it to Týr and strengthen the outcome of a battle to be in his favor. After a warrior has dedicated his weapon to Týr he should not lose it or break it. Tiw was equated with Mars in the interpretatio germanica. Tuesday is in fact "Tīw's Day" (also in Alemannic Zischtig from zîes tag), translating dies Martis.
Trolza (Russian: ZАО "Троллейбусный завод" (Тролза)), formerly known as the Uritsky factory or simply Uritsky, is a trolleybus manufacturer in Russia, located in Engels, Saratov oblast. In the Soviet era it was known as ZiU (Russian: Завод имени Урицкого, Zavod imeni Uritskogo, plant named after Moisei Uritskiy) or Uritsky factory. The enterprise was founded in Imperial Russia in 1868, but it began producing trolleybuses in 1951.
For many years until at least the early 1990s, ZiU was the world's largest manufacturer of trolleybuses. Around 1996, it was renamed Trolza, short for AO Trolleybusnyi Zavod (Trolleybus Factory).
ZiU/Trolza has built over 65,000 trolleybuses and continues this business now. Historically, the most numerous models of ZiU production were the MTB-82, the ZiU-5, both now discontinued, and the ZiU-9 (latterly known as the ZiU-682). All of them were exported to different countries of the world, including Argentina, Bulgaria, Greece, Mongolia, Hungary, Serbia etc.
The ZiU-5 (in Russian ЗиУ-5) is a Soviet trolleybus model that was built by the Uritsky factory. The ZiU acronym stands for Zavod imeni Uritskogo (Russian Завод имени Урицкого, ЗиУ), which translates as Plant named after Uritskiy (Moisei Uritsky, a Russian revolutionary). This model of city trolleybus was in mass production from 1959 to 1972. The total number of ZiU-5s produced exceeded 14,500 vehicles. This allowed the ZiU-5 to become dominant model of trolleybus in Soviet towns and cities of that time. The last vehicles were withdrawn from active service in the mid-1980s (the exact date varies from city to city). The small number of surviving vehicles are kept now for museum purposes.
man on the bus screaming about presley man on the bus screaming about presley all tied up got a knot in his hands he says 'presley sucked on doggie dicks i'm the king of rock 'n roll if you don't like it you can lump it you gotta get me back to the base you gotta get me back to the base presleys been dead the body means nothing man in the back says presley sucked dicks with a picture of lil stevie over his head i'm in the back with a hole in my throat man on the bus screaming about presley rips a newspaper up in his hands helicopter shoots down a military spot everybody runs from screaming about presley