Zebulun (also Zebulon, Zabulon or Zaboules;Hebrew: זְבֻלוּן or זְבוּלֻן or זְבוּלוּן, Tiberian Hebrew Zəḇūlūn, Standard Hebrew Zevulun/Zvulun) was, according to the Books of Genesis and Numbers, the sixth and last son of Jacob and Leah, and the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Zebulun. Some biblical scholars believe this to be an eponymous metaphor providing an aetiology of the connectedness of the tribe to others in the Israelite confederation. With Leah as a matriarch, biblical scholars believe the tribe to have been regarded by the text's authors as a part of the original Israelite confederation.
The name is derived from the Northwest Semitic root zbl, common in 2nd millennium BC Ugaritic texts as an epithet (title) of the god Baal, as well as in Phoenician and (frequently) in Biblical Hebrew in personal names.
The text of the Torah gives two different etymologies for the name Zebulun, which textual scholars attribute to different sources – one to the Yahwist and the other to the Elohist; the first being that it derives from zebed, the word for gift, in reference to Leah's view that her gaining of six sons was a gift from God; the second being that it derives from yizbeleni, meaning honour, in reference to Leah's hope that Jacob would give her honour now that she had given birth to six sons. In Deuteronomy, however an allusion is made to a third potential etymology – that it may be connected with zibhe, literally meaning sacrifice, in reference to commercial activities of the tribe of Zebulun – a commercial agreement made at Mount Tabor between the tribe of Zebulun and a group of non-Israelites was referred to as zibhe-tzedek, literally meaning sacrifice to justice or sacrifice to Tzedek.
Zebulun or Zevulun ben Isaac was a Jewish Turkic ruler of the Khazars mentioned in the Khazar Correspondence. He probably reigned in the late ninth century CE. Little is known about Zebulun's reign. As with other Bulanid rulers, it is unclear whether he was Khagan or Khagan Bek of the Khazars, although the latter is more likely.
Zebulon is the sixth son of Jacob and Leah in the Hebrew Bible.
Zebulon, Zebulun or Zébulon may also refer to:
Don’t look at me
There’s no certainty but melancholy
Young but feeling more than old
Something in my mind remains so cold
My senses break like porcelain impossible to mend
This sad marching band that patrols in my soul won’t leave me sane
Will I waste my time to grow
Thinking I’ll be happy tomorrow
The streets are full but I walk alone
The words are empty in spite of the tone
Distress flag won’t flutter on my boat if I persist
‘Cause you are the light in the mist, the force to resist
As far as in crowds where I stand
I get lost in the palm of your hand
Sink my trouble in the night
you make me forget all my fight
Want you to seize
Want you to seize my hand
Don’t look back
I won’t look back, I won’t look back
‘Cause we leave tonight all the fights
Forget all that you knew
It’s more than hope, it’s a rope not to fall in the blue
Tell me you see over melancholy
It’s our serenity, our serenity
Leave tonight all the fights
Forget all that you knew
It’s more than hope, it’s a rope not to fall in the blue
Tell me you see over melancholy