Zerco or Zercon (410/420 Mauretania - Second half of the 5th century Constantinople ?) was the jester of the magistri militum Aspar and Aetius and of the hunnic kings Bleda and Attila.
In 432 the Byzantine general Aspar was sent by emperor Theodosius II to support Bonifacius against the Vandals, who he had previously summoned as mercenaries as he intended to revolt against the emperor; here Aspar purchased Zerco, a Moorish dwarf, as his personal jester.
In 442 the Huns, taking advantage of the Byzantine expedition against the Vandals, invaded Thracia, using as an excuse the fact that the bishop of Margus had desecrated the Hunnic royal tombs. Aspar was sent to negotiate, but he was forced to flee. Zerco was then captured by the huns and became king Bleda's personal jester. Zerco always accompanied Bleda, who commissioned a special armour for him. On one occasion Zerco escaped, along with other prisoners. Bleda let the other prisoners go, but brought Zerco back. When asked about the reasons for his escape, Zerco told Bleda that he wanted to find a wife, so Bleda married him with one of the queen’s handmaidens. In 445 Bleda was murdered. Zerco was inherited by Attila, who didn’t like him at all, disgusted or maybe scared by his sight.
Hoy me voy a rodillar
para que puedas olvidar las mordidas que te hice.
Hoy me voy a incar por tí
a ver si puedes perdonar las tormentas que te di.
No fue suficiente, no lo fue.
No, de rodillas, no lo fue.
No fue suficiente, no lo fue.
De rodillas, no lo fue.
Hoy me rastro frente a tí.
Párate, no otorguess el perdón.
Hoy me revuelco por tí para que ...
No fue suficiente, no lo fue.
No, de rodillas, no lo fue.
No fue suficiente, no lo fue.
De rodillas, no lo fue.
No fue suficiente, no lo fue.
No, de rodillas, no lo fue.
No fue suficiente, no lo fue.
De rodillas, no lo fue.
No fue suficiente, no lo fue.
No, de rodillas, no lo fue.
No fue suficiente, no lo fue.