Ziprasidone (marketed as Geodon, Zeldox by Pfizer and Zipwell by Actavis) was the fifth atypical antipsychotic to gain approval (February 2001) in the United States. It is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of schizophrenia, and acute mania and mixed states associated with bipolar disorder. Its intramuscular injection form is approved for acute agitation in schizophrenic patients for whom treatment with just ziprasidone is appropriate. Ziprasidone is also used off-label for depression, bipolar maintenance, and PTSD.
The oral form of ziprasidone is the hydrochloride salt, ziprasidone hydrochloride. The intramuscular form, on the other hand, is the mesylate salt, ziprasidone mesylate trihydrate, and is provided as a lyophilized powder.
Ziprazidone is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of schizophrenia, and acute mania and mixed states associated with bipolar disorder. Its intramuscular injection form is approved for acute agitation in schizophrenic patients for whom treatment with just ziprasidone is appropriate.
Ach Satane, Ty vlde vehomra,
jak skla pevn je m lska k tob.
Nezmniteln v tebe je m vra,
obrcen k chci mt na hrob.
Tvj obraz mm vyplen v srdci -
v srdci, kter je navdy tvoje!
Kdy navtv m nkdy v noci,
pentagram zaz jak svtluek roje.
Tvm jmnem j proklel kostely a chrmy,
mou dui sm Lucifer si vzal.
Splil jsem bibli a podobn krmy
a tob sv tlo vnoval.
Vm, e jsem tvj, jsem majetkem tvch syn
a tm se na tvj ohniv Rj.
Jen vrou v tebe j odinm svou vinu,
pak pjdu dl, a na propasti kraj.
Pi ˆern mi jsem vdy nesmrn hrd,
e do uen k sob jsi m vzal.
Co nezmohou dnes dn vdy,
to vechno ty u dvno dvno znal.
Kdy vkldm ruce do stedu Pentagramu,
a due m se zane zachvvat,
pak vdycky pozn, e nikdy t nezklamu,
e navky t budu milovat!