Zeki Velidi Togan
Zeki Velidi Togan (Bashkir: Әхмәтзәки Әхмәтшаһ улы Вәлидов, Äxmätzäki Äxmätşah ulı Wälidov, Russian: Ахмет-Заки Ахметшахович Валидов, Ahmet-Zaki Ahmetshakhovich Validov, sometimes spelled as Validi) (1890–1970 Istanbul) was a historian,Turkologist, and leader of the Bashkir revolutionary and liberation movement.
He was born in Kuzyanovo (Bashkir: Көҙән) village of Sterlitamak uyezd, Ufa Governorate ( in present-day Ishimbaysky District, Bashkortostan).
From 1912–1915 Velidi taught in the madrassa (school) in Kazan (Qasímiä), and from 1915 to 1917 he was a member of bureau, supporting Muslim deputies at the State Duma. In 1917 he was elected to Millät Mäclese, and with Şerif Manatov he organized the Bashkir Shura (Council). The Bashkir Congress at Orenburg in November–December 1917, of which Velidi was chairman, declared Bashkortostan's Independence.
In 1918 and 1919 Velidi's Bashkir troops first fought under Ataman Alexander Dutov, then under Admiral Kolchak against Bolshevik forces. After the RSFSR promised autonomy to Bashkirs, Velidi switched allegiance, fighting with the Bolsheviks.